導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 玩游戲看電影等的英文


發布時間:2022-12-13 09:43:33

① 我們可以在網上打游戲,看電影,下載歌曲等.翻譯成英文

We can play computer games watch movie and download Music 機翻

② "玩電腦"用英語怎麼說

Play computer
Play computer games

玩電腦本身就是『玩』,所以用Play computer,不過,依照你的看法,還可以說成'surfing' (沖浪),就是在網上沖浪,或者'look at the computer'都行。

③ 請幫我翻譯成英語,要用自己的文字,不要用翻譯器

B:你的興趣是什麼啊? what is your hobby?
A:我的興趣是看書,打球,唱歌,跳舞,你呢? Reading books,playing football,singing ,dancing are my hobbies. what about you?
B:玩電腦游戲,看電影,烹飪 playing computer game,watching movie,cook
A:那你之前有工作過嗎?have you ever worked?
B:有啊,做過文員,覺得很悶 of course, as a clerk,but it is too boring.
A:打算在這間公司做多久? how long will you stay here ?
B如果做得開心會長做下去, I will stay here for a long time ,if I do the work happily
A:對了,最近有看電影嗎? well. have you wached movie recently?
B:有啊,看了3 Idiots yes, three idiots
A:感覺如何? what is your feeling?
B:很搞笑 very funny
A:真的嗎?我最喜歡看喜劇片了 really? comedy is my favourite
B:那找天一起去看電影啊. we can go to the cinema together if we have time oneday.
A:一定 sure
B:我要走了,再見 it is time to go ,see you later
A:再見 see you

④ 英語:當我厭煩的時候,我用手機玩游戲看電影

當我厭煩的時候,我用手機玩游戲看電影的英文翻譯是:When I am tired of playing games with my mobile phone watch movies

⑤ 中午我們可以去玩游戲,晚上吃完飯後我們一起去看電影。英文

At noon we can go to play games, after dinner we go to see the film

At noon we can go to play games, after dinner we go to see the film

⑥ 我用電腦玩游戲、查資料、看電影和聽音樂的英文

I use a computer to play games, check the information, watch movies and listen to music.

⑦ 聽音樂,看電影,玩電腦的英語

no.1 listen to music
no.2 watch movies (watch TV 看電視)
on.3 play computer

⑧ 不吃早飯,玩電腦游戲,看電視,吸煙等等的英文

I got up at six in the morning, then I washed my face, cleaned the room began after breakfast, after breakfast, I began to wash clothes, do housework and homework, at noon, I play football with my classmates go to school, an hour after I go home to play computer games in the evening, I watch TV with my parents, what a busy day.

⑨ 同學們喜歡在電腦上玩游戲,聽歌,看電影,和上網聊天英文

The students love to play games on the computer, listening to music, watching movies, and chat on the Internet

⑩ 幫我將中文翻譯成英文的句子是:搜索信息,朋友聊天,互發郵件。玩游戲,看電影,聽音樂。攜帶方便。

Search information, chat with friends, each mail. Play games, watch movies, listen to music. Easy to carry.



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