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① 一部美國電影 是講男主角的妻子背叛他 他就騎著摩托車到另一個城市尋找妻子的故事 CCTV曾經放過

《尋愛之旅 》 對吧

② 一個電影,講述一個美國軍人救他妻子的故事,在一個度假島嶼.其中還有僱傭軍

海軍陸戰隊員2The Marine 2 (2009)

主演:Lara Cox小泰德·戴比斯Josiah D. Lee
上映日期: 2009年12月29日 美國
海軍陸戰隊偵查狙擊手Joe Linwood正愜意地享受著豪華五星級度假,然而卻被突然發生的綁架事件所打斷。一群當地的叛亂分子控制了一家飯店,將飯店所有者億萬富翁、一群賓客以及Joe的妻子劫持為人質。Joe挺身而出,開始了解救人質的斗爭。


③ 美國電影《愛情故事》觀後感,英語版

美國電影《愛情故事》(Love Affair)的主題曲《love story 》,這個歌曲是我很早接觸的外國電影歌曲,當時我還很小,只能聽懂幾個單詞的英文歌曲,畫面很吸引人,是一個中年男子從容地走過來,坐在一個長椅上開始漫不經心的演唱,演唱者是Andy williams,安迪·威廉斯,不是電影原唱,但這個歌曲他演繹的特別好,依稀記得畫面就是一對男女在室外不大一個結冰的小湖上滑冰,這個歌曲的旋律和那些畫面我永遠不會忘記。






The theme song 「Love Story」 of the American movie 「Love Affair」 is a foreign movie song that I contacted very early. At that time I was very young and could only understand English songs of a few words. The picture was very attractive. Man, a middle-aged man came calmly and sat down on a bench to begin casual singing. The singer Andy Williams, Andy Williams, is not the original singer of the movie, but this song he performed particularly well, faintly I remember that the picture was a pair of men and women skating on a little ice lake outside. The melody and images of this song I will never forget.

Simple but pure love
The story takes place in Harvard University, a famous American university. Oliver and Jenny met in the library. At the beginning, the two men were still arguing because of the books. As a result, a shot was taken and Olivier asked Jenny to drink coffee in the restaurant. Later they quickly fell in love. The entertainment life of men and women in love is naturally very rich. Oliver specializes in his ice hockey. Jenny has been supporting him.

Amazed by the irresponsibility of the actor Oliver Barratt, he actually greeted his roommates with the words: "How do you do! Beasts!" He called his father never call his father, his father or the like, and shouted "Mr." in private. She shouted for her son and never looked at his face. Oliver takes Jenny to see her parents. Oliver's parents were millionaires, but Oliver had a deep separation with his parents. He developed a habit of rebellion. When the parents learned that Jennie's family was a toast, he hesitated. Because Oliver had a deep conflict with his father, and his father opposed Jennie, the daughter of his baker, because the Bharat family was a prominent and prominent family. . However, Oliver never disdained his father's attitude and decided to leave his family to marry his beloved woman.
The hero of the hero, Oliver』s wife, is not religious. Therefore, their wedding ceremony is simply held at the marriage registration office. There is no priest and only one essay is notarized. Because Oliver's wife did not believe in God, she never thought that another world would be better than it is now. Oliver said to Jenny: "I will give you my hand. I will give you more precious love than money. I will give you and me all before the declaration and the law. Will you give me to me? Will you travel with me? Will we be close together in our lifetime? My Oliver Barratt will make you Jennifer Cabrillo the wife of my wife from now on. She will never die.」 Jenny said: 「I Jennifer Cabrillo, from now on, will make you Oliver Barat become my husband, the ultimate lover, to death.」 Although Jenny does not believe in religion, she always believes that love requires oath, so they are in marriage The registry also sworn.
The story in the movie happened in the winter and the campus was full of thick snow. Oliver and Jenny slammed and snowmaned in the snow, and Jenny was even eating snow. The two people's faces were flush with red, but they couldn't cover their smiles. Lying in the snow on their backs, the joyful mood spreads from their hearts to the camera, infecting every viewer』s heart. Envy such a heavy snow! And at the end of the movie is still a pure white background. Oliver who lost his true love only left us with a lonely back, sitting alone in the snow, cherishing memories of the passing away of the good times, perhaps only in memory. Reunited again. Harvard's snow scene has become an important symbol of the film, suggesting that their love is as pure and beautiful as a snowflake, but it is also fleeting and evanescent. It will eventually melt in the spring. Despite the sad ending, the director has treated this kind of sadness with a low profile that is not even noticeable. We did not see Jennie leaving the scene. We only realized what was on the back of the actor. When the subtitles appeared, they suddenly realized that it was an indescribable mess.
Always remember Jenny's saying: "Love should not say I'm sorry." She said to her husband before she died: "I hope you are stronger, you damn the guy playing ice hockey (because Oliver loves ice hockey). "Jenny let Oliver hold herself, and then passed away in her husband's arms. Oliver burst into tears." The world of snow always presents the figure of a lover. White symbolizes purity and makes people dream of love. The love I feel is far more than that expressed in this movie. It is more enthusiastic and lasting.

