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發布時間:2022-03-02 00:58:38

1. 電影中的經典歌曲有哪些

花好月圓 死不了 黃種人 上心態平躺 等等 很多的

2. 問幾首電影中的歌曲.


3. 電影中好聽的歌曲

1. 《美女與野獸》的Beauty And The Beast
2. 《沉默的羔羊》
絕對的經典老劇,歌曲最後反復的強調:Who gave them the right,the right,the right,突出反映了主人公心理的困惑,恐懼,矛盾,不解……
4. 《泰坦尼克號》的我心永恆--My Heart Will Go On
5. 《卧虎藏龍》的《月光愛人》

4. 求一個電影中的歌曲

《Every woman in the world》 (世上的每一位女子) Every night seems dinner and wine 每個夜晚,似乎只是晚餐和酒 Saturday days 周末的日子裡 I was never in love, never had the time 我從未戀愛,從來沒有機會 In my hustle and hurried world 在我那豪賭與匆忙的世界裡 Laughing my self to sleep, waking up lonely 總是自我解嘲的入睡和寂寞的清醒 I needed someone to hold me, oh 我需要有人擁抱著我 It's such a crazy home town 那是個令人瘋狂的故鄉 It can drag you down 它會將你拖垮 Till you run out of dreams 直到你不再有夢想 So you party all night to the music and lights 於是你終宵狂歡、歌台舞榭 But you don't what happiness means 但你並不明白快樂的意義 I was dancing in the dark with strangers 我在黑暗中與陌生人共舞 No love around me 身邊沒有愛 When suddenly you found me 當你突然發現了我 Girl, you're every woman in the world to me 女孩,你代表了世上的每一位女子 You're my fantasy, you're my reality 你是我的幻想,也是我的現實 Girl, you're every woman in the world to me 女孩,你代表了世上的每一位女子 You're everything I need, you're everything to me 你是我需要的一切,你就是一切 Oh girl 噢!女孩 Everything good, everything fine 美好而善良的事物 That's what you are 那就是你 So put your hand in mine and together we'll climb 所以,讓我握住你的手,我倆一起攀上 As high as the highest star 最高的那一顆星 I'm living the life time in every minute 每一分鍾都是在享受人生 That we're together 當我倆在一起的時候 And I'm staying right here forever 我會永遠在此 另外所有插曲: "I Find You Cheatin' on Me" Written and Performed by Hank Thompson Licensed courtesy of Universal Songs of Polygram Entertainment and Soundies Inc. "Sad World" Written and Performed by Simon Steadman Licensed courtesy of Simon Steadman and Nakatomi Plaza Publishing "The Crying Game" Written by Geoff Stephens Performed by Kathryn Kirkpatrick Music by Sound Choice Licensed courtesy of Slep Tone Entertainment "Every Woman in the World" Written by Frank Musker, Dominic Roy King Performed by Air Supply Licensed courtesy of Sony BMG Music Entertainment "I Don't Want to Lose Your Love" Written by Joey Carbone Performed by Crystal Gayle Licensed courtesy of Crystal Gayle and Joey Carbone Music "Roughest Neck Around" Written and Performed by Corby Lund (as Corb Lund) Licensed courtesy of Corb Lund Music "Stick Around" Written and Performed by Jonny Kaplan Licensed courtesy of Jonny Kaplan and Better Tasting Tunes "(Gonna) Shine Up My Boots" Written and Performed by Corby Lund (as Corb Lund) Licensed courtesy of Corb Lund Music "Fast Girl USA" Written by Jane Jensen, Roger Che, S. Brockwell Performed by Jane Jensen Licensed courtesy of Jane Jenson and Sonic Cheeka Music "Saturday Night" Written and Performed by Jane Jensen Licensed courtesy of Jane Jenson and Sonic Cheeka Music "Baby I Love You" Written by Eric Ambel Performed by The Yayhoos Licensed courtesy of Bloodshot Records "The New Kid" Written and Performed by Old 97's Licensed courtesy of New West Records LLC


5. 尋找電影中的歌曲

這個電影非常棒!建議大家去看看! 俄羅斯指控他國竊取輸往歐洲的天然氣,憤而切斷所有管線,致使成千上萬名歐洲人因而在寒冷的冬天,無法使用暖器而餐風受凍。無獨有偶,將代表俄羅斯角逐今年奧斯卡金像獎的《我的人魚女友》(The Mermaid)正描寫著...

6. 找首電影中的歌曲

夢言 很清新的曲子 六指琴魔 的片尾曲

7. 電影中的歌曲


8. 一部電影中的歌曲

再三確認後。。。是《How do I live》

9. 問電影中的歌曲

Aw, Aw baby, Yeah, ooh Yeah, huh, listen to this
Spy on me baby use satellite
Infrared to see me move through the night
Aim gonna fire shoot me right
I'm gonna like the way you fight
And I love the way you fight
Now you found the secret code
I use to wash away my lonely blues well
So I can't deny or lie cause you're a
only one who make me fly
(You know what you are? You are..)
Sexbomb sexbomb you're a sexbomb uh, huh
You can give it to me when I need to come along give it to me
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And baby you can turn me on baby you can turn me on
You know what you're doing to me don't you. ha ha,
I know you do
No don't get me wrong ain't gonna do you no harm no
This bomb's made for lovin' and you can shoot it far
I'm your main target come and help me ignite ow
Love struck holding you tight hold me tight darlin'
(Hold me tight..)
Make me explode although you know the route
to go to sex me slow slow baby
And yes I must react to claims of those who say
that you are not all that huh, huh, huh
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
You can give it to me when I need to come along
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And baby you can turn me on turn me on darlin'
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb sexbomb
You can give it to me when I need to come along
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And baby you can turn me on

You can give me more and more counting up the score
You can turn me upside down inside out
You can make me feel the real deal uh uh
I can give it to you any time because you're mine, ouch


Sexbomb, aw baby
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And you can give it to me when I need to be turned on
No, no Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And baby you can turn me on turn me on
And baby you can turn me on turn me on
Baby you can turn me on turn me on
Ooh baby you can turn me on turn me on
Baby you can turn me on oh
Baby you can turn me on oh
Baby you can turn me on
Well baby you can turn me on

10. 有哪些出現在電影里的歌曲




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