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發布時間:2023-02-04 02:28:47

A. 看英文電影有什麼好處

5、能讓你學到最鮮活的詞彙和表達!這是非常重要的,因為我們平常背的句子其實有很多都是已經過時的或者在口語中不常用的句子,但通過看英文原版電影我們可以學到很多最時髦、最鮮活的詞彙和表達法,比如昨天我看老友記時學到了一個地道的表達法,叫Have you put your foot down?(你已經決定好了嗎?)還好很多很多好的地道表達等著你去學習和吸收!

B. 英語作文:看電影的好處,讀原著的好處,說看法和理由

To compare and contrast the To Kill A Mockingbird film vs. the book. The book is better, but watching the movie also enjoying. There were three differences that stood out, the absence of characters, the different scenes, and an actors to characters comparison. The book to the movie there is a clear difference but the morals are all still the same. The directors made some good changes and some bad ones the movie was good over all any ways.
From the book to the movie there were characters missing some important some not important at all. One character that I felt was missing that is important that wasn抰 there was Aunt Alexandra she was the whole be more like a girl role model for Scout. A character in the book that wasn抰 in the movie was Mr. Do

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The Characters compared to the actors in the movie were good in some cases but bad in others. The same characters were the same heroes and the same characters got killed so the movie still resembled the book. In deleting the scenes they choose the created a different perspective of they story.

To Kill a Mockingbird


Vs. The character Jem is not as I had imagined him I thought he would be more physically fit. The overall moral was the same just not as clear. Rachael was an other character that was omitted from the book, dill was not living with her in the movie instead he live with Mrs. The movies mood differed from the book because it was in black and white. The school scenes were important they give insight on how the school was built. Another scenes that were deleted was the Dolphis Raymond scene were Dill drinks the coke that is supposed to be booze. lphus Raymond it wasn抰 a big deal though because he really didn抰 play a huge role anyways, just shows how people had to find away to not be ridiculed by others for liking bad people. Scout is a bit different that I thought I thought she would be bigger and more mature, in the story she acts really childish.

There were scenes omitted from the book were unnoticed some were missed. The director made the choice to delete these characters for a reason the only one that affected the book was Aunt Alexandra.

C. 「我覺得看電影的好處有」翻譯成英語

I think the benefits of watching movies is that....

D. 看英文電影對學習英語的作用 英文1000字作文

A growing amount of people are fascinated by English movies . Some of the English learners hold the opinion that watching English movies can do some help for their English learning .I fully approve the statement and i consider It functions in the following ways .
First of all ,funny or fantastic English movies can increase students' interest in English learning . Once a person is in love with a pile of English movie , he or she will try very hard to enrich English skills for understanding his or her beloved movie series better.In this case , he or she can easily develop English skills in a relatively short time .The second ,learning English through watching movies is much more amused than through text book .Most of times ,students are pleased to watch gorgeous English movies thus they will be capable and happy to learn English in that way for more hours . Since the learning time is longer , it is convincing that their English skills will be heightened at a higher speed .The third ,our listening capability is about to be improved while watching English movies especially those without subtitles.English movies contains a wide range of information of English world and a large amount of English words and they approximately presents the real English speaking condition in the western countries . Therefore,English listening skill of us will be greatly advanced if we tried to understand every sentence of movies. The fourth , just like the listening skill , our ability of speaking will be significantly improved as well .The majority of English movies are speaking in a charming and accurate way .Listening to them can do some help for correcting English learner's pronunciation .Pronunciation, which is quite substantial in learning English , is of essential importance and needs to be taken seriously.The fifth.watching English with subtitles is useful to make a English learner a better writer .Some students found it difficult to remember English written form .This problem can be partly solved by watching English movies if students paid a little amount of attention toward subtitles .The sixth , watching English movie can help English learners understand English culture and their way of thinking .Western people have a much more different way of thinking compared with Chinese .This distinction has been reflected in their grammar and preference of essay writing . Once students figured out the differences , English learning will become much easier .The seventh , English learners can obtain a lot of new ways of English speaking . As a language ,English is changing all the time just like the others . Nowadays ,more and more fashionable words are added into the English dictionary .Slang of the USA is updating every single day .It will be possible for us to keep pace with these changes if we are following the latest movies .
In fact , i benefit a lot from watching English films . I fell in love with English comedy in 2008 and have watched a bunch of it since then .I have to admit that my English skills have been significantly advanced and reached a level that i dare not to dream in the old days .Before learning English through watching English movie ,i considered English learning boring and tough .Nonetheless ,i love learning English and can not even go to bed without watching a piece of English film .I could not hear English clearly if it was spoken at a relatively fast speed because the listening records from text books spoke much slower . Currently , i can understand almost every word of a sentence which is fast spoken and that is all e to watch English films .My accent of English speaking has been efficiently improved since watching a large amount of English films .Charming accent is really tough to obtain .A pile of great Chinese English speaker still can not get rid of Chinese accent because they are so familiar with their mother language thus the Chinese accent will come out automatically when speaking English .It is seemed that accurate accent is impossible to obtain for Chinese English learner .However , since i watched a huge amount of English films and paid a lot of attention to their tone every time ,my accent has been highly advanced .Now , i can communicate with native English speaker confidently without worring about my funny accent and it is a real bliss .

