導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 騎車去電影院英文翻譯


發布時間:2022-12-11 13:37:20

1. 騎自行車去電影院的英文同義句

ride my bike to the cinema .
go to the cinema by bike.

2. 我(騎自行車)去電影院。英文翻譯一

I ride a bike to go to the cinema 謝謝

3. 他每天花90分鍾騎自行車到達電影院。英文翻譯多種

It takes him 90 minutes to ride a bicycle to get to the cinema.

He spent 90 minutes by bike to get to the cinema every day

He spent 90 minutes by bike every day arrived at the cinema

4. 下午我和媽媽騎自行車去電影院,看了一場很有趣的電影。翻成英文

Afternoon ,I went to the cinema with my mother that see a very interesting film by bicycle .好久沒搞英語了,汗...

5. 去電影院用英語怎麼說

在一些固定的短語中,the起很大的作用的,一般的情況,無the代表抽象的含義,有的話一般為具體例如go to cinema就是去看電影,go to the cinema就是去電影院還有,例如at table就是吃飯(坐在桌子旁吃飯),而at the table就是在桌子旁還有,例如go to church就是去做禮拜(西方人的習俗),而go to the church就是去教堂呵呵,希望回答對您有所幫助~~~

6. 他表弟經常騎自行車去電影院用英文怎麼說三種說法

his cousin often goes to the cinema by bike.
his cousin often rides a bike to the cinema.
his cousin often goes cycling to the cinema.

7. 去電影院英文怎麼說

go to the cinema

8. 哥哥騎車帶我去電影院,用英語怎麼說

My brother takes me to the cinema by bike.



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