Ⅰ 求幾部奧黛麗赫本的電影,越多越好,要中英雙字幕的或英文字幕,千萬不要中文的
1989 直到永遠/天長地久 Hap ---- ----
1987 竊賊之愛/Love Among Thieves[1] Baroness Caroline DuLac Stanley Donen 羅伯特·瓦格納
1981 鬨堂大笑 /皆大歡喜 Angela Niotes ---- ----
1978 血統/ 朱門血痕/血線Bloodline Elizabeth Roffe ---- ----
1976 羅賓漢與瑪莉安 Lady Marian ---- ----
1967 儷人行/ 麗人行/二人同路Two for the Road Joanna Wallace 斯坦利·多南 阿爾伯特·芬尼;Eleanor Bron;William Daniels
1967 盲女驚魂記/等到天黑\Wait Until Dark Susy Hendrix ---- ----
1966 偷龍轉鳳 /怎樣偷到一百萬How to Steal a Million Nicole Bonnet ---- ----
1964 巴黎假期/花都繽紛錄/巴黎燃情記 Paris, When It Sizzles Gabrielle Simpson/Gaby Richard Quine Noel Coward;Mel Ferrer;托尼·柯蒂斯
1964 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady Eliza Doolittle ---- ----
1963 謎中迷/謎中謎/迷中迷/花都奇遇結良緣/兒戲 Charade Regina Lampert ---- ----
1961 蒂凡尼的早餐/ 珠光寶氣/第凡內早餐/Breakfast at Tiffany's Holly Golightly 布萊克·愛德華茲 喬治·佩帕德;斯坦利·亞當斯
1961 雙姝怨/孩子們的時刻 The Children's Hour Karen Wright ---- ----
1960 恩怨情天 /恩怨有情天The Unforgiven Rachel Zachary ---- Cash Zachary
1959 翠谷香魂/ 綠廈Green Mansions Rima ---- ----
1959 修女傳 The Nun's Story Sister Luke ---- ----
1957 甜姐兒/滑稽面孔 Jo Stockton ---- ----
1957 黃昏之戀/ 午後之愛/下午的愛情Love in the Afternoon Ariane Chavasse/Thin Girl ---- ----
1956 戰爭與和平 War and Peace Natasha Rostov ---- ----
1954 龍鳳配/ 薩布麗娜Sabrina Savrina Fairchild ---- ----
1953 羅馬假日/ 羅馬假期/金枝玉葉Roman Holiday Princess Ann William Wyler 格里高利·派克
1952 前進蒙特卡羅\Nous irons à Monte Carlo Melissa Walter ---- ----
1952 雙姝艷/ 神秘的人The Secret People Nora Brentano ---- ----
1951 天堂笑語/ 天堂里的笑聲Laughter in Paradise 賣煙女孩 ---- ----
1951 野燕麥\One Wild Oat Hotel receptionist ---- ----
1951 少婦軼事\Young Wives' Tale Eve Lester ---- ----
1951 械劫裝甲車 /薰衣草山的暴徒/The Lavender Hill Mob Chiquita ---- ----
1951 蒙特卡羅寶貝/ Monte Carlo Baby Linda Farrel ---- ----
1948 荷蘭七課 Nederlands in Zeven lessen 空中小姐 ---- ----
Ⅱ 有電影《她》(又名《雲端情人》)中英字幕或是只有英文字幕的資源嗎 百度雲
Ⅲ 急求窈窕淑女(my fair lady)赫本的電影中英文字幕的,謝謝
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/12XQmPaOjN0OpuUcIBSYieQ
Ⅳ 求電影《her》百度雲 要中英雙字幕!720p謝謝
Ⅳ 2013年電影her BD1080高清雙語字幕百度雲資源
Ⅵ 求1994版電影《小婦人》下載鏈接!要英文字幕的!
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1hG7d0jSdhF8i5WaBODMCkQ
Ⅶ 關於英文電影字幕。
Ⅷ 求 電影英文對白 文本資料
我自己整理的(不需轉載)我是對著DVD 敲進去的:
1, Wait, aren』t you going south, the change of seasons, migration instincts, any of this a ringing a bell? 有沒有想起來?
