❶ 從跨文化交際角度分析電影推手
李安(Ang Lee),1954年10月23日出生於台灣省屏東縣潮州鎮,電影導演、編劇、製片人,畢業於伊利諾伊大學香檳分校、紐約大學。1990年,執導了個人首部電影《推手》,該片獲得了第28屆台灣電影金馬獎評審團特別獎。
❷ 電影《推手》得寫作背景以及情節介紹
《推手》(英文:Pushing Hands)是一部於1991年上映的台灣電影,是李安執導的第一部電影,由郎雄、王萊等主演。電影上映前,因劇本獲得台灣行政院新聞局頒贈40萬新台幣獎金,配合中央電影公司的支持下,讓李安首度獲得執導的機會。台灣導演李安運用近代家庭變遷搭配細膩描述親情互動,因而享譽國際的『父親三部曲』之第一部曲。
❸ 電影推手人物性格分析
❹ 《推手》電影中關於文化沖突或差異的評論要英文的謝謝!!!!
Pushing Hands is Ang Lee's first film after graation, and the first episode of his "Triad of Father." In spite of its status as an early work, it manifests subtlety, elegance and articulation in narration style constantly seen in his latter works. Everyone, whether seen this film or not, can tell that it's about the bondage and gap of affection, relation and interaction within family, but it's more than that. It also tells about culture, not only the apparent differentiation, but the shift within a man's life, the time and the whole modern history of China. If you understand Chinese(language, culture and history), it is delicately overwhelming. If not, it's still amiable and a bit exotic. Pushing Hands is so worth viewing and contemplating again and again.
❺ 《推手》電影中有關於文化沖突或差異的評論要英文的謝謝!!!!
The story is about an elderly Chinese t'ai chi ch'uan teacher and grandfather who emigrates from Beijing to live with his son, American daughter-in-law, and grandson in a New York City suburb. The grandfather is increasingly distanced from the family as a "fish out of water" in Western culture. The film shows the contrast between traditional Chinese ideas of Confucian relationships within a family and the much more informal Western emphasis on the indivial. The friction in the family caused by these differing expectations eventually leads to the grandfather moving out of the family home (something very alien to traditional expectations), and in the process he learns lessons (some comical, some poignant) about how he must adapt to his new surroundings before he comes to terms with his new life.
The title of the film refers to the pushing hands training that is part of the grandfather's t'ai chi routine. Pushing hands is a two person training which teaches t'ai chi students to yield in the face of brute force. T'ai chi ch'uan teachers were persecuted in China ring the Cultural Revolution, and the grandfather's family was broken up as a result. He sent his son to the West several years earlier and when he could he came to live with his family with the expectation of picking up where they left off, but he was unprepared for the very different atmosphere of the West. "Pushing Hands" thereby alludes to the process of adaptation to culture shock felt by a traditional teacher in moving to the United States.
❻ 電影《推手》的英文介紹
Master Chu, a retired Chinese Tai-Chi master, moves to Westchester, New York to live with his son Alex, his American daughter-in-law Martha, and their son Jeremy. However, Martha's second novel is suffering from severe writers' block brought on by Chu's presence in the house. Alex must struggle to keep his family together as he battles an inner conflict between cultural tradition and his modern American lifestlye. Written by Kathy Li
Sihung Lung, the actor who played Master Chu, the aging tai chi master, gave a very convincing and sincere performance in this film. It was no wonder that he won the Golden Horse (Taiwan's equivalent for the Oscars) for Best Actor in this film. His performance was extremely touching, as tears jerked into my eyes as I see an aging and traditional Chinese father trying to get along with his westernized family while also trying to adjust to life in a new place and culture. The film encourages people, especially new immigrants, to emphasize and put themselves in their parents' shoes. Try to understand how difficult it is for them to come and settle in a new place and try not to push them away. Be patient with them, take a step back and everything may be better.
The movie title, "Pushing Hands", is very appropriate, as this is the term for an exercise in tai chi in which a person achieves balance by giving up balance. In this non-aggressive exercise between 2 people, a person offers no resistance at all to the pressure or push that the other person is exerting and keeps borrowing this strength until they feel they have fused into one and thus have achieved harmony. This was what Master Chu did. Although his daughter-in-law kept misunderstanding him, causing much discontent and eventually got his son to try to sent him away, he offered no resentment or a temper tantrum. He simply walked away gracefully. This action caused his son to appreciate him and remember why he got his father to live together in the first place in a tear jerking scene and finally they worked out a solution. They decided to give each other space by living separately instead of pushing each other away. In the end everyone was much happier, as even the daughter-in-law learned to accept the father, symbolized by her decorating the guest room for him and asking the question if he would ever visit. The father achieved the balance that he seek in Tai-Chi.
