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『壹』 用英文說,電影的類型,例如comedy

Action 動作片
Adventure 冒險片
Animation 動畫片
Biography 傳記片
Comedy 喜劇片
Crime 犯罪片
Documentary 紀錄片
Drama 戲劇(文藝)片
Family 生活片
Fantasy 奇幻片
Film-Noir 黑色電影(不是黑白電影,是指情節黑色)
Game-Show 游戲秀節目
History 歷史片
Horror 恐怖片
Musical 音樂片
Mystery 懸疑片
News 新聞片
Reality-TV 電視真人秀
Romance 愛情片
Sci-Fi 科幻片
Sport 體育片
Talk-Show 脫口秀
Thriller 驚悚片
War 戰爭片
Western 西部片

『貳』 各種電影類型用英語怎麼說

1、喜劇片的英語就是comedy,其復數形式是comedies。浪漫喜劇是a romantic comedy,喜劇演員是comedian。而像老友記這樣的情景喜劇叫situation comedy,也可以直接說sitcom。

2、驚悚片英文是thriller,但這個詞更多是指有關犯罪和間諜的驚悚片。而像是鬼片之類的恐怖片應該是horror films/movies。

3、幻片的英語應該是science fiction,但是它也可以縮寫成sci-fi。科幻電影可以是sci-fi films而科幻小說是sci-fi novels。

4、復聯這種電影也經常被叫做好萊塢大片,而好萊塢大片英語應該是hollywood blockbuster。但是有一些科幻片也可以歸為動作片,而動作片的英語是action movies.

5、以宮崎駿為代表的動畫電影是animated film。宮崎駿的電影,以及迪士尼各種經典高分電影,雖然是以動畫的形式呈現,但是其實劇情是拍給大人看的。

『叄』 影片類型用英語怎麼說

影片類型用英語表達是:types of films

重點詞彙:types of



  1. Thecriticismofhislasttwofilms,ASimpleNoodleStory(2009)andUndertheHawthornTree(2010),didn'tstophimmakingdifferenttypesoffilms.


  2. typesoffilms.


  3. Ilovewatchingmosttypesoffilms–eventear-jerkers.


  4. Inthisinteraction,sometypesoffilms.


『肆』 電影的各種類型用英語怎樣說

feature films故事片
documentary films紀錄片
romances films愛情片
detective films偵探片
horror films恐怖片
war films戰爭片橋凳
science-fiction films科幻片
action films動作片(武打片)
police and ganster films警匪片敏伏旅
disaster films災難片

