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A. 用英語介紹冰川時代4

「Ice age 4 " story, from rat barquette and pineal Crazy Chase started, and, in the process, the earth because of Oquet's madness, by the small chain after stimulation, originally connected surface was split into seven continents four ocean, leading to Manny, Sid Diego and open new adventure, Sid eccentric grandmother accidentally and three people drifted out to sea, this group of fellow sufferers were a pirate blocked, make their journey home, adding more beat all frenzy...
《冰川時代4》的故事,是從鼠奎特與松果的瘋狂追逐開始,,並且,在這段過程中,牽一發而動全身,地球因為鼠奎特的瘋狂行徑,在受到小小的連鎖刺激後,原本相連的地表徑自分裂成七大洲四大洋,導致曼尼、希德和迪亞哥開啟了全新的大冒險, 希德的古怪姥姥無意間也與三人一起漂流到海上,,更特別的是,這群難兄難弟還被一票海盜給堵上,讓他們的回家之旅,增添了更多意想不到的瘋狂刺激

B. 求電影《冰河世紀》英文簡介

Ice Age (film)

Theatrical release poster
Directed by : Chris Wedge
Carlos Saldanha (Co-director)
Proced by: John C. Donkin
Lori Forte
Written by: Michael J. Wilson
Michael Berg
Starring : Ray Romano
John Leguizamo
Denis Leary
Goran Visnjic
Music by : David Newman
Editing by : John Carnochan
Studio: Blue Sky Studios
Distributed by : 20th Century Fox
Release date(s): March 15, 2002 (2002-03-15)
Running time : 81 minutes
Country: United States
Language : English
Budget : $59 million
Gross revenue : $383,257,136

Ice Age is a 2002 American computer-animated film created by Blue Sky Studios and released by 20th

Century Fox. It was directed by Carlos Saldanha and Chris Wedge from a story by Michael J. Wilson. The story follows three Paleolithical mammals attempting to return a lost human baby to its parents.The film was originally to be directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, and proced in 2D by Fox Animation Studios, but the rise of CGI animation and the failure of Titan A.E. destroyed Fox's traditional animation division; hence, Bluth and Goldman transferred their ties for Chris Wedge and Carlos Saldanha from Fox's CGI division Blue Sky. The film was met with both critical acclaim and box office success, starting a series with two sequels, Ice Age: The Meltdown and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.

Plot (故事情節)

The film begins with a sabre-toothed squirrel (known as Scrat) who is trying to find a location to store his prized acorn. Eventually, as he tries to hide it, he causes an avalanche. He barely escapes, but finds himself stepped on by a herd of prehistoric animals. The animals are trying to avoid the ice age by migrating south. Sid, a clumsy Megalonyx sloth left behind by his family, is attacked by two Brontops whom he angered. Sid is soon saved by Manfred ("Manny"), an agitated mammoth who fights them off. Not wanting to be alone and unprotected, Sid follows Manny. Meanwhile, Soto, the leader of a Smilodon pride wants revenge on a group of humans by eating the chief's baby son, Roshan, alive. There is an attack on the human camp, causing Roshan's mother to be separated from the rest and jump into a waterfall. Soto's lieutenant, Diego, is sent to find and bring the baby back. Sid and Manny spot Roshan and his mother near the lake, having survived her trip over the waterfall. The mother only has enough strength to trust her baby to Manny before she disappears. After much persuasion by the sloth, they decide to return Roshan (nicknamed "Pinky") but when they get to the human camp, the humans are gone. They meet up with Diego, who convinces the pair to let him help by tracking the humans. The four travel on, with Diego secretly leading them to an ambush. Soon they reach a cave where Sid and Diego learn about Manny's past and his previous interactions with the humans, where his wife and son were killed, leaving Manny a cynical loner. At one time the group passes a flying saucer embedded in clear ice. At the end of the film, Diego, Manny and Sid battle Soto's pack and a short fight ensues. As Soto closes in for the kill on Manny, Diego leaps and stops Soto, who wounds Diego in the process. Manny, in vengeance, knocks Soto into a wall of rocks, where sharp icicles fall on Soto, killing him. Manny and Sid manage to return the baby to his tribe, and Diego rejoins them, as the group begins to head off to warmer climates.


There is also a subplot where Scrat the squirrel makes many comical attempts to bury his beloved acorn. His misfortunes include getting chased by an enormous glacier, being struck by lightning, attempting to thaw out the acorn by a fire too long so that it accidentally took the form of a kernel of popcorn, and finally getting frozen in ice along with his much sought after nut. At the end, 20,000 years later (the present), Scrat is frozen in an ice cube that washes up on the shore of tropical island. The sun slowly melts the cube, bringing Scrat back to life but the acorn, which is just out of his reach ends up being washed away by the tide. Scrat then explodes out of the ice cube in anger and hits his head repetitively on a tree, which drops a coconut. Believing it to be a giant acorn, Scrat's anger immediately turns to glee at this new find. He tries to pack it into the ground as he did previously with his acorns, but in the process causes a volcanic eruption, mirroring the opening scene when Scrat causes a break in the ice with an acorn.


