㈠ 《當幸福來敲門》觀後感,按照下面的話翻譯成英語就好了!在線等!
What is happiness? I think different people hold different ideas. In my mind, happiness is living a simple life with family, your lover, and your friends. Gardner's tour for obtaining happiness is quite difficult and arous費力的.That's why we should cherish happiness. This movie inspires us to have a dream rather than to achieve happiness. We all have our own dreams. Only people with competence can realize their dreams. In this process, we should have confidence in our capacity in spite of many obstacles.
㈡ 求英語大神們寫一篇 當幸福來敲門 的英語觀後感 不用長!!!大約120詞左右 跪謝!!高一水平!!
A week ago, I watched the movie"The pursuit of happyness".
At the beginning of this movie, we find the word "happiness" which is mistaken by "happyness" on a wall. Christ made every effort to tell his son the correct spell of this word. Certain it is that the father want to give his son a good ecation by attempting to tell him what to do and what not to do. The man is also of great ambition. Through his quarrels with his wife Linda, who left the family later, we know that he is endeavouring to earn enough money to run the family smoothly. Unfortunately, things didn't come up that way. One sentence I always heared in this movie is " Everything will be fine", and Linda often say "whatever" to express her no-choice situation.Sometimes we may get trapped in your daily life, but why would you give in to it, why would you give up? We ought to fight against all the obstacles in our way to success!
The kid, Christopher, also leaves me a deep impression. Although he and his father usually have a hard time and even have no place to stay, he is determined to trust his father. What a good boy! In modern times, an increasing number of people tend to lose faith in their family. In the contrast, Christopher has given us a vivid lesson and set a great example for those people.
The movie is inspired by a ture story, and Christ finally come out of all the difficulties and achieve his great success by becoming a stockbroker. Most of us may exprience a hard time, for instance, there is a mountain in your way, but what you are supposed to do is just climbing over it, for the beautiful scenery is just on the other side!
㈢ 當幸福來敲門 觀後感 翻譯 漢譯英 (不要機器的,全是語法錯誤)
《The Pursuit of Happyness》 is a simple inspirational movie.There are no beautiful actors and moving music,but it can also attract you to imagine what will happen.Because it has a good enough story,flat but not mediocre.
First:When Chris see the Graffiti 「happyness」 on the wall,he said :There is no y in happiness, There is i (y is Why). This line setup is extremely clever,Ii also conveys aims throughout the entire film.Yes,there is no "why" in happiness,Only their own in happiness.Blaming others for happier than themselves is meaningless.Happy can only be obtained by their own.
Second:When the film began,Chris was pushed forward by crowds on the street.Only he flet lost in the smiling faces.But,towards the end of the film,Chris was in that place again with smiling tears on his face,and he applauded for himself.After the suffering, grief, abandonment, abjection, helplessness, despair,Chris got great time with patience, effort and never give up attitude of life.So the moment when he passed through the trial period,Chris was happy.
㈣ 當幸福來敲門觀後感英語,越短越好,60詞
This is about movie review.Yes,this is The Pursuit Of Happyiness.
Because our teacher demand us finish the movie review.——Foreword
In fact ,I have seen this movie before class.I frist met it when I was a senior middle school student.But I have get more impressions then before.
In the movie,the leading role of The Pursuit Of Happyiness,Jefferson's Declaration of independence words about happyiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner.Chris hardly work from everyday morning to night,but still couldn't make a charge.
At last,his wife can't enred and left away,just leaving him and their five-year-old son.That is to say,Chris become a single father.
Even worse is,Chris no money to pay for the rent.And he was failed with his career.They become homeless.They slept in anywhere.But Chris never gave up,just for his son and his belief.He still strongly believed that happyiness would come one day if he worked hard enough.
At last of the film,Chris was succeed.But everyone know that too diffcult and hardly.
I think everyone know this is a inspired story.And I'm moved.But in this movie,the most impress me are two things about Chris's love to his son and his strong faith towards life.After that,I learn one thing that if a person has a strong faith in himself,nothing will impossible.
