導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 美人和野獸電影台詞英文版


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1. 美女與野獸電影中的英語單詞和句子中英文

Once upon a time,in a far away land,a young prince lived in a shining castle.Although he had everything,he was unkind.One winter』s night,an old woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose.She warned him not to be deceived by appearance,for beauty is found inside.If he could learn to love another,and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell,then the spell would be broken.If not,he would be a beast forever.
The story told about the main character,Belle,a beautiful and clever girl.And her father once was caught by the Beast.In order to save her father,she had to go to the castle and was trapped in it instead of her father.Then she was kept being controlled by the ugly Beast.
During the first several days,she hated the Beast.Just after having known the Beast under such a condition,she changed her mind and tried to go well with him.
After the days she stayed with the Beast,she found the kindness inside the Beast and fell in love with him.There was no problem that the cup,the candle,almost all the furniture took part in the campaign to help their master.And Belle finally knew that 『Beauty inside is beauty indeed.』
Just a little change.Small to say the least.Both a little scared,neither one prepared.Beauty and the Beast,the film is the best.
1、Although he had everything his hearted desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. 雖然他擁有了一切他想得到的東西,但這個王子被寵壞了,他的脾氣非常暴躁,而且自私。 2、An old woman come to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. 一個老太婆來到城堡,給了王子一朵玫瑰花,希望能夠換得一處棲身之所,以躲避嚴寒。 3、Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. (王子嫌棄她形如枯槁的面容,不屑於衣衫襤褸老太婆手裡的玫瑰,並且一觸殘忍地把她趕走。) Repulse [ri'pʌls] vt. 逐退,擊退,拒絕 sneer at:嘲笑,輕視 haggard['hægʌd] adj. 憔悴的 Turn sb away:把某人打發走,拒絕接納 4、There』s a lot of girl in town who』d love to be in your shoes. 這個鎮子里很多姑娘們都希望能像你一樣。 Be in one』s shoes:處於某人的境地或處境來設想。 5、I』m speechless; I don』t know what to say. I just don』t deserve you. 我真不知道說什麼好。我只是覺得我不適合你。 6、You have my word! 我保證! 7、Gaston, you』ve get to pull yourself together. pull yourself together意思:to take control of your feelings and behave in a calm way;to force yourself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way :(口語體)控制自己(的緊張、害怕和失控的情緒),鎮靜下來,重新振作起來 8、Now the wheels in my head have been turning. 現在,我的腦子在不停轉動。 9、My what a guy. 我的偶像,我了不起的夥伴。 10、I』ve got my hearts set on marrying Belle. 我已經決定要娶belle做我的妻子。 Have one』s mind set on doing sth:將心思完全投入去做某事。/決心去某事。 11、It has to be something very special, something that sparks her interests. 那應當是一些非常特別而且能夠激發她興趣的東西。 Oh, lighten up, Cogsworth, and let nature take its course. 哦,葛士華,高興點,讓他們順其自然吧。 It』s obviously, there』s a spark between them. 很顯然,他們之間有火花。 Yes, but there』s no harm in fanning the flames. 沒錯,管它呢,扇一點火也沒什麼傷害