④ 關於妻子的英文故事

The Fisherman and His Wife
Once upon a time there were a fisherman and his wife who lived together in a filthy shack near the sea. Every day the fisherman went out fishing, and he fished, and he fished. Once he was sitting there fishing and looking into the clear water, and he sat, and he sat. Then his hook went to the bottom, deep down, and when he pulled it out, he had caught a large flounder.

Then the flounder said to him, "Listen, fisherman, I beg you to let me live. I am not an ordinary flounder, but an enchanted prince. How will it help you to kill me? I would not taste good to you. Put me back into the water, and let me swim."

"Well," said the man, "there's no need to say more. I can certainly let a fish swim away who knows how to talk."

With that he put it back into the clear water, and the flounder disappeared to the bottom, leaving a long trail of blood behind him.

Then the fisherman got up and went home to his wife in the filthy shack.

"Husband," said the woman, "didn't you catch anything today?"

"No," said the man. "I caught a flounder, but he told me that he was an enchanted prince, so I let him swim away."

"Didn't you ask for anything first?" said the woman.

"No," said the man. "What should I have asked for?"

"Oh," said the woman. "It is terrible living in this shack. It stinks and is filthy. You should have asked for a little cottage for us. Go back and call him. Tell him that we want to have a little cottage. He will surely give it to us."

"Oh," said the man. "Why should I go back there?"

"Look," said the woman, "you did catch him, and then you let him swim away. He will surely do this for us. Go right now."

The man did not want to go, but neither did he want to oppose his wife, so he went back to the sea.

When he arrived there it was no longer clear, but yellow and green. He stood there and said:

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te! Flounder, flounder, in the sea! My wife, my wife Ilsebill, Wants not, wants not, what I will

The flounder swam up and said, "What does she want then?"

"Oh," said the man, "I did catch you, and now my wife says that I really should have asked for something. She doesn't want to live in a filthy shack any longer. She would like to have a cottage."

"Go home," said the flounder. "She already has it."

The man went home, and his wife was standing in the door of a cottage, and she said to him, "Come in. See, now isn't this much better?"

There was a little front yard, and a beautiful little parlor, and a bedroom where their bed was standing, and a kitchen, and a dining room. Everything was beautifully furnished and supplied with tin and brass utensils, just as it should be. And outside there was a little yard with chickens and cks and a garden with vegetables and fruit.

"Look," said the woman. "Isn't this nice?"

"Yes," said the man. "This is quite enough. We can live here very well."

"We will think about that," said the woman.

Then they ate something and went to bed.

Everything went well for a week or two, and then the woman said, "Listen, husband. This cottage is too small. The yard and the garden are too little. The flounder could have given us a larger house. I would like to live in a large stone palace. Go back to the flounder and tell him to give us a palace."

"Oh, wife," said the man, "the cottage is good enough. Why would we want to live in a palace?"

"I know why," said the woman. "Now you just go. The flounder can do that."

"Now, wife, the flounder has just given us the cottage. I don't want to go back so soon. It may make the flounder angry."

"Just go," said the woman. "He can do it, and he won't mind doing it. Just go."

The man's heart was heavy, and he did not want to go. He said to himself, "This is not right," but he went anyway.

When he arrived at the sea the water was purple and dark blue and gray and dense, and no longer green and yellow. He stood there and said:

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te! Flounder, flounder, in the sea! My wife, my wife Ilsebill, Wants not, wants not, what I will

"What does she want then?" said the flounder.

"Oh," said the man sadly, "my wife wants to live in a stone palace."

"Go home. She's already standing before the door," said the flounder.

Then the man went his way, thinking he was going home, but when he arrived, standing there was a large stone palace. His wife was standing on the stairway, about to enter.

Taking him by the hand, she said, "Come inside."

