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⑴ 誰有馬修派瑞的fools rush in(傻愛成真)電影的中文字幕,下載的繁體字幕顯示不了。。。


⑵ in怎麼給照片打字幕 就是和電影裡面的詞一樣 上面是漢語 下面是英語那樣的

足跡 app

足記這個應用通過電影風格的截圖、字幕、邊距和濾鏡的處理方式,能把一張普普通通的照片給弄成電影大片feel,逼格簡直是biger and biger啊,作為資深曬圖黨的你怎麼可以錯過呢?什麼?你還在玩天天P圖、臉萌,這些都是過氣網紅了好嗎。足跡APP弄電影字幕真的很不錯!

⑶ 字幕下載

8 childhood
My childhood was spent with Grandmother, I love my Grandmother, I hope that she can health and longevity. Holding a child my Grandmother always go hand逛公園to buy a lot of my favorite candy, ice lolly, before playing to go home exhausted, one home, the first U.S. always only meet a small black cat. During that time Happiness really relax, do not worry for anything.
Although it has childhood away from me, but it will never exist in my memory, have that child, so that confused me in the face of this world, we will know how to slow down the pace occasionally.
9, the success of
Successful efforts are to enjoy the process of fight and never give up
Insist their success is through the selection of the road and never stop
Success is one step at a time, down-to-earth
Success is a mindset, a belief, a way of existence
I believe that if a person every day for the goal to success just a matter of time
I believe that if a person has every day a sunny attitude, he was successful in every day
10, the people I worship
My most admired person is Helen Keller, she though deaf and mb and blind, but that will not affect her miracle, she love the feel and performance of her work with the world the love and desire for a bright, she Let me know that this world can not conquer the mountain and did not swim across the dangerous shoals shall not, in any kind of adversity, people can be amazing with the willpower to write the most beautiful glory.
11, Hometown
My homeland is a warm town, she has a long history, with a lot of it. She is the birthplace of a brush, she records for the Chinese civilization and made remarkable contributions. She is a land of fish and rice, silk of the House, her extraordinary, ancient and rich. With the development of the times, she put on a lift to become more modern, but also the dissemination of the southern city unique temperament.
12 I like the book
My favorites are a夏洛蒂勃朗close-up of the book "Jane Eyre", the book's heroine Jane Eyre to face up to live the spirit of the indomitable touched me deeply.
Jane Eyre orphaned at an early age,寄人籬下, suffering from bullying, graally grew up in the lonely. Her poverty, short stature, appearance is not surprising, but her self-esteem self-reliance, has experienced ups and downs, eventually won the most sincere love. Life, like Jane Eyre as a lot of people, the suffering they experienced, the most species and tenacity to win the kind of happy ending. Jane Eyre, as we also have the same self-improvement, so that the lives of ordinary exudes eye-catching glory.
13, to save water
Say there is a public service ads "People do not save water if the final drop of water will be tears of mankind," the ads a lot of shocked people, and let those of us who live in areas of adequate water with water-saving awareness of beginning, start Learn the world's people have a lot of places because of the lack of water and find it difficult to survive, let us have a sense of urgency.
Water conservation can start from the hour, starting from the side. Tightened after the run out of water taps, leaking taps fixed broken. Try to use a shower instead of bath, that would cause great waste of water resources. Ecation and children not to play in the water, and so on.
Water conservation, from the start with me
14, my dream
My dream is to open a farm and a national supermarket chains. Farm that large facilities have a strong food chain, the proction of rich and full of agricultural procts, cattle and sheep healthy. Supermarket chains that have a very large business scale, I would like to put a lot of profit public welfare undertakings, and to help more people. The grand goal, I must pay a great deal of effort was
15 Sports and Health
The importance of sport for young people, it can not only promote the growth of teenagers, but also to promote young people's character and spiritual growth, said a mental and physical health of all people, only people are really healthy.
If you use a brush to draw the image of youth, a draw with the image of the sport are most appropriate, because of their youth and sports, always inseparable, and youth are full of vitality, and exercise, given the youth of the filling connotation.
Our teenagers have favorites sports, basketball, soccer, running, swimming and so on, each sport has its own benefits and pleasure, we will be able to exercise and relax mind, cultivate good health.
Let us enjoy the sport and enjoy a healthy bar.
16, travel
My favorite destination is the West Lake in Hangzhou, where a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, but also a place beauty legend brewing.
West Lake Tour, Tour boating lake islands, visited白堤and Sir Georg Solti, Lake Road, south line of scenic spots, you can feel the beauty of West Lake. I like the West Lake, but also because of its profound culture, shows a mystery, with a total number of people lost in memories, as if to see the broken bridge passing over thousands of years before the White Snake and Xu Xian, to see that the folding umbrella, and that touch of poetic beauty of West Lake.

⑷ 求Emmanuelle In Space系列七部的字幕。


⑸ 請問誰有JYJ的《in heaven》10分鍾完整版的字幕文件啊....只要字幕文件就好!發我郵箱[email protected]

呃...我有是有,可是我那個《In Heaven》和《Get Out》還有《Be My Girl》連在一起了,是視頻版的,有中文字幕。

⑹ 美劇Malcolm.In.The.Middle 左右做人難1-7季中文字幕下載


⑺ 百分跪求Inhumanoids中文版或中文字幕版


⑻ 外國影片字幕的下載和安裝


a)有些人會看到這樣的提示:Can't open unicode file in non-unicode build,這是因為你的系統不支持unicode,最一勞用逸的辦法是安裝2000或者XP系統,這些應該是支持了。否則的話,用你的notepad打開字幕文件,另存選擇ansi制式,一般應該可以了。不過還是強烈建議有條件的話升級到2000和XP這是大勢所趨了。


c)如果你的vodsub彈出來,但是根本沒有顯示字幕或者顯示亂碼的話,請檢查你的vodsub是否使用了中文字體及字元集(以下以vodsub2.23英文版為例說明調整方法)打開vodsub的Direct Vodsub Configure,選擇Main(預設也是選擇Main)在裡面選擇Text Settings,改變字體(Font),字元大小(Size)及字元集(Script),要選擇某種中文字體(比如楷體)合適大小及中文字元集(Chinese_GB2312)


(ii)如果有idx,但是不能播放,可以考慮採用這一手段,打開一個好的idx,用那裡面的頭上一部分,取代那個不好的idx(所謂頭上,是指第一行直到# Language index in use這一行)

(f)如果可以用subresync看到字幕,但是看片不行,請用subresync看看字幕的時間是不是嚴重與影片時間不一致,我就曾經看到過居然從兩小時開始的字幕。還有一個可能是你的字幕被隱藏了,請右鍵點擊vodsub那個小箭頭,把hide subtitles的勾去掉

(g)無字幕而且調節想調節directvobsub configue 時又出現錯誤信息「裝載vobsub.ax時出錯」反復重新安裝也沒用,根據tonychao建議,應該反安裝,然後刪掉windows的system或者system32目錄下的vobsub.ax,再重新安裝就ok了!





比如:你的一部電影名字是 哈利波特.avi 字幕文件是123.sub或者是232.srt,那麼你把電影文件名和字幕文件名全改成相同的,後綴不變,然後用暴風影音來放,字幕就會自動出來了!

⑼ 求美劇《in treatment》(捫心問診)全三季的中英字幕


⑽ in the mix(為愛瘋狂)(保衛多麗)字幕下載(((高分




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