2. 美女和野獸好句子

1. 《美女與野獸》里的好詞好句有哪些
好句:1.受傷的野獸躲在陰暗的角落舔著傷口, 吸吮不到一絲光明. 盡管牆外的陽光是那樣明媚溫暖。 可野獸看著周圍保護著它的黑暗,猶豫了。
2.盡管它是那樣地想觸碰,擁抱。那樣熱愛陽光。卻無能為力。 但它害怕,害怕自己會給它傷害 就像它觸碰過的盛開的花朵,飛翔的蜻蜓 一一被保護著它的,環繞著它的黑暗沾染。
3.一個一個地在它面前枯萎,死去。 它永遠都無法忘記它們的眼神,失望透頂,又傷痕累累。 也許只要自己別觸碰它們,就什麼事都沒有了吧。
4. 它這樣想。 它抬頭看向天空,純凈的陽光普照。 它痛苦地閉上眼睛,心想著絕對不可以讓它也因為自己而受到傷害,絕對不可以。
5.一個一個地在它面前枯萎,死去。 它永遠都無法忘記它們的眼神,失望透頂,又傷痕累累。 也許只要自己別觸碰它們,就什麼事都沒有了吧。 它這樣想。 它抬頭看向天空,純凈的陽光普照。 它痛苦地閉上眼睛,心想著絕對不可以讓它也因為自己而受到傷害,絕對不可以。
好詞:貌若天仙 亭亭玉立 千嬌百媚 窈窕淑女 秀麗端莊 國色天資 艷若桃李 溫柔可人 活潑可愛 花枝招展 楚楚動人 秀色可餐 婀娜多姿 清新單純 面若桃花 天生麗質 天生尤物 水靈秀氣 美麗動人 櫻桃小口 仙女下凡 儀態萬千 傾國傾城 國色天香
2. 美女與野獸好詞好句好段
3. 美女與野獸好句摘抄英文版
1、Although he hadeverything his hearted desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.雖然他擁有了一切他想得到的東西,但這個王子被寵壞了,他的脾氣非常暴躁,而且自私。
2、I'm speechless; I don't know what to say. Ijust don't deserve you.我真不知道說什麼好。我只是覺得我不適合你。
3、It's obviously, there's a spark between them. 很顯然,他們之間有火花。 4、Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.由於外貌醜陋,野獸將自己隱蔽在城堡里,只通過一面魔鏡作為對外面的窗口。
5、An old woman come tothe castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from thebitter cold.一個寒冷的冬夜,一個老乞婦來到城堡,她將一支玫瑰送給王子,以此作為躲避嚴寒的報答。6、Through the mist, through the woods,Through the darkness and the shadows 過沼澤,穿森林,走過黑暗,走過陰影7、love can turn a man into beasts;can also make an ugly person more noble 愛情,能把一個男人變成野獸;也可以讓一個醜陋的人變得高尚。
8、You are a gentleman。Even if you look ugly,whole body covered with hair,You is gentle to me,But no matter how you gentleness is still a beast 你是紳士。
縱然你外貌醜陋,全身長滿獸毛,你對我是溫柔的。可是你無論多麼溫柔仍然是野獸!9、It has to be something very special, something that sparks her interests. 那應當是一些非常特別而且能夠激發她興趣的東西。
10、oh, lighten up, Cogsworth, and let nature take its course. 哦,葛士華,高興點,讓他們順其自然吧11、Once upon a time,in a far away land,a young prince lived in a shining he had everything,he was unkind.很久很久以前,在一個遙遠的土地,一個年輕的王子在陽光燦爛的城堡里.12、She warned him not to be deceived by appearance,for beauty is found he could learn to love another,and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell,then the spell would be not,he would be a beast forever.她警告他不要被外表所欺騙,要發現裡面的美.如果他能學會愛別人,並使時間花瓣下跌,那麼該法術將被打破回報她的愛.如果沒有,他將永遠是一個野獸.13、There's a lot of girl in town who'd love to be in your shoes. 這個鎮子里很多姑娘們都希望能像你一樣。14、To take control of your feelings and behave in a calm way。