Main article: List of characters in the Ice Age films
The characters are all prehistoric animals. The animals can talk to and understand each other and are voiced by a variety of famous actors. Like many films of prehistoric life, the rules of time periods apply very loosely, as many of the species shown in the film never actually lived in the same time periods or the same geographic regions.

Manfred "Manny", a woolly mammoth, is voiced by Ray Romano
Sid, a giant ground sloth, is voiced by John Leguizamo
Diego, a Smilodon, is voiced by Denis Leary
Soto, a Smilodon, is voiced by Goran Visnjic
Zeke, a Smilodon, is voiced by Jack Black
Oscar, a Smilodon, is voiced by Diedrich Bader
Lenny, a Smilodon, voiced by Alan Tudyk
Scrat, a fictional "sabre-toothed" squirrel, is voiced by Chris Wedge
Carl, a Brontops, is voiced by Cedric the Entertainer
Frank, a Brontops, is voiced by Stephen Root
Rachel, a female sloth, is voiced by Jane Krakowski
Jennifer, a female sloth, is voiced by Lorri BagleyCast


Critical reception
Ice Age was released into theaters on March 15, 2002 and got a 78% approval rating on the film review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, out of 131 reviews.[1] Similar site Metacritic had a score of 60% out of 31 reviews.
Box office
The film had a $46.3 million opening weekend, a large number not usually seen until the summer season, and way ahead of Fox's most optimistic projection of about $30 million. Ice Age broke the record for a March opening (first surpassed in 2006 by its sequel, Ice Age: The Meltdown) and was the then-third-best opening ever for an animated feature—after Monsters Inc. ($62.6 million) and Toy Story 2 ($57.4 million).[3] Ice Age finished its domestic box office run with $176,387,405 million and grossed $383,257,136 million worldwide, being the 9th highest gross of 2002 in North America and the 8th best worldwide at the time

Video game

A video game tie-in was published by Ubisoft for the Game Boy Advance, and received poor reviews.


Ice Age: The Meltdown was released on March 31, 2006. The film focuses on the melting of a dam (e to, as Sid puts it at the end of the first film, Global warming) and the impending flood.
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs was released on July 1, 2009. The film focuses on dinosaurs being discovered underground.
Ice Age: Continental Drift will be released in 2012.


