① 你如何評價《星球大戰》
② 2019觀看《星球大戰》電影觀後感及簡短影評【五篇】
磕磕絆絆四十多年的《星戰》歷程,是電影工業發展的一段活歷史,而關於觀看《星球大戰9:天行者崛起》電影的 觀後感 影評,我准備了以下 文章 內容,希望對你有所幫助。
Every generation has a legend. 作為一名星戰粉絲,雖然沒有那麼在大熒幕上看到正傳三部曲和前傳三部曲,但是很有幸在大熒幕上見證了後傳三部曲,點映結束後依然激動不已,一個傳奇落幕,新的冒險即將開始。電影的結尾是圖塔因星球的雙日落,美達令人嘆息,星戰 故事 以圖塔因開始,而結尾又是BB8和蕾伊的在雙日下的剪影,看到此處不禁感動流淚,星戰9把這個天行者傳奇畫上了完美的句號,原力回歸平衡,屬於我們這一代人的傳奇也終於告一段落。
決定你的不是你的血緣,而是你想選擇成為什麼樣的人。May the force be with you, always.
沒錯!這就是一部完全粉絲向的電影作品,不需要沒有觀影基礎的路人來湊熱鬧!如果你想感受星戰 文化 ,請放下你那衡量框架的視角,靜下來,補補之前的作品,融入故事,你就會體會到,我所感受到的觀影體驗!
May the Force be with you!
說實話,猜出這個身世後,我特別期待看到蕾伊的內心掙扎戲,既體現演技,又能學一學如何用鏡頭展示心理狀態,還特別有 教育 意義——即使生來黑暗,不代表必然選擇黑暗,命運掌握在自己手裡。結果......她僅僅演繹了一個臉蛋不錯的劍豪女俠。什麼掙扎,什麼內心的苦楚,都在台詞里了,她皺皺眉就算演完了......
③ 星球大戰影評(英文)
Well, Star Wars: Clone Wars was released, and though it was a much anticipated event (or ploy) to get every Star Wars geek to the theater for something a little different, you might spend your money better on the Genndy Tartakovsky versions.
The action picks up shortly after Episode II: Attack of the Clones and owes a lot to the aforementioned Tartakovsky versions in voices, style, and tone. But that is where the similarities end. We』re thrown smack in the middle of the narrative with no explanation of character or setting, because, well, you know it all by now, don』t you? Obi-Wan and Anakin are deep into battle when they are called to action to find and rescue Jabba the Hutt』s little "punky muffin" (yes, that is what Jabba called him). The message is delivered by Ahsoka Tano, Anakin』s new padawan learner, a whiny, vacuous little twit who, if she wasn』t a force-wielding Jedi who kicks some serious Droid behind, would fit right in as a character on Hannah Montanna. I knew we were lost when Anakin called her "Snips" and she called him "Sky-guy" and R2D2 "Artooie." With the introction of Ahsoka, one can almost forget Hayden Christensen ever happened. But there are some neat new characters who make appearances and, of course, plenty of aliens.
As far as the animation rendering goes, there are some stylistic choices that give the whole thing a "dirty," monochromatic feel with the look of papier-maché sculptures. The animation was supposedly done to resemble Japanese anime, but methinks they confused anime with Supermarionation. I felt like I was watching an episode of Thunderbirds.
Let』s be clear. It』s Star Wars, and it satisfies your yearning for clone trooper-on-droid action and light saber els. We get to see lots of armored and unarmored clones do their business and big spaceships battling in the void. My 5-year-old simply loved it and would not have let me hear the end of it if he was forced to wait until the DVD, or worse, the TV show. There are some very silly things about this Clone Wars such as the fact that the battle droids all sound like Erkle from Family Matters, and Zero (Cero?) the Hutt sounds more like Capote the Hutt. But there are some very cool things about this version of Clone Wars too which should add some real variety to the mythos. Ventress is one of these things. This character is one evil Sith witch and is the best carry-over from the Tartakovsky toons. She should make the subsequent TV episodes fun to watch, if the show lasts that long for her to become a major feature that is. I also can』t wait to see more Jedi and General Grievous.
In short, see it if you or the geeklets can』t bear the wait, but you might spend your money better somewhere else waiting for the inevitable repeat ring the TV release.