『伍』 十種不同類型電影的英文定義 就是用很長的話來解釋那十種電影類型

作者:白璐 已被分享6次 評論(0) 復制鏈接 分享 刪除
1) 肖申克的救贖(刺激1995):男人必看的勵志影片。 ­

2) 教父(1、2):經典黑幫片,有此作品,其他同類一概低頭。 ­

3)美國往事:整個人生都在裡面。 ­

4)天堂電影院:每個男人的童年回憶,太經典了。 ­

5)無主之城:人家怎麼能拍出這么牛的電影! ­

6)活著:也許是中國目前最偉大的電影。 ­

7) 阿甘正傳:教導所有的人要去寬容別人,傻就是福氣。 ­

8) 勇敢的心:民族自尊的好教材,希望大家要愛中國。 ­

9) 楚門的世界:探討人的價值和人性根本的奇思怪作。 ­

10) 音樂之聲:音樂的力量、音樂的快樂! ­

11)辛德勒的名單:震撼人心的歷史、充滿感染力的攝影和傑出的演員。 ­


十佳科幻片 ­

1) 星球大戰系列:開創了一個電影神話。 ­

2) 異次元駭客(第十三層):應該說它比黑客帝國的構思更精妙。 ­

3) 超人:所有漫畫類科幻電影的代表。 ­

4) 終結者(1、2):科幻電影經典中的經典。 ­

5) 12猴子:如此引人深思的科幻電影真不多見。 ­

6) 黑客帝國系列:引發了對現實和未來網路發展的思考,形成了一種黑客文化。 ­

7) 移魂都市(黑暗城市):風格另類的科幻片,結尾出人意表。 ­

8) 超時空接觸:比較嚴肅地探討外星文明問題的力作。 ­

9) 千鈞一發:描寫未來社會人的基因問題的驚險影片,內容和主題俱佳。 ­

10) 2001漫遊太空:經典作品,以嚴肅的科學性和預見性著稱。 ­


十佳戰爭片: ­

1) 拯救大兵瑞恩:最真實反映戰爭和人性的超級巨作。 ­

2) 獵殺紅色十月:節奏和人物拿捏准確的潛艇影片代表作。 ­

3) 兵臨城下:從獨特的視角描寫二戰的巨片,演員表演到位。 ­

4) 大逃殺:歸入戰爭片只因其太震撼、太殘酷。 ­

5) 巴頓將軍:全景式展示戰爭的代表作,演員表演出色。 ­

6) u-571:效果出眾的新型海戰片,拍得很有特點。 ­

7) 全金屬外殼:庫布里克對戰爭的深刻反思,看過後使人對戰爭產生恐懼。 ­

8) 星際艦隊:科幻性質的戰爭片,士兵的訓練和戰斗的描寫很有煽動性和爭議性。 ­

9) 瓦爾特保衛薩拉熱窩:隨時看起來都心潮澎湃的好電影! ­

10) 野戰排:反思越戰的經典影片。 ­


十佳動作片 ­

1) 英雄本色(1):吳宇森代表作。


2) 真實的謊言:阿諾演的最溫情和幽默的電影。 ­

3) 生死時速(1):充滿動感,耳目一新! ­

4) 虎膽龍威系列:呵呵他怎麼總是一身傷卻不死啊!!! ­

5) 勇闖奪命島(石破天驚)動作片顛峰作品!演員表演出色。 ­

6) 刀鋒戰士(1、2):新式吸血鬼動作片,非常另類和華麗。 ­

7) 神秘的黃玫瑰系列:呵呵因為看的時候年紀小,覺得比西部片還經典。 ­

8) 復仇:也是羅馬尼亞的老電影,這部影片的槍戰讓人百看不厭。 ­

9) 三步殺人曲系列:干凈利落的墨西哥風格槍戰電影。 ­

10) 第一滴血(1):有內涵有力度有故事,是史泰龍為數不多的好片。 ­


十佳恐怖片 ­