2, Ok, so you』ve got issues, you won』t even know I』 m here, I』ll just zip my lip. 好,你有性格,我不好再煩你,說到做到。
3, Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. An eye for an eye, don』t you think? 以牙還牙
4, Alert the troops, we attack at dawn. 通知其他同胞,拂曉攻擊。
5, Is there someone else you can annoy? Friend? Family? Posinous reptiles?你就不能去煩其他人嗎?(能不能別煩我)
6, Could you scooch over a drop? 可否借個位子給我?
7, You』d better, unless you want to serve yourself as a replacement. 那最好,不是的話你便代替他。
8, We』ll go up to the half peak, meet us there. 我們去半邊山,到那裡會合我們。
9, Can we trust you with that? 沒問題吧?
10, Hey, are you forgetting something? 你忘了東西了。
11, I』m trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.
12, There』s his herd right up the hill. 他的種族在山上。
13, Let』s get this straight, there』s no 「we」, there never was a 「we」, in fact, without me, there wouldn』t even be a 「you」 把話說清楚,沒有「我們」,沒有我,連你都沒有。
14, -Just up the hill 就送上山嗎。
-Listen very carefully, I am not going. 聽清楚,我不去。
15, You two are a bit of an odd couple. 你們是蠻罕見的夫妻。
16, Yes, nice try, bucktooth. 呵呵,臉不紅氣不喘。
17, - Calling me a liar?
- I didn』t say that.
- You were thinking that.
- I don』t like this cat, he read minds. 我不喜歡這只貓,他讀懂心理。
18, - If you』re looking for the humans, you』re wasting your time, they left this morning.
- Thanks for the advice, now beat it. 謝謝你的意見,現在你可以閃了。
19, It』s hard to get fat on a vegan diet. 吃素食不會發胖。
20, You don』t know too much about tracking, do you? 你不擅長跟蹤,對吧。
21, They headed north two hours ago. 他們兩小時前向北出發了。
22, I can track humans down a lot fast than you.
23, Unless you know how to track, you』ll never reach them before snow closes the pass.
24, So, you can give the baby to me, or go get lost in the blizzard, it』s your choice. 做什麼,或者… 你自己選。
25, You won』t always have jumbo around to protect you,and when that days comes, I suggest you watch you back, cos I』ll be chewing on it.
26, You gonna make it stop, I can』t take it anymore. 哄哄他,我快瘋了。
27, I』ve eaten things that complained less. 我吃的東西也不好這么難伺候。
28, If he poofs, where does it go? Human are disgusting. 真惡心
29, Because you』are small and insignificant, and I』ll pummel you if you don』t. 我會踩扁你。
30, -I bet he』s hungry. - How about some milk? -Oh, I』d love some. -Not you, the baby.
31, I ain』t exactly lactating right now, pal. – You』re a little low on the food chain to… 現在不是我的泌乳期,老哥。
1, Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought-girl should be, inside, I was screaming. 表明上,我無異於別的大家閨秀,但內心,我卻在吶喊。
2, When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. 沒錢就沒煩惱。
3, We』re riding in high style now, we are a couple of swells. 這下我們風光了,發達了。
4, You know somebody? That』s not the point. 你認識他們嗎,這有什麼關系。
5, Who says you get top bunk, huh? 誰讓你睡上鋪的,恩?
6, What』s the artist』s name? Something Picasso. 畫家叫什麼,畢加索什麼的。
7, He won』t amout to a thing, trust me. 他混不出什麼名堂,相信我。
8, Her husband has struck gold someplace out west. Struck, strick 的過去式,= find.
9, We were steaming west from the coast of Ireland, with nothing out ahead of us but ocean.
10, All ahead full. 全速前進。Let』s stoke them right up, we are going full ahead.
11, In every way that a person can be saved. 他徹底的救了我。
12, He exists now only in my memory. 他如今只活在我的記憶里。
13, I was saving this for when I found the diamond. 原本打算留到找到鑽石時抽的。
14, Three years, I』ve thought nothing except Titanic.