控制自己,鎮定下來。15、That's right,He certainly is not a prince charming,But his inner I didn't see it before。
4. 美女與野獸50個單詞,30個句子
以下為美女與野獸的劇本,單詞與句子選擇你喜歡的摘錄,具體如下:一共7人,角色分別是美女的父親,野獸,花花公子,美女的大姐,美女的二姐,美女,旁白 旁白:Hello,everyboby!I will tell you a very beautiful let me introcethe members of this story firet.大家好!我將告訴你們一個非常美麗的故事。
現在讓我介紹這個故事的成員。(一個一個指著說)Beauty's father,the beast,playboy,the beauty of the elder sister,thebeauty of the second sister,our leading character in the story—the story is beginning. 美女的父親,野獸,花花公子,美女的大姐,美女的二姐,我們的故事的主角——美女。
現在,我們美麗的故事開始了。 第一幕 出場人物:美女的父親,美女的大姐,美女的二姐,美女 美女的父親(依依不捨的):My dear daughters,I mustgo.我親愛的女兒,我必須走了。
三姐妹(很擔心的):Where will yougo,father?Don't leave us!你要去哪裡,爸爸?不要離開我們!美女的父親:I must go to a far away place,to make a big I talksucceed,then I will make very much money. 我必須去一個遙遠的地方,洽談一筆大生意。如果我說成功,我將賺很多錢。
美女的姐姐們:What?Oh yeah!Father,if you succeed,please bring us some pretty thing!什麼?太好了!爸爸,如果你成功了,請給我們帶一些漂亮的東西!美女的父親:What pretty thing do you want,my dear daughters?你想要什麼漂亮的東西,我親愛的女兒?美女的大姐:I just want a diamond,my dear father!我只是想要一顆鑽石,我親愛的父親。美女的二姐:I just want a skirt and a perfume,my dear father!我只是想要一條裙子和一瓶香水,我親愛的父親。
美女的父親:OK,I will bring them to you,(對著美女)my dear little daughter,what do you want?好的,我會把它們給你們。你呢?我親愛的小女兒,你想要什麼?美女:I want a pretty flower, will miss you.我想要朵漂亮的花,爸爸,我會想你的。
美女的父親:I'll miss you I have to 轉身離去)我也會想念你,但是我不得不離開了。美女的姐姐們:Good bye, father,rember to bring us a diamond,a skirt anda perfume!再見,爸爸,記得要帶給我們一顆鑽石,一條裙子和香水! 美女:Good bye, father. 再見,爸爸。
第二幕 出場人物:美女的父親,野獸 旁白:One day, beauty's father find he was lost his a big castleappeared in his eyes.一天,美女的父親發現他迷路了,但在他的眼前出現了一座大城堡。美女的父親:(上前敲門)Hello!你好!(發現門是開著的,走了進去)Is someone there?I don't mean to I've lost my need a place to stay for the 小心翼翼的說)So delicious so hungry think the master of thiscastle is generous me eat something.有人在嗎?我不是有意闖進來的。
(吃了起來,吃到一半,突然發現前面的花園有許多美麗的鮮花)Such a beautiful flower! Should I bring my little daughter flowers.這么漂亮的花!我應該給我的小女兒帶朵。(走過去採花) 野獸:You!美女的父親:(吃驚的)Oh 野獸:How dare you!I have given you eating But I dont think you are so greedy! I will kill you!你怎麼敢!我給你吃,但我不認為你是那麼貪婪!我要殺了你! 美女的父親:No!Please don't!I have three I die,they will very sad.不!請不要!我有三個女兒。