㈤ 美國電影幸福來敲門英文讀後感
The Pursuit of Happiness,當看到這個名字的時候,我就想到了這個故事一定是個幸福的結局,能一眼看穿的劇情也許本身就不怎麼精彩。但對於處於事業的彷徨期,進退都不知道方向的我來說,此刻卻給了無盡的激勵.該片的原型是來自於03年的一檔<20/20>節目中Chris Gardenr的真實故事,影片講述了克里斯如何面對令人難以置信的困難,如何克服事業失敗,妻子棄他而去、無家可歸的困境,並最終獲得成功的人生故事,這不僅僅是一個從貧窮走向富有的故事,也是把他的經歷看成一種實現自己夢想的成功案例.以激勵這一代身處安逸而在夢想邊緣徘徊的我們.雖然該片還有很多的瑕疵,但這些都並不影響人們對它的正面評價,就chris而言,他是一個敢於面對現實,勇於承擔家庭責任的好丈夫.是一個時刻保護著自己的孩子並努力為之創造幸福和快樂的好父親.一個面對逆境從不氣餒,為幸福而努力奮斗的好男人.就此情節來說,這是一個令人感動的父親與兒子之間故事,也是一種在逆境中所展現出來的偉大與勤奮的縮影,在看完此片後,我就問了自己一個非常自然的問題:我也能做到那樣嗎?我也能像chris那樣去經受和面對那麼多的苦難與不幸嗎?我想起了多吉平措的名言:面對艱難困苦,懦弱者被磨去稜角;勇敢者將意志品質磨礪得更為堅強。在現實面前,或許他就是那位勇敢者,而我卻成了懦弱者。克里斯的成功不僅僅是他的勤奮和闊達的胸懷,更重要的是他能認清整個事件的本質,不輕意做決定,一旦做了決定就一定會努力,不輕言放棄,哪怕前面的路再艱險,都得從容面對,對克里斯的成功,我作出的概括如下:能明確自己的人生目標,沒有目標的人生,就像斷了線的風箏,找不著重心。目標是對於期望成就事業的真正決心。如何去建立目標,不能憑空遐想,那樣有些不切實際,也不能過於沉寂過去固有的人生定位,適時對自己的人生做出重新在規劃,要立足於生活基本點,因環境而不斷的改變,才能真正的走向成功,克里斯最初的夢想是通過推銷所謂的「時間機器」來達到自己的人生目標,但最終他發現這是一個錯誤,這種不能適應當代社會的產品銷售不僅不能改變自己目前的困境,反而是一步步的把自己推向失敗的深淵,只有換一種方式,才可能是他唯一改變目前這種窮困潦倒生活的唯一辦法,通過對經紀人的了解,結合自己的實際情況,他最終確定了自己的職業目標-----股票經紀人,在他看來,他具有成為經紀人的兩大要素:數學和人際關系,數學方面,他能以最快的速度拼出魔方;而人際關系方面他雖然目前並不具有,但他相信可以通過較好的溝通力建立起不錯的人際關系。這也是他相信自己成能為合格經紀人的前提。善於抓住機遇,高爾基說過,普天之下,善於利用時機者始能得到。機遇是上帝創造的,期待的機遇並不等於創造的機遇。一個人的成功有一半是機遇,一旦失去了機遇,那將終身遺憾,抓住每一個時機,去證明自己的能力,是實現自己目標的起點,chris正是抓住了這么一點,在路上巧遇托斯特爾先生時,用玩魔方的方式向他展示了自己能力.並最終得到了托斯特的賞識,成為他進入實習生的有力推動者.在我看來,在人生的道路上通過自己的努力會等到機遇,但最美妙的機遇也有捷徑,作家梁曉聲曾經道出一些幸運兒成功的絕密,他說:有的人搭上機遇的快車,順風而行;有的錯過於它,終身遺憾;有的一生都未能實現,默默地埋藏自己才華。所以當機遇敲門的時候,不要猶豫著該不該起身開門,否則它就去敲別人的門了。對於遇到的困境果斷的做出決定當斷不斷,反受其亂。觀念思維決定人生,選擇決定成敗。在漫漫人生路上,如何去選擇,真可能讓人舉棋不定,但有限的時間總不會給我們太多的思維空間,有些時候,我們必須果斷的作出決定,如果克里斯在面試時因為穿著無法取得招聘人員的認同而不知所措,他將不可能得到實習的機會;如果克里斯在得知實習期間沒有一分工資,且錄取率僅為1/20時,不能做決定是否來參加實習培訓,他永遠也不可能成為一名股票經紀人。雖然思考猶豫是必然的,但我們應當更加果斷一些,大膽一些,等覺得准備好了,機會可能已經不屬於自己了,盡可能減少錯失良機帶來的遺憾,加強這種緊迫感意識!因為機會總是會在我們猶豫不決中溜走。在逆境中的自我肯定和自我安慰這部電影讓我想起了魯濱遜的荒島餘生,在那樣的絕境中,任何人都必須先解決心理問題,調整好自己的心態,才能有下一步行動,這就是魯濱遜雖身陷絕境,但他還是找到了活下去的理由。