C. 冰河世紀有幾部

基本信息: 出 品:二十世紀福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox,冰河世紀電影劇照(20張)USA)2002年 中文名稱:冰河世紀 英文名稱:Ice Age 冰河世紀
發行時間:2002年 電影導演:克里斯.韋基 Chris Wedge 剪輯:John Carnochan 編劇: Michael J. Wilson ....(story)/(screenplay) and Michael Berg ....(screenplay) and Peter Ackerman ....(screenplay) James Bresnahan ....additional story Galen T. Chu ....additional story Doug Compton ....additional story Xeth Feinberg ....additional story Jeff Siergey ....additional story 麥克·特米爾 Mike Thurmeier ....additional story 地區:美國 語言:英語 導演:克里斯.韋基 Chris Wedge 配音:瑞.羅門那 Ray Romano 曼尼一家(20張)約翰.里奎扎莫 John Leguizamo 簡·克拉考斯基 Jane Krakowski 粵語配音: 梁漢文(長毛象文輝) 李燦森(巨爪地懶) 少爺占(刃齒虎) 國際中文版配音:(配音導演:孫德成) 長毛象---趙樹海 巨爪地懶---唐從聖 刃齒虎---李立群 內容簡介: 兩萬年以前,地球上到處都覆蓋著冰川,無論何處的動物都在四處逃竄,躲避著新的冰河世紀的沖擊。 在這一危急時刻,我們遇見了任何時代都不曾見過最怪異的群體:一個說話很快、渾身沒有光澤的巨爪地懶錫德(Sid,約翰-萊奎扎莫配音,John Leguizamo),一頭喜怒無常的長毛象曼尼(Manny,雷-羅馬諾配音,Ray Romano),一隻凶暴的刃齒虎(Diego,丹尼斯-利里配音,Denis Leary),這三隻格格不入的動物出乎意料地,而且是非常不情願地走到了一起,只因為他們希望將一名人類嬰兒交還到他父親的身邊。他們勇敢地面對沸騰的熔岩坑、暗藏的冰穴、嚴寒的天氣,以及一個秘密,甚至是邪惡的陰謀。這三隻史前動物不但要充當小寶寶的保姆,還要歷經冰河與冰山各種千驚萬險護送他回家。 這些「亞零度」的動物們成了這個世界上最早的英雄們! 《冰河世紀》是上屆奧斯卡最佳動畫短片《巴尼》的創作團隊推出的一部電腦動畫長片。搞笑松鼠(14張)幕後花絮: 《冰川時代》是二十世紀福克斯公司策劃許久的喜劇動畫巨片,全片以3D電腦特效呈現 史前冰河時期的壯麗奇景,為了避免流於浮濫的科技特效,福斯公司特別重金禮聘去年獲得奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎的導演克里斯·韋奇掌舵,讓這部影片在科技和藝術成就上相得益彰。 動畫大片製作成本高昂,製作過程費時且繁重,但它的受眾人群廣泛,獲益豐厚。近幾年迪斯尼和夢工廠均在動畫大片上狠賺了一把。夢工廠獲得巨大成功的動畫片《怪物史瑞克》的上映,使得20世紀福克斯公司更加堅定信心,要在這日益紅火的3D動畫影片市場分一杯羹。 其實,《冰川時代》策劃多年。在《怪物史瑞克》大獲全勝後,福克斯公司特以重金聘來去年奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎得主克里斯·韋奇負責掌舵,他那誇張新穎的動畫風格,顯然並不會落入俗套。該片以史前冰河時期為背景,描寫了一名突然出現的人類棄嬰令三隻性格迥異的動物——尖酸刻薄的長毛象、粗野無禮的巨巨爪地懶以及詭計多端的刃齒虎湊到了一起。它們不但要充當棄嬰的保姆,還要歷經冰河與冰山各種千驚萬險,護送小寶寶回家,展開了一場驚異之旅。 《冰川時代》這樣的故事情節很難不讓人聯想到一系列的同類型動畫片——《人猿泰山》、《恐龍》、《怪物公司》中棄子歸鄉的模式。好萊塢一而再再而三地選擇這樣的題材,是否映射了現實生活中社會對兒童的冷漠,需要從影片中獲得某種慰籍或是心理補償?可以理解,每個人都希望自己身邊的孩子能像影片中的主角一樣,總會左右逢源地獲得各種真誠的幫助,最後也都能有皆大歡喜的結局。