如果我死了,她們會很難過。野獸:You have daughters?你有女兒?美女的父親:(顫顫巍巍的)Yes.野獸:OK. I won't kill you must take your daughterhere. 好的。
我不會殺了你,你必須把你的女兒在這里。 第三幕 出場人物:美女的父親,美女的大姐,美女的二姐,美女 旁白:Beauty'sfather was going home and told his daughters what happened.美女的父親回家,告訴他的女兒發生了什麼事。
美女:(傷心的)Daddy,we can't affordto lose must see it.爸爸,我們不能失去你。我去見他。
美女的父親:No!You don't know how strong and frightened it don't agree withyou.不,你不知道他有多麼強大和可怕。我不同意你的觀點。
美女的大姐:(面對父親)Daddy,let her not she want the flowers,nothing will happen!爸爸,讓她去,這是她的錯。如果不是她想要花,什麼都不會發生!美女的二姐:(面對美女激動地說)Why you want aflowers?Do you want to kill daddy?為什麼你要要花?你想害死爸爸嗎?!美女:NO!I don't! I'm going to find it, I won't let you die for me!不!我沒有!我要去找它,我不會讓您為了我而去死!美女的父親:No!I can't leave I can think another way 不!我不能離開你。
也許我能想到另一種方法 美女:Please believe me!I will be back,trust me!(轉身離去)請相信我!我會回來的,相信我。
5. 求美女與野獸搞笑版台詞
一天, 老師走進課堂,學生們一齊起立喊:「老師早上好!」 老師憤憤地說:「只叫早上好?那我下午呢?難道就不好了嗎?」 於是學生們又一齊喊:「老師下午好!」 老師又憤憤地說:「那我晚上呢?」 學生們又一齊喊:「老師晚上也好!」 老師點點頭說道:「這樣才行,現在重新喊一遍!」 學生們一齊喊:「老師早上好,下午好,晚上也好!」 老師說道:「坐下!今天我們要復習反義詞,我們這樣練習,我說一句,你們大聲說出反義詞。
現在開始。」 老師:「今天天氣很好。」
學生:「今天天氣很壞。」 老師:「到處陽光明媚。」
學生:「到處陰雲密布。」 老師:「馬路上人山人海。」
學生:「馬路上空無一人。」 老師:「年輕。」
學生:「年老。」 老師:「站立。」
學生:「躺倒」 老師:「有個年輕人站立在路上。」 學生:「有個年老人躺倒在路上。」
老師:「我撿到一元錢。」 學生:「我丟了一元錢。」
老師:「我撿到一元錢,交給老師。」 學生:「我丟了一元錢,去偷老師。」
老師:「錯誤,不能這樣說!」 學生:「正確,應該這樣說!」 老師:「錯誤。」 學生:「正確。」
老師:「這不行,這是違法行為!」 學生:「這可以,這是合法行為!」 老師:「我說錯誤。」 學生:「我們說正確。」
老師:「聽老師的,老師說的才是正確!」 學生:「聽我們的,老師說的都是錯誤!」 老師:「你們愚蠢。」 學生:「我們聰明。」
老師:「停止!」 學生:「繼續!」 老師:「你們現在停止!別說了!」 學生:「我們現在繼續!還要說!」 老師:「你們這些蠢豬,我說停止!」 學生:「我們都是天才,我們說繼續!」 老師:「你們聽老師的!」 學生:「老師聽我們的!」 老師:「學生都得聽老師的!」 學生:「老師都得聽學生的!」 老師:「現在你們停止練習!」 學生:「現在我們繼續練習!」 老師:「你們沒完沒了了嗎?」 學生:「我們有始有終的呀!」 老師:「那你們就停止!蠢豬!」 學生:「那我們該繼續!天才!」 。.之後老師怒氣沖沖地抱著書本走出了教室 教授在講台上阻止了正從後門准備溜進來聽課的PLMM。
「站住!你看看幾點了你才來上課!」 「對不起老師,我沒帶表,手機又沒電了,所以我也不知道幾點了,你如果真的想知道,你就問問其他同學吧,我來的比較晚,走的比較急,你就先讓我休息一下,喘口氣吧。」 「停!停!停!你怎麼大學生還不明白我的話嗎,我是說你上課遲到了你難道不知道嗎?」 「老師你息怒,我就因為沒有表所以才不知道遲到的。
「謝什麼謝,你怎麼那麼話多啊。你知道你遲到了你怎麼還徑直往裡走呢?」 「老師是你把問題弄的顛倒了,我是先往裡走,後知道遲到的。
你把事情發生的時間順序弄錯了。」 「好好好!就算我問的有問題,可是你上課是不是遲到了?」 「老師難道我上課遲到了你都不知道嗎?」 「我是問你知道不知道!」 「對啊,你不知道才來問我的,對嗎?」 「對什麼對,我是問你你不知道嗎?」 「我現在已經知道了,那還有別的事老師?」 「什麼別的事,你遲到了你不對你難道不知道該怎麼做嗎?」 「哦,