三、2006-5-11(SOUND OF MUSIC)
1, I』m from the convent, I』m the new governess.女修道院,女家庭教師。I』m the old butler. 男管家。
2, In future, remember certain rooms in this house are not to be disturbed.
3, Why do you stare at me that way? You don』t look tall like a sea captain. I』m afraid you don』t look very much like a governess.
4, You』ll see to it that they conct themselves with the utmost decorum.
5, Let』s see how well you listened. I will not have anyone shouting.
6, I could never answer to a whistle.It could be too humiliating. 羞辱的
7,A telegram for you.
8, Mind your own business. 別多管閑事。
9, Sincerely, Cordially, Affectionately. 誠懇的,親切的。
10, There are a few of my favourite things.
1,-A good-looking guy like you?
-You say that, but you don』t mean it. 像你那樣的帥哥嗎?話是沒錯,但別挖苦我。
- No, seriously, look at you, those ladies, they don』t stand a chance.
- You have a cruel sense of humor. 你嘴巴真夠毒辣的。
- Don』t let me cramp you style.
- Thanks Manny, you』re a pal.
- Without Pinky.
2, What so threatening about you? 你有什麼可怕的?
3, You will be a little snack for the owls. 點心
4, No, carl, the tiger beat us to him. 被老虎強先了。
5, You』re lost. No, I know exactly where we are.
6, Ask him directions. I don』t need directions.
7, Great news, I found a shortcut. 好消息,我找到近路了。
What do you mean, shortcut? I mean fast than the long way around.
8, Either we beat the human to the pass or we take the long way and miss them.
9, Guys, stick together, it』s easy to get lost in here. 跟好,這里容易走丟。
10, Will you keep up, please? hard enough to keep track of one baby. 跟好可以嗎,照顧個小孩已經夠累的了。
11, Yeah, who』s up for a round two? 真過癮,誰想再來一次。 No, tell the kid to be more careful.
12, Do you need a news flash everytime your body does something?
13, Why did you do that, you could have died, trying to save me? That』s what you do in a head.
1, He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale, that it』s supremacy would never be challenged.
2, It lets us know where we rank. 好讓我們知道自己是什麼身份啊。
3, Oh,forget it, boyo, you』d as like have angles fly out of your ass, as get next to likes of her. 別想了,你連接近的機會都沒有。
4, I saw my whole life, as if I』d already lived it.覺得生活了無生趣。
5, An endless parade of parties, and cotillion. 沙龍舞(19世紀流行的一種不斷交換舞伴, 穿插各種花樣的輕快交誼舞)
6, Always the same narrow people, with the same mindless chatter.
7, I feel like I was standing at a great precipice.
8, Stay back, don』t come any closer. 退回去,別靠近。
9, Give me your hand, I will pull you back. 把你拉回來。
10, Stay where you are, I mean it, I will let go. 我是認真的,我會鬆手的。
11, Don』t presume to tell me what I will and will not do.猜想。你憑什麼說我會不會去做什麼。
12, You would』ve done it already, you』re distracting me, go away, I can』t, I am involved. 已經介入了。
13, Don』t be absurd, you』ll be killed. 別胡說。
14, How cold, freezing, maybe a couple of degrees over. 很冷,只有幾度吧。
15, Fetch the master-at-arms.
16, Sure, count me in. 好的,沒問題。
17, I was right, you and my son are just about the same size.
18, You shine up like a new penny. 看你人模人樣的。
19, Well, it』s amazing, you could amost pass for a gentleman.
六、2006-5-13(SOUND OF MUSIC)
1、 It』s high time I met all your friends. 我得認識下你的朋友了。
2、 I don』t remember anymore.
3、 I don』t suppose I』m used to dancing. Be used to doing sth, 習慣於
4、 You flatter me, how clumsy of me, I meant to accuse you. 笨拙;指責
5、 Sometimes, I don't believe I know you.
6、 To refuse them would be fatal for all of us, and joining them would be unthinkable.
7、 Get all the children together, don』t say anything to worry them.
8、 Sth』s wrong with you car, yes, we couldn』t get it started.
9、 And I am the head of the lee』s family, am I not? 家長
10、 I pray that you will never let it die.
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