All in all ,watching good English movies can help a lot while learning English . One can not resist this relaxing and efficient way of learning a foreign language .

E. 去電影院看電影有什麼好處呢(雙語作文)

With the rapid development of technique,there are many ways for people to watch movies.Some people choose to watch movie in cinema,some choose to watch at home.Different people have different choices.As for me,I prefer to watch movie in cinema,because there are so many benefits.Firstly,watching movie in cinema makes people feel comfortable.Especially when you finish your all day work,it's a perfect choice to watch movie in cinema.As we all know,cinema is a huge space,people can relax in theater.Also,you can focus on movie because the screen is enough huge and the sound is enough clear.What's more,theater is always clean,it make people feel like watching movies at home.Secondly,theater is a good choice for couples.Most young people like to go to theater to watch movies,because they think it's better to cultivate relationship in big theater.The atmosphere of the cinema is more suitable for lovers.People's state of mind will change with the ups and downs of film.So,most young people will choose to watch love story in cinema.Thirdly,it's very easy to get a ticket.We don't need to waste much time for waiting in line.Nowadays,we have many ways to buy cinema tickets.The most typical way is to buy on the internet.Everything can be completed on the computer; all we need to do is to click the mouse.Science and technology make our life become very convenient.Besides,a movie ticket is not expensive,many people are affordable.Sacrifice a little money to buy comfortable experience,why not does it?The fast pace of life need to unzip the agent,and the cinema is good way to relax.In conclusion,there're so many benefits when we choose to go to the theater to watch movies.In today,life is wonderful,so we should find a more funny way to live.Let our life full of fun.【參考譯文】 隨著科技的快速發展,人們對看電影的方式有很多種.有些人選擇看電影在電影院,有些人選擇在家裡看.不同的人有不同的選擇.至於我,我喜歡看電影在電影院,因為有很多的好處.首先,在電影院看電影讓人感覺舒適.尤其是當你完成你的一整天的工作,去電影院看場電影無疑是一個完美的選擇.我們都知道,電影院是一個巨大的空間,在那裡人們可以完全放鬆自己.同樣,在電影院你可以專注於電影,因為屏幕足夠巨大,聲音也足夠清晰.更重要的是,電影院環境整潔,讓你感覺如在家裡一般.其次,對於情侶來說,電影院是一個很好的選擇.大多數年輕人喜歡去劇院看電影,因為他們認為在電影院可以更好地培養感情.而且,電影院的氛圍很適合情侶,人的精神狀態會隨著電影跌宕起伏.所以,大多數年輕人會選擇在電影院觀看愛情電影.第三,買票很便捷.我們不需要浪費很多時間去排隊.現在,我們有許多方法來購買電影票.最快捷的方式是在網上購買,一切都可以在電腦上完成,我們所需要做的就是點擊滑鼠.科學和技術使我們的生活變得非常方便.此外,電影票並不昂貴,許多人都負擔得起.犧牲一點點錢買舒適的體驗,何樂而不為呢?快節奏的生活需要解壓劑,而去影院看電影是很好的放鬆方式.總之,選擇去電影院看電影有很多好處.今天的生活是美好的,所以我們應該找到一個更有趣的生活方式.讓我們的生活充滿樂趣.

F. 英語電影給我們學習英語口語帶來的好處嗎




G. 看電影學英語的方法及好處





4、英語電影和美劇里的台詞是最直白,最實用,最貼近口語的語言大家都知道口語也分正式場合和日常交際,來個簡單的例子。如果你想讓對方停止說話。日常的你可以說"knock it off",但在會議上呢?要說"XX will suspend"。












有經驗的學生總是在上每節課之前提前把老師要講的內容認真看一遍,並做好預習記錄,標明哪些地方不懂或一知半解、自己認為的重點、難點;在上課的時候,聽老師講課就不會太費力了,同時也能夠清楚的知道自己哪些地方預習的不足,自己哪些地方重點、難點抓得不夠,在下次預習的時候更能抓住脈絡,形成好的方;上完課並不代表這節課的學習結束了,還要及時復習,強化記憶。在做作業的時候,最好先把今天學習的內容再完整地看一遍,這樣 課前預習,做起作業來,錯誤率會很低。




在課間休息時,有的學生只知道打鬥玩耍,而用英語課本中的英文歌曲、「chant」、或是「let『s make」或是「let』s act」做游戲也不失是一種好的游戲方法,既能愉悅身心,又在玩中鞏固了知識,可謂一舉兩得。















H. 「看電影」英語議論文 要列出好處壞處 初三水平 高手賜教 謝謝謝謝🙏ԅ

好處:Watching movie is a activity that make us relax.Like comedy movie ,it can make us happy.Like science movie,we can learn more knowledge that cant learn from books.
壞處:If we keep watching movie all the time,it's not good for our eye and forget the reality in your life.
我是初二生但在澳門就讀 所以希望可以幫到你😊

I. 看電視帶給我們的好處多英語翻譯



The advantages of watching TV brings us more.


J. 看電影的好處 英語

First, it could realax and kill time. Second, we culd learn alot of things through documents, war movies and stories. Third, You culd keep up with the flow and add more topics in the conversations with you friends.



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