和魯濱遜一樣,克里斯在從被房東清出家門的那種失落,到睡地鐵口時那種感受恐龍時代生活的自我安慰,也說明了他能在極短的時間內完成心理調整,為他能在這個城市中順利的生存下去打好了心理基礎,他的這種自我安慰也是值得肯定的。人際關系是克里斯成功之關鍵,作為一位經紀人,人際關系非常重要,想成位一位優秀的經紀人,就必須處理好他同上司,同同事之間的人際關系,最重要的是還得跟客戶搞好關系,因為是經紀人而不是學生,身處職場中,人際關系和銷售業績同等重要,沒有好的人際關系我們就不可能做出好的業績,同樣有好的業績,和領導的關系搞不好,也任然無法獲得成功。從實習開始,克里斯就不斷的建立自己的人際關系,在上司面前,他常向弗雷姆傳遞自己的問侯,甚至借錢給弗雷姆,即使自己趕著去見客戶,他也會去幫弗雷克斯泊車,在平日緊張的學習中,他也不會忘記幫同事們做一些瑣事。而在客戶方面,他也懂得用不同的方式和客戶建立起良好的人際關系,如上門拜訪,電話致謝等。正因為他在人際關系和銷售業績方面的出色表現,得到了大股東弗雷姆的認同,於是,同獲最高分成績的兩個人中,他獲得了成功。做最好的自己,無疑是從自己出發,以自己為出發點去看去想一切問題,這個咋一看似乎很易讓人以為是一種狹隘自私的偏駁觀點,其實不然,看完這部電影後我知道了這種說法是鼓勵人去用一種積極的態度去面對自己的人生,一切盡在自己掌握。客觀的看待自己,看待如何去選擇屬於自己的成功並為之去拼搏。克里斯讓我明白,選擇對於每個人來說都是自由的,弗蘭克說過:任何極端的環境里,人們總會擁有一種最後的自由,那就是選擇自己的態度的自由。其實我們任何人,只要有夢想,只要有足夠的意志和決心,都能創造屬於我們自己的人生,改變我們的地位.我相信,只要我們不斷努力,我們就一定能取得成功。我記住了克里斯的那句話:別讓別人告訴你,你成不了才,即使我也不行,如果你有夢想的話,就要去捍衛它,那些一事無成的人想告訴你你成不了大器,即然有理想的話就要去努力實現。(Don't ever let somebody tell you can do something, if you get a dream,you gotta protect it.people can't do something themselves,they wanna to tell you you can't do it.if you want something,go get it.period)最惡劣的事態總有一天告一段落,或者逐漸恢復原狀;只有想信自己,一切才皆有可能,Nothing is impossible.http://www.adwife.com/hougan4057/
㈥ <當幸福來敲門》英語觀後感
"The first time I see my father in my 28 years old, when I decided, if I have children, my children must know who his father"
Although I have not yet 28 years old, of course, impossible for 28-year-old when the first time I saw my father, but watching film, listening to Jaden Smith Cute childish, when suddenly there is a very wanted a child, and then take good care of his impulses. When Jaden Smith, together with the father slept toilets is not complaining, and even put forward again to this "hole" sleep time; when he was stare at the grocery store where snacks, when the father asked when he himself must not be the and other circumstances such as these, I would have been repeating a word in my heart, I really sensible ah, I really sensible ah.
