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發布時間:2022-11-28 23:39:56

A. 老片電影《偷襲珍珠港》里為什麼一個軍官用漢語說:我是一個美國人!








1952年,鮑爾薩姆和他的首任妻子女演員帕魯·索姆納(Pearl Somner)結婚,兩年後離婚。他的第二任妻子是女演員喬伊絲·馮·派特(Joyce Van Patten),這段婚姻維持了三年,並育有一女。

B. 關於二戰中日本偷襲珍珠港的電影

英文名:Pearl Harbor
主演:丹·阿克羅伊德 本·阿弗萊克 亞歷克·鮑德溫 凱特·貝金塞爾 庫巴·古丁
類型:劇情 愛情 動作 戰爭
地區:美國 對白:英語 法語 日語
顏色:彩色 聲音:DTS Dolby Digital SDDS
時長:183 分鍾
分級:阿根廷:Atp 瑞典:15 德國:12

此時美軍決定派出精英部隊前往歐陸,協助歐洲各國抵抗納粹德國的侵略,雷夫自告奮勇前往參戰。於是將伊弗琳託付給丹尼照顧,不久之後,歐洲傳來噩耗,雷夫的座機在空戰中不幸遭德軍擊落,生死未卜。 伊弗琳與丹尼得知噩耗後,只能互相勉勵對方。但是愛情的幼苗卻悄悄地萌芽。
就在1941 年12月7日,雷夫突然出現在伊弗琳與丹尼駐扎的珍珠港。正當三人不知如何面對這個難題時,日軍也悄悄地准備偷襲珍珠港。 雷夫與丹尼這對好朋友又是情敵,還得一起並肩作戰,隨著二次世界大戰的 開打,兩人只能將兒女私情暫時拋在一旁,共同為自由、正義而戰......
丹·阿克羅伊德 .... Capt. Thurman
本·阿弗萊克 .... Capt. Rafe McCawley
亞歷克·鮑德溫 .... Lt. Col. James 'Jimmy' Doolittle
凱特·貝金塞爾 .... Nurse Lt. Evelyn Johnson
庫巴·古丁 .... Petty Officer Doris 'Dorie' Miller
喬恩·沃伊特 .... President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
威廉·菲德內爾 .... Danny's father
喬許·哈奈特 .... Capt. Danny Walker
湯姆·西斯摩爾 .... Sgt. Earl Sistern
艾文·布萊納 .... Lt. Red Winkle
詹妮弗·迦納 .... Nurse Sandra
威廉·李·斯科特 .... Lt. Billy Thompson
David de Vos .... Medical Orderly (uncredited)
Scott Wiper .... Gunner
Blaine Pate .... Orderly in aftermath

英文名:Tora! Tora! Tora!
導演:理查德·弗萊舍 Kinji Fukasaku
主演:Leon Ames 馬丁·鮑爾薩姆 約瑟夫·哥頓 賈森·羅巴茲 Edmon Ryan
類型:劇情 冒險 動作 戰爭
地區:美國 日本 對白:英語 日語
顏色:彩色 聲音:Mono 70 mm 6-Track
時長:144 分鍾
分級:瑞典:15 英國:U 澳大利亞:PG


Leon Ames .... Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox
馬丁·鮑爾薩姆 .... Adm. Husband E. Kimmel
約瑟夫·哥頓 .... Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson
賈森·羅巴茲 .... Lt. Gen. Walter C. Short
Edmon Ryan .... Rear Adm. Patrick N.I. Bellinger
Toru Abe .... Rear.Adm Ounishi Takijirou (uncredited)
Wesley Addy .... Lt. Cmdr. Alvin D. Kramer
Hiroshi Akutagawa .... Kido Kouichi (uncredited)
Norman Alden .... Maj. Truman Landon
Frank Aletter .... Lt. Col. Thomas
理查德·安德森 .... Capt. John Earle
Keith Andes .... Gen. George C. Marshall
Edward Andrews .... Adm. Harold R. Stark
渥美清 .... Cook #1 (uncredited)
內維爾·布蘭德 .... Lt. Kaminsky


