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發布時間:2023-07-26 17:11:27

1. 看完《長發公主》,用英語寫讀後感100字左右



the witch compared with other fairy tale witch, is much better, she didn't harm others' lives, is just want youth just.


But I think the witch care she grew up, give all her what she wants, just want to let the princess obediently stay tower, will give the witch oneself forever youth just.


She's not really love her, without a mother and daughter of love.


Learned that the princess is dangerous, the witch immediately rushed to save her, it's not because she CARES about princess, but the princess long hair, care about their youth.


Indeed, the queen is the princess done without anything else, but if the princess had the opportunity, as a true happiness in the mother she wouldn't stop, and witch at this moment his true colours.


The more she had to show her the princess well hidden among the deep heart.

2. 小馬寶莉電影觀後感英文100字怎麼寫

This is an interesting and touching cartoon. It says that a pony named ziyue came to pony valley with his assistant suilong to learn about friendship in order to perform the task given to her by her mentor, Princess universe. In the pony Valley, she met several good friends. Each pony represents every element of friendship and plays an important key element in the harmonious crystal. Since then, ziyue has started an interesting daily life with her new friends. And finally beat up tirek with evil intentions as a princess. Ponies are divided into land horses, unicorns, Pegasus and very rare empty horned beasts. They all have cute signs about their talents! The ponies are not only beautiful, but also very kind! There are honest Apple Jiaer, generous curiosities, loyal yunbao, Biqi who can treat everything with optimism, ziyue who has the gift of caring for small animals and the coexistence of magic and wisdom. In this interesting animation, I like ziyue best. She is very cute. She has a light purple body and a dark blue mane with purple pink hair. The cute logo is a big pink hexagon surrounded by five white stars. I studied magic at the genius Royal Unicorn School of magic and learned the history and legends that most ponies don't understand. I like the last two episodes best. When her friends were all captured by tirek, she gave all the princess magic to save her friends. Although their magic power has been exhausted, a treasure chest that needs six harmony keys has turned the tide of the war. They found the origin of the key from their diaries and opened the mysterious box. The tree of harmony and the box were integrated into one, turning them into super powerful ponies with powerful magic, and finally defeated tirek! Isn't this the true story of friendship? In life, the magic of friendship also hovers around us. I remember in the summer vacation, I kept a kitten only two months old. With my mother's repeated dissuasion, the cute kitten was about to be sent away, but he was unwilling to leave. He ran back again. I only kept him for less than three days. He knows who is kind to him, and cats have the same feelings as people. Isn't this just a matter of showing the power of friendship? "You're wrong, tyrek. I gave you all the unicorn magic, but I still have the most powerful magic in my body!" you 're right! This powerful magic is friendship! Burley pony this is one of my favorite movies. It makes me understand: friendship! Is the most powerful!

它講了:一隻叫紫悅的小馬為了執行導師宇宙公主給她的任務,與助手穗龍一起來到小馬谷學習有關友 誼的知識。在小馬谷中,她邂逅了幾位好朋友,每隻小馬都代表著友誼的每個元素,並在和諧水晶中, 各扮演重要的關鍵元素。此後,紫悅便與她認識的新朋友們開始了有趣的日常生活。並最終以公主身份 打到了有著邪惡意圖的提雷克。
小馬們分陸馬、獨角獸、飛馬以及非常罕見的空角獸。他們身上都有關於自己天賦的可愛標志! 小馬們們不但美麗,還特別善良!
有誠實的蘋果嘉兒、慷慨的珍奇、忠誠的雲寶、不管遇到什麼事都能以樂觀態度對待的碧琪、有照顧小 動物天賦的柔柔和魔法與智慧並存的紫悅,
在這部有趣的動漫中我最喜歡紫悅,她非常可愛,淡紫色身體、深藍色鬃毛夾紫粉發色,可愛標志的圖 案為一顆大粉色六角星被五顆白色的小星星包圍著。在的天才皇家獨角獸魔法學院學習魔法知識,懂得 多數小馬都不懂的歷史和傳說
我最喜歡最後兩集,當她的朋友被提雷克全部抓住的時刻,為了救自己的朋友交給了所有的公主魔力。 他們的魔力雖然已經耗盡,一個需要六把和諧鑰匙的寶箱,扭轉了戰局。她們從自己的日記中找到了鑰 匙的起源,打開了這個神秘的箱子,和諧之樹和箱子融於一體,把她們變成了有強大魔法的超能小馬, 最終打敗了提雷克!
記得在暑假時,我養了一隻只有兩個月大的小貓。在我媽媽的再三勸阻下,那隻萌寵可愛的小貓即將被 送走時,但他卻不願意離去,自己又跑回來了,我只養了他不到三天。他知道誰對他好,貓也有向人一 樣的情感。這不正是表現友誼力量的事嗎?
「你錯了,提雷克。我是把獨角獸魔力都給了你,但我的身體里還有最強大的魔力!」沒錯!這個強大的 魔力就是友誼!《小馬寶莉》這是我最喜歡電影的之一。它讓我明白:友誼!是最強大的!