The action of the film was far more intense than I was expecting. There were so many giant set pieces and grand action sequences that the film hardly ever stopped to catch its breath. And it』s not just that there was a LOT of action… it was all really good action. From the giant space battles to the huge ground troop battles, the lightsaber els and the Jedi throwing themselves into swarms of battle droid fights… it was all really quite spectacular. To me, it was easily the most action packed Star Wars movie to date, and maybe the most action packed Sci Fi film I』ve ever seen (animated or otherwise). It was fantastic. My hats off to them.
As much as I worried about how the animation looked in the trailers, I』ve got to admit within about 3 minutes I was totally sold on it and thought it worked and looked quite beautiful. Yeah, the facial animation could have been a lot better, but aside from that I thought the landscapes, the structures, the ships, the movements and the environments in general were all done wonderfully in my opinion, but I can see why others may differ.
I saw Star Wars Episode Two: Attack of the Clones hours ago. The 『how』 of that will be a thing of mystery buried in a passed piece of paper from my book signing with a hotel, a room number and a time listed upon it. You don』t want to know about that room or the person(s) in that room, you want to know about Episode Two.
Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar has a 15 second StepInFetchIt shuffle speak routine he does as he goes to first let Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker into the Amidala』s quarters that is so offensively awful, that it will not only make you recoil in horror, but it will remind you of all of the worst aspects of his character from THE PHANTOM MENACE. I wanted to burn the film, destroy, maim and murder it at this stage. I was steeling myself from the impending incompetence, the horror of my childhood being molested. I was prepared to have a very bad time.
I found myself not liking Anakin Skywalker at all, he』s a punk spoiled brat… A snotty nosed ego trip, that angry evil high school football quarterback that wants the head cheerleader. He whines like a Mark Hamill squealing about going to Toshi Station to get some power converters. There is much anger in him. He』s impulsive, conflicted, out of control and a mass murderer. Everytime I saw him and Natalie Portman together, I wanted to tell her to run, fly you fool. But am I not supposed to feel that way?
So did George Lucas drop the ball? Did he rape our childhood? Has he turned into nothing more than flannel wearing toy salesman without a soul or an eye for storytelling anymore? Was I disappointed to such a state that I wanted to yell and scream and break my original 12 inch Boba Fett and defecate upon it in a ritualistic purging of all that was once sacred to my childhood?
To answer all of those questions…. THANK GOD NO!!! Lucas succeeds with the film beyond my wildest dreams.
I was scared and thrilled to be watching Episode 2. The entire time I was in that hotel room, I was convinced that agents of Lucasfilm were going to knock down the doors and I knew I was being set up for a fall. I mean, it isn』t possible to see STAR WARS early. I know that, but there I was watching it. Listening to the sounds of drunk SXSW revelers falling into the door outside.
After about 20 minutes of that awareness everything but the film ceased to exist. The lights in the room dimmed in my mind. The person(s) in the room shrank like Scott Carey into the microverse. Everything about me was concentrating upon the film. The movie was not complete. There were moments where the effects were quite rough, but the work that was finished, was beyond reproach.
How do I explain the success of ATTACK OF THE CLONES? First, I must say that this film makes THE PHANTOM MENACE a better film. In fact, I would have to say that not only does it do that, but suddenly you will realize with horror, exactly why Jar Jar Binks is in the series at all. Upon first viewing, in less than ideal circumstances, I must say that I feel that this is by far the most entertaining Star Wars film to date. It may not have that innocent sense of wonder for the first film. It doesn』t have that sense of intimacy that EMPIRE STRIKES BACK had, or that film』s desperation. However, it also doesn』t have the trivial frivolity of JEDI or MENACE. ATTACK OF THE CLONES is a turning point in the saga. The point of no return.
I love this film desperately. I want to continually watch it for about a week with my best friends. I want to see it digitally projected with sternum shaking sound. I want to watch as friends discover the twists that Palpatine/Sidious/Dooku have in store for us. I want to have the conversations about what this all means, the speculative conversations about how these elements will play out in the final chapter of the prequels.
What is great about the film?