片名:Ice Age 2 中文譯名:冰河世紀2:冰川融解/冰川時代2/冰原歷險記2 導演:卡洛斯·沙爾丹哈 Carlos Saldanha 演員: 雷·羅馬諾 Ray Romano ....Manny (voice) 約翰·雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo ....Sid (voice) 丹尼斯·利瑞 Denis Leary ....Diego (voice) 西恩·威廉·斯科特 Seann William Scott ....Crash (voice) 喬希·佩克 Josh Peck ....Eddie (voice) 奎恩·拉提法 Queen Latifah ....Ellie (voice) 威爾·阿奈特 Will Arnett ....Lone Gunslinger Vulture (voice) 傑·雷諾 Jay Leno ....Fast Tony (voice) 克里斯·韋奇 Chris Wedge ....Scrat (voice) 類型: 動畫 / 家庭 / 冒險 / 喜劇 國家/地區: 美國 發行公司: 20世紀福克斯電影公司 內容介紹: 在《冰河世紀2》中,地球上的冰河期就快要結束了,大大小小的動物們都在歡天喜的慶祝水世界的即將來臨,一片歌舞昇平。然而迭哥(丹尼斯·勞瑞配音)、希德(約翰·萊格扎莫配音)和曼尼(雷·羅曼諾配音)在享受和煦陽光的同時卻發現大勢不妙,溶化的雪水即將淹沒他們的村莊,他們必須承擔起警告所有居民從災區撤離的艱巨責任。同樣簡單不復雜的劇情,帶來了我們的全球超重量級英雄人物,全身毛茸茸、心地善良的長毛象曼尼,嗜吃的巨爪地懶希德和凶暴的刃齒虎迭哥。 曼尼、希德和迭哥警覺到天氣正在劇烈變化,巨大的天然冰山正發生著大規模的崩解。三兄弟毅然揮軍南征,沿途經歷諸多危險,最終到達安全的彼岸。在旅途過程中,經常逗嘴的三兄弟互相扶持,有難同當。同時,一直認為自己是最後一頭猛獁象的曼尼在旅途中遇到了愛麗(奎因·拉蒂法 配音)--世界最後一頭雌性猛獁象。第一次看到好兄弟陷入情網,迭哥和希德也完全無能為力,幫不上忙。其實曼尼也很頭疼,美麗的愛麗從小被負鼠家族收養,浸染了所有負鼠的習性,爬樹,鑽牆角等。而更誇張的是,愛麗打從骨子裡認為自己是一隻負鼠,所以根本無法接受曼尼。再加上與愛麗同行的一對活寶負鼠兄弟,個性鮮明,唧唧喳喳。吵的我們的長毛英雄在面對一籌莫展的愛情和惡劣的天氣條件下一時完全沒有了對策。而偏偏這場破冰之旅還萬萬少不了愛麗…… 幕後花絮: 福克斯公司在2002年推出的動畫巨作《冰河世紀》,經過兩年的精心策劃,不負眾望的使其重返卡通電影市場並獲得矚目,被譽為是2002年最優秀的動畫片之一。該片當年在北美電影市場上創下了不俗的票房業績。由於生活節奏的日益緊張,越來越多的成年人將重心放在表現方式輕松活潑的卡通電影上。各大影視公司都開始精心推出自己的招牌動畫巨作。看過《冰河世紀》的人一定對裡面三個可愛的主人公留有深刻印象,如此的讓人忍俊不禁。借著《冰河世紀》的全球火爆,福克斯緊隨商機的推出了《冰河世紀2》,於2006年3月31日在美國上映。 《冰河世紀2》沿用了藍天工作室(blue sky)的大量人員。據說在《冰河世紀》的製作剛剛收尾,福克斯的管理層便過河拆橋,辭退了藍天工作室中一干具有重要地位的動畫師,大約有近百名動畫師因此離開了藍天工作室。在此之後,《冰河世紀》的導演克里斯·偉基(Chris Wedge)借著此片的成功與卡洛斯·薩達納(Carlos Saldanha)一起制導了福克斯的又一大作《機器人歷險記》。轉眼之間,這個方腦袋的可愛機器人又俘獲了無數人的心。在《冰河世紀2》中,只剩下卡洛斯·薩達納(Carlos Saldanha)獨自奮戰,一展個人才華。《冰河世紀2》中延續了《冰河世紀》的特色,誇張的動畫風格,新穎的主人公設計…… 配音陣容: 和《冰河世紀》中三隻動物兄弟一樣的感情有所不同,導演卡洛斯·薩達納為我們毛茸茸的長毛象朋友找了一個女朋友--愛麗,這個性格活潑可愛的雌性猛獁象為整部作品添彩不少,就像一個愛撒嬌的時髦姑娘。還記得《芝加哥》裡面那個具有高超搞笑功底的監獄媽媽嗎?豐滿的身材是不是和愛麗有神似之處?這次卡洛斯·薩達納就邀請到了奎茵·拉提法來為愛麗配音。 至於愛麗身邊頑皮的讓人頭疼的負鼠兄弟請到了憑借《美國派》一舉成名的喜劇新生代小生西恩斯·考特,為這次逃亡之行帶來了不少美式幽默成分。本片的三個主角配音依然是由之前的三位好萊塢明星擔當,《人人都愛雷蒙德》中的雷·羅曼諾、《血濺13號警署》中的約翰·萊格扎莫和《天羅地網》中的丹尼斯·勞瑞。 然而無論劇情如何變化,角色如何增減,《冰河世紀》的金字招牌仍舊還是那隻對堅果懷有驚人狂熱激情的犬齒松鼠斯科特。在《冰河世紀2》的預告片中,斯科特和它的堅果再次擔綱主演,為了榛子不惜上山下海挑戰極限,還要和大魚比劃功夫……
基本信息: 外文名:Ice Age 3 國家/地區: 美國 類型: 喜劇 / 動畫 / 冒險 對白語言: 英語 發行公司: 20世紀福克斯荷蘭分公司 上映日期: 2009年7月1日 美國 導演: 卡洛斯·沙爾丹哈 主演: 雷·羅馬諾 克里斯·韋奇 約翰·雷吉扎莫 《冰河世紀3:恐龍的黎明》(Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs)最新發布其英文海報,首款預告片也將在該工作室新作《霍頓與無名氏》(Horton Hears a Who)周五北美上映前播放,大家喜歡的搞笑松鼠「Scrat」將再次承擔起預告片主演的重任。 《冰河世紀3:恐龍的黎明》於2009年7月1日上映,是「冰河世紀」系列的最新一部。該系列前兩集的全球票房加起來高達12億美元。《冰河世紀3》由奧斯卡提名得主Carlos Saldanha執導,他曾獨立執導《冰河世紀2》並聯合執導過《冰河世紀1》。 