3. 英文電影觀後感100字 英文100字電影觀後感


2、Out of all the Disney movies I've seen,The Lion King is one of the most remarkable films of all time.The story was touching,the characters were unbelievable,and the music was beautiful.The actors were chosen rightly for their characters and their personalities.Though some of the scenes my be too intense and disturbing for younger children,it is still an outstanding movie.Its a great movie to share with the whole family.Youll laugh,youll cry,youll be amazed!Its a classic for years and years to come.在我看過的所有迪斯尼電影中,《獅子王》是有史以來最出色的電影之一。故事感人,人物令人難以置信,音樂優美。演員的選擇符合他們的角色和性格。盡管我的一些場景對年幼的孩子來說過於激烈和令人不安,這仍然是一部出色的電影。這是一部與全家分享的偉大電影。你會笑,你會哭,你會感到驚訝!這是多年來的經典之作。

4. 誰能幫我寫一篇獅子王觀後感,必須是用英語寫的,100字左右。謝謝!

Today, I watched the movie lion king. It mainly talks about the little lion Simba. After suffering, he finally defeated his uncle Scar and became a real king.

I think there are a few things that are very interesting. In the forest, Simba eats insects with two friends. Lions are carnivores. Why do they eat insects? Oh, that's because if Simba wants to make friends with his partners, he has to eat the same thing as them.

The little squirrel danced a hula in order to draw away the scar's friend. He looked so charming that my stomach was about to explode.

Simba grew up from a little lion into a king. I think of Simba's father saying to Simba, "look, the stars in the sky are watching us and guiding us." yes, everyone's dream will come true as long as there is perseverance.










5. 電影奇跡男孩英文觀後感100字



Films occasionally fall into the stereotype of children's films, which are too cute and create inappropriate humor for young groups.

However, the film's ultimate success not only tells a complex story, but also conveys the experience of confusion, loneliness and fear to the audience.





6. 灰姑娘,美女與野獸的英文觀後感!100詞左右,急求啊~~~


Cinderella is a deeply beloved animated classic. This is very easily one of my Disney animated films ever made because it is such a delightful adaptation of the classic fairy tale.


The characters are a lot of fun to watch and the story was handled excellently. The songs in the movie are also very good to listen to and fit perfectly into the movie. I strongly recommend it to any Disney fan.



The atmosphere is ethereal, hazy, ripe with magic. There is a quality to the pace, visuals, dialogue and blocking that just feels otherworldly. Perfect for this tale.


The use of human and other life forms in unusual ways is most imaginative. Especially so are the faces in the mantel and the torch sconces. I mention them as inspired and labeled this review for spoilers because I still remember the pleasure of the surprise of those images when I first saw this film.


I do not speak french but I think that the actual dialogue matters less than in any film I have seen. This one can be enjoyed by yielding to the image and the rhythm.











句子是作文 的基本單位,我們要有意識地進行連句成文的有步驟的訓練。

7. 英語的動畫片的觀後感100字

在古老的中國,有一位個性爽朗,性情善良的好女孩,名字叫作花木蘭,身為花家的大女兒,花木蘭在父母開明的教悔下,一直很期待自己能花家帶來榮耀。不過就在北方匈奴來犯,國家正大舉徵兵的時候,木蘭年邁的父親竟也被徵召上戰場,傷心的花木蘭害怕父親會一去不返,便趁著午夜假扮成男裝,偷走父親的盔甲,代替父親上戰場去。花家的祖宗為保護花木蘭,於是派出一隻心地善良的木須龍去陪伴她,這只講話像連珠炮又愛生氣的小龍,在一路上為木蘭帶來許多歡笑與協助。 而迪士尼在第36部年度長篇動畫鉅片,首次採用中國古老的傳奇故事「花木蘭」,在600位多位迪士尼動畫師,孜孜不倦歷時四年的時間,將傳說內容幻化為令人目不暇給的動畫場面,其中當然不乏優美的配樂與令人捧腹大笑的幽默羅!影片中的一對活寶--木須龍和蟋蟀,兩個原本毫無拉攏的個體出現在了劇中,成了影片的一大看點,他們極盡搞笑之能事,木須龍活躍萬分,蟋蟀則低調行事,但兩者結合在一起則鬧出了很多笑料,觀後感《英文動畫片觀後感》。這條龍虛榮心強,愛面子,具有人性一面,此外,這龍還有瘋的特點,讓人極為喜愛,活脫就是活寶一個。在雪山跟匈奴一戰的時候,這頭龍還在雪崩的時候拿個鎧甲沖浪,令人發笑不已。 而對於出身於古老中國家庭的花木蘭,她自小便是個聰明伶俐,志氣高昂的女孩,雖然她一心一意想要父母為她這個女兒感到驕傲,但似乎常常弄巧成拙,令她自己傷心不已。當她得知年邁的父親將被徵召入伍,以對抗日漸入侵的匈奴時,花木蘭不禁為父親的安危感到憂心,突生的勇氣促使木蘭決定告別家鄉,女扮男裝「代父從軍」,就像是得到祖先們的庇蔭般,。由被排斥到接受,就在花木蘭的軍人生活漸入佳境時,她女扮男裝的身份被揭穿了,她與木須被拋棄在冰天雪地的邊疆,即使在如此惡劣的情勢之下,木蘭都沒有放棄對抗挫折的勇氣,但是原想要為家人帶來驕傲的花木蘭,要如何回到中原,並證明自己的一片心意?而瞞騙父母出征,欺騙長官從軍的欺君之罪,又要會讓花木蘭如何面對自己的家人呢?



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