導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 這部電影如此無聊英文怎麼說


發布時間:2022-10-01 08:56:08

1. 這部電影似乎很無聊用英語翻譯初二英語

This movie seems very boring!

2. 英文翻譯 :那部電影太無聊了,許多人看到一半就離開了

That movie was so boring that many people left at its half.

3. 這部電影太無聊了以至於我很早就離開了影院英語

The film was so boring that we all felt bored (with it)

4. 我們昨天看了一部電影但很遺憾它很無聊英語翻譯

Did you have fun last night?
Yesterday, Sophia bought MOM a picture of her favorite dish.
Shelly boring just watching a movie, but the movie is boring.

5. 這部電影甚至比我預料的還要無聊 英語翻譯

The movie is even more boring than that I expected.

6. 我覺得這部電影很無聊。怎麼會呢應怎樣翻譯成英語

i think this movie is boring,howcould it

7. 根據提示翻譯成英語:電影太無聊,以至於我們一會兒就犯困了。(so

題目沒打全,so 後面是什麼?
是so that么?只能想到這個片語⋯⋯
The movie was too boring so that we felt sleepy soon.
The movie was so boring that we felt sleepy soon.


8. 這部電影是我看過最無聊的一部用英語怎麼寫兩個

This movie is the most boring I have ever seen.
I have never seen a more boring movie than this.

9. 英語翻譯 事實上,這部電影很無聊. ( )( ),this film ( )( ).

In fact,this film is boring.



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