1) 奪命狂呼系列:校園恐怖片的代表作,對年輕人的胃口。 ­

2) 殺出個黎明:另類誇張的恐怖片,不嚇人,反而很搞笑和另類。 ­

3) 活死人的黎明:活死人系列代表作,以惡心的僵屍著稱。 ­

4) 驅魔人:畫面陰郁,聲效凄厲,晚上看真的噤若寒蟬! ­

5) 見鬼:港式恐怖片代表,有恐怖,也有情感。 ­

6) 解剖(1、2):歐洲恐怖片的代表,內容奇怪前衛。 ­

7) 壞品味:指環王導演的早期作品,恐怖而搞笑。 ­

8) 異形系列:科幻類恐怖片經典,1、2、4都很精彩 ­

9) 咒怨:日式恐怖的代表,極其邪惡! ­

10) 活跳屍:罕見的血腥的黑色幽默! ­


十佳喜劇片 ­


1) 兩桿大煙槍:在英式幽默和一團亂麻中尋找答案的樂趣 ­

2) 我為瑪麗狂:美國廁所文化的代表,低俗但好玩。 ­

3) 反斗神鷹系列:美式無厘頭動作喜劇。 ­

4) 大話西遊(1、2):經典! ­

5) 花田喜事:港式老喜劇片的代表,明星雲集。 ­

6) 驚聲尖笑系列:以模仿糟改其他影片取樂的新型喜劇片。 ­

7) 虎口脫險:歐式喜劇片經典作,百看不厭。 ­

8) 金雞:近年少見的優秀香港電影,有很深的內涵。 ­

9) 面具:金凱瑞的成名作。 ­

10) 喜劇之王:周星弛最有內涵的電影。 ­


十佳武俠片 ­

1) 卧虎藏龍:「美」式武俠片的開山之作! ­

2) 新龍門客棧:現在的武俠片製作模式都是照它來的。 ­

3) 黃飛鴻系列:捧紅了李連傑啊!!! ­

4) 醉拳:成龍代表作,功夫片黃金時代的作品。 ­

5) 少林寺三十六房:劉家輝的成名作,現在來看也趣味無窮。 ­

6) 少林寺:不用說了,真功夫的代表。 ­

7) 佐羅:法國劍俠片的代表,迷到很多mm。 ­

8) 笑傲江湖:對林青霞扮演的東方不敗印象最深。 ­

9) 座頭市:創新的日本劍俠片,很有特點。 ­

10) 殺死比爾:呵呵,新派東西方結合的功夫片來啦!!!! ­


十佳驚悚片 ­

1) 死神來臨(1、2):構思巧妙,場景驚人。 ­

2) 黑暗降臨:描寫鬼怪傳說的驚悚片,有些新意思。 ­

3) 沉默的羔羊:獲得奧斯卡獎的驚悚片! ­

4) 7宗罪:風格陰暗,讓人時不時想逃!表演精緻! ­

5) 閃靈:可以盡情欣賞傑克尼科爾森的超凡演技。 ­

6) 第六感:此類影片代表作!!結尾精彩之極! ­

7) 斷頭谷:蒂姆伯頓的驚悚恐怖大作,人頭亂滾! ­

8) 心慌方(1、2):加拿大導演的匪夷所思之作!!! ­

9) 本能:不用說了,很色情! ­

10) 醫院風雲:拉斯馮提爾導演的丹麥影片,嚇的很多人不敢獨自回家。 ­


十佳愛情片 ­

1) 泰坦尼克:商業大作! ­

2) 漂亮女人:現代版麻雀變鳳凰! ­

3) 羅馬假日:奧黛麗赫本的經典。 ­

4) 金玉盟:淡淡的幽怨、一生的承諾! ­

5) 卡薩布蘭卡(北非諜影):經典老片。 ­

6) 畢業生:我們還能找到青春時代的純潔愛情嗎? ­

7) 生命中不能承受之輕:以時代為背景的愛情名片,節奏緩慢。 ­

8) 保鏢:輕松健康的愛情電影。 ­

9) 克萊默夫婦:對婚姻、兒女進行深入思考的倫理片。 ­

10) 陽光燦爛的日子:屬於我們這些人的青春!



