㈠ 丹尼爾英文個人資料
(1)[email protected]
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(3)[email protected]
個人檔案:1989年7月23日出生與英國倫敦富爾汗姆(Fulham).小學時就有過演出經歷,第一次登上銀幕是在1999年,在根據狄更斯同名小說改編的電視劇大衛 科波菲爾(David Copperfield)中扮演幼年的大衛.兩年後,又出演了由布魯斯 皮爾斯南主演的巴拿馬裁縫(The Tailor of Panama).同年被哈利波特的導演Chris Columbus選中作為第一部哈利波特的扮演者.隨後又出演了第二部跟第三部並已經完成了第四部的拍攝.
喜歡搞些小惡作劇,有一次他偷偷修改了Robbie Coltrane(海格的扮演者)的行動電話 結果Robbie發現他的電話信息都變成了土耳其語.
8歲的時候曾試著第一次讀哈利波特原著 結果沒有完成 直到他成了哈利波特時才算讀完.
2002年2月他獲得英國Variety Club的最佳新進藝人提名並最終獲得該獎項.
為了表彰他在哈利波特中的出色表現 2002年Variety Club頒個他James Carreras獎.
12 angry men(12怒漢)是他看過的第一部黑白電影也是目前為止最喜歡的一部.
他是Gary Oldman(阿茲卡班囚徒中Sirius Black的扮演者)的影迷並且也是英超球隊富勒姆隊的球迷.
會彈電吉他 正在學習貝司吉他.
㈡ 電影《彼得潘》經典台詞
電影《彼得潘》 經典台詞
1.Peter: Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again.
Wendy: Never is an awfully long time.
2.Smee: Captain, the ice is melting, the sun is out, and the flowers are all in bloom...
Captain Hook: He's back.
3.Wendy: Why do you hate him so?
4.Pirate: Beg for your lives.
John: My brother and I are English gentlemen. English gentlemen do not beg.
[Michael gets on his knees]
Michael: ...Please. Please.
5.Peter: Ready to lose the other one?
Captain Hook: Not this time.
6.Captain Hook: [to Wendy] Didst thou ever want to be a pirate?
7.Wendy: We must leave at once... before we, in turn, are forgotten.
8.Wendy: Might I have time to consider your generous offer?
Captain Hook: Absolutely.
Captain Hook: My new obsession is you.
Captain Hook: None of my crew will follow you... I swear it.
Wendy: What would mother think of my becoming a pirate?
9.Smee: Pan did you a favor, did he, Captain?
Captain Hook: A favor? He threw my hand to a crocodile, the beast liked it so much, it's followed me ever since, licking its lips for the rest of me... YOU CALL THAT A FAVOR?
10.[Wendy sews Peter's shadow to his feet]
Peter: Oh, the cleverness of me.
Wendy: Of course, I did nothing...
Peter: You did a little.
Wendy: Oh, the cleverness of you.
11.Peter: If you wish it.
Slightly: If you wish it?
12.Captain Hook: If I were you, I'd give up.
Peter: If you were me, I'd be ugly.
13.Peter: I do believe in fairies, I do, I do.
14.[Wendy has just become the Lost Boys' mother]
Peter: Discipline. That's what fathers believe in. We must spank all of the children now before they try to kill you again. Better yet, we should kill them.
Wendy: Father. I agree that they are... perfectly horrid, but... kill them and they should think themselves... important.
The Lost Boys: So important, Peter.
Curly: And unique.
Wendy: I, however, propose a much more vile punishment. Medicine. The dreadful, sticky, sweet kind.
The Lost Boys: Please kill us, Peter.
15.Wendy: This belongs to you, and always will
Peter: I want always to be a boy, and have fun.
Wendy: You say so, Peter, but I think it is your biggest pretend.
16.Wendy: Where do you
17.Peter: There's mermaids.
Wendy: Mermaids?
Peter: Indians.
John and Michael: Indians?
Peter: Pirates.
John and Michael: Pirates? Wahoo.
18.[Wendy kisses Peter Pan and he starts to glow]
19.Captain Hook: Pan... you're pink.
