1. 求電影鬼媽媽Coraline.英文字幕~只有英語哦字幕哦qwq
2. 跪求高分英文電影動畫,【免費高清】在線觀看百度網盤資源
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1up6fyh3x9I8qBGm71voknQ
3. 誰知道《鬼媽媽》英文台詞(完整版)
是到11:07 這么短算前半部分?(如果不是的你說下,我會回來看的,好了...)
C:get away from me.
W:Oh,let me guess you are from Texas or Utah,some place dried-out and barren,right?I heard about water witching before,but it doesn't make sense.I mean it's just an ordinary branch.
C:it's a dowaing rod
C:and i don't like being stalking,not by psycho nerds or their cats
W:he is not really my cats,he's kind of fearl.You know,wild.Of course,i do feed him every night and sometimes he'll come to my window and bring me little dead things.
C:look ,i'm from Pantiac
C:Michigan,And if i'm a water witch,then where is the secret well?
W:you stomp too hard and you will fall in it.
W:See? i's supposed to be so deep,if you fell to the bottom and looked up you 'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day
W:surprised that she let you move in.My grandma,she owns the Pink Palace.Won't rent to people with kids.
C:what do you mean?
W:i'm not supposed to talk about it,i'm Wybie.Wybie Lovat.
W:Short for Wyborne.Not my idea, of course.What'd you get saddled with?
C:I wasn't saddled with anything.It;s Coraline
W:Coraline what?
C:Coraline,Coraline Jones.
W:it's not real scientific,but i heard a ordinary name like Coraline can lead people to have ordinary expectations about a person.
C:I think i heard someone calling you ,Wyborne.
W:what? i didn't heard anything.
C:I definitely heard someone.Why-Were-You-Born(聽到這笑抽了)
W:Grandma! Well ,great to meet a Michigan water witch, but i'd wear gloves next time.
W:cause that dowsing rod of yours ,it's poison oak.
C:i almost fell down a well yesterday,mom
C:i would've die
M:that's nice
C:Hmm.so can i go out? i think it's perfect weather for gardening
M:No,Coraline.rain makes mud , mud makes a mess.
C:but mom, i want stuff growing when my friends come to visit.isn't that why we moved here.
M:something like that.but then we had the accident.
C:it wasn't my fault you hit that truck.
M:I never said it was
C:i can't believe it.you and dad get paid to write about plants , and you hate dirt.
M:Coraline,i don't have time for you right now, and you still have unpacking to do,lots of unpacking.
C:that's sounds exciting.
M:oh ,some kid left this on the front porch.
(韋伯的留言):Hey,Jonesy.Look what i found in grandma's truck.Look familiar? Wybie.
C:huh.A little me.That's weird.
M:what's his name,anyway?
C:Wybie.And i'm way too old for dolls.
C:Hey .Dad. How is the writing going? Dad!
D:Hello ,Coraline and Coraline doll.
C:Do you know where the garden tools are?
D:it's```it's pouring out there ,isn't it?
C:It's just raining.
D:What'd the boss say?
(Coraline復述那個BOSS的話):Don't ever think about going out.Coraline Jones!
D:Then you won't need the tools.(因為Coraline「搗蛋」)Wow!You know,this house is 150 years old
D:So explore it.Go out and count all the doors and windows and write it down on. List everything that's blue. Just let me work.
4. 求電影鬼媽媽Coraline.2009的英文字幕
5. 【合集】好看的英文動漫電影,【免費高清】在線觀看百度網盤資源
劇名:海洋之歌 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:
6. 2009年 恐怖電影
這些人才是哦 復制那麼多干什麼?誰看一點都不用心回答
樓Z看我的 這些都是我看過的 都很不錯的哈!!
不然你先看 看了給分都行哈!!!
<孤兒> 美國的好象是今年7月上映的新片很不錯哈 很好看
<墮入地獄>這個也好看 恐怖到有點惡心了 但故事很好看!
7. 求《鬼媽媽(2009)》百度雲無刪減完整版在線觀看,達科塔·范寧主演的
8. 鬼媽媽動畫片在哪裡有不用VIP就能看的播放器
9. 跪求 動畫片《鬼媽媽》的英文字幕
10. 【合集】英文動畫電影推薦,【免費高清】在線觀看百度網盤資源
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1z4JAdq7S-E7-TNOJXAvZWA