從20世紀福克斯公司處獲知,藍天動畫工作室(Blue Sky Studios)的招牌作品《冰河世紀3:恐龍的黎明》(Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs)首款預告片將在該工作室的新作《霍頓與無名氏》(Horton Hears a Who)周五北美上映前播放,大家喜歡的搞笑松鼠「Scrat」將再次承擔起前導預告片主演的重任! 內容簡介: 好不容易度過冰原時期的凍凍危機,也化解了冰河融化時的危機,《冰河世紀3》一開場,曼尼跟艾莉正在期待小長毛象的誕生;迭戈開始懷疑自己到底有沒有資格成為一隻刃齒虎,因為「練習」吃素的他莫名地變溫柔了;希德則依然貪生怕死,但憑著「天上小鳥都會飛下來讓他烤」的本事,此時正開創人生的第二春,搶著當起恐龍寶寶的娘來了;而執著於橡實的松鼠奎特則終於要走桃花運了。
曾為先前的《冰河世紀》與《冰河世紀2》掌鏡的第三集導演卡羅斯·桑塔哈在接受采訪時說:「《冰河世紀3》是三部系列影片中最富野心的一部,我們把只熟悉冰原世界並經歷過融冰危機的故事主角們,丟進一個非他們與生俱來便能適應的 幕後花絮: 【全新的故事 全新的冒險】 那些來自於零度以下的史前冰雪世界的英雄們,因為兩部在國際上廣受歡迎的票房大片《冰川時代》(Ice Age)和《冰川時代2:冰川融解》(Ice Age 2:The Meltdown)而受到了全世界影迷的追捧。如今,他們又回來了,再一次展開了不可思議的冒險之旅,而且還是以3D的形式……這回,他們無意中進入了冰層之下,在那裡發現了一個由恐龍主宰、充滿著未知的神秘世界。
《冰川時代3》不僅包含著前兩集里所有受到觀眾喜愛的故事元素,還會在這個基礎之上,讓裡面的內容變得更具有趣味性、更驚險且在視覺沖擊方面更加地壯觀和直接:我們至愛的主人公們繼續著屬於他們的神話傳說,並在這個過程中,又結識了許多值得記憶的全新的動物角色,為了容納他們,自然需要更加波瀾壯闊的背景了。 到了新一集的故事中,「冰河世紀」的一直奉行的冰雪環境里又出現了一個難以置信的巨大的地下世界,那裡不僅擁有雜草叢生的植物,還滿滿地居住著各類恐龍……如此華美且蔥郁的畫面,也意味著《冰川時代3》將會第一次採用更加強烈的色彩明暗度的對比,而不再像前兩部影片,放眼望去只是一片荒蕪、耀眼的雪白色--我們的動物英雄們闖進了一片危險、充滿著巨大的生物、被茂密的植物遮蓋的地界當中,在這里,他們還遭遇了一隻勇敢、專門以捕獵恐龍為生的黃鼠狼巴克,而那隻一心追在堅果身後的松鼠斯克萊特,也找到了一份屬於自己的愛情。除此之外,他們還在那裡發現了幾處有著像「死亡裂縫」這種奇怪名字的區域,即使是身材龐大的猛獁象曼尼,進入了這個巨大的世界之後,也第一次感到了自己的渺小和微不足道。延續了之前的傳奇形象,繼續為這只電影史上最著名的猛獁象配音的雷·羅馬諾(Ray Romano)說:「當恐龍出現的時候,曼尼就不再是『叢林之王』了,因為他終於見識到了體態比自己大得多的生物。」
對於幾位電影人來說,之所以在新一集故事裡創造了一個全新的世界,是因為他們想讓這些角色們每一次都能面對一些意想不到的挑戰,為三集影片擔任了製片人的羅瑞·弗爾蒂(Lori Forte)說:「我們總有一種沖動,想要試試看,究竟可以將這些角色的情感范圍延伸到一種什麼樣的程度。」同樣參與了三部《冰川時代》的導演工作的卡洛斯·沙爾丹哈(Carlos Saldanha)則補充道:「《冰川時代3》算得上是前三集影片中最有野心的一部了,因為我們第一次決定讓幾位主角進行某種程度上的改頭換面,讓他們不僅僅只是生活在冰天雪地當中,我們將他們置身於一個他們不熟悉也沒辦法掌控的世界裡。」與沙爾丹哈共同執導的麥克·特米爾(Mike Thurmeier)表示同意:「新一集故事展示出來的是一個全新且特別廣闊的畫面,那種感覺就好像是我們正在製作一部擁有著宏大的題材的電影作品,讓我深深地著迷於其中……當然,《冰川時代3》仍然是一部極具智慧、以角色去推動故事的動畫喜劇,但是當動物主角們進入地下世界之後,他們所經歷的有如史詩般的冒險,將會帶領這套系列動畫影片進入一個全新的領域當中。」 這群來自於「冰河世紀」的英雄們,雖然變換了游戲方式,可是他們所經歷的宏大旅程,卻仍然開始於相同的群體范圍,那就是一個以曼尼為首的史前動物家庭,他們都在這裡面或多或少地找到了自己的位置和存在價值……同時還參與了劇本的創作工作的卡洛斯·沙爾丹哈繼續說:「我們希望新一集故事能夠維持住前兩部作品在情感方面的共鳴,尤其是曼尼、希德和迭戈這三個角色,他們都將產生非常重要的變化,然後再以自己為中心發展出全新的角色關系。在過去的幾年時間里,我們對他們已經如此地熟悉了,所以我們真的關心將會在他們身上發生一些什麼樣的事情,希望他們能夠順利度過難關,不管中間經歷了什麼樣的困難、什麼樣的轉變。」 【進入下一個階段的生命歷程】 事實上,曼尼正是這群由形形色色的各種動物組成的小團隊中的實至名歸的領袖,而他也做好了准備去迎接全新的挑戰--他就快當爸爸了。顯然,他一直在非常認真地對待這種轉變,甚至已經開始整理他周圍的環境,搬走了像石塊、樹枝以及對小寶寶可能存在著潛在的「危險」的任何東西。