20.Wendy: Surely you must have felt love once for something... or someone.
Peter: Never. Even the sound of it offends me.
[Wendy tries to touch his face, and he jumps away]
Peter: Why do you have to spoil everything? We have fun, don't we? I taught you to fly and to fight. What more could there be?
Wendy: There is so much more.
21.Peter: [after bumping his head on waking up] I was not asleep.
22.[Peter and Wendy land to talk to mermaids to find John and Michael]
Wendy: Oh, How sweet.
[Peter looks disgusted]
Wendy: What? Are mermaids not sweet?
Peter: They'll sweetly drown you if you get too close
23.Slightly: Well... we have our orders. Shoot the Wendy bird. Ready... Aim... FIRE.
24.[Peter sees a boy flying next to him, forgetting he has just met him minutes before]
Peter: Who are you?
John: I'm John.
Peter: John.
25.[Mr. and Mrs. Darling are rushing up the stairs, right before Peter takes the children to Neverland]
Narrator: It would be delightful to report that they reached the nursery in time... but then, there would be no story.
26.Captain Hook: She was leaving you. Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let's take a look into the future, shall we? You fly to Wendy's nursery and... what's this? The window's closed.
Peter: I'll open it.
Captain Hook: I'm afraid the windows barred.
Peter: I'll call out her name.
Captain Hook: She can't hear you.
Peter: No.
Captain Hook: She can't see you.
Peter: Wendy.
Captain Hook: She's forgotten all about you.
Peter: Stop it. Please. Stop it.
片在同季度來看相當令人驚喜,導演的創想能夠給人以許多啟發。 故事 的背景改動勇敢得超出邏輯,像這般將二戰的炮火和空中的海盜船混搭在一起產生了本不應有的效果。
㈢ 電影彼得潘中的經典台詞。。
㈣ 關於Ice age3里的一句台詞...
discipline 訓練, 鍛煉, 訓導2. 紀律3. 處罰, 處分4. 學科5. 訓練方法;行為准則;符合準則的行為 6. 自製力;遵守紀律7. 磨練,(經歷、逆境等的)鍛煉效果8. (一套)規章制度;行為准則沒攜9. 符合行為准則的行為(或舉止)
issue - 重要議題;爭論的問題野悔, (有關某事的)問題,擔枯脊伏憂, 一期;
discipline issue, 紀律問題
㈤ 電影《後會無期》經典台詞英文翻譯
這句話要翻出來很難。「從良」就是「由壞人變成好人」的意思,但是字面上理解,「從良」跟前面的「優」結合起來看,卻又是老棗敬「從優變成良」的意思。屬於典型的「雙關」(punch line)。在韓寒的理解看來,好人可能不壞,壞人可能不好。好與壞,本身就沒有明確的界限,可以相互轉化。
I have been always bad. How can you tell me to change who I am?
(註:英文中bad這個岩喚詞有雙關意味,可以指一個人很「壞」,又可以指一個人很「棒」。Michael Jackson有一首歌叫《bad》,翻譯成《真棒》!。另,在棒球場上,若某選手擊出全壘打,全場會呼喊「bad!!」,大家可以體會其中意味。)
You never have a chance to see the world, then how can you develop a view of the world?
I have heard tons of philosophies, but I』m still not able to harness my life.
Kids tell right from wrong, while alts merely tell advantages from disadvantages.
Superficial love is characterized by indiscipline, whereas deep love is a restraint.
Sometimes, you want to prove it to 10 thousand people but only to find there is one person who can really understand you. That』s enough.
Do it well when you say goodbye to someone, because at that moment, what you say could be your final words, and what you see could never be seen again.
What can』t be taken won』t stay. What won』t stay shouldn』t be a concern.
Without home, we are no different to barbarians.
Being away from home, we have nothing but a desire to make a figure.
