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㈠ 求 The Elephant Man 英文簡介……謝謝

The Elephant Man is a 1980 film about Joseph Merrick (who the script calls John Merrick), a severely deformed man in 19th century London. The film was directed byDavid Lynch and stars John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins, Anne Bancroft, John Gielgud,Wendy Hiller, Michael Elphick, Hannah Gordon and Freddie Jones.
The screenplay was adapted by Lynch, Christopher De Vore and Eric Bergren fromFrederick Treves』s The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences (1923) and Ashley Montagu』s The Elephant Man: A Study in Human Dignity (1971). It was shot in black and white.
The Elephant Man was a critical and commercial success with eight Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Actor. WhenChristopher Tucker made and applied the make-up and prosthetics to Hurt, the Academy was scolded for failing to honour his work, prompting them to create theAcademy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling.] The film also won the BAFTA Awards for Best Film, Best Actor and Best Proction Design.


London Hospital surgeon Frederick Treves finds John Merrick in a Victorian freak showin London』s East End, where he is kept by the brutish Bytes. His head is always hooded, and his 「owner」, who finds him retarded, is paid by Treves to bring him to hospital for exams. He shows Merrick to his colleagues and highlights his monstrous skull, which makes him sleep with his head on his knees – if he lay down he wouldasphyxiate. On Merrick』s return he is beaten so hard by Bytes that an apprentice calls Treves brings him back to hospital. When Bytes accuses Treves of likewise exploiting Merrick for his own ends, he vows to do what he can to help Merrick.
John is tended and quarantined by Mrs Mothershead, the formidable matron; the other staff cringe away from Merrick. Mr Carr-Gomm, the hospital』s Governor, is against housing Merrick – who never speaks – as the ward is no place for 「incurables」. To prove to Carr-Gomm that Merrick has skills, Treves makes him say a few phrases. Carr-Gomm sees through the ruse but as he walks off, he and Treves are stunned to hear John recite the 23rd Psalm, which Treves did not teach. He now permits John to stay, and the patient starts drawing, reading, and making a model of a church he sees from his window.
When Merrick has tea with Ann Treves, he is so overwhelmed that he shows them his mother』s picture. He hopes she would love him if she could see his 「lovely friends」. Later on he starts to have guests in his rooms, including the actress Madge Kendal, and becomes an object of curiosity and charity to high society. Mrs Mothershead says he is still treated as a freak, though in a more upper-class style. This rebuke and his role in the matter trouble the surgeon, who now questions his morals. And while John is treated well by day, the Night Porter makes money by bringing clients from nearby pubs to gawk at Merrick.
Through her daughter-in-law Alexandra, the hospital』s royal patron, Queen Victoria sends word that Merrick will have permanent hospital care with all funds arranged. But his problems resurface when Bytes uses the Night Porter』s 「viewings」 to reach John and take him to continental Europe, where he is once again put on show and brutalised. Consumed with guilt over Merrick』s plight, Mr Treves sacks the porter with Mrs Mothershead』s help.
His fellow attractions help Merrick flee, though at Liverpool Street station he is taunted by several boys and accidentally knocks down a girl. He is chased, unmasked, and cornered by an angry mob, at which point he cries, 「I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being! I ... am ... a ... man!」 before collapsing. When policemen return him to hospital he goes back to his rooms. He recovers a little, but as he is dying from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Mrs Kendal bids him go to the theatre, where he, Treves, Mrs Mothershead and a nurse will see an enrapturing show. A white-tied John Merrick stands up in the royal box to reap hearty applause, having had the performance dedicated to him from Mrs Kendal. Back in hospital, Merrick thanks Treves for all he has done and completes his church model. To the sleeping child on his wall-hung sketch, he takes off the pillows he needs to sleep upright, lies down and dies, consoled by a vision of his mother, who quotes Alfred, Lord Tennyson』s 「Nothing Will Die」.

