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① 雨人這部電影說的是什麼故事




也就是這充滿連串的磨擦爭執和別拗的旅程,使兄弟倆逐漸萌生出手足情,或者說找回了從前的親情。一次,雷蒙看到浴缸里注入的熱水,突然又一次情緒失控,大喊著:「熱水會傷到小寶寶,絕不能傷害查理巴比特」。查理才知道,原來存留在兒時模糊記憶里的「雨人」就是雷蒙,(英文中「雨人」是Rain Man,與雷蒙(Raymond)音似,所以查理小時候會讀錯)兒時,每當小查理害怕時,「雨人」會唱歌給他聽,安慰他。一直以來,查理以為「雨人」只是自己兒時幻想中的朋友,而眼前這個脆弱的需要被保護的人卻曾經保護過他安慰過他,也因為差點傷到他而被父親送入療養院,查理這才知道他曾經得到過多麼深切地關愛和呵護,父母和哥哥為他做出了怎樣的犧牲。雖然他對母親沒有一點印象,又不能覺察不擅表達感情的父親的愛意。可是,他曾經得到過多少來自家庭的關愛啊。

② 求電影Rain Man的英文讀後感,以及故事梗概(不超過20句)全部要求英文!

Charlie is a hustler. He's been on his own long enough to know how to work people and situations. He finds that the father who threw him out as a teen ager has died. He's left him a now antique convertible and something more important, a previously unknown brother, Raymond. Raymond is autistic, but is able to calculate complicated mathematical problems in his head with great speed and accuracy. Their father has left his fortune to Raymond who doesn't even understand what money is for. Charlie is enraged by what has happened and by his father keeping Raymond's existence from him for his entire life. He kidnaps Raymond from his residential home but then finds that Raymond will only fly Qantas. The two begin a long road trip that will lead them to an understanding of each other.
Self-centred salesman Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) kidnaps the autistic brother (Dustin Hoffman) he never knew existed to try and claw back his inheritance. Rain Man is about two brothers, and their new, forming relationship, learning to live with and love each other, and making that understanding that only brothers have.

Dustin Hoffman as Raymond Babbitt is without doubt one of the finest performances I have ever seen from Hollywood in the last two decades. The standard I think he set with Rain Man is one that is difficult to beat - he was extremely impressive as an autistic man. The way he walked, talked, even his eye movement and facial expressions, were all perfect. I was bowled over by his talent, and found him to be extremely believable as Raymond. Now, I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, but I have to admit he was very, very good in his role of the thoughtless, cynical, and arrogant Charlie Babbitt. This was probably the best he's ever done in his acting career. In addition to two wonderful performances, Cruise and Hoffman's connection on screen was fantastic, resulting in truly emotional, moving, and many times humorous, occasions. They had me floored.

I found Rain Man to have amazing cinematography. The entire casino sequence, I thought, was filmed beautifully. And a commendable mention must go to the elevator scene, with Raymond and Susanna. I found that scene to be truly heartbreaking, but at the same time sweet. The ending is one of those moments that cannot be explained; a unique closure that is truly soul-stirring and touching. Overrall, this is a poignant, powerful view of the human spirit.

Rain Man is a rare gem, and one which cannot be forgotten.

③ rain man 是什麼意思


④ rainman是什麼意思







⑤ 電影rainman英文影評

This is an excellent film. Rain Man incorporates moving drama, timeless scenery and unbelievable performances from Dustin Hoffman and even Tom Cruise who up to this point in film history was known for typical chick flicks or films in which his potential was not shown, even the color of money couldn't make him look like any kind of decent actor. Yet in Rain Man he isn't bad, but I suppose it is very clear and easy to say that Dustin acts him off the screen. The screen is a simple tale of brotherly love. Dustin plays Raymond "The Rain Man" Babbitt, the long lost, supposedly autistic brother of Charlie Babbitt (Cruise). As Charlie finds out he has a brother never revealed to him by his father he feels let down and betrayed, and even more so that now his father is dead and leaving his estate, to the value of $3.000.000 to his brother, and not to himself. So Charlie in his situation decides to take Raymond away from the medical institution he was left in, and goes on a huge road trip, not willing to give his brother up, unless the institutes settles his share of his father's assets. But as this slow but intriguing film goes on, the bonds get stronger, and you can see the devotion settling in around them as they establish some common ground. And so when the end of the film comes and the brothers are ripped apart, even though really you know they should be allowed to unite it is extremely saddening. The end scene is particularly good, and very emotional, and the fact Barry Levinson has made characters the audience can genuinely care for, it means that the overall effect on the viewers is elevated to a whole new and amazing degree. It is brilliant. Don't deny this film it's worth because of technicalities and the fact it doesn't relay the correct message, and praise the quality of its creation. Which is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best and most touching film proctions to ever grace the screen.

I have seen this movie probably 7 or 8 times in the past three years, wrote a paper about it for my college film class last semester, and basically regard it as my favorite movie of all time. Where to begin with the praise for this movie? Let's start with the acting. Dustin Hoffman is my favorite actor, and has been for a while. I'd watch him in any role. I was amazed at the way he was able to pull off this role. I've never seen a more deserved Oscar win. The vacant stare, the monotone voice, the screaming, it was unbelievable. Each time I watch it I am floored by his talent. Tom Cruise is also good, the villain of the story who undergoes such a subtle change that it's almost not visible until nearly the end. He is, however, perfectly suited for the flashy, egotistical character of Charlie, and I think he did a great job. The directing was unobtrusive and beautiful, for the most part just letting the action unfold, which is exactly the way it should have been done. It's a feel-good movie that does that and more, and I think nothing I've seen in the movies is as touching as the scene in the motel where Charlie discovers who "Rain Man" really is. I give this movie a 9.5 out of 10. Absolutely wonderful.