㈥ 求電影哈利波特與阿茲卡班的囚徒裡面特里勞妮教授第一節課的時候那些台詞,要英文,必須一字不差。
Professor Trelawney:Welcome, my children.In this room, you shall explore the noble art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future.This term, we'll focus on Tasseomancy, the art of reading tea leaves. So please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite you.What do you see? The truth lies buried like a sentence deep within a book, waiting to be read. But first, you must broaden your minds.First, you must look beyond.
HG:What a load of rubbish.
R:Where did you come from?
HG:Me?I've been here all this time.
T:You, boy! Is your grandmother quiet well?
Neville:I think so.
T:I wouldn't be so sure of that.Give me the cup.Pity.Broaden your minds.Your aura is pulsing, dear.Are you in the beyond? I think you are.
T:Look at the cup.Tell me what you see.
R: Harry's got sort of a wonky cross -- that's trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun and that's happiness. So you're gonna suffer,but you're gonna be happy about it.
T:Give me the cup.Oh, my dear boy.My dear,you have the Grim.
Seamus:The Grin? What's the Grin?
P:Not the grin, you idiot. The Grim.
Lavender:Taking form of a giant spectral dog.It is among the darkest omens in our world. It is an omen...of death.'
R:You don't think that Grim thing's got anything to do with Sirius Black?
HG:Oh, honestly, Ron.If you ask me, Divination's a wooly discipline.Now Ancient Runes.That's a fascinating subject.
R:Ancient Runes? Exactly how many classes are you taking?
HG:A fair few.
R:Hang on. That's not possible. Ancient Runes is in the same time as Divination. You have to be in two classes at once.
HG:Don't be silly. How could anyone be in two classes at once? " Broaden your minds. Use your lnner Eye to see the future."
T:Broaden your minds.You must look beyond.The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the lnner Eye.Only then can you see. Try again.Now, what do we have here?
HG:Do you mind me trying?The Grim, possibly.
T:My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class.I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. No, you see, there.You may be young in years, but your heart is as shriveled as an old maid's,your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave. Have I said something?
R:She's gone mental, Hermione has.Not that she wasn't always mental,but now it's in the open for everyone to see.
H:Hang on.We better take this back.
R:I'm not going back.Fine.
H:See you later.
R:See you. Harry Potter....
H:Professor Trelawney--
T:He will return tonight.
T:Tonight, he who betrayed his friends,whose heart rots with murder shall break free.Innocent blood shall be spilt and servant and master shall be reunited once more.I'm so sorry, dear boy.Did you say something?
㈦ 英文電影經典台詞摘抄100句
1、Frankly,my dear,I don』t give a damn.
2、I』m going to make him an offer he can』t refuse.
3、You don』t understand!Icoulda had class.I coulda been a contender.I could』ve been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am.
4、Toto,I』ve got a feeling we』re not in Kansas anymore.
5、Here』s looking at you,kid.
6、Go ahead,make my day.
7、All right,Mr.DeMille,I』m ready for my close-up.
8、May the Force be with you.
9、Fasten your seatbelts. It』s going to be a bumpy night.
10、You talking to me?
11、Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?
12、I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
13、Love means never having to say you』re sorry.
14、I could dance with you'till the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows until you came home.
15、「You talking'to me?」
「你在跟我說話嗎?」——《出租汽車司機》Taxi Driver,1976
16、「Give me a visky, ginger ale on the side, and don'be stingy, baby.」
「給我一杯威士忌,裡面兌一些姜味汽水。寶貝兒,別太吝嗇了。」——《安娜?克里斯蒂》Anna Christie,1930
17、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
18、Made it,Ma!Top of the world!
19、I』m as mad as hell,and I』m not going to take this anymore!
20、Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
21、「It's not the men in your life that counts, it's the life in your men.」
「並不是你生活中的男人有價值,而是你與男人在一起的生活。」——《我不是天使》I'm No Angel,1933
22、Bond.James Bond.
23、There』s no place like home.
24、I am big!It』s the pictures that got small.
25、Show me the money!
26、Play it,Sam. Play』As Time Goes By』.
27、You can』t handle the truth!
28、I want to be alone.
29、After all,tomorrow is another day!
30、I』ll have what she』s having.
31、I』ll be back.