He went inside with her. Inside the palace there was a large front hallway with a marble floor. Numerous servants opened up the large doors for them. The walls were all white and covered with beautiful tapestry. In the rooms there were chairs and tables of pure gold. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings. The rooms and chambers all had carpets. Food and the very best wine overloaded the tables until they almost collapsed. Outside the house there was a large courtyard with the very best carriages and stalls for horses and cows. Furthermore there was a magnificent garden with the most beautiful flowers and fine fruit trees and a pleasure forest a good half mile long, with elk and deer and hares and everything that anyone could possibly want.

"Now," said the woman, "isn't this nice?"

"Oh, yes" said the man. "This is quite enough. We can live in this beautiful palace and be satisfied."

"We'll think about it," said the woman. "Let's sleep on it." And with that they went to bed.

The next morning the woman woke up first. It was just daylight, and from her bed she could see the magnificent landscape before her. Her husband was just starting to stir when she poked him in the side with her elbow and said, "Husband, get up and look out the window. Look, couldn't we be king over all this land?"

"Oh, wife," said the man, "why would we want to be king? I don't want to be king."

"Well," said the woman, "even if you don't want to be king, I want to be king."

"Oh, wife," said the man, "why do you want to be king? I don't want to tell him that."

"Why not?" said the woman, "Go there immediately. I must be king."

So the man, saddened because his wife wanted to be king, went back.

"This is not right, not right at all," thought the man. He did not want to go, but he went anyway.

When he arrived at the sea it was dark gray, and the water heaved up from below and had a foul smell. He stood there and said:

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te! Flounder, flounder, in the sea! My wife, my wife Ilsebill, Wants not, wants not, what I will

"What does she want then," said the flounder.

"Oh," said the man, "she wants to be king."

"Go home. She is already king," said the flounder.

⑤ 蝙蝠俠小丑妻子的故事,英文的

如果你說的是《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士 The Dark Knight》里小丑對瑞秋講的故事



You look nevous.Is the scars?


You wanna know how I got them?


Come here .Hey.


Look at me.


So. I had a wife


she was beautiful,Iike you


who tells me I worry too much


who tells me I ought to smile more


who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks. Hey.

終於有一天 他們弄花了她的臉

One day they carve her face

可我們沒錢做手術 她痛苦得無法自拔

And we have no money for surgeries .She can't take it .


I just wanna see her smile again .Hm?

我只想讓她知道 我才不在乎什麼刀疤

I just want her to know that I don't care about the scars.



我把刀塞進嘴裡,輕輕一劃.. 成了現在這樣

I stick a razor in my mouth and do this to myself.


And you konw what?


She can't stand the sight of me.


She leaves.


Now I see the funny side.


Now I'm always smiling.

以上台詞來自《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士 The Dark Knight》中文翻譯上可能有所欠缺(自己翻了一點),還有疑問?

⑥ 一部應該是美國的經典電影,講的一個逃兵經過千辛萬苦回家看妻子的故事,忘了什麼名

極地重生/ So Weit Die Fusse Tragen (2001)

⑦ 妻子的旅行插曲英文歌是哪首

妻子的旅行插曲英文歌是《Counting Stars》、《Try》、Everytime(Shane Filan的單曲Everytime)。

1、《Counting Stars》

Shane Filan在11月4日通過Capitol唱片公司發行他的首張個人專輯 "You & Me" ,其中包括他的首張單曲 "Everything To Me" 。下一張單曲 "About You" 於專輯發行前一天,即11月3日上市,這首單曲是由Shane與Steve Mac以及Wayne Hector共同創作的,這兩位金牌製作人曾為Westlife創作過冠軍單曲 "Flying Without Wings" 。

⑧ 求丈夫為妻子復仇的電影,好像是部美國大片。

是不是這個。 ◎譯 名 雙重陰謀/亡命追凶/致命追緝令/雙重危機
◎片 名 Double Jeopardy
◎年 代 1999
◎國 家 德國/加拿大/美國
◎類 別 動作/劇情/驚栗/懸念
◎語 言 英語
◎片 長 01:45:13
◎導 演 布魯斯·貝瑞斯福 Bruce Beresford
◎主 演 湯米·里·瓊斯 Tommy Lee Jones
阿什莉·朱迪 Ashley Judd
安娜貝什·吉什 Annabeth Gish
羅傑·克羅斯 Roger R. Cross
Maria Herrera
Spencer Treat Clark
Roma Maffia
Jerome Alexander

◎簡 介















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