為了勝任「父親」這個新身份,曼尼做好了一系列瘋狂的准備工作,已經到了一種偏執的地步……雷·羅馬諾可能是這個世界上最了解曼尼的人了,他解釋道:「這讓我想起了自己第一次當爸爸時的那種緊張感,我也曾經為了那個新生命的到來,瘋狂地做著准備,還有那種莫名其妙的恐慌,甚至讓我一度產生懷疑,也許自己根本就不配去做孩子的父親。」 但是婚姻生活真的是非常地適合曼尼,而且他非常愛他的妻子埃莉,他們已經共同克服了最初艱難的磨合期,雷·羅馬諾表示:「曼尼和埃莉之間所經營的是一段美好且典型的婚姻模式,他們已經准備好了共同組建一個家庭,所以養育小寶寶也就成了再自然不過的事情。」 在經歷了三集《冰川時代》的故事之後,曼尼的成長是有目共睹的,雷·羅馬諾也對這種階段性的變化表示非常贊賞,他說:「在第一部影片當中,他所扮演的是一個極度厭世、不願與任何人來往的大塊頭,因為他曾受到過傷害,在他的心裡留下了一道傷痕。漸漸地,曼尼得到了難能可貴的友誼,還收獲了愛情,一步一步地向更加豐富多彩的生活邁進。」 由於猛獁象的孕期長達18個月之久,所以埃莉比曼尼需要承受更多的負擔……即使如此,她還是那麼地活躍,思想獨立,即使曼尼時刻想辦法讓她放鬆一下,可是她總是慢不下來,為埃莉配音的奎恩·拉提法(Queen Latifah)表示:「某種意義上說,曼尼和埃莉的性格是完全相反的,所以他們在處理即將到來的為人父母的責任時,使用的方法也是不盡相同的--曼尼的反應是緊張且變得有點神經質,拚命地嘗試著營造一個對於小寶寶來說相對完美和安全的環境;埃莉則越來越具備母性的光環,開始成為這個全部由朋友組成的特殊家庭的女家長。」雷·羅馬諾笑著補充道:「沒錯,曼尼相信的是拳頭決定一切,但埃莉卻是在用心和智慧,維系著這些家庭成員之間的關系。」 而在幕後緊張忙碌的動畫師們,為了對埃莉在「孕期」的表現的描述更加地貼切真實,他們也製作出了幾個不同時期的「埃莉」--經對比我們能看出她隨著時間越來越臃腫的身體,確實很像是肚子里懷著一頭小毛象,首席動畫師大衛·托瑞斯(David Torres)說:「首先,我們無意讓埃莉這個角色顯得過於『沉重』,因為她仍然那麼地精力充沛、樂觀向上,我們想要維持住這種活力。我們決定讓她的腹部只比原來圓潤了一點點,至少不會讓她的行動力減弱。當然,埃莉的懷孕讓我們仔細地衡量了一下她之後的活動空間和相應的動作,全部都是以保護肚子為前提的。」 埃莉的懷孕也消耗了曼尼所有的精力,以致於他沒有意識到曾經共患難的好朋友們在面對著屬於他們自己的挑戰和改變:希德與曼尼的關系更像是兄弟,而不是朋友,他感覺曼尼似乎在有意疏遠他、排斥他--所以當希德在一個山洞裡發生了3個巨大的蛋時,他決定主動去創造自己的「家人」。曼尼懇求希德把蛋放回原地,但是希德卻堅持聲稱,不管蛋里孵出來的是什麼,他都要「收養」他們。很快,3隻可愛的小生物就破殼而出了,雖然他們一出生就有希德的兩倍大,但仍然很快就將他認作是自己的「媽媽」,開始模仿他的每一個動作,成為了3個名副其實的「小希德」。當希德的親體本能剛剛被激發出來的時候,3個小傢伙真正的媽媽,一隻巨大的成年霸王龍出現了……過於復雜的連帶結果相繼發生,希德和他的朋友們最終展開了一場不可思議的大探險。 當希德和曼尼之間的關系發生實質性的改變時,那個曾經嚴絲合縫的和睦大家庭,也跟著出現了變化。別看平時的希德總是裝傻充愣,做一些讓人忍俊不禁的瘋狂且滑稽的搞怪動作,但是他內心卻渴望著能夠被認真地對待,奎恩·拉提法說:「希德所做的一切,都是獻出了真心的,即使有些行為可能過於不可思議了,但沒有人懷疑他是在用心去做。」 在影片中為希德配音的是約翰·雷吉扎莫(John Leguizamo),他希望通過一種有創造力的方式,為這個角色在新一集故事中擴展出全新的尺度,雷吉扎莫表示:「希德也希望能夠得到別人的尊重,被當作一隻成熟的樹懶……而到了這部影片中,他將要面對的無疑是最為可怕的挑戰,因為他要撫養3隻霸王龍的幼崽長大。可問題是,這些小傢伙們生下來就比希德大,那麼他要如何照顧他們呢?而且飲食習慣上也完全不同,希德屬於食草動物,而『孩子們』顯然是吃肉的。要知道,那種感覺就好像你嘗試著將其他物種的孩子養大,我惟一想說的,就只有--好運了。」
基本情況: 20世紀福克斯將為賣座動畫片《冰河世紀》(Ice Age)再次開拍續集,這部名為《冰河世紀4:大陸漂移》(Ice Age: Continental Drift)的3D影片將於2012年7月13日上映。 冰河世紀4(海報)
《冰河世紀》又名《冰川時代》,由藍天動畫室(Blue Sky Studios)在2002年首次推出。影片以一群生活在地球冰川期的動物的冒險為主線,塑造了猛獁象曼尼、巨爪地懶喜德、刃齒虎迪亞哥以及松鼠斯奎特等性格鮮明的角色,贏得了觀眾們的喜愛。2002年《冰河世紀1》全球票房還只有3.833億美元,到了2006年第二部《冰河世紀2:冰雪消融》(Ice Age: The Meltdown)全球票房已達到6.554億美元,而去年上映的該系列首部3D續集《冰河世紀3:恐龍的黎明》(Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs)票房更是破天荒地攀升到了8.848億美元。

