導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 英語小電影製作


發布時間:2023-07-24 11:20:53

Ⅰ 電影製作流程用英文回答

* Writing
o Theory
o Writing
o Rewriting
o Screenplay Format
o Treatments
o Synopsis
o Logline
o Pitching
o Certification
o Downloading scripts
o Writing Low Budget
* Protecting Your Ideas
* Funding and budgetting
o Funding Plans
o Grants
o Tax Breaks
o "Elements"
* Contracts and law
o Copyright

[edit] Pre-proction

* Overview
* Budgeting and Scheling
* Pre-proction
o Acquiring film stock
o Storyboarding
o Casting Directors
o Location Scouting
o Funding and budgetting contents
o Scheling contents
* Paperwork
o Call Sheet
o Scene Breakdown
o Release Form
* Contracts and law
o Crew Contract
o Cast Contract
o Release Form

[edit] Proction

* Overview
o Proction Overview
* Technical
o Cinematography
o Actors contents
o Blocking
o Lighting
o Power Sources
o Sound Recording
o Stills Photography
o Character Animation
* Directing and managing a set
o Directing contents
o Shooting Styles
o Clapper Board and Keeping Notes On Set
o Directing Actors
o Keeping the crew happy

[edit] Post-proction

* Overview
o Post Proction Overview
* Audio
o Music/Film Scoring
o Sound Design
o Foley
* Visual: What is Editing
o How To Edit a Dramatic Scene
o Visual Effects
o Animation (for Visual Effects)
o Colour Grading
o Digital Intermediate
o Subtitles
o Which format to finish on?
o HD Links
* For cellulloid
o Telecine

[edit] Film Distribution & Marketing

* Overview
o Film Distribution & Marketing Overview
* Sales, Exhibition & Distribution
o Film Marketing
o Distributing Direct
o Selling Online
o Digital Cinema Distribution
o Submitting to a broadcaster
o Putting videos online
o Burning a DVD

Ⅱ 英語短片配音哪裡能做






語音朗讀軟體,我一直用這個ai配音軟體,真人發音,男女聲都有,中文、英文都支持!非 情感 跟 情感 類的都能讀,很方便,手機電腦都能用! http://peiyin.baoyin.com

英文朗讀比較自然流暢,也能夠設置詞語跟句子之間的發音連讀時間呢 ,如果是多人對話,長文本的話,也能分段錄音,然後合並到一起就好了!

除了語音合成,給英語視頻配音之外,還適用其他需要添加配音的場景,比如商場店鋪廣告促銷配音、地叫賣錄音製作、抖音快手 搞笑 短視頻等等。



英語短片配音軟體當然選擇微信小程序「微配音」,70個AI 情感 發音人,支持插入背景音樂和音效,支持對話配音,非常專業的一款軟體。還有電腦版的,非常方便。 微信搜索「微配音」找到打開就能用,綠色免安裝,每天免費使用10次哦,很良心

現在網上有可以將文字轉換成語音的軟體,也有外語的配音製作軟體。所以要想製作英語短片配音,只要找到對應的軟體就可以啦。根據我製作配音的經驗來說,你可以在App Store中可以搜索下載TextToMp3,裡面有很多配音詞模版,還有很多成品錄音。



Ⅲ 英文動畫電影小學生必看



《天才寶貝熊Little Bear》是根據作家Else Holmelund Minarik和插畫家Maurice Sendak的同名經典兒童繪本改編。故事充滿熊爸爸熊媽媽對小熊的關愛,小熊和朋友之間的友愛,充滿了童真和童趣,充滿了梁拿孩提時代的想像和對周圍世界的好奇和探索。

Ⅳ 用英語寫一篇關於電影製作的文章

In today's commercial film business to the United States several of the most successful films do. In contemporary film how many countries have commercial atmosphere.

American film proction process is this:
1, select the script, which is the most important, is generally chosen by the procer of the script, but not the lack of directors to choose the script, but director in the choice of the script after a good company, as well as to persuade the procers to his investment, but now the director of the film adaptation of the script is not right, if he wanted to change the script before shooting on the upper companies must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
2, capital. Each film can not have a lot of funds, as <-war world> that the film, more than 200 million dollars, and then have to find a very powerful company to film investment.
3, choose a director, actor. Chinese film directors will not have a choice of this argument, in a movie that the director is, which means that they should not only be responsible for the quality of the film to the studio responsible for other aspects, and international film proction director need only responsible for the task of good filming. in the international film proction is the script's choice, rather than the script's choice. procer in the film when preparations for the actor to assume the task of choice, These are from the Chinese mainland, deputy director to complete.
4, in a successful film, not only a great script and a good story, good directing. Most important thing is that the big star participation. Shining star in the film is the focus of the film is the protection of the box office .
5, set up crew, photography.
6, film editing in the United States in the commercial film director is no editing rights, are carried out by the studios editing, but if the front line is the director, then there would be different.
7, distributors, commercial film distributors and procers is not an issue to be achieved through competition distribution rights, a film is good or bad can also look at the past performance of distributors.
8, issuing posters, advertising. Take <-war world>, early in the film exhibition of the film four months ago, the advertising and promotional posters have been released.
9, the international film distribution and payment of film bbing right for the right to shear
10, participate in the film festival

Ⅳ 「製作電影」的英文是什麼

用make the film就可以了! 拍電影就是製造電影的一個環節嘛! 希望幫到你!

Ⅵ 英語課要用ppt介紹一部電影,要怎麼做













Ⅶ 微電影英語怎麼說

問題一:「微電影」用英語怎麼說 micro-movie(video)

問題二:微電影用英語怎麼說 mini movie,微電影就是小電影的意思咯,覺得翻譯成mini更靠譜一些

問題三:微電影用英語怎麼說 Micro film

問題四:微電影工作室英文怎麼翻譯 Micro Movie Workshop

問題五:主題是新媒體環境下的微電影英文怎麼說 主題是新媒體環境下的褲鍵微電影
The theme of the new media environment of micro film
英 [in?vai?r?nm?nt] 美 [ɛn?va?r?nm?nt, -?va??n-]
n. 環境,外界; 周圍,圍繞; 工作平台; (運行)環境;

問題六:適合3到5分鍾的英語微電影 功夫熊貓胡遲巧。英語講的速度適中,也蠻搞笑,題材也符合初中生

問題七:微電影人為什麼活著的對話英語翻譯 如果等你老的那一天,有人問你為什麼活著,你唯一可以回答的,就是,子女能在身邊,哪怕每天看一眼...
If you are old, someone asks you why you are alive. The only thing you can do is to answer, that is, the children will be able to be around, even if you look at them every day...

問題八:這個是什麼微電影,英語課上老師給我們看的 美語怎麼說(視頻版) - 第51講:Secret Santa 神秘聖誕老人

問題九:(無人問津)用英語翻譯有意境一點兒的 請問一下怎麼翻譯? 用作微電影的名字! 僅僅就是 EMPTY 如何
孤舟蓑笠翁 獨釣寒江雪 類似這種小潑墨大留白的空曠感 簡潔深遠

Ⅷ 關於英文電影的製作詞彙

拍攝:picture present
製作:proced by
友情客串:Guest Starring

Ⅸ 如何製作電影或戲劇的英語作文

My favourite movie
When I watched the film 《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed. The main host peter who is handsome and brave. He helped so many people who is need others help.

If we were him,whether we can sacrificed our love and friendship and even our study . In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble.

Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people. For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries

If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will become more and more warmth. People can make getting along well with each other。








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