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1. 亂世佳人英文簡介



Gone with the wind is a novel written by American writer Margaret Mitchell, who won the Pulitzer Prize for literature in 1937. Taking Atlanta and a nearby plantation as the story scene, the novel depicts the life of American southerners before and after the civil war.


The works depict the images of many southerners at that time, among which Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and Melanie are the typical representatives. Their customs, manners, spiritual concepts, political attitudes, through the love entanglement between Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett as the main line, successfully reproced the civil war in Lincoln period and the social life in the southern region of the United States.


Feminist literature began in the 19th century and flourished in the 20th century. The rapid development of feminism is closely related to the social environment and the background of the times.


With the ideas of freedom, equality, fraternity and natural human rights advocated by the French Revolution rapidly rooted in the hearts of the people all over the world, from the 1930s, a feminist movement began to fight for women's equality in politics, economy and ecation. In 1936, Margaret Mitchell's gone with the wind came out under such circumstances.


2. 急求300英文字「亂世佳人」的簡介(含作者、情節簡介及評論)

The GONE WITH THE WIND take the heroine Scarlett's love entanglement and the life bitter experience as the master line, vividly reappeared south the plantation economy from as the collapse, the slave-owner has as prosperously lived from as luxuriously as the dead end, the slave-owner social class by crazily provokes the war until the defeat death, the slavery economy substitutes for south this US for the capitalism economy slave society's collapse history. Therefore, it is not only a human happy love pinnacle of poetic creation, also was a reflection politics, the economy, moral many aspects is huge at that time the historical picture scroll which but profoundly changed.


Scarlett's O'Hara's final words in Gone With the Wind may be the most recognizable, and quoted, in film history. Even those who haven't seen the film know the reference, a phenomenon evidently assumed by art critic Robert Hughes when he closed his recent eight-part video history of American art and architecture, American Visions with this of all lines.NOTE 1 That the film is "popular" and has been literally since its premiere in December 1939 may be all too obvious, but less clear is the meaning and sources of this popularity. My claims are, first, that America's relationship to Gone With the Wind is more complex than "popularity" suggests and might be characterized as one of love/hate--for the subject matter, the characters, even for the film's notoriety. Second, this love/hate relationship is rooted, I believe, in the ways in which American myths, particularly those related to sex and gender, are both referenced and then violated in this film, particularly in the character of Scarlett O'Hara.

What seems to bother many viewers, including critics, is that Gone With the Wind is Scarlett's story. Typical was film critic Otis Ferguson, who wrote, "Scarlett is too many things in too rapid succession; the exact point of her aspirations is confused; there is so much sobbing and color and DeMille display, such a mudbath of theme music, that a clean realization of character or events is out of the question."NOTE 2

The seeming inability to understand Scarlett's character is at the heart of both the dynamics of Gone With the Wind and responses to it. Scarlett makes viewers uncomfortable because she exposes the underside of regional and gender myths while embodying basic American (male) values transformed (but not transplanted) ring an era of drastic economic change. The central, consistent, and apparently disturbing, theme of Scarlett's ambiguous gender identity can be seen in three interrelated aspects of her life: her relation to gender roles and other people; her relation to economic ideals and realities; and her relation to the war.


3. 亂世佳人 英文介紹

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4. 赫本的電影亂世佳人又被譯為飄的含義是什麼


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1Y8GORpj3K0xjCRp_v4zjEg





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