Obi Wan Kenobi / Ewan McGregor. He just owns the role now. There is a moment in the Cantina/Sports Bar on the surface level of Coruscant, where he and Anakin have chased an assassin. As they enter this packed sci-yuppie-scum club, they realize they can』t seem to be able to see 『the assassin』 anymore. Anakin wants to rush in, tear the place apart looking for the suspect. Obi Wan tells him to slow down or something then turns to head in a different direction, Anakin asks him, "Where you going?" to which Kenobi dryly responds, "To get something to drink." Kenobi is just that calm about things. He is the king of cool. He』ll get his suspect, but he』s going to get a drink first. Priorities. I was reminded of him telling Luke to let go and to trust his feelings. He doesn』t repeat that here, he simply lets go and trusts his feelings. We see it as an action, a path he chose. Then when he gets to that bar, leaning on it, sipping that odd drink, a drug dealer comes up to him and asks, "Wanna buy some deathsticks?" Obi Wan responds, "You don』t want to sell me death sticks." Drug dealer says, "I don』t want to sell you death sticks." "You want to go home and rethink your direction in life," Kenobi continues. "I want to go home and rethink my direction in life," the dealer says as he blankly turns and walks out of the club. Before he can get too smug about his little trick he senses the assassin behind him and he pulls the patented Obi Wan pivoting light saber at a bar strike that you』ve seen in the trailer. He gets his suspect and he』s never broke a sweat. He is the master. Kenobi is just plainly cool in the film. Watch how he handles things on Camino or the way he doesn』t betray a single thought in his conversation with Jango Fett there. He knows his game, his methods and his ways. He is confident and completely on the clock. Ewan is relaxed in the role, clearly having fun and is very very very good in the film. Contrary to Moriarty』s assertion that he would be more 『Han Solo』 he is in fact much more Master Li Mu Bai (Chow Yun Fat from CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON) but without the romance.
Jango Fett – Boba Fett / Temuera Morrison – Daniel Logan -- I love this pair. I love them because they are the renegade Father and Son. They have their own set of rules, they are a self contained functioning unit. Jango wanted a son to raise his own way, that doesn』t mean he beats him and does evil things. He loves his kid. He』s training him to be a good Bounty Hunter like he is. There is very much a father/son – Master/Apprentice style thing going on here. And they have my favorite moment of the entire film, which is a tiny little moment between these two. Jango and Boba are headed to Genosia when they pick up that Kenobi is tailing them. They dive into the asteroid belt surrounding Genosia, Obi Wan trails behind them, not being lost. Jango tells Boba something like, "Prepare the sonic mines, we』ll give him…" something, I couldn』t make out… but Boba presses some buttons while doing what I can only describe as an evil giggle… a delighted giggle. Jango looks at him smiling, as if to say… "That』s my boy!" The moment is so honest and real. I』ve never seen a father – son moment like this in science fiction. Completely classic.
Anakin Skywalker - Padme Amidala / Hayden Christensen – Natalie Portman -- First Anakin is just an ass in this film. Like I said earlier, I can』t stand him. He』s like that boy in the TWILIGHT ZONE movie that has too much power and thinks about using it too much, but sometimes it goes terribly astray. Portman』s Padme in this film has mostly dropped the 『high speak』 that she had from the first film…. Injecting into her character far more vocal variety than the droll monotone of the first film that killed the performance. Here she infuses the character with more of herself, which is a very good thing. I like that she doesn』t want to have anything to do with Anakin. That she constantly is aware of all the reasons they shouldn』t be together. Of the scandal. Of their careers. Anakin hates being told no. She can see all the reasons, but when they go through what they go through… When the emotional binding takes place between these characters through a brief adventure, a loss of a loved one, a decent into hell… When faced with certain doom, they realize that life is too short to worry about the ifs and buts… And when it happens… John Williams』 love theme kicks in. This really kicks in just as Anakin and Padme kiss before being taken out and strung up in the arena (you know the sequence when they are chained against the pillars.) It actually starts from the shot (which we see in the trailer - of the arena with all the Geonosis creatures seated and cheering - the long shot looking from high to low). It consists of maybe three instruments playing at first, classic violin, very sorrowful and warm. It almost sounds a little bit like the theme for the Incredible Hulk TV series with Lou Ferrigno. The intros are similar before other instruments join in. It also reminded me of Francis Lai』s theme from Arthur Hiller』s LOVE STORY. Although it is strikingly different from other parts in the film, IT FITS IN BEAUTIFULLY. Elegant but not soppy. Gentle but not melodramatic. Williams thinking differently (after all, a very different relationship from Han and Leia!) and succeeding. It starts to crescendo as the lovers are wheeled out into the arena (reminded me of the shot of Luke with the twin suns) - same type of crescendo. It continues through the cuts between Obi-Wan chained and them being taken over to the same place but changes into a military drum style (you know, the thumping dictatorship heavy beat - almost like the 'sacrifice has arrived'). This changes the whole tone as we realize their 'moment' has been intruded and they are in serious poodoo. The romance is handled in terms of familiarity and proximity. This is that sort of romance where one loves the other, but only at the point of an emotional precipice where the other could see that they shared that feeling and embrace it. I liked this.