The wife to leave, is a choice, you can blame a sale because the husband did not sell anything, but for four weeks at home every day, a woman connected to the two classes Mody? Her departure is definitely not aspire to vanity so materialistic, and she has to bear a lot of women may not be able to afford things. Choking on the phone before, more a life of despair. From the film at the end of speculation, in fact, she stays a few months again as long as you can, but it is fair to surmise from the results, real life, how many people's life is a written script of a happy ending? Vicissitudes of life are derived from the unknown. Life is often much more complex than the film,
Chris Gardner's success just shows that more people in this world is a failure, because most people fail before they bring out the success of some minority of people so precious, so dazzling. If you are successful people all over the world, success has given us the word would not be touched by so many. I can now finally understand that there is no way those who go on to marriage, is not necessarily a heinous which side and which side should have been cast aside, and stood together in life or not to walk, two people have the right to choose at any time. Of course, the wife has been family and her husband as the center, is certainly most of the men of the
希望. But I personally think that, no matter how difficult life, for our children, should carry on, just as 28-year-old did not see a father Chris Gardner's insistence, as the mother must also let the child know who he is, whether it is life In the hut or the palace, a complete family for the child is an unparalleled wealth.
The film is certainly inspirational classic, how many times a basket case, how many times homeless, and ultimately thoroughly transform. Nowhere to go and sleep in the toilet crying shame suffering, the church door in order to fight a relief to bed with the homeless gaffe bickering off the night at the police station the next day flew to his head is the first day of the interview also wore decorated stained paint, ... ... a number of bitter and relentless details of life, was admitted in the final moment was Nabu Wen book into a trembling hand, how many people do not at this moment, together with Chris Gardner silently weeping? But I do not know how many people see the film will be more firmly their own dreams,
Would have confidence in sales and stocks in this instry. All the difficulties, for the ultimate result of that success, I have to repeat the above sentence once said, how many people will ultimately succeed it? The capital market must be to make most people's money flow to a small number of people, failure than the success of many people is absolute. "The road to success everywhere fallen places and fallen people" a determination to work for each person should have a heart ready to become a friend that owed money to 14 people to be more likely to Repudiation more than a well-known U.S. investment experts blacks were much more likely Chris Gardner
. Through thick and thin to find a willing woman is not difficult, but encountered a willingness to have a woman who carries the weight of life is not easy, if in case you are successful, you can thank her, you may find Xiaomi second wife, but if you failed, perhaps she may not be able to see you live to the final failure of that day.
"The figure must be sensitive, good at communication, nothing more"
A lot of tough job being a few words summed up, life is not so, the film was finally able to let me know that a blueprint for the more beautiful, the surface of the more glorious career, the more easy for those keen and ambitious, but in fact, it takes to be successful The effort, than those who seemingly behave much more professional. Prove once again the phrase "no love for no reason," and wanted to riches, it is impossible for no reason.
Finally, I have to admit, Will Smith's performance does have touched people's hearts place. Allow me also to those who worked hard for their ideals, but it does not obtain or no access to their own well-being of the people to pay tribute to the ideal. Because no matter how long you have worked hard for every drop of sweat are real. The losers tend to be a successful stepping stone, though very few places in the success, but who will forever be a stepping stone to do? Let us insist on the same, like Chris Gardner!
