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發布時間:2023-07-14 11:02:53

⑴ 英語翻譯,「重看了一部老電影英文怎麼說,

Watch an old movie one more time.
pywd 舉報冊飢芹
可以說成reviewed an old movie嗎 review 復習的意思多謝 而 review a movie 通常會翻譯為評論一部電影,所肢帶以不合適,看電影還得是watch,

⑵ 昨天我看了場電影,用英文怎麼說

I see a movie yesterday.

⑶ 英語翻譯 湯姆錯過了那場公眾評價很高的電影,並非因為買不到電影票,而是因為交通堵塞。(available)

您好翻譯為Tom missed the movie that the public speak highly of not because didn't buy the tickets was not available instead of the traffic is crowed

⑷ 看電影用英文怎麼說地道啊,是see a movie還是watch a movie啊


see a movie 和 watch a movie 的不同是兩者觀看影片的場所或所用的裝置並不相同。see a movie 是指在電影院看電影,而 watch a movie 則是在電視、電腦等設備上看電影。



1、Do something active : run, exercise, go see a movie, go shopping, etc.


2、Do you prefer to watch a movie home or in movie theater?


3、They are going to see a movie this evening.


4、Chill out, watch a movie, you know ?

放鬆一下, 看一部電影什麼的 吧?

5、Ronald wants stay up late to watch a movie tonight.


⑸ 去看一場電影 英文對話5人 急, 要短一點的,兩三分鍾就行 著急

go to see a m
A:hey anni,do u have time this weekend i wanna ...
B:what?briefly ,ok?
A:er...i am just wondering whether u like to go out with me .i have a extra movie ticket .if u ..maybe ..
B:i am sorry Bob,i feel blue now,and have no mood to any other places.
A:what happen?can i help u
B:nothing ,just my exam.it is so close,i have not ready yet .what is worse,i totaly can t clam down to review my book.that makes me feel worry .if i offend u ,i feel so sorry.
A:it is ok.i can understand.but if i were u ,i would go out to relax myself and breath some fresh air to make me clear.that definitally will improve ur effect.Anyway this movie is so interesting ,which would make u feel better.better mood ,better work.
B:yaeh...it sound make sense.forgive my rude,please.
A:never mind .glad to help.
B:so when will u pick me up?when the movie start?
A:er...around 6 p.m.r u available by the time?
B:yeah ,of course.
A:see u then .
B:ok .see u
oive go to the theater

⑹ 看一場電影用英文怎麼說

Watch a movie.

⑺ 准備看電影,有4點和5點的兩個場次,售票員推薦我看4點的,但是我想說: 「我想看下一場」 英文怎麼說

下場電影,用 next showing 下個放映的意思, I prefer the next showing....

⑻ 昨天他沒去看電影,去公園了。翻譯成英文

Yesterday,he went to the parks,instead of going to the movies.

⑼ 我想要看一場電影用英語怎麼說

我想看一場電影英文翻譯為I want to see a movie。



What's the point ?


Try harder .

3、Today,I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.


4、Oh,Jerry,don't let's ask for the moon.We have the stars.


5、A boy's best friend is his mother.


6、I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.


7、I'm king of the world!


8、Some birds arent meant to be caged, thats all. Their feathers are just too bright.The Shawshank Redemption.




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