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1. 大學英語口試,介紹一部電影,包括叫什麼、屬於什麼類型、我為什麼喜歡。時間大約1分鍾左右。。。。。

幸福終點站The Terminal(2004)
導演:斯蒂芬•斯皮爾伯格Steven Spielberg
主演:湯姆•漢克斯Tom Hanks 凱瑟琳•澤塔-瓊斯Catherine Zeta-Jones
類型: 劇情 /喜劇/愛情 feature/ omedy /love
Viktor (Tom Hanks)came to the United States in order to realize the promise to his father, but because of an accidental event, his country was in war .viktor became stateless, can not enter into the United States or return home,he only can make airport as his 「home」. But victor didn't give up his hope, he continued to live in the airport, make many friends, get the job, and even have a love story . Although his body was trapped in the airport, his emotion is free. Finally he also fulfilled promise to his father.

In the film, in fact, viktor was not clown but a person with noble character.He is very kind and honset, always with hope, and rather patience, more important, he keeps his promise.
This movie reflects the Americans』 real life and the social status,discuss the human nature and reflects the inner side of human being, disclose people』s mind and behavior. I hope this introce can help students enhance the understanding of American culture, I hope you will enjoy it.

2. 大學設立英語電影賞析課有沒有價值





3. 大學英語:::戰爭電影的英文PPT

穿條紋睡衣的男孩 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas in the United States) is a 2008 British film based on the novel of the same name by Irish writer John Boyne. Directed by Mark Herman and proced by David Heyman, it stars Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, David Thewlis, and Vera Farmiga.

A Holocaust drama, the film explores the horror of a World War II extermination camp through the eyes of two eight-year-old boys, one the son of the camp's Nazi commandant, the other a Jewish inmate.

SS officer Ralf (David Thewlis) and his wife Elsa (Vera Farmiga) move from Berlin to the countryside with their children, twelve-year-old Gretel (Amber Beattie) and eight-year-old Bruno (Asa Butterfield), after Ralf is promoted to commandant of a Nazi concentration camp, of which Bruno refers to as "Out-With", although later in the movie his sister keeps protesting that his pronounciation is incorrect, which brings us to the conclusion that the camp is probably Auschwitz.

Confined to the grounds of the family's new home, without friends, Bruno craves companionship and adventure. He eventually escapes through the window of an outhouse, treks through the woods, and emerges at an isolated, unguarded corner of the concentration camp, which he initially believes to be a farm. There, he befriends Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), a boy of the same age. Bruno returns frequently thereafter, bringing Shmuel food and playing games with him through the barbed wire fence. Shmuel graally disabuses Bruno of the idea that the people in the camp are farmers; he tells Bruno that he and his family have been imprisoned, and forced to wear the "striped pajamas," because they are Jews.

Bruno and Gretel's tutor, Herr Liszt (Jim Norton) feeds the children a diet of antisemitic bigotry and nationalist propaganda under the guise of teaching them history. In response, Gretel becomes increasingly fanatical in her support for the Third Reich. She covers her bedroom wall with Nazi propaganda posters, and flirts with Lieutenant Kurt Kotler (Rupert Friend), a mean and nasty Nazi unlike Ralf, as her budding sexuality becomes fixated on the ideal of the German soldier. In contrast, Bruno is skeptical of Liszt's teachings. The Jews Bruno knows, Shmuel and the family's kindly servant Pavel (David Hayman), do not resemble the tutor's antisemitic stereotypes. He also witnesses savage, senseless acts of Nazi brutality that conflict with the propaganda ideal of military heroism. One night, when Pavel accidentally overturns Kotler's wine glass at the table, the furious officer drags Pavel out of the room. Through the ajar door to the kitchen, we see Kotler's jackboot delivering vicious kicks, and are led to presume that the elderly man dies from the brutal beating.

After Pavel's death, Shmuel is sent to the commandant's home in the role of a houseboy. When Bruno comes across the hungry boy cleaning glasses in the house, he gives him some cake. When Kotler sees crumbs on Shmuel's lips, and accuses him of stealing, Shmuel tells the officer the truth: Bruno is his friend, and Bruno gave him the cake. Terrified, Bruno betrays Shmuel, saying that he has never seen the boy before and that Shmuel stole the cake. Some days later, a remorseful Bruno finds Shmuel at the fence, with his eye badly beaten. Shmuel forgives Bruno, and the boys shake hands through the fence.