D. 冰河世紀簡介,英文

Back when the Earth was being overrun by glaciers, and animals were scurrying to save themselves from the upcoming Ice Age, a stupid sloth named Sid, a woolly mammoth named Manny, a saber-toothed tiger named Diego, and an acorn-loving saber-toothed squirrel named Scrat are forced to become unlikely heroes. The four reluctantly come together when they have to return a human child to its father
while braving the deadly elements of the impending Ice Age.
20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby

E. 求冰河世紀1電影的英語故事梗概

<冰河世紀1>兩萬年以前,地球上到處都覆蓋著冰川,無論何處的動物都在四處逃竄,躲避著新的冰河世紀的沖擊。 在這一危急時刻,我們遇見了任何時代都不曾見過最怪異的群體:一個說話很快、渾身沒有光澤的樹懶錫德(Sid,約翰-萊奎扎莫配音,John Leguizamo),一頭喜怒無常的長毛象曼尼(Manny,雷-羅馬諾配音,Ray Romano),一隻凶暴的劍齒虎迪亞戈(Diego,丹尼斯-利里配音,Denis Leary),這三隻格格不入的動物出乎意料地,而且是非常不情願地走到了一起,只因為他們希望將一名人類嬰兒交還到他父親的身邊。他們勇敢地面對沸騰的熔岩坑、暗藏的冰穴、嚴寒的天氣,以及一個秘密,甚至是邪惡的陰謀。這些「亞零度」的動物們成了這個世界上最早的英雄們!
曼尼、希德和迭哥警覺到天氣正在劇烈變化,巨大的天然冰山正發生著大規模的崩解。三兄弟毅然揮軍南征,沿途經歷諸多危險,最終到達安全的彼岸。在旅途過程中,經常逗嘴的三兄弟互相扶持,有難同當。同時,一直認為自己是最後一頭猛獁象的曼尼在旅途中遇到了愛麗(奎因·拉蒂法 配音)--世界最後一頭雌性猛獁象。第一次看到好兄弟陷入情網,迭哥和希德也完全無能為力,幫不上忙。其實曼尼也很頭疼,美麗的愛麗從小被負鼠家族收養,浸染了所有負鼠的習性,爬樹,鑽牆角等。而更誇張的是,愛麗打從骨子裡認為自己是一隻負鼠,所以根本無法接收曼尼。再加上與愛麗同行的一對活寶負鼠兄弟,個性鮮明,唧唧喳喳。吵的我們的長毛英雄在面對一籌莫展的愛情和惡劣的天氣條件下一時完全沒有了對策。而偏偏這場破冰之旅還萬萬少不了愛麗……

F. 請問誰能詳細介紹一下《冰河世紀》(ICE AGE)的劇情啊


冰河期使得動物們紛紛遷移尋找食物。心地善良的長毛象--曼菲德、嗜食的樹獺--希德、狡猾的劍齒虎--迭哥,這三隻性格迥異的動物為了使一個人類的小孩重返家園,竟然聚在了一起,組成了一隻臨時護送隊,踏上了漫漫尋親路。一路上這三隻動物矛盾重生,迭哥心生毒計,想誘領隊伍踏入自己族類設下的致命伏擊,但在他們共同經歷了雪崩、飢荒等無數險境之後,這些與嚴酷環境抗爭的經歷使迭哥開始對自己的計劃動搖了…… 後來他成了一隻好老虎,離開了虎群跟另外兩個朋友結伴同行......



G. 冰河世紀3 英文簡介


Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, also known as Ice Age 3, is a 2009 3-D computer animated film. It is the third installment of the Ice Age series, proced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox. A sneak preview was shown in selected theaters on Father's Day in the United States. The film features the voices of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, Queen Latifah, Seann William Scott, Josh Peck, Simon Pegg, and Chris Wedge. The story has Sid being taken by a female Tyrannosaurus rex after stealing her eggs, leading the rest of the protagonists to rescue him in a tropical lost world inhabited by dinosaurs beneath the ice. Despite many negative reviews by critics, Dawn of the Dinosaurs became the third highest grossing animated film of all time with $884 million worldwide, behind only Toy Story 3 with $940 million and Shrek 2 with $919 million.

