導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 我感覺看電影能使人輕松英文


發布時間:2022-12-18 10:14:47

中文翻譯英文 "看電影可以使人放鬆"

People can be relaxed by watching films.

❷ 因為我認為看電影是一件讓人放鬆的事,所以不需要想太多,用英語怎麼說

Because I think watching movies is a relaxing thing, so I think needn't to think too much.

❸ 我喜歡看電影我覺得電影可以滿足我們的各種幻想的英語翻譯

I like to watch movies, I think movies can meet all kinds of fantasy.

❹ 他經常每月去看電影一次,因為可以讓人放鬆英文

He often goes to the movies once a month, because it can make people relax.

❺ 英語翻譯: 我們可以在電影中學到許多東西 我們可以在電影中體驗不同的人生 電影可以讓我們快樂、興奮

We can learn many things in the movie in the movies, we can experience the different life movies can make us happy, excited

❻ 幫忙翻譯成英語 我喜歡看喜劇電影,因為它能讓我開懷大笑,讓我忘掉不開心的事情。我不喜歡看恐怖片,因為

I like watching comedies ,because they can make me laugh and happy ,make me
forget unhappy things. I don't like thrillers ,because they can't make me sleep.
I like cartoons ,too. because they make me feel happy

❼ 英語翻譯 我喜歡看電影因為這很令人感到放鬆

I like watching movies,because it makes me fell relaxed



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