3. 求《美女與野獸》經典台詞

第一幕<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
旁白:The story happened when my grandfather and my grandmother were alive.(道具和人出場)
They lived in the forest. (父母出場,跳舞)
They have three daughters, one was beauty, but the other two were ugly. (兩個姐姐上場,跳舞。美女在旁邊掃地。下場)
One day they decided to ask a witch for some magic water to make their ugly daughters look better.
父親:Here it is. It』s six o』clock. The witch is coming.
母親:Daring, are you sure she will give us magic water to make our daughters more pretty?(父親抹掉臉上的口水)
父親:Yes , of course. We loved each other .母親傷心地走開
父親:Hey,twenty years ago, hey,twenty years ago…追上母親
女巫A: Are you ready, baby? Let』s go
女巫A:Let』s go, O(∩_∩)O哈哈~(女巫打女兒,跳舞上場)
女巫A對父親:I』m waiting for you.
媽媽盯著女巫的女兒看:Oh , my god 暈倒
父親指著女巫B:So, she is my….
女巫A: Ha, get away, but she is my daughter. (蹬腳,笑,演)You owned me twenty years ago, now you must marry me, or I will change her(母親) into a beast.
父親:You dare!
女巫B:Oh , mom, there is a prince.
女巫A:Oh, yes. Hi, I』m waiting for you.(跑向王子)

旁白:Without magic water, parents tried their best to marry off their daughters. One day, the prince passed by their house, their parents prepared a party in order to let him marry their daughters.
父母邀請王子到家,父親:Darling ,are you sure you can marry them to the prince in this way?
旁白:Everything is so sudden. In this moment, they like close friends who have known each other for many years. And they fall in love at the first sight.
王子:I』m so sorry! 抬頭看到了美女。
王子:May I? (公主和王子開始跳舞)
王子:Who are you ?
公主:I』m the youngest daughter.
王子凝視著公主的臉說:You are so beautiful,my angel! Meeting you is the most beautiful accident. (公主臉紅低下頭去)

兩個姐姐很氣憤,叉腰「哼」,一起說:He is mine
姐姐A:How dare she do that, she steals my prince。
姐姐B:I won』t let such a stupid thing happen , it』s really a joke.
姐姐A: So~ 相視一笑
兩個姐姐一起說:let』s look for the witch!
姐姐A:my dear witch .I really need your help!
女巫:Why must I help you?
姐姐A:If I can become the queen ,I promise that you will own the whole forest and a lot of money and slaves.
女巫:Ok. Keep your promise.
旁白:The next day, the family of the beauty wake up.
父親驚呼一聲:Who are you? (姐A跳出來:X-man?)
王子:It』s me, prince. (姐B:oh, you are X-man.)I』m here to seek for your sister, the sweetest sister.
美女對王子說:He is coming, he is coming. I know his voice, he is my prince.
王子握著美女的手:I just come to say goodbye to you. I must go now. There is nobody knows me, nobody needs me, nobody accepts me, even my parents. How, can a beast stay with an angel . Don』t cry for me, baby. I』m okay, I』m nothing except a person who will stay with you, love you, and will love you forever.
王子:But now I must hide it in my heart ,and keep it someplace far away.
美女:no , you should stay here, and marry me until we die .
父親:you are the beauty of our family ,you should marry a king or his son ,not a beast or a monster.
美女:no but, please don』t go. I don』t need others, I just want you. No matter you are a prince or not, no matter you are handsome or not, I don』t care. Don』t you feel my heart, I say I love you. Yes I promise.
母親醒來,oh , my god 看見野獸,又暈倒
王子:看見母親的反應,更加堅決I am sorry ,I … I really can』t do this.
美女; no ,it』s not your fault.
王子:That』s enough , I must go
美女甩開父親:Please! trust me. I won』t change my love for you.
I need you ,I love you ,~~`重復 兩個姐姐把美女拉走
王子孤獨的蹲在角落裡:It』s the end of the world.
旁白:since the prince has disappeared, the beauty looked for him day and night. Someday the beauty was exhausted that she fell in a faint.
王子:Are you ok? Are you hurt? Are you pain?
王子:why do you come here? It』s dangerous.
王子:It』s all right. It』s all right. My sweetheart, please don』t cry.
I won』t leave you alone anymore, baby, just be happy. Come here, my angel.
美女:Welcome back, my prince.
王子:I love you.
旁白:From now on , they have a happy life.
What about the sisters?

