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❶ 怦然心動英文

怦然心動英文是《Flipped》,讀音:英 [flɪpt],美 [flɪpt]。






❷ 怦然心動電影英文名


❸ 電影《砰然心動》的內容主題簡介


布萊斯(卡蘭·麥克奧利菲 Callan McAuliffe 飾)全家搬到小鎮,鄰家女孩朱麗(瑪德琳·卡羅爾 飾)前來幫忙。她對他一見鍾情,心願是獲得他的吻。朱莉虔誠地相信三件事:樹是聖潔的(特別是她最愛的梧桐樹)、她在後院里飼養的雞生出來的雞蛋是最衛生的、以及總有一天她會和布萊斯·羅斯基(卡蘭·麥克奧利菲飾)接吻。









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❻ 怦然心動的英文介紹



Julie Baker (Madeline Carroll) devoutly believes in three things: the tree is holy (especially her favorite phoenix tree), and the eggs she proces in the backyard are the most hygienic. And one day she will kiss Bryce Roskil (Karan McAvery).


In the second year, when I saw Bryce』s blue eyes, Julie』s heart was hit by him. Unfortunately, Bryce never felt about her. Moreover, he thinks that Julie is a bit strange, how can someone see the chicken and sit under the tree as fun.


Unexpectedly, in the eighth grade, Bryce began to feel that Julie's unusual interest and pride in the family made her look very attractive.


And Julie began to think that Bryce's beautiful blue eyes may be as empty as himself. After all, how can someone not take the other people's feelings about trees and chickens seriously?








❼ flipped怦然心動英文簡介基本內容


Flipped is directed by Rob Lena, Madeleine Carroll, Karan McAlilly starring the film.

The film according to Wendelin van de la Annan's original novel adaptation of the novel, describes the adolescent boys and girls between the interesting war. Was released in the United States on August 6, 2010.
Julie Baker (Madeleine Carroll) piously believe in three things: the tree is holy (especially her favorite sycamore tree), her chicken in the backyard is born out of the egg is the most health And one day she would kiss Bryce Rawski (Karan McAlilly). In the second grade saw Brice's blue eyes that moment, Julie's heart was hit by him. Unfortunately, Blythe never felt for her. And, he thinks Julie is a bit strange, how can someone put the chicken and sit in the tree as fun?

Unexpectedly, to the eighth grade, Bryce began to feel Julie's unusual interest and pride for the family made her look very attractive. And Julie began to think Blythe beautiful blue eyes may be the same as his own very empty, after all, how some people do not put others on the feelings of trees and chickens seriously?
Creative background

In 2007, when the 60-year-old American director Rob Lena to a "wish list" expressed his ultimate thinking about life. And in three years later, he suddenly changed a point of view, with a adapted from the text of Delin van der Lanna famous film "eyebrows", from childhood, youth time boy girl " War "to express his thinking about the growth of man.

Actor lineup

Playing in the film who has a lot of strange thinking of the girl is 14-year-old actor Madeleine Carol. For her role in the film, she also has her understanding, she believes that when Julie with different perspectives to observe Bryce, there will be a huge cognitive turn. Because she loved him so deep, and Bryce failed to show any love for her, she thought he would help her, but unfortunately he did not do so. In Madeleine's view, it was this loneliness, and there was an impressive picture of the film: Julie clutched the tree tightly, "because it was her growth." It is with this deep understanding of the role of the role, Madeleine very good interpretation of this role, also received the director's approval, Rob Lena that, Madeleine showed this feeling, presented Incredible performance.

"The eyebrows" is the first episode of the first episode of the United States in the United States, so he said that the whole process he was curious and felt the fun of making a long piece of the whole process, and he needed some American taste. Rob Lena's humor was particularly impressive to Karan McAlilly, and in his view the director did not deliberately teach them how to play, but to give them more space to perform.
Positive evaluation

In this April, I saw the best of a film is directed by Rob Lena "eyebrows", and "Warring States" in the same, are the protagonist fell in love with each other's eyes, this film But in every while in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare --- - Some people live in high-rise, some people in the deep ditch, it was light, it was a rust, thousands of species of the world, clouds Mo to seek, Sri Lanka if the rainbow, met the side know.

Repeatedly read twice "eyebrows", really is exciting. A pair of children, a tree, a particularly simple story, speak awkward. I feel the deepest point is: girls have a sense of detachment of self-awareness, look at their loved ones in the end worth not love. Once touched her self-esteem, immediately decided to give up the boys. Our culture in the "love", it seems to be low to the st, give up self-esteem is called love, guilty of love.

Neutral evaluation

"Impressive" is a niche, a special movie, it will put you in a warm, interesting, and full of humanistic atmosphere, until the last to give you a look is not so do not rely on The wonderful story of the spectrum.

A motivating great home movie, it's about the details of the first love and the life of the course, which is far better than the film will be some talented role in the film center is much better.

negative comment

Lenner once again penetrated his passion and insight into a young man's war on self-awareness, but in his new work, too many fictional characters, so that the whole story into a pause The situation.

flipped怦然心動相關 文章 :

1. 提高英語水平的英語原著小說分享

2. 電影《怦然心動》經典台詞

3. 怦然心動經典台詞中英文

4. 《怦然心動》經典台詞

5. 電影中的經典示愛台詞30句

❽ 《怦然心動》 翻譯!!謝謝咯

FLIPPED tells a love story of two chilren, in which Juli fell in love with Bryce at the time when he first moved next to her and became her neibour.At begginning,Juli tried to show her love to Bryce and to touch his heart in her unique way.But it was unfortunate that Juli's expression seemed strange or even disgusting in Bryce 's eyes.


❾ 電影怦然心動的男主角是誰

卡蘭·麥克奧利菲Callan McAuliffe超帥!

❿ 怦然心動電影簡介






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