十佳魔幻片 ­

1) 狼族盟約:法式魔幻片,明星眾多的大製作。 ­

2) 印第安納瓊斯(奪寶奇兵)三部曲:斯皮爾伯格和盧卡斯的強大組合! ­

3) 倩女幽魂:中國鬼電影的里程碑!決不輸於外國片! ­

4) 魔戒三部曲:偉大的經典的真正的電影!!! ­

5) 哈利波特系列:新魔幻電影的奇特分支。 ­

6) 魔幻屠龍(龍的心):感情真摯。 ­

7) 木乃伊:幽默和特技結合的娛樂片。 ­

8) 剪刀手愛德華:蒂姆伯頓最有想像力的作品。 ­

9) 小飛俠:嶄新的適合兒童的幻想片。 ­

10) 大魚:多看兩遍吧,活著要善待自己啊! ­


十佳動畫片 ­

1) 怪物公司:罕見的數碼特技!動人有趣的創意! ­

2) 冰凍星球:雖然賣座不是很好,但它的場景可是真的漂亮! ­

3) 辛巴達航海記:巧妙結合手繪和3d技術的優秀作品。 ­

4) 怪物史萊克:健康的愛情觀和幽默的故事! ­

5) 尋找尼莫(海底總動員):融合溫馨情感和尖端技術的動畫經典。 ­

6) 千與千尋:宮岐峻顛峰之作! ­

7) 最終幻想:3d人物數碼化的先驅,技術出眾。


8) 吸血鬼獵人:日式風格的華麗吸血鬼大作。 ­

9) 蓋娜:歐洲的動畫大作,風格很怪異! ­

10) 恐龍:不用說了,好看! ­


『陸』 關於電影分類的英語單詞

1、奇幻電影——Fantasy Film


奇幻電影(Fantasy Film)在電影的劃分中可以與科幻電影以及恐怖電影(horror film)劃為同一類型,具有代表性的作品包括《指環王》《霍比特人》《哈利波特》。

2、動作片——Action Films

又稱為驚險動作片(Action-Adventure Films),是以強烈緊張的驚險動作和視聽張力為核心的影片類型。具備巨大的沖擊力、持續的高效動能、一系列外在驚險動作和事件。


3、喜劇電影——Comedy film


4、恐怖電影——Scary Movie


5、愛情電影——love film


『柒』 請問各種電影類型的英文名稱..如恐怖片,劇情片,驚悚片分別應該怎麼說.....


1. horror film
2. dracula movie



Horrible movie

科幻 - Sci-fi movie / Science Fiction Movie
動作 - Action Movie
音樂 - Music Film
戰爭 - War Movie
記錄 - Memory Film
喜劇 - Comedy
犯罪 - Crime Movie


『捌』 各種類型電影的英文名是

1.動作電影:Action Films


2.奇幻電影:Fantasy Film


3.喜劇電影:Comedy film


4.科幻電影:science fiction film


5.動畫電影:Animation Movie


『玖』 電影的類型有什麼我要英文的

Film Genres

Film Genres, categories of film characterized by frequently recurring patterns of form, style, and, particularly, subject matter. There is no clear consensus among film historians and critics on the number of genres, or on the line of demarcation between one genre and another. This must be borne in mind when considering the following list of major genres: Adventure; Biography; Comedy; Drama and Melodrama; Fantasy/Horror/Science Fiction; Gangster/Crime/Spy/Film Noir; Musical; Problem Picture; War; Western. Some commentators would argue that the category 「Gangster/Crime/Spy/Film Noir」 clearly incorporates two, if not more, distinct genres, as it could be seen to include films as diverse as The Maltese Falcon (John Huston, 1941) and Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder, 1950). Similarly, the old instry category 「Women's Pics」 straddles at least two classifications: Film Noir and Melodrama. Only the Hollywood cinema has been considered. Obviously, genres exist in the popular cinemas of other countries, although, apart from such clear-cut exceptions as samurai films of Japan or kung fu pictures from Hong Kong, the categories applied are normally derived from Hollywood. Clearly there are interesting differences between, say, a British crime film and an American example, but on the whole these have yet to be studied. Differences between genres tend to be identified more in terms of themes, stars, use of costumes, and settings and locations, than in terms of specific aspects of film-making practice such as editing.

In the days of the studio proction lines, placement of films within genres tended to be part of the thinking of studio executives in their decisions about proction and marketing policy, and were reiterated in the trade papers. Thus, notions about many film genres actually preceded explicit critical analysis. While critical accounts of a film genre tend, appropriately, to be descriptive, the same ideas in the mind of a procer or accountant are often prescriptive, based on a notion of what audiences will find acceptable in, say, a Western.

When critics started to analyse Hollywood films in depth, this link with the collective, entertainment, money-making aspect of the proction system, rather than its initially unrecognized personal, artistic dimension, contributed to an emphasis on the negative aspects of the genres, for example, the limits their conventions imposed on creativity. However, as Colin McArthur argued in his pioneering genre study Underworld USA (1972): 「the responses of film-makers and audiences to the genres seem to offer a good prime facie case for believing that they are animating rather than neutral, that they carry particular charges of meaning independently of whatever is brought to them by particular directors.」

Certainly, it seems unlikely to be coincidence that much of the finest work of Howard Hawks, John Ford, Anthony Mann, and, more recently Clint Eastwood, has been in the Western genre. Nevertheless, only minor or mediocre directors can be said to be defined by their relationship to a genre, and each of the four cited has inflected the genre in significantly different ways, both stylistically and thematically, as well as having done important work in other genres.