Ang Li is simply amazing and sensational. He did what he could with the limited budget and created a very warm and tear jerking film. Although this film was not the highest quality (the version I saw was very unclear and skips sometimes) and it could feel slow at times, especially the beginning sequence, the film was a great work in directing. The film picked up its pace after the slow beginning without any big fighting scenes or explosions and never felt boring afterwards. Also, from the beginning sequence, where he was able to show the dissension and gap between the daughter-in-law and the father by using just different scenes and visuals, to scenes throughout the film where he used lighting and different camera angles to show the internal pain and sadness that the father experience, it was, simply put, a great piece of art considering the budget. It showcased the talent of Li and gave the audience a glimpse of the man who would bring us the memorable Couching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
❼ 電影《推手》中都體現了哪些中西方文化的差異越多越好```
安的這部電影說的是中西方傳統文化的沖突,中國人講的是孝道,而美國人崇尚獨立和自我,於是乎一個中國兒子和美國媳婦組成的家庭必定會產生一些摩擦,這個摩擦在代表傳統的老人面前顯得尤為尖銳。 印象中本片是李安的「家庭三部曲」中最早的一部,整個故事的結構並不如後來兩部來得精緻,感覺有很多細枝末節和做作的地方。比如老人走失,兒子發那麼大的脾氣,還有整個過程養媳婦都是無動於衷,記憶中美國女人也沒有那麼不近人情吧,所以說太刻意地想去表達一些什麼了。 他要表達的無非是,在一個中西結合的家庭中,中國老人的生活處境是非常尷尬的,如果沒有相當的獨立能力要想在美國生活下去,非自閉不可。幸好本片中的老人會「太極」,他知道以柔克剛的道理,因此本片會有那樣的結局。那樣的結局雖然無奈,但也不失為一種陰陽的調和,也就是說中西文化的調和,實際上是中國文化向西方文化妥協。 李安的電影如果在大陸那肯定是禁片,第一,他讓中國文化向西方文化投降了;第二,還在片中描述了在美國的中國人是如何痛斥大陸制度的;第三,揭示「文革」的罪責。 安憑借《推手》這部電影已經展示出他對中西文化比較拿捏准確的端倪了。電影主人公是一位中華老人,一個「武林高手」,喜歡太極拳,並以推手這種拳法自娛自樂。雖然生活在異國他鄉,老人仍然沒有忘記這種他賴以生活的技能。在中國人傳統觀念的制約下,「孝順」「人老兒養」在美國這個國度里漸漸與「生活獨立」思想發生著沖突,一點點的,老人自我感覺被排除了家人之外,他開始嘗試新的生活,直到遇到自己的貼心人。本以為這樣就可以擺脫這種思想沖突的束縛,展開新的生活,沒想到,老人和老人之間的中國傳統思想再次的束縛了他們。他們都沒有打破自己的思想,使善使「推手」的老人再次被「推手」。雖然,自己的孩子最後和他再次融合,但這種思想關系還能保持多久,我想,根深蒂固的東西永遠都不會改變。 太極拳里的「推手」是一種雙人模擬對練的運動。拳經里提示的要決:如「圓化直發」、「舍己從人」、「左重則左虛、右重則右渺」、「不丟不頂」等等,這些是和我們中國的傳統思想是一脈相承的。在太極中著重是要練「氣」,講究的是「天人合一」的最高境界,講究是「平衡」「中庸」。而西方是以沖突來解決問題的,西方人處理問題「丁是丁,卯是卯」,不亂套的,按部就班。而中國人是講「通」的,講「變」的。這也是李安在《推手》中想反映的一部分想法。 在電影中,作為老人的主人公對中國的傳統思想更是難以改變和融合。電影藉助美國家庭的一些生活方式和習慣,以及兒女與父親之間的沖突來表現這些問題。推手中那種蓄勢待發,然後一蹴而就的態勢,也許還在暗示著李安沉寂六年的後的一次爆發也說不定。
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