From a comment of Kotler's about the stench from the crematoriums, Elsa learns that Ralf presides over an extermination camp, not a labor camp as she has been led to believe. Thereafter, the couple argue repeatedly about Ralf's role at the camp and the children's proximity to it. Eventually, they decide that Elsa will take the children to their Aunt Lotte's in Heidelberg. But the day before Bruno is e to leave, Shmuel reveals that his father has gone missing in the camp. Seeing an ideal opportunity for a final adventure, Bruno digs a hole beneath the barbed wire the following morning, changes into prison clothing that Shmuel has stolen for him, and enters the camp to help Shmuel find his father. Inside, Bruno is horrified by the dehumanization, starvation, and sickness; the camp is the very antithesis of the Theresienstadt-esque propaganda film that had shaped his prior impressions.

As the boys search fruitlessly for Shmuel's father, they become intertwined with a group of prisoners who are being herded toward the gas chambers. Inside, everyone is instructed to undress for a "shower." A soldier wearing a gas mask pours Zyklon B granules into the chamber. Bruno and Shmuel grasp each other's hands tightly as the lights go out.

Back at the house, Elsa discovers that Bruno is missing, and raises the alarm. Using tracking dogs, Ralf and other soldiers follow the boy's trail through the woods. When they discover his discarded clothing at the camp's perimeter, and see the hole g beneath the fence, Ralf races inside, searching desperately for his son. Seeing the gas chamber doors locked, Ralf realizes what has happened and cries out in anguish; hearing him, Elsa and Gretel fall to their knees sobbing over Bruno's clothes. The family is left to face the tragic irony that Bruno has become a victim of the Nazi death camp run by his own father.



4. 大學英文電影賞析要考試嗎




5. 大學英語聽說教材中電影

亂世佳人 魂斷藍橋...

6. 有助於學習大學英語的電影


7. 大學英語視聽說的內容簡介

《大學英語視聽說》包括11個單元,每個單元圍繞著一個主題對學生進行聽說訓練。《大學英語視聽說》主要內容包括:①主題導入(Getting Started)。導入的材料可能是相關的口語活動、主題討論,也可能是音頻、視頻內容,目的是為了幫助學生練習與主題相關的知識和語言,激發學生的學習興趣,為接下來的課堂聽說活動做充分的准備。②影視、新聞片段學習。包括劇情介紹(Plot Summary):對該電影,電視劇集或新聞作大致的介紹,為讀者提供背景知識,掃除文化障礙;場景介紹(Introction to the Selected Scene):介紹所剪輯的電影,電視片段的場景,為讀者充分理解視頻材料中的語言和內容做好准備:生詞和文化背景介紹(New Words,Phrases& Cultural Notes):包含電影、電視剪輯,新聞中所出現的生詞、難詞和體現出文化特點的詞:練習(Exercise):每個電影新聞片段後面均設計了練習,其形式多樣化,具有趣味性。③口語交互活動(Interactive Activities):每單元設計了2個以學生為中心的口語交際活動,活動形式豐富且具有趣味性,目的是為了鼓勵學生積極運用所學的語言和文化知識,同時提高他們的開創性思維能力。

8. 用英文介紹一部英文電影,加翻譯

「Changeling" from U.S.A
This film was adapted from a true story happened in twenties last century in America. A mother played by Angelina Jolie lost her little boy first,then, she found the boy returned from Captain J.J. Jones (policeman) not a same one. So, after the big quarrels, Jones sent the mother to asylum as he was irritated severely and took her as the insane.
On the otherhand, a priest called Reverend Briegleb insisted that, what the mother suffered was no otherthing than the corruption of the police station, he supported the mother and was actively invovled in the whole case in order to fight against the evil power.
The culmination of the scenario was posed by a boy's wittness, who admitted himself as an assistant in a murder of children, and he pointed the lost son of the mother was just one of those victims. The film was ended in the court debating, and the truth of the cases was graally revealed.



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