C. 電影珍珠港的英文介紹

The movie begins on a Tennessee farm in the late 1920s as two kids, Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker, play in a pretend fighter plane they made, pretending to be shooting down German planes. As they are playing, Rafe's dad is out sting the fields in his old cropster. When he lands and goes into his tractor, the two boys sneak into his plane and keep the pretend fight going. They accidentally start the plane and "fly" it down the runway, almost crashing it until it finally stops. Danny's father, who still suffers the effects of fighting in World War One, (William Fichtner) comes out and starts screaming at them and smacking Danny. Rafe grabs a board and whacks him to stop the beating, protecting his best friend. This snaps him out of his funk, and he tells Danny he only wants to ensure he doesn't go to war someday like how he "fought 'em in the trenches."

Years later, Rafe (Ben Affleck) and Danny (Josh Hartnett), both in their early twenties and First Lieutenants in the U.S. Army, are at a U.S. Army Air Corps training field commanded by Major Jimmy Doolittle (Alec Baldwin). Rafe is very cocky as he and Danny do a particularly dangerous stunt (a game of chicken) that almost kills them (and more importantly to the brass, almost damages the planes). They are called into Doolittle's office where they are reprimanded, but Doolittle is actually quite impressed with Rafe as he reminds him of himself when he was young. Later, Doolittle tells Rafe that he has been accepted to go to Britain and join Eagle Squadron, a squadron of volunteer American pilots serving with the Royal Air Force in the fight against the Germans. It is strictly a volunteer assignment, and Doolittle tells him it's his ty to talk him out of it. Rafe asks Doolittle what he would do, and Doolittle says he would go, so Rafe agrees to go as well.

Prior to Rafe leaving, there is a big dance in New York, and many nurses are coming to the event. Some of the nurses are traveling there by train, and one of them, Evelyn Johnson (Kate Beckinsale), is telling the other nurses how she first met Rafe while assessing his fitness to fly. Although his eyesight did not fit the standard requirement, she felt sorry and passed him anyway. During his flu shots, she first agreed to go out with him, and they have been going out now for four weeks and two days. At the dance, Rafe tells Evelyn that in the morning he is headed off to Europe. They have a tearful good-bye, and Rafe tells her not to come to the train station to see him off. He goes to Europe, and Evelyn and Danny get transferred to Pearl Harbor.

While in Europe, the squadron Rafe is a member and is scrambled to intercept a formation of Heinkel He 111 bombers, but Rafe's fighter is attacked by a Messerschmitt Bf 109 escort. His oil line is ruptured, and his canopy jams. His aircraft crashes into the sea. In Hawaii, Evelyn is informed that Rafe is missing presumed killed.

Three months later while separately going to the same movie, Danny and Evelyn see a newsreel that shows British fighters being shot down by the Germans. Thinking of Rafe, both Danny and Evelyn leave the theater and by accident meet each other out front of the building. They strike up a friendship again which eventually leads to a romantic after-hours flight and a sexual encounter in a parachute storage room.

Evelyn has stopped mourning Rafe, but one morning she discovers she's pregnant, she is stunned to find Rafe. As it turned out, after he crashed into the English Channel, the impact meant he could escape, and he was rescued by a French fishing boat and returned to occupied France for three months where he couldn't get word out to them that he was alive. Suddenly Danny appears, holding a telegram that Rafe is alive. Somehow, Rafe instantly realizes that Danny and Evelyn are now together and leaves the room, refusing to talk to Danny.

After a barfight, Danny and Rafe argue and eventually drive to a hillside to discuss what they are going to do about their situation. They have been drinking and fall asleep in their convertible under the stars, after Rafe says there must be a way to work this out. They are awakened the next morning by Japanese Zero fighters, Val dive bombers and Kate torpedo bombers flying overhead. The barely-awake pilots think it is the U.S. Navy performing exercises.