32、The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.
33、Some of us get dipped in flat, some in stain, some in gloss…But every once in a while you found someone who』s iridescent,and when you do,nothing will ever compare.
34、Today,I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
35、Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you』re gonna get.
36、We』ll always have Paris.
37、Oh,Jerry,don』t let』s ask for the moon.We have the stars.
38、Well,nobody』s perfect.
39、You』ve got to ask yourself one question:〃Do I feel lucky?〃Well,do ya,punk?
40、You had me at「hello.」
41、There』s no crying in baseball!
42、A boy』s best friend is his mother.
43、Greed,for lack of a better word,is good.
44、Keep your friends close,but your enemies closer.
45、As God is my witness,I』ll never be hungry again.
46、Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine.
47、Wait a minute,wait a minute.You ain』t heard nothin』yet!
48、I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
49、Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.
50、I feel the need-the need for speed!
51、Carpe diem. Seize the day,boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
52、I』m king of the world!
53、I don't want to survive. I want to live.
54、Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
55、I can look at the menu. Doesn't mean I'm gonna eat.
56、Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright.——The Shawshank Redemption
57、Politics and crime, they』re the same thing.《GODFATHER》
58、Even the strongest man needs friends.《GOD FATHER》
59、Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smiles back .
60、It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.——The Shawshank Redemption
61、The truth is out there.——The X files
62、I give you my hand.I give you my love,more precious than money.——Ghost VS. Love Story
63、Anakin,this path has been placed before you. The choice is yours alone.
64、In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. Gone with The Wind
65、To be or not to be, that』s a question.-"Hamlet"
66、Everything that has a begin has an end.
67、We are not here because we are free .we are here because we are not free.
68、I』ll never let go ,I』ll never let go ,Jack .
69、I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what』s going to happen, or who I』m going to meet, where I』m going to wind up.(Titanic)
70、I figure life is a gift and I don』t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you』re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.
72、I don』t know if we each have a destiny, or if we』re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.
73、I laugh in the face of danger.
74、I』m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn』t mean you go looking for trouble.
75、What is the most expensive commodity in this century? talent!
76、An organization without discipline.
77、First my gaze toward the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.
78、Who knows me understand my needs, I』m a mystery to he who know me not .
79、I can reliably inform you that, uncle lee is very angry. the consequences will be severe。
80、I was reckless, I was reckless, never thought that girl would play me.
81、You had me at hello.
82、I hate mondays.
83、Never send a man to do a cat's job.
84、Money is not everything. There』s Mastercard & Visa.
85、One should love animals. They are so tasty.
86、Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.
87、Love the neighbor. But don』t get caught.
88、Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
89、Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.
90、The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise.
91、Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.
92、Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.
93、Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.
94、Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children.
95、「Your future depends on your dreams.」So go to sleep.
96、There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
97、Hard work never killed anybody.But why take the risk?
98、Work fascinates me.I can look at it for hours!
99、God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.
100、When two』s company, three』s the result!
㈧ 我喜歡英式英語,想知道哈利波特與鳳凰社電影中的台詞
Albus Dumbledore: Minister, the evidence of the Dark Lord's return is incontrovertible.
Cornelius Fudge: He's not back!
Harry Potter: If Voldemort's building up an army, then I want to fight.
Severus Snape: You won't last two seconds if he invades your mind.
Harry Potter: I'm not weak!
Severus Snape: Then prove it!
Lord Voldemort: Harry Potter... You will lose everything.
Hermione Granger: It's exciting, isn'虧簡乎t it, breaking the rules?
Ron Weasley: Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?
Bellatrix Lestrange: The Dark Lord approaches...
Harry Potter: [shouting at Dumbledore] LOOK AT ME!
Sirius Black: [to Harry] It's your turn now!
Dolores Umbridge: Things are Hogwarts are far worse than I feared!
Albus Dumbledore: Don't fight him Harry, you can't win!
Rubeus Hagrid: It's changing out there. There's gonna be a storm coming Harry, just like the last time.
Cornelius Fudge: Delores Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts.