雖然我還沒有二十八歲,當然也不可能在28歲的時候第一次見我的父親,但是看著這部影片,聽著Jaden Smith稚嫩的童聲,忽然有一種很想要一個小孩,然後好好照顧他的沖動。當Jaden Smith跟老爸一起睡廁所並不埋怨,甚至還提出過可以再次去這個「洞」里睡時;當他在雜貨鋪里目不轉睛地盯著零食,當老爸問的時候說自己不要時等諸如此類的情節,我就會在心裡不停重復一句話,真懂事啊,真懂事啊。
做妻子的離開,是一種選擇,你能指責一個因為做銷售的老公賣不出東西,而為了家四個星期每天都連上兩班的女人么?她的離開絕對不是貪慕虛榮那麼功利,她已經在承受很多女人未必能承受的事情了。在電話前的哽咽,更多的是一種對生活的絕望。從影片的結尾推測,其實她只要再撐幾個月就可以了,但是這是從結果來推測,現實生活,有多少人的人生是一本寫好大團圓結局的劇本?人生的酸甜苦辣都來源於未知。生活往往比電影復雜得多,Chris Gardner的成功只說明了這個世界有更多的人是失敗的,因為大多數人的失敗,才襯托出某些少數人的成功那麼彌足珍貴,那麼耀眼。如果滿世界都是成功的人,成功兩個字給與我們的感動就不會那麼多。我現在終於能夠理解,那些沒有辦法進行下去的婚姻,並不一定是哪一方十惡不赦,哪一方要遭到唾棄,風雨同舟的人生要不要一起走過,兩個人隨時都有選擇權。當然,做妻子的一直以家庭和丈夫為中心,肯定是大多數男人們的希望。不過我個人以為,不管生活多麼艱難,為了孩子,都應該堅持下去的,就如同28歲才見到父親的Chris Gardner的堅持一樣,做母親的也一定要讓孩子知道自己是誰,不論是生活在草棚還是宮殿,一個完整的家庭對於孩子來說是無可比擬的財富。
這部電影當然是勵志經典,多少次山窮水盡,多少次無家可歸,最終修成正果。無處可去,睡在廁所里羞愧痛苦的哭泣,教堂門口為了爭一個救濟床位與流浪漢失態地爭吵、在警局關了一夜第二天飛奔去面試還頂著頭一天滿頭裝修沾到的油漆、……眾多辛酸而堅持不懈的生活細節,在最終被錄取的那一刻,化作顫抖得拿不穩本子的手,有多少人不會在這一刻與Chris Gardner一起無聲地哭泣?可是我不知道有多少人看到影片會更堅定自己的夢想,會對銷售和股票這個行業充滿信心。所有的困難,為的是最終那個成功的結果,我要再說上文曾經說過的那句話,有多少人最終會走向成功的呢?資本市場必然是要讓大多數人的錢流向少部分人,失敗的人比成功的人多是絕對的。「在通往成功的路上,到處都是倒下的地方和倒下的人」每一個決心努力的人都應該有心裡准備,變成那個欠朋友14塊錢都要賴賬的人的可能性要比成為美國著名黑人投資專家Chris Gardner的可能性大得多。找一個願意同甘共苦的女人不難,而遇到一個願意一直背負生活重壓的女人就很不容易,如果萬一你成功了,你可以感激她,你也可能去找小蜜二奶,而你如果失敗了,也許她未必能活到最終看到你失敗的那一天。
最後,我要承認,Will Smith的表演,確實有感動人心的地方。並請允許我,向那些曾努力為自己的理想而奮斗,卻並沒有獲得或暫時沒有獲得自己理想中幸福的人們致敬。因為無論你努力了多久,每一滴汗水都是真實的。而失敗者往往會成為成功者的踏腳石,雖然成功的名額少之又少,可是誰願意永遠做踏腳石呢?就讓我們像Chris Gardner一樣堅持!
