導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 我還喜歡英語歌曲和電影翻譯


發布時間:2022-12-08 20:17:48

Ⅰ 我喜歡看英語電影和聽英語歌,因為這可以提高我的英語水平,」翻譯成英語

I like wathing english films and listening english songs,the reason is that it can improve my english level. From 15 to 22 July I participate in summer camp, because I will go to class in August, I suggust that the activity must be exciting.

Ⅱ 「我喜歡聽音樂,看小說,看電影 」 的英語翻譯 (我沒有看見請再寫一遍)

I like listening music,read novels and see movies

Ⅲ 我喜歡看英文電影,唱英語歌曲.這句話用英文怎麼寫

i like look english movie,sing english music.

Ⅳ 我尤其喜歡英語歌曲和短劇,英語

Hello everyone!My name is Hermione,I am so honored to participate this competition,I like English very much,I like English songs and English radio plays.All players here are very competitive,but I want to show myself here.
Life is a stage,everyone is the performer on it,we should show ourselves completely by every chance.
Today is the beginning ,and it is not the end of my experience.
Everybody here is my opponent,but also my friend!I cheer for you!And myself also!
I'm sure that if I go before others,I will be the winner!
Thank you all.

Ⅳ 我喜歡看英文電影和聽英文原聲歌曲翻譯


Ⅵ 我喜歡影片中的音樂。英語翻譯 要用什麼時態。為什麼詳細點哦

I like the music in films(movies)現在進行式,因為喜歡(like)是長期的,一直喜歡

Ⅶ (我來自美國,我講英語,我喜歡英語歌曲,我喜歡打籃球,集郵票,吃冰淇淋)翻譯

I'm from America, I speak English and I like English songs, I like playing basketball and collecting stamps. Also I like eating ice cream.

Ⅷ 一段英文的翻譯~

大家好,我的名字叫某某某。 我很喜歡英語。 我特別喜歡看英文電影和聽英文歌。 多虧了這次比賽,使我有機會表現自己。 你們也許都覺得,英文愛好者應該都很勇敢甚至瘋狂,對嗎? 所以我准備站在這大聲唱出來。 我不在乎這么做大家會怎麼想, 我只想享受這個舞台。 我想說的是, 所有站在這個舞台上的都是勝利者, 因為你做了真正的自己, 一個一直以來都想去做的人。

Ⅸ 我喜歡聽音樂和看電影用英語怎麼說

I usually like listening to music and going to the cinema in my spare time

Ⅹ 英語翻譯:我平常喜歡聽聽歌,看電視等

I like listening to music and watching TV in my spare time.



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