Ron Weasley: Are we forming some sort of wizard army?
Dolores Umbridge: I WILL have order!
Dolores Umbridge: You were told that a certain Dark Wizard is back. This is a lie.
Harry Potter: It's not a lie! I swear it! I saw him!
Cornelius Fudge: The Ministry of Magic is pleased to announce the appointment of Dolores Jane Umbridge as High Inquisitor, to address the falling standards at Hogwarts School.
Dolores Umbridge: Enough!
Hermione Granger: We've got to be able to defend ourselves, and if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need someone who will.
Harry Potter: Every great wizard in history, has started out, as nothing more then what we are now. If they can do it, why not us?
Rubeus Hagrid: The ministry has a full operation in their hands.
Severus Snape: Discipline your mind!
Hermione Granger: We're in this together.
Cho Chang: You're a really good teacher, Harry.
Harry Potter: Listen to me!
Rubeus Hagrid: The Ministry's gonna have a full uprising on their hands.
㈨ 求強棒奶娃這部電影的英文台詞!!越多越好!急!謝謝!!
Baby Geniuses Script
He's out.
- What do you mean, he's out?
- Sylvester. He's escaped.
Maximum alert.
- Damn it.
- He's been spotted on the mezzanine.
Secure outer perimeters!
Alert topside!
Initiate probers! Move!
He's exiting the building!
Move out!
There he is!
Nail him!
He's heading for the maze!
We've got him!
Cut him off!
Toward the fountain!
There he goes!
He's headed back!
Coming back toward the fountain!
He's approaching the fountain!
Seal him off!
We've got him.
Be careful, if he's dangerous!
There's nowhere to go, Sly!
Give it up!
Security, go.
兆衡The rest of you, come with me.
Check the perimeters.
Nice try, pal.
Take him.
Stop him!
That'll be quite enough, Sylvester.
There you are, Doc.
He nearly made it this time.
Tomorrow you will explain
how a mere toddler manages to escape...
from a laboratory
stories below ground.
What kind of kids you breedin'?
Nearly blew us away with karate.
Once again we demonstrate
the superiority of the Kinder method.
Take him to the secret lab.
Analyzing voiceprint.
Review project in summary form.
Twincomp is designed
to prove the superiority...
of the Kinder method of child rearing.
To accomplish this, two years ago
twin brothers Sylvester and Whit...
were born to a specially selected
早猜賀surrogate mother.
Director of Operations
Dr. Elena Kinder...
then arranged for baby Whit to be
adopted into the home of her niece...
and her niece's husband,
Dr. Dan Bobbins.
Baby Sly was placed in
the Babyco Hyperdevelopmental Habitat...
to be raised under the guidance
of the Kinder method.
Summarize operational protocol.
It is imperative for the integrity
of this experiment...
that no one ever discover
that Sly and Whit are twins...
陸派especially the boys themselves.
A comparative evaluation of the boys
will occur by age ...
to establish conclusively
the superiority of the Kinder method.
Updating experiment log.
Last night Baby Sylvester made his way
up stories undetected...
escaping from his habitat in the lab.
Even though it now appears
that Baby Sly cannot be controlled...
I'm sure Dr. Kinder will be pleased by
this display of skill and intelligence.
I, however, remain apprehensive.
Under the guidance of its chairman,
Dr. Elena Kinder...
Baby Geniuses Inc.
and its parent company Babyco...
are the world's largest manufacturer
of procts for the baby.
Babyco is also
a vital charitable organization...
which sponsors orphanages
in ten countries around the globe...
the latest one dedicated just a week ago
right here in Pasadena.
Today we are deeper
in Dr. Kinder's debt...
for the great gift to our community...
Joyworld, the world's largest
indoor amusement park.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you
the founder and CEO of Babyco...
my friend, Dr. Elena Kinder.
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm gonna break out.
You can't get hives just because
your aunt comes into the room.
I can't help it.
She starts lying, I start breaking out.
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you all for coming here today.
We at Babyco believe that babies
have a language of their own...
and we're dedicated to proving it.