㈦ 求《當幸福來敲門》的英文版觀後感
很喜歡這個男主角,他能夠將這樣一個生活在社會底層的落魄男人演繹得打動人心,至少,我是真的被感動了。 看著他為了交房租和送兒子去幼兒園的學費,看著他羨慕地望著一個證券經紀人的背影,看著他為了贏得與一個證券經紀人交流的機會與時間,坐上了同一輛車,看著他滿懷期待卻又有些瑟縮地說出,他想成為一個證券經紀人。最後,看著他終於從眾人中脫穎而出,
Like the actor, he can be such a life in the bottom of society commitment-phobe deced, at least, I was really touched. In order to pay the rent and looked at his son to send the kindergarten fees, looking at his envy ground to looking at a securities broker's figure, looked at him with a securities broker to win the opportunity to communicate with time, sit on the same car, looking at him and they are expecting to speak, he wants to become a securities broker. At last, he finally out of the crowd,
㈧ 《當幸福來敲門》英文觀後感,初一水平,100字左右
Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go.
克里斯·加德納(Chris Gardner)是一位才華橫溢的銷售員,但工作不多。為了收支平衡,加德納發現自己和他五歲的兒子從舊金山的公寓里逃了出來。
When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son enre many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.at last,he succeed in this,from the stroy,I know that Don't give up your pursue,maybe thingswill turn good if you carry on one more second!
㈨ 當幸福來敲門時英語讀後感
Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son enre many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.at last,he succeed in this,from the stroy,I know that Don't give up your pursue,maybe thingswill turn good if you carry on one more second!
㈩ 當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happiness)的觀後感 要英文的
The pursuit of happiness「You got a dream, you got to protect it.」 After watching the pursuit of happiness, I was inspired deeply by this sentence. No matter how difficult and distressed the life is, no matter how haggard and tired you are, don』t be despaired! Everything will be better if you try and work hard. Just like Chris Gardner, a father whose life is filled with troubles, you occasionally hear a bit of a tremble in his voice and he looks very old and tired. Due to the poor life, his wife left him and their child. In the film you can see many scenes that Chris Gardner and his son move from apartment to motel room to homeless shelter, even live in the toilet of railway station. Chris lives a poor and hopeless life. But he didn』t give in. Everyday he runs from home to kindergarten, run from kindergarten to doctors』 office, run from offices to interviews. Everyday he is running. Everyday he is pursuing happiness. Everyday he is overcoming poverty and homelessness to become a successful stockbroker. In spite of the fact that he undergoes too many despair and sad, he never give up his dream. This film let me remind of my own experience. Since I enter into the university, it has been two months. I always feel frustrated and self-abased and I always feel that I am inferior to others. For examples, when I answer the teacher』s questions, I always feel nervous and think that my answer is wrong. And any other classmates always answer the questions correctly. When we have a quiz for the former class, I always have a not very good mark. I am a English major, but I find that I am not very like English. So I always think I haven』t the talent for learning language. Why? Why am I so upset? Why am I so unconfident? Why can』t I work hard a bit? Why can』t I hold on? Why and why?Through my deep thinking, the answer is:1. I never try hard.2. I never work hard.3. I never insist on learning.4. Last but not least, I never pursue my dream!Do you remember these sentences? 「Don』t ever let someone tell you, you can』t do something. Not even me.」 Yes, not even myself. Don』t doubt yourself. Trust that you can. 「You want something? Go get it. Period.」 Yes, If you want be successful, do it bravely.The film』s English name is the pursuit of happiness. But the translator translate it into Chinese is 當幸福敲門時,I can』t understand why. I think, pursuit means running after the dream and happiness, not means waiting happiness coming. You must chase your dream activity. In addition, the actor』s success depends on his own efforts. As the actor said: 「It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson,the Declaration of Independence,and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember thinking: How did he know to put the "pursuit" part in there? That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. And maybe we can actually never have it...no matter what. How did he know that?」Happiness and dream are something that we can only pursue. Go for it.