A. 英文電影中一般警察讓歹徒舉起手來別動等等一連串的話用英語怎麼說
You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say may be used against you in a court of law!
B. 警察審犯人的一些台詞的英文說法。
你叫什麼名字:What's your name
你幾歲了:How old are you
你犯罪的原因是什麼?What is the reason you?
你承認你犯罪了嗎?You admit your crime?
C. 電影里美國警察對罪犯常說的話都有什麼英文!!!越詳細越好
You can keep silent, but what you say can be held against you in for. You have the right to ask a lawyer, if you have no money, we will arrange a government lawyer for you.
D. 英文電影中警察說的那句超牛的話
You have the right to remain slient.(官方,標准)
You have the right to remain slient.Anything you say will be used in the court
這句話就是著名的「米蘭達警告」,也稱「米 蘭達告誡」,即犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在被訊問時,有保持沉默和拒絕回答的權利。這一告誡的形成,緣於美國的一個案例。
事情是這樣的:米蘭達是一個青年,他在1963年被亞利桑那鳳凰城警方以綁架和強奸一個18 歲弱智少女罪名逮捕。他在警察局接受了兩小時的訊問後,簽下一份坦白文件。但是事後,他又說並不知道「憲法第五修正案」賦予了他沉默的權利。也就是說,米蘭達不知道自己有沉默權,也不知道自己有取得律師幫助的權利,而警察也沒有告訴過他。他的律師在法庭上抗議說,根據憲法,米蘭達的坦白不可以作為對所犯罪行供認不諱的證據。雖然憲法修正案已經存在了近200年,直到上世紀60年代初,美國司法一直沿用歷史上傳下來的原則:要是嫌犯「自願」作出的坦白,就可以遞交法庭作為證據。並不強調警察必須告知嫌犯他有什麼樣的權利。「自願」而不是強迫,是那個時候惟一的標准。所以,米蘭達的坦白還是作為主要證據,在法庭上將他定了罪。他被判了20年監禁。他以自己「沒有被告知權利」作為理由,一路上訴到聯邦最高法院,接受最高法院的復審。
E. 美劇里警察抓嫌疑犯時會說哪些英語
Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. or Dr. or Doc. ×××,你因涉嫌×××被捕。你有權沉默,你所說的一切都會被記錄下來作為日後的呈堂證供。你有權請律師,如果你請不起,法庭會為你指派一位。
F. 一些警匪電影里 警察准備出發去捉賊的時候 都會和那些馬子說「先擺」,是什麼意思。英文來的
「Stand By」或「Standing By」?
Stand By=准備 而 Standing By=准備好了
當然,也可以表示「等一下」當有人和你進行無線電通訊時,可以用Stand by打斷對方,表示「准備中」,言外之意,我現在有別的事,等會再說
G. 美國警察在包圍犯人或追擊過程中喊些什麼英語
You are surrounded.
Drop your weapon.
Put your hands behind your back and lie down.
Give yourself up, there is no escape.
Let the hostages go, you are in enough trouble already.
Hands up.
Come out with you hands up!
H. 電影中,警察沖入犯罪嫌疑人的屋裡,發現一切安全的話,經常會說一個單詞。是'clear' 嗎
I. 求《老無所依》電影最後一段台詞!英文!謝謝!
The second one, it was like we was both back in older times and I was on horseback goin' through the mountains of a night. Goin' through this pass in the mountains. It was cold and there was snow on the ground and he rode past me and kept on goin'. Never said nothin' goin' by. He just rode on past... and he had his blanket wrapped around him and his head down and when he rode past I seen he was carryin' fire in a horn the way people used to do and I could see the horn from the light inside of it. 'Bout the color of the moon. And in the dream I knew that he was goin' on ahead and he was fixin' to make a fire somewhere out there in all that dark and all that cold, and I knew that whenever I got there he would be there. And then I woke up...
J. 誰能給我無間道英語版台詞
- Are the voices crisp enough? 偉仔:聲音漂亮嗎?
The precious recording was taken from Sam's office. 那些錄音是我在韓坤的辦公室里找到的,你不走運。
It's not your lucky day.
- Don't threaten me. What do you want? 華仔:用不著唬我。想怎麼樣?
- I want my identity back.
- 3 pm, Central Ferry pier. keep your cell on.偉仔:我想恢復身份,下午三點鍾,在**碼頭,開著電話。
- You sre know waht you're doing.華仔:動作夠俐索的。
- I also went to the cadet school.偉仔:我也讀過警校。
- Do all undercover cops like rooftops?華仔:你們這些卧底可真有意思,老在天台見面。
- Unlike you, I'm not afraid of light.
So where's the stuff I want?偉仔:我不像你,我光明正大。我要的東西呢?
- I don't think you've brought what I want either.華仔:我要的你還未必帶來呢!
- So what does that mean?偉仔:什麼意思?
We came up here to sunbathe?你上來是曬太陽的?
- Give me a chance.華仔:給我一個機會。
- How?偉仔:怎麼給你機會?
- I have no choice before華仔:我以前是沒得選擇,
but now I want to turn over a new leaf.現在我想做個好人。
- Good.
Try telling that to the judge.
See what he has to say. 偉仔:好,那就讓我跟法官說,看他讓不讓你做個好人。
- You want me dead?華仔:那就讓我死。
- Sorry, I'm a cop.偉仔:對不起,我是警察。
- Who knows that?華仔:誰知道?
- Don't move. Police.
Drop your weapon and let inspector lau go first.另一警員沖上來:放下槍,放了劉警官!
- Your boss is Sam's mole.
I got evidence.
Let's clear this up at the station.偉仔:你上司是韓坤的卧底,證據在我手上。
- Drop your weapon now.警員:放下槍!
- I've called the police.偉仔:我報了警了!
- Why should I trust you? 警員:我幹嘛要相信你啊?
- You don't have to.偉仔:你不用相信我。
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 警察開始進入大廈。
- You'd better watch out. 警員:你小心點。
- Look who's talking.華仔(or偉仔?):你小心點。
- No seat. We are brothers.
Sam is dead now.
You have to look after me.
I joined the cadet school in 1994.
But my career never really takes off.
Sam looked down on me.
I've taken care of Sam's tape.
Don't worry. I'll follow you from now on.
Our folks will be here any minute.
Let's give them a good show.
I'm actually quite smart.
Too bad Sam never knew that. 警員:不用怕,大家是同門師兄北,大現坤哥死了,以後你罩著我。我94年加入警校,可惜,這么多年都上不去,他看都不看我一眼。韓坤不在了,以後我就跟著你了。放心吧,現在沒事了。警察快來了,要做就做全套。 警員:其實我很能幹,可惜坤哥不識貨。