Our research in infant potentiality...
is the model of the field...
but, in the final analysis...
the simple answer as to
why we do what we do is...
we love babies.
"Loves babies."
Loves money.
All right, ladies and gentlemen,
let's have a party.
Welcome to Joyworld.
The park, of course,
will be free for all children...
but the monies we collect from alts
will go to...
the Babyco
Worldwide Orphanage Foundation.
Is this a terrific lady, or what?
This is great. She does a lot of good.
You gotta admit that.
She's good at stealing your ideas.
That's what she's good at.
Has anyone lost a baby?
A very big baby?
Ladies and gentlemen, Baby Bunting!
That looks exactly like
your illustration.
That looks like Boo-Boo Boy
from chapter two of Baby's Good Day.
Baby Bunting came into this world
just last week.
Everything is fully controlled...
by our computerized command center.
Hiya, fellas!
Go to crossover mode.
Okay, Richard,
give me Baby Bunting vocal.
- What's your name, little girl?
- My name is Erin.
Oh, what a sweet name.
Give Baby Bunting a big hug.
And cue burp now.
Well, think about changing his diaper.
Come on, honey, this way.
Kids! Good news!
Robotic Santa and the robotic elves
are waiting to greet you...
at the robotic North Pole.
In fact, we have robotic entertainers
located throughout the park...
all controlled
from our central command center.
Let's cue up for Robo-Zoo.
And here we have the world's
most unique animal farm.
We call it Robo-Zoo.
Each child gets a remote control...
so they can control
their own robotic animal.
Doctor, why wouldn't you have
real animals in your zoo?
Good heavens!
Anybody could do that!
A plastic zoo.
That's definitely Aunt Elena's idea.
At least she could've introced you.
She steals from your book.
She steals from your research.
I'm flattered.
She knows you're about to make
a breakthrough in infant prelanguage.
She'll probably try to steal that too.
She's not Attila the Hun.
Honey, we're barely able to afford
your research facility...
not to mention
the nursery and preschool.
She does this all the time.
It's just not right.
- I think she's just goal-oriented.
- Her goal is to take over the world.
Believe me, I know. I've lived with her
for more than half my life.
And look how great you turned out.
Where are you going
with those children?
What children?
These are plumbers.
They're gonna help me fix
the kitchen sink. Good luck kiss.
With this house,
you need more than luck.
Let's get to work.
Just as you thought.
The baby girl's line
of expandable infant clothing...
has elicited a tremendous response
in our first research pass.
Huge numbers from Kmart and Wal-Mart
shoppers, where penetration is weakest.
That should increase our market share
dramatically. Put it in proction.
Heep, of the new ones,
how many possibles?
- Eight show potential.
- Eight out of five hundred?
Elena, statistically, genius occurs once
in indivials.
We expected to discover only five
geniuses from the Pasadena orphanage.
We've got eight.
Don't tell me
how well we're doing.
Our orphanages and secret labs
are costing us million a year.
The sole purpose of these orphanages...
is to allow us to cull out
the geniuses, the natural leaders.
- We'll do better.
- I'll settle for more like Sylvester.
Look what he did last night.
All our emphasis has been on keeping
the world out of the secret lab.
No one ever considered the possibility
of a baby escaping.
Just look at this wonderful world we've
created for our babies to grow up in.
Why would anyone
want to escape from here?
The one who did is in the work station,
no doubt planning his next escape.
Hello, Sylvester. Hi.
- What's he constructing?
- We don't know.
He does all kinds
of extraordinary things.
Yeah, for all kinds
of extraordinary purposes.
Just look at that intensity.
There's no other baby like Sylvester.
- Well, maybe one.
- His twin, Whit?
Mayday! Mayday!
Whitley, where is helper number one?
Give me the lug wrench!
Whit, hurry up! Go!
On the double!
Listen, you monkey!
This is a monkey wrench.
Plumber's helper number one,
you're fired. Get out of town.
What is that terrible noise?
Noise to us.
But we've had the computers
analyzing every possible permutation.
What we hear as incoherent noise
may actually be a musical masterpiece.