Clearly film genres change over time as society, the audience, and the institutions of proction change. New stars come along, new themes emerge, new conventions of characterization evolve. The exact nature of these shifts is largely outside the conscious awareness of those responsible for bringing them about, however. The procer, director, writer, and star tend to think in terms of decisions that will make a work more interesting, or generate a more compelling star role, rather than how to modify the genre in response to shifts in society.

Some points relating the development of particular genres to changes in film technology are simple and obvious: there is nothing incongruous about a silent Western, and the genre has been on the screen since The Great Train Robbery (1903, directed by Edwin S. Porter), but the idea of a silent musical is obviously ridiculous, despite the fact that live musical accompaniment ensured that most cinemas were never really silent. Similarly, continually improving techniques for special effects have given new life to the Fantasy/Science Fiction/Horror genre, from 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968) on through Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977), and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Steven Spielberg, 1977) to the cycle of Alien films (Ridley Scott, 1979; James Cameron, 1986; David Fincher, 1992).

Popular films are not a simple reflection of the society that proced them: they are complex texts, systems of discourse certain strands of which bear traces of particular features of the society that generated them. Exactly what mechanisms are involved, however, varies from case to case, and may often be impossible to tease out. Thus, comparisons made between characteristics of the indivial genres, or between one era and another, must be provisional and tentative.

For example, in the 1930s, the great period of the gangster film, there were few major Westerns, and those there were came at the start and end of the decade. In the era of classic Hollywood cinema (from the late 1920s to the decline of the studio system around 1960) both these genres regularly involved conflicts between good and evil.

However, perhaps because part of the gangster film's concern was to indicate the social origins of crime, it is typically the gangster's journey the audience follows, and thus there is strong, if only partial, identification with him. His refusal to accept the restrictions of the urban environment, together with the energy of his indivialism, made him a dangerously fascinating, possibly sympathetic, character when contrasted with the less colourful representatives of law and order.

Indeed, this patina of charisma has persisted through to the present. It is part of the complex appeal of The Godfather series (Francis Ford Coppola: Part I, 1972; Part II, 1974; Part III, 1990), inviting the audience to collude with the actions of Michael Corleone. In the more pastoral world of the classic Western, on the other hand, the hero may have been a loner, but he normally represented the best values of the community. Moreover, it was his progress the audience followed, and thus it was he with whom it identified. Consequently, he was the one with charisma, rather than the villain, whose ultimate defeat and death were not mourned in the same way as the classic gangster's.

Though attempts to specify precisely where Western and gangster genres fit in an overall account of the generic categories of popular cinema are likely to generate academic controversy, all commentators agree on their existence as genres. This makes them appropriate choices for the accounts of generic difference and change given above. Though much has been left out, this is an example of the kind of analysis that can be made in relation to other genres.

『拾』 如何用英語表達不同的電影類型















所謂類型電影,是指由於不同題材或技巧而形成的影片范疇、種類或形式。按照不同類型 (或稱樣式)的規定要求製作出來的影片。其具有基本特徵:公式化的情節,定型化的人物,圖解式的視覺影像。主要類型影片有喜劇片、西部片、罪片、幻想片等。





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經典電影賞析的策劃 瀏覽:996
穿韓服的劇情電影 瀏覽:680
我的姐姐電影經典文案 瀏覽:543
我這一生是什麼電影里的歌曲 瀏覽:297
變形金剛電影5人物 瀏覽:515
韓國倫理電影圖片 瀏覽:776
日本電影講武士時期婆婆與媳婦的故事 瀏覽:64
韓國電影推薦女學生 瀏覽:545
微電影有什麼活動 瀏覽:610