4. 美女與野獸經典台詞


1、There must be more than this provincial life.


2、It's the ones who play hard to get that arealways the sweetest prey.


3、A greater hunter doesn't waste his time onrabbits.


4、He is no Prince Charming.But there is something in him that I simply did not see.


5、Love can turn a man into a beast, can also make an ugly person more noble.


6、A symbol of humility,the white rose also say,I am loyaland worthy of you.


7、Point being,it's not about how others look at me,it's about how I look at myself.


8、Point being,no matter what,how you look matters.


5. 美女與野獸英文電影好句 美女與野獸台詞精選

Although he hadeverything his hearted desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.雖然他擁有了一切他想得到的東西,但這個王子被寵壞了,他的脾氣非常暴躁,而且自私。

I』m speechless; I don』t know what to say. Ijust don』t deserve you.我真不知道說什麼好。我只是覺得我不適合你伏穗蠢。

It』s obviously, there』s a spark between them.很顯然,他們之間有火花。

Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.由於外貌醜陋,野獸將自己隱蔽在城堡里族猛,只通過一面魔鏡作為缺陪對外面的窗口。

An old woman come tothe castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from thebitter cold.一個寒冷的冬夜,一個老乞婦來到城堡,她將一支玫瑰送給王子,以此作為躲避嚴寒的報答。

Through the mist, through the woods,Through the darkness and the shadows.過沼澤,穿森林,走過黑暗,走過陰影。

love can turn a man into beasts;can also make an ugly person more noble.愛情,能把一個男人變成野獸;也可以讓一個醜陋的人變得高尚。

You are a gentleman。Even if you look ugly,whole body covered with hair,You is gentle to me,But no matter how you gentleness is still a beast.你是紳士。縱然你外貌醜陋,全身長滿獸毛,你對我是溫柔的。可是你無論多麼溫柔仍然是野獸!

It has to be something very special, something that sparks her interests.那應當是一些非常特別而且能夠激發她興趣的東西。

oh, lighten up, Cogsworth, and let nature take its course.哦,葛士華,高興點,讓他們順其自然吧

6. 誰有《美女與野獸》的英文台詞

(Suddenly, BEAST grabs BELLE's shoulder and whips her around. She drops the torch she was carrying into a puddle and the room is dark except for one beam of light from a skylight.) BEAST: What are you doing here? MAURICE: Run, Belle! BELLE: Who's there? Who are you? BEAST: The master of this castle. BELLE: I've come for my father. Please let him out! Can't you see he's sick? BEAST: Then he shouldn't have trespassed here. BELLE: But he could die. Please, I'll do anything! BEAST: There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner. BELLE: Oh, there must be some way I can...wait! Take me, instead! BEAST: You! You would take his place? MAURICE: Belle! No! You don't know what you're doing! BELLE: If I did, would you let him go? BEAST: Yes, but you must promise to stay here forever. (BELLE ponders the situation and realizes she can't see the captor) BELLE: Come into the light. (BEAST drags his legs, then his whole body into the beam of light. BELLE looks, her eyes growing wider until she can stand no more and falls back to MAURICE.) MAURICE: No, Belle. I won't let you do this! (BELLE regains her composure, then steps into the beam of light, giving her a very virgin-ish look) BELLE: You have my word. BEAST: (quickly) Done! (BEAST moves over to unlock the cell, and BELLE collapses to the floor with her head in her hands. We hear the door being unlocked, then MAURICE rushing over to BELLE.) MAURICE: No, Belle. Listen to me. I'm old, I've lived my life-- (BEAST grabs him and drags him downstairs)


7. 美女與野獸經典台詞


1、Love can turn a man into a beast, or an ugly man.


