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A. 韓國電影《紅字》中,李恩珠在酒吧里演唱的那首英文歌的名字是什麼

那首歌叫:A matter of time


Do you ever think about the ways you're getting older?
You sit around and realize your heart is colder
There'll come a time you'll think your youth is almost over

Did you ever want to turn the hands of time back to your childhood?
Back to the time you had it made, you had it so good
What would it take to see mistakes before they happen?
What would you do with all the choices that you made then?

It's just a matter of time
It'll all be over (And it makes you wonder)
It's just a matter of time
Better think about it (How did it go so fast?)
It's just a matter of time
You know you're gettin' older
It's just a matter of time

You sit around, you're all alone, the party's over
You think about it all again, your thoughts are sober
You waste away another day and then it happens
You're old and grey, you dream away about your past sins

God has a plan worth listening to
Not built on sand that is sifting through
It's not too late for redeeming the time

B. 免費下載電影《紅字》



C. 美國電影紅字的英語台詞

New England in the 17th century: Young Hester Prynne arrives at the colony with the purpose to find a house for herself and her husband, old doctor Roger Prynne, who still resides in good old England and will follow later. From。

D. 電影《紅字》

紅字/赤色誘惑 BD中英字幕1280x720版,免費下載

E. 求美國電影《紅字》劇情介紹或者影評,英文

New England in the 17th century: Young Hester Prynne arrives at the colony with the purpose to find a house for herself and her husband, old doctor Roger Prynne, who still resides in good old England and will follow later. From the first day the other inhabitants of the village notice that Hester is intelligent and independent, which attracts the ones and strucks the others. When she, however, finds herself a house near the forest and takes a walk in it she sees by chance a naked young man swimming in the river nearby. The man, as she finds out later, is the very popular Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. The two soon find themselves attracted to each other and secretly begin an affair. As the result of this Hester becomes pregnant and when the government finds out, she is showed up in public and has to wear a scarlet "A" as "altery" on her chest. Because of this but also because she refuses to tell the name of her child's father, she goes into jail where she gives birth to her daughter, Pearl. Then, surprisingly, Roger Prynne, whose ship was supposed to have been destroyed in a storm with no survivors, appears in the village. The doctor is now driven by the idea to find out who was Hester's lover and destroy his life, as well as the life of Hester.

F. 對美國電影《紅字》的影評

海絲特·白蘭因犯了通姦罪受到加爾文教派權力機構的懲罰, 胸前佩戴著標志通姦的紅色「A」字站在古老的枷刑台上示眾。她的手中抱著這個罪孽的證據:一個出生僅數月的嬰兒。在人們無情的注視下,她拒絕了年輕牧師阿瑟·丁梅斯代爾提出的懺悔並供出同犯的要求。受過懲罰後,海絲特在城外遠離人群的一間小茅屋裡住了下來。她以作針線活維生,並細心地照料著她的女兒——珠兒。這時,海斯特的丈夫來到了美國。他滿懷仇恨地改名為羅傑·奇林沃思,以醫生的身份暗中察訪與海絲特通姦的同犯。很快七年過去了。珠兒已成長為一個美麗可愛的小姑娘。而海絲特因為不斷熱心接濟和幫助別人,最終贏得了人們的尊敬,使胸前那本來代表恥辱的紅字變成了美好善良德行的象徵。 而經過多年的窺探, 羅傑也認定了「道德偉大」的丁梅斯代爾牧師就是那個隱藏的同犯。於是他千方百計地接近牧師, 旁敲側擊,冷嘲熱諷,不停地在精神上對牧師進行折磨。海絲特為了使丁梅斯代爾逃離丈夫的陰影,決心帶著女兒和他一起逃走,但卻被羅傑發現,計劃失敗了。而對羅傑的恐懼和自己隱瞞罪責的煎熬使丁梅斯代爾的健康每況愈下。終於在離開塵世前夕,他在全體教眾的面前,他挽著海絲特和他們的女兒珠兒登上了枷刑台,用以生命為代價的深切懺悔換取了道德上的新生。
《紅字》,世界文學名著,美國作家霍桑極富爭議的作品,曾被屢次搬上銀幕,本文所介紹的版本,是1995年羅蘭·約菲導演的《紅字》。影片本名《The Scarlet Letter》,又譯《真愛一生》或《紅色禁戀》,故事講述了一個凄美動人的婚外情故事。丈夫的失蹤,造成一個女人與牧師的相愛。肚子的隆起,暴露了女人的姦情,她為自己的「罪孽」遭受囚禁,然而她拒絕說出情夫的名字。嬰兒的降生,成了她罪惡的「鐵證」,她的胸前被戴上象徵不貞潔和恥辱的紅色標志「A」。然而,女人獨自帶著孩子的種種善舉,改變著人們對她的認識,也改變著紅色標志「A」的本意。丈夫的歸來,卻打破了這種局面,他查出了妻子的姦夫,開始瘋狂報復。故事結果,紛爭平息,牧師最終站出,攜女人和他們的孩子,離開了居住地。《紅字》,一個令人回味無窮的、名片演繹名著的經典故事。

G. 美國電影紅字


H. 跪求 韓國電影紅字

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I. 哪位朋友可以提供美國電影《紅字》的英文影評懸賞,急,謝謝




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