Palpatine-Sidious – Count Dooku-Darth Tyrannus / Ian McDiarmid – Christopher Lee -- Wow. Ok, read no spoilers about all of this. I remember thinking that Lucas could be soft in the head for trying to fool the audience into thinking Palpatine isn』t Sidious. I mean we can see that in the credits. What the hell? Right? See that is so like a self-centered audience. To sit there and think they are the center of the universe. The Palpatine-Sidious thing from the first film… The trade dispute… All of it not only makes sense with this film, but the way it unfolds. As you see the point of the various guises and names… How Yoda and Win sense no 『disturbance』 around Palpatine… There are reasons for these things… Just because you don』t know them yet, doesn』t mean Lucas doesn』t know what he』s doing… Upon seeing this film, seeing how he handles these two characters being 4 characters… It is genius. Compelling Machiavellian positioning and deception. There are points in this film where I wanted to scream at the screen and say, "Palpatine is an evil Sith Lord! They』re conspiring to destroy the Republic from within!" That』s when Christopher Lee essentially tells Obi Wan the same thing… My god. The evil. The evil of using the truth, knowing it could only be interpreted as being a deception and a lie. The Devil uses truth to betray mankind, because he is expected to lie… and the truth sounds better, but will never be believed. Just wait till you see how the Death Star plays into this… You』ll friggin die! FANTASTIC.
Yoda-Dooku fight… HOLY GOD! Right now there is a lot of speculation about Yoda with lightning. It is on one of the soundtrack covers. When you look at that. When people described the ball of lightning in Yoda』s hands from ShoWest, I thought they were insane. I thought only the bad guys did that. When I saw the film, well… I can tell you exactly how that moment plays out. So far as I have seen that hasn』t leaked and it isn』t a huge spoiler. When Yoda and Dooku first set up to go at it, Dooku hurls lightning at Yoda… Yes, Chris Lee』s character is that strong. Perhaps the strongest character with the force I have ever seen in Star Wars history. He attacks Yoda with lightning, Yoda captures it, twirls it around, balls it up and redirects it back at Lee. When I saw this, I screamed like a little girl. I mean it was like Uncle Tony grabbed my pantied ass. I jumped about 12 feet up in the air and squealed. WHAT A THRILL! The Yoda – Dooku fight is astonishing. I can not emphasize that enough. I have been thinking for quite some time that there was no way on earth that Yoda with a light saber could look cool. Folks, not only does it look cool, but there will be a collective scream of HOLY SHIT when what happens happens. Yoda』s fighting style is… well let』s just say he could kick all your asses. Oh and by the way, Williams』 DUEL OF THE FATES was nothing in comparison to this. Remember Vader vs Luke in EMPIRE… How overwhelmingly powerful Vader felt in comparison to Luke. Remember how weak Vader felt in comparison to the Emperor? Now imagine someone with The emperor』s powers in a full on battle with a master. Here towers of metal are torn asunder with the power of the force. The ceiling ripped apart. Seemingly unlimited strength with the force. You will quiver, shake and scream. You are warned.
You have to understand something in going into this film. What you have seen in Star Wars movies before were skirmishes… incidents… Remember, The Battle of Hoth was small, a minor hiccup. In ATTACK OF THE CLONES, you have the first REAL Star War. It isn』t a space battle, but you understand the scale of things. The size and scope of a MAJOR OFFENSIVE. And unlike in PHANTOM MENACE, where Lucas decided to cut up the action by trying to intercut three consecutive arenas of battle, here he portrays the action linearly… basically following Obi Wan and Anakin and Padme… who all basically stick together, with Padme taking a roll in some sand to miss out on the Dooku battle.
After the film was finished playing I was just beside myself with glee.
Right now it is a very interesting time for Star Wars fandom. PHANTOM MENACE polarized the audience into the faithful and those that felt it had all gone wrong. That everything was doomed. With the introction of MATRIX and LORD OF THE RINGS into fan circles, there began to be a real angry mix.
You know those guys that have been camping up in Seattle? The experience they are going to have in the theater upon that first showing… They will be so completely happy.