2、You are a gentleman. Even if you are ugly, full of animal hair, you are gentle to me. But no matter how tender you are still the beast!


3、Imagine what you dream of, show it in your mind, feel it with your heart.


4、True beauty comes from the heart, not from the outside.

5、Yes, he's no prince charming, but he's got something I haven't seen before.


6、I'm looking for a promise, don't ask the answer.


7、This mirror for you, you can look at me.


8、Beast: don't be afraid.

Beauty: I do not have.

Beast: do you allow me to see you eat?

You are the master.

Beast: no one but you. I hate you, you say I'm disgusting.






9、Beast, I can't lie.

Beast: everything here is yours.

Belle: I feel uncomfortable in this gorgeous room, and I can't wait to get used to it. But I feel you are doing everything possible to help forget your ugly appearance.

Beast: I have a kind heart, although I am a beast.

Beauty: some people are actually more ugly than you, but they hide well.



美女:在這華麗的屋子裡我感到不自在,我也沒辦法去習慣被等待。 但是我感到你在做的一切可能的事情來幫助忘記你醜陋的外貌。



10、Beast: apart from being ugly, I'm smart. You'll soon know. Everything in this castle is yours. You can do it.

Beast: I'll be there at 7 every night, and before I leave, I'm going to ask you a question, the same question every time.

Beauty: what problems.






演員 艾瑪·沃特森



演員 丹·史蒂文斯



演員 盧克·伊萬斯



演員 喬什·蓋德



演員 艾瑪·湯普森



演員 凱文·克萊恩








8. 電影美女與野獸台詞




1. 一、Once upon a time in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.

2. 很久以前,在一座金碧輝煌的城堡里,住著一位年輕的王子。

3. Although he had everything in his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. 雖然王子擁有了內心所渴望的一切,但是他還是很驕縱、刻薄、自私。

4. But then, one winter”s night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.

5. 一個寒冷的冬夜,一個老乞婦來到城堡,她將一支玫瑰送給王子,以此作為躲避嚴寒的報答。

6. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turns the old woman away, but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within, and when he dismissed her again, the old woman”s ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.

7. 看到老乞婦醜陋的面容,王子決絕了她的請求,並要趕她走,但是老乞婦告誡王子不要被外表所迷惑,內在美才是真正的美麗。當王子再次趕她走時,老乞婦突然變了,變成了一個美麗的女巫。

8. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart and as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there.

9. 王子向女巫道歉,但是太遲了。因為女巫看到在王子的心中沒有愛,為了懲罰王子,女巫施法將王子變成了一個醜陋的野獸,並對城堡和所有居住在城堡里的人設置了強力的魔咒。

10. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast concealed himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.

11. 由於外貌醜陋,野獸將自己隱蔽在城堡里,只通過一面魔鏡作為對外面的窗口。

12. The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose which would bloom until his 21st year.


由迪士尼影業製作發行的2017年度浪漫巨制《美女與野獸》(Beauty and the Beast)真人版於今日在上海迪士尼度假區的迪士尼小鎮舉行首映紅毯,並於華特迪士尼大劇院內舉行了盛大的中國首映禮,四位主角艾瑪·沃森(Emma Watson)、丹·史蒂文斯(Dan Stevens)、盧克·伊萬斯(Luke Evans)、喬什·蓋德(Josh Gad)和導演比爾·康頓(Bill Condon)空降現場,與熱切期待的中國影迷零距離接觸。現場星光璀璨,氣氛隆重熱烈,為即將於3月17日與北美同步公映的影片拉開華麗的宣傳大幕。


