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發布時間:2023-01-18 05:17:11

① 樂佩公主是什麼電影


樂佩公主(英語:Rapunzel),是華特迪士尼影業第50部經典動畫長片《長發公主》(2010年)中的女主角,之後亦於該片後續的番外篇短片《麻煩不斷》(Tangled Ever After,2012年)中登場。







③ 長發公主百度雲資源




④ 英語 長發公主概括

Tangled is a 2010 American computer animated musical fantasy-comedy film proced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film features the voices of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi and Donna Murphy and is loosely based on the German fairy tale "Rapunzel" in the collection of folk tales published by the Brothers Grimm.
The film tells the story of a lost princess with long magical hair who yearns to leave her secluded tower. Against her "mother's" wishes, she enlists the aid of a bandit thief to take her out into the world which she has never seen.
A drop of sunlight falls to the ground and grows into a magical flower with healing powers. A woman named Gothel uses it to keep herself young by singing to it. Centuries later, a queen becomes ill while pregnant, and the king orders a search for the legendary flower. The queen is healed after being fed the flower, and gives birth to a daughter, Rapunzel, whose golden hair has absorbed the abilities of the flower. Gothel tries to steal a lock of Rapunzel's hair, but, once cut, the hair turns brown and loses its power. So she kidnaps Rapunzel to raise as her own child in a high tower, telling her it is for her own safety.
Every year, on Rapunzel's birthday, her parents and their subjects release thousands of sky lanterns, in the hope that the lost princess will return. For her 18th birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel for permission to go outside the tower to see the source of the annual floating lights, but Gothel refuses. Meanwhile, Flynn Rider and the Stabbington brothers steal the tiara of the lost princess. During the ensuing chase, Maximus, horse of the Captain of the Guards, is separated from his rider but continues on his own. Flynn outwits his accomplices, takes the tiara, and stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. He climbs up into the tower, but is knocked unconscious with a frying pan by Rapunzel who puts him in a wardrobe. When Gothel returns, Rapunzel tries to show her the captive Flynn to prove she is capable of handling the outside world, but Gothel cuts her off by saying she is never leaving the tower. So Rapunzel instead asks Gothel for a special paint, the ingredients for which require three days' of round-trip travel. Gothel leaves, and Rapunzel tells Flynn that she will give him the tiara back if he takes her to see the lights. Flynn agrees. While en route, he takes her to the Snuggly Duckling Inn, which is full of Gaul thugs, in hopes of scaring her into giving up her quest. The thugs, however, are charmed by Rapunzel, who encourages them to follow their dreams.
Mother Gothel returns early to the tower to find Rapunzel gone but finds the tiara. She then teams up with the Stabbington brothers so she can get Rapunzel back and the brothers can get revenge on Flynn. Meanwhile, the guards invade the tavern, and chase Rapunzel and Flynn to a dam which collapses. Flynn and Rapunzel become trapped in a flooding cave. Believing he is about to die, Flynn admits his true name: Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel admits her hair glows when she sings, then realizes they can use her hairlight to find a way out. Rapunzel later uses her hair to heal Flynn's injured hand. Flynn tells Rapunzel that he was an orphan who dreamed of being like the storybook hero that inspired his alias, but Rapunzel tells him she likes Eugene better than Flynn. When Flynn goes to gather firewood, Gothel meets Rapunzel insisting that Flynn does not care for her and gives Rapunzel the tiara, suggesting that she test Flynn by giving it to him.
The next morning, Maximus confronts Flynn but Rapunzel befriends the horse and convinces him to help them instead. Arriving at the kingdom, Flynn takes Rapunzel to see the lanterns. There, Rapunzel gives Flynn back the tiara. Flynn spies his old accomplices and leaves Rapunzel to give them the tiara, realizing that he cares more for Rapunzel. However, the brothers tie him up on a boat and sail him across the lake. They claim Flynn betrayed Rapunzel as they attempt to kidnap her for her hair's power, but Gothel rescues her and takes her back to the tower. Later, reflecting on what she had seen ring her adventure in the kingdom, Rapunzel realizes she is the lost princess and attempts to flee the tower.
Meanwhile, Flynn is arrested and sentenced to death, but he is rescued by Maximus and the Gaul thugs from the inn. Flynn races back to the tower and climbs up Rapunzel's hair only to find her chained to the wall and gagged. Gothel stabs Flynn from behind and prepares to take a struggling Rapunzel to a new hiding place. Rapunzel tells Gothel that she will stop resisting if she can heal Flynn. Gothel agrees, but before Rapunzel can heal him, Flynn cuts her hair which subsequently turns brown and loses its power. Gothel begins to age rapidly, falls out of the tower, and turns into st.
With his last breath, Flynn declares his love for Rapunzel. She cries, and the healing power of her tear revives him. Returning to the kingdom, Rapunzel is reunited with the King and Queen. Flynn then closes the film, telling the audience that he readopted his original name, and he and Rapunzel eventually get engaged and married.

⑤ 長發公主叫什麼名字


樂佩公主(英語:Rapunzel),是華特迪士尼影業第50部經典動畫長片《魔發奇緣》(2010年)中的女主角,之後亦於該片後續的番外篇短片《麻煩不斷》(Tangled Ever After,2012年)中登場。


樂佩公主的角色原型是格林兄弟童話《長發姑娘》中的長發公主,而在迪士尼版本中,樂佩的身世背景被設定為一位金色魔發公主,幼時被貪圖其頭發魔力的女巫——葛索媽媽(Mother Gothel)從皇宮里偷走,關在與世隔絕的高塔中撫養,以用頭發的魔力使自己長保年輕。

長大之後成為一位具有藝術天分和矯捷身手的少女,後來在本名尤金·費茲柏特(Eugene Fitzherbert)的大盜費林·雷德(Flynn Rider)幫助下逃出高塔,以前往探索小時候在窗邊看到的美麗星火(實際上是王國為了引回失蹤公主而施放的大量天燈)。

樂佩公主一角在大部分的評論里都很受到歡迎。《票房雜志》的莎拉·維茲卡隆多(Sara Vizcarrondo)喜歡這個角色,形容她「是位活力十足的女主角,以活水浸潤了嚴謹的公主角色典型」。

新澤西《明星紀事報》的史蒂芬·惠迪(Stephen Whitty)形容該角色是「一位才華洋溢的年輕女子」。《洛杉磯時報》的肯尼斯·杜蘭也在文中表示樂佩「是位具有現代感的年輕女子」。《紐約客》的布魯斯·迪奧內斯(Bruce Diones)形容樂佩「有與生俱來的慧黠和靈敏的關懷力,而又不會顯得像個聒噪的青少女」。

《今日美國》的克勞蒂亞·普伊格(Claudia Puig)則在文中指出,與之前數位年齡相仿的迪士尼公主相比,「樂佩扮演的青少年角色顯得較為可信」。



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