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『壹』 電影小王子最後一句「如果你想和別人製造牽絆,就必須承受流眼淚的風險」英文

You run the risk of weeping a little,if you let yourself get tamed

『貳』 求電影小王子字幕中英雙語對照,對話英文版

e picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but

『叄』 求小王子電影英文版或法文版下載資源。要中文字幕。


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1qz6EfjEsPQFStmSwMazvEw


《小王子》是法國On Entertainment2015年出品的奇幻動畫電影,由馬克·奧斯本執導,傑夫·布里吉斯、麥肯基·弗依等擔任英文版主要配音,易烊千璽、黃渤、黃憶慈、周迅、馬天宇等擔任中文版主要配音。該片改編自安東尼·德·聖-埃克蘇佩里創作的同名文學作品,講述了一個小女孩偶然與年老的飛行員相識,並根據他回憶的指引開啟了探索小王子世界的旅程

『肆』 電影小王子的台詞英文

1、You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…


2、If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars.

He can say to himself, 「Somewhere, my flower is there…」 But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important!



3、Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…


4、For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower…


5、My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!


6、His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!


『伍』 求《小王子》中以下選段的英文原文

3.因為你把時間投注在你的玫瑰花身上,所以, 她才會如此重要。

1.As it concerns me, you only are young male startle, likes other young
boy to be surely same. I do not need you, you also similarly cannot
use me. Said to you. I also only am a fox, is same with other surely
fox. However, if you tame me. We could each other need, as it concerns
me, you be the universe only, I said to you, also was in the world
2.You looked that, has seen the that side the wheat field? I do not eat
the bread, the wheat to me said a significance also does not have, the
wheat field is unable to let me have the association, this is really
pitiful. But, you have a gold to send, if you tame me, that should
have how happily! The golden yellow wheat can let me remember you, I
also is sure to like listening to the wind the sound which sways in
the wheat ear between.
3、Because you concentrate the time on yours rose body, therefore, she only then can be so important.
4、The desert is beautiful is because somewhere is hiding a well in it.
5、Night, you gain ground look up to the stars. I live the star too has
been small, I am unable its position to refer for you. Like this is
perhaps better. You may think my that star on in these stars. Because
of this, you are sure to like looking at in the nighttime sky all
stars They also will be able to become you the friend.
6、If you have fallen in love with long on the star flower, then you
looks up to the starry sky when the night will feel happy, can think
everywhere stars like the flower which is in full bloom.
7、If you 6PM come, then from three o'clock, I starts to feel happiness.
The time more approaches, I on more feel happiness. To four o'clock
times, I can be uneasy whether sitting or standing; I can discover the
happy price. But, when if you are casual come, I did not know when in
should prepare my mood... ...
8、Only souls can understand everything, we can not see the nature of things .
9、. \ "At the same time, Mr James are" finally broke the silence The Little Prince, \ "in the desert, some lonely. . . \ "
10、"You know, when people feel very depressed, always liked to watch the sunset. "

『陸』 電影小王子英文字幕版的資源,急求!!!英文字幕版的,謝謝



『柒』 求《小王子》電影英文字幕,要全的,不要經典的,謝謝






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