The Japanese attack catches the U.S. fleet largely unaware, despite Admiral Kimmel having been informed of a Japanese midget submarine destroyed near the entrance to the harbor. Much of the surprise came not from a lack of awareness of the planes, but a radar station dismissing the large number of contacts as a flight of B-17s. A bomb dropped from a Kate bomber ruptures the forward part of the USS Arizona's ammunition magazine, literally splitting the ship in half and sending it to the bottom. Meanwhile, Japanese fighters are attacking the airstrips present on the island to prevent any attempt to intercept the attack aircraft. Petty Officer Doris "Dorie" Miller (Cuba Gooding Jr.), a cook on the USS West Virginia, mans an antiaircraft gun and manages to shoot down a Japanese plane. Around the same time, Evelyn, Sandra, Betty and the other nurses head towards the hospital to help injured people. On their way they are strafed, and many people flee into the hospital while some are killed. The gunfire forces Evelyn and Sandra to hide behind a fountain. Suddenly, a plane drops a bomb, and Betty is killed while the other women hide in the hospital.

Later, Evelyn and the other nurses are working frantically with masses of incoming casualties, having to prioritize which lives can be saved and who receives priority care. Rafe and Danny make it to their Army auxiliary airfield, and together with another pilot manage to get their planes moving, though the other pilot is destroyed before getting off the ground. The two of them shoot down seven Japanese planes over the Harbor. They even use the same maneuver that got them into trouble at Doolittle's school to force four Zeros to crash into each other.

The attack finally ends, and because of their heroism, Rafe and Danny are both promoted to Captain and assigned to Doolittle (now promoted to Lt. Col) for a top secret mission. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Jon Voight) wants to send a message that the Japanese homeland is not immune from bombing. They are going to put Army Air Corp B-25 Mitchell bombers onto the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (instead of the usual light naval assault bombers), sail out close to Japan, take off a few hundred miles offshore, bomb Tokyo and land in China. Prior to leaving, a heartbroken Rafe apologizes to Evelyn for leaving her, and asks why she wants to see him. She reveals that she is pregnant, but has not yet told Danny so he can focus on his mission. She also says that she is going to go with Danny, but deep down inside she will always love Rafe just as much. When Rafe and Danny leave, Evelyn tells Danny that she loves him and she will be waiting for him.

D. 誰能告訴我珍珠港的簡介


E. 求<珍珠港事件>的電影名

中文名稱:虎!虎!虎! 英文名稱:Tora Tora Tora 別名:偷襲珍珠港 發行時間:1970年
:理查德·弗萊徹 Richard Fleischer 電影演員:約瑟夫·科頓 Joseph Cotten 地區:美國
:普通話,英語 ◎譯 名 虎!虎!虎!/偷襲珍珠港 ◎片 名 Tora Tora Tora ◎年 代 1970 ◎國 家 美國/日本 ◎類 別 動作/劇情/冒險/戰爭/歷史 ◎語 言 英語/普通話 ◎IMDB評分 7.5/10 (6,446 votes) ◎片 長 145 MiN

F. 如何用英語介紹<珍珠港>這部電影

從IMDB上查來的珍珠港英文簡介,as follows:

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor is a classic tail of romance set ring a war that complicates everything. It all starts when childhood friends Rafe and Danny become Navy pilots and meet Evelyn a Navy nurse. Rafe falls head over heels and next thing you know Evelyn and Rafe are hooking up. Then Rafe volunteers to go fight in Britan and Evelyn and Danny get transfered to Pearl Harbor. And while Rafe is off fighting everything gets completely whack and next thing you know everybody is in the middle of an air raid we now know as "Pearl Harbor

