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發布時間:2023-05-21 17:57:30

㈠ 料理鼠王英文簡介

1、I love the mouse very much,because it can cook food and it often help others.

2、The movie let me know nothing is impossible.

3、I hope you can watch this movie, it is wonderful.

4、The mouse is really cute,it has small pink nose and big mouth.

5、The mouse is happy every day,and it can do a lot, I want to make friend with it!







㈡ 電影<<料理鼠王>>的內容概括,要英文的

Remy was a young rat in French countryside,he dreaned of becoming a great French cook.He had an accident,he lost his faily.He went to the Auguste Gusteau′s restaurant and made a friend with a new garbage boy .After Remy helped,the garbage boy Linguini became the restaurant′s boss.At last,Remy became a great cook.

㈢ 請問誰有 《料理鼠王》的百度雲,(最好是高清英語 中文字幕),發給我網址或者,發到我的網盤,或者


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㈣ 料理鼠王英文版
迅雷下載 下的時候把.asp去掉,英文版沒有字幕,字幕到射手網下

㈤ 有一個電影,裡面有一隻可愛的小老鼠,那部電影的名字是什麼

導演:布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird
配音(英文):帕頓·奧斯瓦爾特 Patton Oswalt
配音(中文):何炅 謝娜 李維嘉
發行:沃爾特·迪斯尼電影公司Walt Disney Pictures



㈥ 電影《小鼠大廚/料理鼠王》的英文簡介。簡單點

(Text/long ten Langs)thunder rice naturally the sense of taste be intelligent, however, since it be a rat, that has this artistic talent is also common matter.However the thunder rice still have many special place, like, it like to read a book, its favourite of an origin the book call 《everyone all ability be a cook 》, author is France genius cook Ao thou Si especially, the idol of thunder rice.Return to have, thunder rice not only like to read a book, and imagination Ao thou Si especially so do a great of cook.Father is big Gao of course not support thunder rice of dream.Have a little bit all know of some common sense, the rat arrived a kitchen, don't say that is a cook, even small life all would drive mankind to accept.Big high hope oneself of the son ability learn himself/herself, later inherit oneself of position, be the leader of sewer rat, lead many rat to pick up garbage to eat.The thunder rice still has at least sharp of the sense of smell, can distinguish which things poisonous didn't poison.

The thunder rice of course not give up oneself of dream, its ability call France the name of the most famous restaurant, acquaint with the way of doing of each vegetables, its time preparation become a cook.Finally once, it drive blunt go to sewer, after the thunder rice of escape from death wake up detection oneself originally go to idol kitchen, already lead a life time of Ao thou Si D ·thou Si especially establish restaurant underneath.At inside in the restaurant, thunder rice understanding do odd jobs in the kitchen of young man Lin2 Gui4 Ni2, Lin2 Gui4 Ni2 cooked of talent, but he want to protect this work very much, hence, thunder rice with Lin2 Gui4 Ni2 cooperation, hide in this person cook's hat, an intelligence one person physical labor, cooperation cook.This does the vegetables of to the combination deep popular, the thunder rice work together closely with Lin2 Gui4 Ni2, however still have many difficulty want to overcome, like the thunder rice want dodge make track for of chef to kill, but Lin2 Gui4 Ni2 be good to come home a person of comprehension still have fine love.However, the Ao thou Si the ghost of the D appear in the thunder rice and Lin2 Gui4 Ni2's in front, with the spirit tutor's identity guidance this two colleague cook, this to combination overcome difficulty do Paris most stick of the Pu Luo prosperous Si stew. (Net easy musement particularly draft, turn to carry to please to note source)

㈦ 料理鼠王的電影介紹



㈧ 料理鼠王英文劇情介紹

料理鼠王》Ratatouille 2007



導演:布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird Jan Pinkava

配 音: 約翰·雷森博格 John Ratzenberger

布拉德·加瑞特 Brad Garrett




《料理鼠王》講述了一隻夢想成為頂級大廚師的老鼠"米小鼠",在命運的安排之下,全家意外從法國鄉村移居到巴黎的下水道。令他雀躍不已的是,他發現新家上方居然是他的偶像,大廚Auguste Gusteau掌廚的頂級餐廳。當他有機會發揮天份,烹煮出一道令全世界頂尖美食家贊賞的美味濃湯的同時,意料陷入一場混亂且刺激的追逐。本劇中逗趣的人物各具特色,場景充滿華麗的法國風格,絕對會帶給觀眾一個充滿幻想力、驚喜連連的感官饗宴。




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