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『壹』 阿拉丁神燈 英文

Long ago, a poor tailor lived in a small village. He lived with his wife and boy, Aladdin. Aladdin didn't like to work hard. He liked to play in the streets. He never learned to do useful things. This made his father very angry.
The tailor worked very hard. One day, he felt very ill, and the next day, he died. Aladdin and his mother had almost no money. How would the family live? Aladdin had no job, so his mother was very upset with him.
One day, a strange man came to the village. He was a magician from the western desert. Aladdin was playing in the street. The magician saw the boy and walked up to him.
"Are you the son of Mustapha the tailor?" he asked Aladdin.
"Yes, I am," replied Aladdin. "He is dead now."
The magician said that he was Aladdin's uncle. He was returning to the village after many years away. Aladdin took the magician to his house. There, the magician gave some fruit and wine to Aladdin's mother.
"It is true. Mustapha did have a brother, but I never knew him," Aladdin's mother said. "My husband has left us with nothing, and Aladdin has no job."
"I want to help your son," said the magician. "I will build him a shop. He can sell fruit or shoes or clothing. Then you will have money."
That evening, the magician took Aladdin to the market. There, he bought the boy some nice clothes. Then, he took Aladdin around the village. He told Aladdin interesting stories about his travels. Aladdin felt very curious about his new uncle.
The next day, the magician took Aladdin outside of the village. They walked for a long time, and Aladdin began to feel tired. They stopped in a garden to rest. The magician had some cake, and gave half to Aladdin.
"How far must we go?" Aladdin asked. "I am very tired and I want to go home."
"Be patient, my boy," replied the magician. "I am taking you to the mountains. There is a special place I want you to see."
The magician and Aladdin walked into the mountains. Suddenly, the magician stopped, and looked around. There was nobody there. He told Aladdin to find some wood. He wanted to make a fire. Aladdin picked up some sticks, and put them down in a pile. The magician made a fire, and then he threw some powder on it.
Poof! The ground shook, and they saw a square stone in the ground. Aladdin felt scared. He wanted to run away. The magician put his hand on Aladdin's arm.
"Do not be afraid," he told Aladdin. "Under this stone is something wonderful. If you do as I tell you, you will be rich and happy."
The magician told Aladdin to pull up the stone. Under it, there was a deep, dark hole. There were many stone steps going down to the bottom. The magician put a special ring on Aladdin's finger. Alone, Aladdin went down the steps. At the bottom, he saw a garden. In the middle of the garden was a table, and on the table was a lamp. The magician wanted this lamp.
魔術師要阿拉丁把石頭搬起來。石頭下方有個又深又黑的洞,里頭有很多石階可以通往洞的最底端。魔術師把一枚特殊的戒指套在阿拉丁的手指上。 阿拉丁獨自走下階梯。在階梯底端,他看到了一座花園,花園中間擺了一張桌子,桌上有一盞燈,魔術師就是要這盞燈。
Aladdin poured the oil out of the lamp. Then he returned to the steps. The magician heard him coming.
"Stop there," he told Aladdin. "Throw the lamp to me."
"You are too far, Uncle," Aladdin said. "I don't want to break the lamp. Wait until I come up the steps..."
The magician got very angry. He threw some more powder on the fire, and the stone rolled on top of the hole. Suddenly, everything around Aladdin was dark.
"Fool!" screamed the magician. "You did not do what I told you! Now, you will die in that hole!"
The magician was not Aladdin's uncle. He was an evil man. The lamp would make him rich and powerful. He couldn't go into the hole to get the lamp. He needed Aladdin to do it. He was going to take the lamp and kill Aladdin!
Aladdin cried for one whole day. He thought he was going to die in that dark place. Then, he remembered the ring on his finger. He took it off and rubbed it. Poof! A strange man was flying in front of Aladdin. It was a genie.
"Do you need me?" asked the genie.
"Please get me out of this place," replied Aladdin. "I want to go home."
The genie clapped his hands two times. The stone over the hole moved, and Aladdin could see light. He picked up the lamp and walked up the steps. Aladdin felt very hungry, but he had no food. He would have to sell his lamp.
The lamp was very dirty. Nobody would buy a dirty lamp. Aladdin wiped off the dirt. Suddenly, a cloud came out of the lamp. Another genie was flying in front of him.
"Thank you for helping me out of that hole," said the genie. "I will be your servant. You can ask me to do anything."
"I feel hungry," said Aladdin. "Can you get me something to eat?"
The genie flew away. In a few moments, he came back. He was carrying a large basket. The basket was full of tasty dishes. It smelled wonderful. Aladdin ate the food quickly. Now, he felt very happy. He could give his mother food and money. She would be proud of him!
Aladdin and his mother lived well for a long time. If they needed something, the genie gave it to them. Aladdin became a handsome young man. His mother wanted him to get married.
"When are you going to get married?" asked his mother. "I am old now. Give me some grandchildren soon."
One day, Aladdin was walking on the street. Behind him, he heard the sound of many camels. He was curious, so he turned around. It was the sultan's men. On one of the camels, there was a young woman. She was the sultan's daughter. She was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.
Aladdin fell in love with the princess at once. He wanted to see her again, but he couldn't. No man could see the princess. For many days, Aladdin couldn't stop thinking of her. He wanted to marry the princess. One day, he asked his old mother for help.
"Mother, I am in love," he said. "Please go to the sultan's palace. Ask him if I can marry his beautiful daughter."

『貳』 玩具總動員2中英文台詞對照

1. Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time 跟隨你心的指引吧。它總是低訴著前進的方向,所以請仔細聆聽。《大腳板走天涯》 2. "HAKUNA MATATA"...it means no worries - The Lion King 「哈庫那馬塔塔」„„就是沒有煩惱的意思。《獅子王》 3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King 陳年往事固然傷人,但你可以選擇從中吸取教訓,或者遠遠地逃離。《獅子王》 4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh 如果你要活到一百歲,那麼我只要活到一百歲差一天,這樣我就不用度過沒有你陪伴的分分秒秒。《小熊維尼》 5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio 記住:要憑著你的良心做事。《木偶奇遇記》 6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas 你自以為只有你那樣的才算是人類,必須長得像你同你一樣思維。但倘若你願跟隨用陌生人的腳步,你就會學到你從不明白的事情。《風中奇緣》 7. Nothing's impossible. - Alice In Wonderland 沒有什麼是不可能的。《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》 8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over you! - Little Mermaid 哼嗯!小屁孩。總是自以為是。得寸進尺,趕明兒就游你頭上去了。《小美人魚》 9. I'm not worthless -- and I don't have fleas. - Aladdin 我可不是一無是處——我身上也不帶跳蚤。《阿拉丁》 10. All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan 只需要一些信仰和信念。《彼得•潘》 11. Look for the bare necessities - The Jungle Book 找到熊熊的生存之道。《叢林王子》



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