來自國內外的媒體和幸運影迷,則一起在上海迪士尼度假區迪士尼小鎮內華特迪士尼大劇院參加了《美女與野獸》中國首映禮。場內1200多個座位座無虛席,五位主創亦移步內場與觀眾互動。首映禮以一段特別為中國觀眾打造的全新《美女與野獸》預告片拉開帷幕,營造出浪漫迷人的氣氛;隨後主創們次第出場,並給現場觀眾隨機贈送玫瑰花,引爆首映禮高潮。華特迪士尼大中華區執行副總裁及董事總經理姜熡可(Luke Kang)先生、迪士尼影業中國區總經理徐隆立(John Hsu)先生、上海迪士尼度假區總經理郭偉誠(Philippe Gas)先生也一同出席,與現場觀眾共慶首映。隨後《美女與野獸》全片進行了中國首場放映,過程中觀眾不斷爆發出掌聲和笑聲,美輪美奐的場景和牽動人心的人物命運引來嘖嘖稱贊。觀影結束後,觀眾紛紛表示,影片業內頂級的製作水準、細膩感人的群星演繹、悅耳動聽的主題旋律、發人深思的情感主題都非常適合全年齡段觀眾。




影片的台前幕後陣容也是星光璀璨。因《哈利·波特》中赫敏一角紅遍全球的艾瑪·沃森出任女主角貝兒,“野獸”王子則由丹·史蒂文斯出演,他在《唐頓庄園》中將儒雅而深情的“大表哥”演繹得絲絲入扣吸粉無數,成為無數少女的夢中情人,在中國擁有大量迷妹。片中反派,英俊而粗鄙的加斯頓花落盧克·伊萬斯,他在《霍比特人3》中飾演的神箭手巴德帥氣逼人令人印象深刻。此外,即使諸如燭台、鬧鍾、茶壺太太這樣的配角亦毫不含糊,一大批獲獎無數的演技派明星如伊萬·麥克格雷格(Ewan McGregor)、伊恩·麥克萊恩(Ian McKellen)、艾瑪·湯普森(Emma Thompson)等甘當綠葉,傾情加盟。幕後方面,統領全局的導演比爾·康頓曾執導奧斯卡大熱歌舞片《追夢女孩》,憑借《美女與野獸》動畫版獲得奧斯卡最佳配樂和最佳原創歌曲的功臣的艾倫·曼肯再度出山打造配樂,勢將成就全新經典。



9. 求迪斯尼動畫片美女與野獸的英文台詞

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Than somebody bends
Just a little change
Small, to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will arise
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast.

10. 賈斯汀比伯美女與野獸歌詞意思

Show you off, tonight I wanna show you off
告訴你 今晚我想帶你出去
What you got, a billion could've never bought
你得到的 萬金難買
We gonna party like it's 3012 tonight
我們將舉行聚會 就像今晚是世界末日
I wanna show you all the finer things in life
So just forget about the world, we're young tonight
所以拋開一切 因為我們今晚是年輕的
I'm coming for ya, i'm coming for ya
我來找你 我來找你了
Cause all I need is a beauty and a beat
Who can make my life complete
It's all by you, when the music makes you move
一切都隨你 跟著音樂舞動吧
Baby do it like you do
Girl, I can feel your body rock (aye,aye,aye)
女孩 我能感受到你身體的擺動
Take a bow, you on the hottest ticket now (aye,aye,aye)
We gonna party like it's 3012 tonight
I wanna show you all the finer things in life
So just forget about the world, we're young tonight
I'm coming for ya, I'm coming for ya
Cause all..
I need, is a Beauty and a Beat
Who can make my life complete
It's all..
Bout you, when the music makes you move
Baby do it like you do
[Nicki Minaj]
Uh, Uh
In time, ink lines, b-tches couldn't get on my incline
World tour, is mine, ten million letters, no big sign
Justin Bieber, you know i'mma hit 'em with the ether
Justin Bieber 你知道我會用乙醚打擊他們
Buns out, weiner, but I gotta keep my eye out for Selena
Beauty, beauty and the beast 美女與野獸
Beauty from the east, beauty from the precious of the priest
Beast, beauty from the streets, we don't get deceased
Every time a beauty want a beats
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, Let's go, Let's go)
Cause all..
I need, is a Beauty and a Beat
Who can make my life complete
It's all..
Bout you, when the music makes you move
Baby do it like you do

復制粘貼來的 自己判斷。



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