Now the cut I saw was still a bit rough around the edges, but folks… I can』t wait to see this on the big screen complete. To see what gets cut, what gets changed, what I notice when watching this movie the way Lucas meant for people to see it.
This movie is the real deal. It is smart, beautiful (god digital photography is the glory and the future of the world of film, the palette is strikingly dramatically colorful), thrilling and electrical. Essentially it is a pure action adventure science fiction fantasy with a touch of romance. Line up now. This Star Wars is for real.
P.s. To the talkbacker concerned about Jimmy Smits... He doesn't really do anything major in this film. He is next to Palpatine though right before that amazing shot of all the Clone Troopers and those Star Destroyer things... So he's close to Palpatine, but I bet he betrays Palp in the next one (speculation) Oh, I'm off to Los Angeles, so I won't be doing talk back looking on this to answer questions, but if you come to the book signing at BOOK SOUP Tuesday at 7pm, I'll answer all NON-SPOILER QUESTIONS about Episode 2. In fact, I'll even do imitations of scenes and looks on faces. I'm so jazzed about this movie now! Can't wait to share, but not spoil!!! The gods of spies have looked out for me on this one.... That sacrificial Power Puff doll was worth it!
④ 看星球大戰大電影觀後感600字
⑤ 星球大戰7英語觀後感作文100字
看電影頭天晚上我才發現,我要跟同學去看的是start wars 不是star trek,今天上車同學知道之後一臉黑,他跟我說,沒關系,你記住這是個"goods and bads"的電影就可以了。
⑥ 《星球大戰》電影觀後感
⑦ 星球大戰前傳1,2,3綜合影評
單從技術來講,我覺得這部是對十幾年技術達不到的星戰的一個補充 。前三部只有禮儀機器人、工程機器人,所以這部加上了戰斗機器人,照型更眩目,功用更齊全,殺傷力更大
⑧ 經典大片的影評
⑨ 星球大戰1的影評
電影本身在今天看來的確沒有太多精彩之處,總體來說中規中矩,視覺效果還能接受,劇情雖然老套但是也算完整。不過我們還能從中窺見一些1977年拍攝未來太空歌劇的有意思之處。看《第10放映室》的紀錄片能找到更多這方面的細節。例如所有的飛船都是塞滿了各種按鈕和拉桿來表示高科技和復雜性,而今天的科幻片都改成了觸摸屏。Jedi武士的激光劍效果,是手持包著感光紙的木劍,然後把此處膠片反復曝光形成的。森林裡的飛行器追逐片段是慢速拍攝然後加速播放的。機器人R2的純電子聲音更是真人配音的…… 今天拍攝科幻片肯定沒有這么多樂趣。
⑩ 星球大戰系列(系列電影影評及觀影順序)
1.《星球大戰前傳1: 魅影危機》 1999年上映
2.《星球大戰前傳2:克隆人的進攻 》 2002年上映
3.《星球大戰前傳3:西斯的反擊》 2005年上映
4.《星球大戰外傳:游俠索羅》 2018年上映
5.《星球大戰外傳:俠盜一號》 2016年上映
6.《星球大戰正傳1:新希望》 1977年上映
7.《星球大戰正傳2:帝國反擊戰 》 1980年上映
8.《星球大戰正傳3:武士歸來》 1983年上映
9.《星球大戰7:原力覺醒》 2015年上映
10.《星球大戰8:最後的絕地武士》 2017年上映
原力(The Force):原力就是宇宙間萬物的生命之力,、指的是生命的能量,原力通過生命體細胞之內的微生物——迷地原蟲(Midi-chlorian)發揮作用,那些對原力有著特殊天賦的這些人逐漸就形成了絕地武士。
舊共和國(Old Republic):指在宇宙中存在的星系聯邦國,由絕地武士負責守衛。該共和國後期曾經歷長達數百年的黑暗時期,很多絕地武士受到原力黑暗面影響,墮落為西斯武士,給共和國帶來動盪和危機。最終舊共和國土崩瓦解。
銀河共和國(Galactic Republic):在舊共和國的基礎上,很多星系聯合起來成立了銀河共和國,絕地武士們擊退了西斯武士,繼續維護著新共和國的和平與公正。銀河共和國開明民主的統治延續了千年,但也蘊含著腐敗與危機,這些在納布星球遭到侵略時全部爆發了出來。克隆人戰爭爆發後,銀河共和國在巴拜庭議長的操縱下變成了銀河帝國。