Listen to our computer's interpretation
of Basil's playing.
That's remarkable.
It has all the complexities
of a symphony by Haydn or Beethoven.
If that's the case, it's possible
that what we hear as baby talk...
is actually conversation.
And look at this.
A child writing on a pad, right?
After checking
several hundred languages...
we found out they're writing the ancient
and forgotten language of cuneiform.
Not only do these babies speak their own
language, they understand all others.
Now watch this.
Subject one speaks...
and we immediately see activity
here in the lower limbic region...
while subject two, as he listens...
is active in the forebrain.
There's no doubt they are conversing.
We just don't understand them.
The instant a child begins to speak
in any known language...
the limbic activity ceases.
- As though they forget.
- Exactly. Bobbins was right.
What if the limbic activity
is not merely speech?
What if it's stored knowledge
from an early parent gene pool?
Passed from generation to generation.
Every baby might know
the secrets of the universe.
- This would be a great breakthrough.
- And revolutionize the human map.
If we find the key to the human mind...
every child will be ecated
in the Kinder method.
Every great mind will be ours to mold.
Let's get them all
into the amphitheater.
Hello, my little baby geniuses.
What are we discussing today, hmm?
Could it be
postmodern ethical construction?
How about...
the mechanics of human knowledge?
My little Sly one.
Ah, Sly, tell me...
what are you thinking, huh?
Come on.
You can look at me.
What are you thinking?
What are you saying?
Enlighten me, my little Einstein.
What do you think?
Should I enlighten her?
She won't understand.
She doesn't speak our language,
but go ahead, have fun.
Lead us through the wilderness,
my little warrior.
All right, all right, that does it.
Listen, Doc, if you're gonna talk
out of your ass all the time...
maybe you should wear a bow tie
on your butt.
Bow tie on her butt?
On her butt?
That's disgusting, Sylvester.
You may think because I don't
understand what you're saying...
that I don't understand
what's going on.
Don't be too sure about that, honey.
Yeah, right.
And don't call me honey.
Okay, Sly-man: one.
Dr. Kinder: zip.
- You're always busting her chops.
- Are you kidding?
Give me a break.
She's Darth Vader in a skirt.
Dr. Kinder's our benefactor.
Because of her there will be
a new order, and we will be its leaders.
Don't have a cow, Basil.
Why do you talk like that?
Your syntax is atrocious.
It's because he watches television
all the time.
How does he do that?
He converts the monitors.
You oughta all watch TV, check out
the real world, like Jerry Springer...
and have fun.
This is exactly what Dr. Kinder
is trying to overcome.
Moral decay.
Now you sound like Heep.
"Discipline, discipline, discipline.
Reward and deprive.
Give the babies a crumb,
take it away.
Like Pavlov's dogs...
hold up the bone, the doggies salivate.
If they behave,
give 'em a little gristle."
If you don't like it,
why don't you just leave?
Yeah, he'll just take the next bus.
You're such a weasel, Basil.
Nice face, weasel.
You fool.
Dr. Heep is watching.
Don't mess with the Sly-man, Heepster.
We're back!
Where is he?
Carrie? Whit?
The kids aren't here?
Wait a minute.
Whit? Is that you?
What's this mess?
Look at all this water.
No fraternizing with the help.
Carrie, look at you.
You are soaking wet.
And look at Whit.
You two go for a swim.
Uncle Lenny and I
are gonna have a talk. Okay?
This water, is it dangerous?
Oh, please.
The power's out, anyway.
The power's out. Great.
Where's Dickie?
I don't know.
Nice do, Dickie.
You look like Mt. Pepto-Bismol
just erupted.
Pink is cosmic, all right?
For the last time, my name ain't Dickie.
It's Ice Pick.
- Would you people get that straight?
- Ice Pick.
I love the creativity and imagination
that you've displayed here...
but no matter how outrageous
you act or dress...
I'm not gonna fire you,
so give it a rest.
㈩ 電影《刮痧》從56分「我只是講了事實」到57分方大同生氣的離開這一段的英文台詞