冰河時代3--恐龍的黎明,是2009年一部3-D電腦動畫電影,為冰河時代系列電影中的第三部。該電影由藍天動畫工作室製作,由20世紀福克斯發行。其預告片曾在父親節之際於美國的部分影院中試映。其英文配音演員包括雷·羅馬諾,約翰·雷吉扎莫,丹尼斯·利瑞,Queen Latifah, Seann William Scott, Josh Peck, Simon Pegg, 和 Chris Wedge。故事從樹懶希德偷走雌性霸王龍雷克斯的蛋開始講起,這使得他的那些追隨者必須要在冰雪覆蓋的恐龍居住地——曾經的炎熱之地對他展開援救。盡管影片上映以後,得到了不少的批評,但是這部電影仍然以全球8.84億美元票房成為了史上最賣座的動畫電影的第三名,僅僅落後於《玩具總動員3》的9.40億美元,和《怪物史瑞克2》的9.19億美元。


Ellie (Queen Latifah) and Manny (Ray Romano) are expecting their first child, and Manny is obsessed with making life perfect and safe for the family, since his first experiences as a husband and father went bad when his family was killed by hunters. At the same time, Diego (Denis Leary) finds himself unable to catch a cocky gazelle (Bill Hader) he has been stalking and decides to leave the herd, believing that he is losing his predatory nature as a tiger. Sid (John Leguizamo) grows jealous of Manny and Ellie and "adopts" three apparently abandoned eggs that he finds in an icy underground cavern and call them Eggbert, Shelly, and Yoko. Manny tells him to put them back, but Sid instead looks after the eggs, which hatch into baby Tyrannosaurus the next morning.

Although Sid tries his best to raise the three dinosaurs, their rambunctious behavior scares away all the other animals' young and ruins a playground Manny built for Ellie's baby. A female Tyrannosaurus, Momma, whose eggs Sid stole, soon returns and carries both Sid and her young underground, with Diego in pursuit. Manny, Ellie, Crash, and Eddie (Sean William Scott, Josh Peck) follow as well and discover that the icy cavern leads to a vast jungle populated by dinosaurs thought to be extinct. Here, an Ankylosaurus threatens the herd despite Diego's efforts to fend it off; they are saved from a further crowd of angry reptiles by an insane, one-eyed weasel named Buckminster, or Buck (Simon Pegg).

Buck has been living in this jungle for some time and is chasing Rudy, a large albino Baryonyx, with the intention of avenging the loss of his right eye at Rudy's hands. He agrees to lead the herd through the jungle's perils to Lava Falls, where Momma has taken Sid and her babies. At one point, they have to cross the "Chasm of Death" which is filled with gas fumes (a mixture of helium and laughing gas, causing anyone who breathes in it to laugh uncontrollably while speaking in a high-pitched voice). Although the gas is not the actual cause of death, victims usually cannot stop laughing and thus die while trying to cross the chasm. Eventually the group manages to cross the chasm. In the meantime, Sid and Momma try to outdo each other in feeding the offspring; he loses this contest, but is soon welcomed into the family regardless. The next day, however, Sid is separated from the family and attacked by Rudy. Sid is knocked onto a loose rock slab that is floating on a river of lava and about to plummet over the falls.

As the herd moves toward Lava Falls, Ellie goes into labor and a Guanlong pack strikes, causing a rock slide that separates her from Manny and Diego. Manny doubles back to protect her and Diego fends off further attacks, while Buck takes Crash and Eddie ahead to rescue Sid. Just as he goes over the falls, the trio swoops in on a commandeered Pteranodon only to be chased by a flock of Quetzalcoatlus on the way and saves his life. Manny reaches Ellie, and there is suddenly a reaction, the cry of a newborn baby, then he sees that it is a girl. He wants to name her Ellie, or Little Ellie, but Ellie instead names her Peaches after the fruit (and the codeword they had chosen for Ellie to use if she went into labor ring the trip). Sid is saddened at the fact that he never had a chance to say goodbye to "his" children as he returns to the herd and learns of Peaches' birth.

As they venture back to the tunnel, they are shocked to discover Rudy lurking inside of the entrance. Rudy exits the tunnel and attacks at full force; Buck lures Rudy away from the group and is nearly eaten himself, before Diego saves him at the last second. Manny, Sid, Diego, and Buck manage to ensnare Rudy and knock him unconscious, but as they begin to leave, Sid trips over one of the ropes and breaks it. Rudy quickly recovers and escapes, and is about to attack Sid when Momma arrives on the scene, charging at Rudy and knocking him off a cliff before roaring her victory. As she and her children wish Sid well, Buck – now without a purpose in life since Rudy is gone – decides to join the herd and live on the surface. However, a distant roar tells him that Rudy is still alive; he changes his mind and sends the herd home, blocking off the path to the underground jungle at the same time, so nobody else can go down there anymore. Manny and Ellie welcome Peaches into their frozen world and admit that Sid did a good job looking after Momma's children (though Manny tells Diego that he will never let Sid babysit Peaches). Diego decides to remain with the herd, while Buck stays where he wants to be: underground, battling it out with Rudy.

H. 冰河世紀內容簡介



In the ice age, a wild age full of surprises and dangers, three animals with different personalities had to come together because of a sudden human abandoned baby.

The sour mammoth, the rude giant sloth and the crafty saber toothed tiger. These three prehistoric animals not only served as baby sitters, He has to go through all kinds of surprises and dangers of glaciers and icebergs to escort him home.







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