Rain Man is a moving story about two brothers, one a selfish yuppie named Charlie Babbitt who cares only about the importance of money and the other named Raymond who is a autistic and doesn't know anything about the importance of money. Charlie realizes that his father left three million dollars to Raymond and little to him, as he also realizes Raymomd is his brother! Charlie kidnaps Raymond from his residential home and begins a long journey and discovery that will forever change both their lives. Rain Man is a completely moving, emotional, funny, and unforgettable movie. Dustin Hoffman is one of my favorite actors and plays his most memorable role as well as Tom Cruise, who gives a great performance that helped a lot in launching most of his career. The direction by Barry Levinson is stunning and of course, his best yet. Overall, the film is a timeless classic that moves me in every way. This is definitely one of the best films of the 80's and one of my all time favorites. Yea, definitely, definitely, recommend it!

⑥ 急!!!------電影rain man的英文影評

Charlie is a young and struggling Los Angeles businessman who sells expensive cars for a living. One day he receives word that his father, a man with whom he had not spoken in years, had died back in Cincinnati, Ohio. Charlie returns to his childhood home to take care of his father's property, only to find out that virtually all of his dad's $3,000,000 estate was left to an unnamed person in a 'trust' (A legal document giving property to another person).

After doing some investigating, Charlie learns that the trust was for a person who lived in a home for the mentally disabled near his childhood house. While exploring this institution with his girlfriend, Susanna, Charlie makes a nearly unbelievable discovery: The person to whom the trust was given is an autistic man named Raymond Babbitt, who it turns out is Charlie's older brother. Charley had never known he had a brother, for his parents had never told him.
In his confusion, anger and greed, Charlie decides to take Raymond back with him. Raymond is probably not prepared to leave the Ohio institution he has lived in his entire life, but Charlie is determined to get what he thinks is his "fair share" of his father's estate. Thus, Charlie decides to fight for legal custody (possession) of his new brother, as a way of being able to get to the $3,000,000 that his father had left for Raymond.

In their journey back to Los Angeles, Raymond nearly drives Charlie crazy with the maddening characteristics that are a function of his autism (see note below). But eventually, Raymond has a profound influence on Charlie, and thus Charlie eventually grows to love and accept his brother exactly as he is.

A note on autism: People who are autistic are believed to suffer from an abnormal psychological state in which they have a severely limited understanding of reality. Perhaps more importantly, it is believed they have little understanding of their own emotions, or the emotions of other people.
There is a wide range of autism that exists. Some people are so autistic they can almost do nothing for themselves, and are completely dependent on others for their everyday needs.

There are other autistics who are considered "high functioning," and thus are able to do much on their own, although they may still be better off living in institutions that care for the mentally disabled. Still other autistics are what are called "idiot savants," in that they have the ordinary limitations of most autistics, but they also have special mental skills that are reflective of pure genius. For example, in the case of Raymond, he appears to have both the memory and basic math abilities of a computer, not a person.
Over the last several years (perhaps in part because of this movie), a growing body of literature on the experience of autism has emerged that you may want to explore. Much of this material is available on the web.


⑦ rainman是廢物的意思嗎 我在越獄第二季里看到的.i no

出自一部非常出名的電影《雨人》,由Dustin Hoffman主演。他飾演白痴天才,被叫做rainman。

⑧ rain man 雨人

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/14HIDPiQPdKn8VmTW1Vhhtg


查理(湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise 飾)父親去世,留下了300萬美元的遺產。然而令他意外的是,遺產全部給了一個他不認識的哥哥雷蒙(達斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 飾)。雷蒙的名字查理從沒聽過,這個事件讓他氣憤不已。他決定前去尋找哥哥。誰知雷蒙的住處就在一個精神病院里,原來他自幼患有自閉症,母親去世後就被送到精神病院治療。查理心中有了算計,他把雷蒙帶出精神病院,企圖騙他出讓遺產。


⑨ 哪位能介紹一下電影雨人,英文簡介,急!!

雨人講的是兩個兄弟的故事,一個叫Charlie Babbitt ,是個自私的嬉皮士,他只關心錢,另一個叫Raymond,一個孤獨症患者,從不知道錢的價值。當Charlie 得知Raymomd是他哥哥的時候,他正好知道自己的父親留給了Raymond 三百萬美金的遺產而留給自己才微乎極微的一點財產。於是Charlie綁架了Raymond,開始了一段漫長的旅途,他意識到了這將永遠改變他們的生活。雨人是一部非常感人的電影,影片充滿了親情,讓人久久難忘。Dustin Hoffman ,這位閃亮的影星和 Tom Cruise聯袂出演,塑造了影片中這個記憶深刻的形象。Tom Cruise在影片中也有非常好的表現,這部影片成就了他演藝生涯的一次巨大飛躍。 導演Barry Levinson的傑出的表現證明了他無疑是最棒的導演。



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