㈡ 求這個圖片的電影出處。



㈢ 《畸形人(1932)》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源


導演: 托德·布朗寧
編劇: 托德·羅賓斯
主演: 華萊士·福特、麗拉·海厄姆斯、奧爾加·巴古拉諾娃
類型: 劇情、恐怖
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1932-02-20
片長: 64 分鍾
又名: 畸型人、畸零人、怪物團(日)、The Monster Show
本部飽受爭議的離奇影片圍繞馬戲團里一群畸形人展開。矮人漢斯(哈利·厄爾斯 Harry Earles飾)暗自傾心於「正常人」——美貌的鞦韆表演者克里奧佩特拉(奧爾加·巴古拉諾娃 Olga Baclanova飾),同為侏儒人的弗里達(黛西·厄爾斯 Daisy Earles飾)告誡漢斯,她只是為他的錢財。克里奧佩特拉與「正常人」大力士赫克留斯(道格?霍奇森 Henry Victor飾)兩人相好,設計讓克里奧佩特拉嫁給漢斯得到錢財。婚禮上,克里奧佩特拉大吼在場的人都是「FREAKS」,激怒了所有畸形人。雨夜,畸形人對這兩個「正常人」展開了報復……

㈣ 畸形人的恐怖電影有哪些


㈤ 想知道這張圖片是哪部電影裡面的

畸形人 Freaks (1932)

導演: 托德·布朗寧
編劇: Clarence Aaron 'Tod' Robbins
主演: 華萊士·福特 / 麗拉·海厄姆斯 / 奧爾加·巴古拉諾娃
類型: 劇情 / 恐怖
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1932-02-20
片長: 64 分鍾
又名: 畸型人 / 畸零人 / The Monster Show
IMDb鏈接: tt0022913

畸形人的劇情簡介 · · · · · · 表演空中飛人的女子,愛上了大力士,但是她沒有足夠的嫁妝和大力士結婚。於是她為了錢和馬戲團里的侏儒成親了。但是她還是無法接受她的侏儒丈夫和其他畸形古怪的人。婚禮上,畸形人為他們祝福:「我們接受她,讓她成為我們的一員!」然而這句話激怒了表演空中飛人的女子,她大肆侮辱他們。仇恨的種子就此埋下,等到她為了得到遺產而謀害侏儒的計劃暴光,那些看起來弱小的畸形人開始報復了。空中飛人受到了襲擊,她被切斷了雙腿,割斷聲帶,打扮成鳥人。。。這下她真的成了他們中的一員了。。

㈥ 《畸形人》在線免費觀看百度雲資源,求下載

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1kVtBKRnm77P1wqfrWb6SoA

?pwd=ghqr 提取碼: ghqr
導演: 托德·布朗寧
編劇: 托德·羅賓斯
主演: 華萊士·福特、麗拉·海厄姆斯、奧爾加·巴古拉諾娃
類型: 劇情、恐怖
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1932-02-20
片長: 64 分鍾
又名: 畸型人、畸零人、怪物團(日)、The Monster Show
本部飽受爭議的離奇影片圍繞馬戲團里一群畸形人展開。矮人漢斯(哈利·厄爾斯 Harry Earles飾)暗自傾心於「正常人」——美貌的鞦韆表演者克里奧佩特拉(奧爾加·巴古拉諾娃 Olga Baclanova飾),同為侏儒人的弗里達(黛西·厄爾斯 Daisy Earles飾)告誡漢斯,她只是為他的錢財。克里奧佩特拉與「正常人」大力士赫克留斯(道格?霍奇森 Henry Victor飾)兩人相好,設計讓克里奧佩特拉嫁給漢斯得到錢財。婚禮上,克里奧佩特拉大吼在場的人都是「FREAKS」,激怒了所有畸形人。雨夜,畸形人對這兩個「正常人」展開了報復……

㈦ 畸形人的恐怖電影有哪些有哪些





㈧ 求一部異形人電影 叫什麼名字來著 外國黑白片,有好一段歷史了。講的是用一群長得不像地球人的怪異人在


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1-ZVQ8xDo0px-ZLE70ka9sA

提取碼: biuu


㈨ 以前看過一個片子是講許多畸形人開馬戲團的

第四季:(Freak Show)
第四季又名《畸形秀》。故事背景設定在二十世紀50年代,講述了一個靠畸形的怪人表演作為賣點的雜技團的興衰與發展。[3] 1952年,佛羅里達州的Jupiter。美國僅存的一個雜耍表演團竭力在電視時代到來之前將生意維持下去。當警察在當地農舍發現一件驚人的事情後,這個恐怖表演團的詭異承包人看到了一個機會,一個可能讓劇團得到救贖的機會。或者一個可能徹底毀掉他們的機會。



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