G. 電影《珍珠港》男主角是誰

中文名: 喬斯哈奈特
英文名: Josh Hartnett
性 別: 男
生 日: 1978-07-21
角 色:演員
喬許哈奈特出生於美國加州,他擁有一頭棕發與一雙憂郁棕色眼睛、身高190,外型酷似年輕版的湯米李瓊斯。喬許畢業於明尼蘇達州以戲劇教學聞名的南方高中,之後到紐約SUNY修讀表演課程。曾飾演電視影集【Cracker】中主角的叛逆兒子而逐漸打開知名度,隨後開始一些廣告與戲劇的表演,並於1998年時與傑瑞米寇蒂絲合演【H20捉鬼節】正式躍上大螢幕。接下來的另一部YA科幻驚悚片【老師不是人】讓喬許哈奈特初嘗乍紅滋味,並再次奠定偶像帥哥形象,隨後轉型演出名導演柯波拉的女兒首部執導影片【死亡日記】。拍攝動用了好萊塢新一代帥哥美女 的YA愛情悲劇【愛在地球盡頭】之後,因受到美國校園少女喜愛,而與【窈窕美眉】的小佛萊迪普林茲、【危險性游戲】的萊恩菲利普,並稱為好萊塢「Y世代三劍客」。
三十極夜 30DaysofNight(2007)
幸運數字斯萊文 Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
黑色大麗花 The Black Dahlia (2005)
莫扎特與鯨魚 Mozart & the Whale (2005)
謎情公寓 Wicker Park (2004)
好萊塢重案組 Hollywood Homicide (2003)
絕情40天 40 Days and 40 Nights (2002)
愛情洗剪吹 Blow Dry (2001)
珍珠港 Pearl Harbor (2001)
奧塞羅 O (2001)
黑鷹計劃 Black Hawk Down (2001)
這一片戀土 Here on Earth (2000)
折翼天使 Virgin Suicides, The (1999)
H20抓鬼節 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
老師不是人 Faculty, The (1998)
Debutante (1998)

H. 求《珍珠港(2001)》百度雲免費在線觀看,邁克爾·貝導演的

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1QTAJ00Uo7GurJ37aFotaYw

提取碼: cqri影片《珍珠港》是試金石公司2001年出品的一部劇情電影。由邁克爾·貝執導,本·阿弗萊克、凱特·貝金賽爾和喬什·哈奈特等聯袂出演。影片於2001年5月25日在北美地區上映。電影講述了雷夫和丹尼這對好兄弟在參軍時結識女護士伊夫林。雷夫主動請纓參加英國空軍的作戰,被擊落掉進海里。而伊夫林得知噩耗悲痛萬分。丹尼和伊夫林慢慢接近,互生愛慕,最後發生一夜情。

I. 關於偷襲珍珠港的電影那一部拍的最震撼最有看頭。求大神告知!



英文名: The Final Countdown

中文名: 《碧血長天》

別 名: 核子航母歷險記/核子母艦遇險記
導 演: ( 唐·泰勒 Don Taylor )

主 演: (柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas) (馬丁·西恩 Martin Sheen) (凱瑟琳·羅斯 Katharine Ross) ( James Farentino) ( Ron O'Neal) (查爾斯·鄧寧 Charles Durning)

J. 求電影珍珠港的劇情簡介和演員表,最好是英文姓名,謝謝!

片名: 珍珠港
英文片名: Pearl Harbor IMDB: 0213149 導演: 麥可貝 Michael Bay 編劇: Randall Wallace
電影珍珠港演員表主演: 本艾佛列克 Ben Affleck
小古巴古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr.
喬許哈奈特 Josh Hartnett
亞歷鮑得溫 Alec Baldwin
凱特貝琴薩 Kate Beckinsale

2001年最受矚目的超級大片,通過的拍攝預算是好萊塢有史以來最高的數字—美金一億四千萬元。好萊塢最頂尖的工作人員齊聚一堂,上至導演、製片、男、女主角下至視覺特效承辦公司ILM〔侏 紀公園、MIB星際戰警〕在影片賺錢之前不領半毛片酬,讓每一分錢都投注在重現珍珠港事件,這個二次世界大戰最關鍵的轉折點。




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