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發布時間:2023-08-09 17:41:11

⑴ 地心游記80詞英語作文!!跪求!!


Today, I finished reading another book called geocentric travel notes,This book is mainly about:

inspired by a password letter from his predecessor saknussem, German scientist Professor lidenbrok, together with his nephew axel and guide Hans, undertook an adventure through the center of the earth。

They fell from the sneiffel crater in Iceland, overcome various difficulties such as water shortage, loss of way and storm, and finally returned to the ground from the sderonbuli volcano in Sicily in a volcanic eruption。

I think: if it were not for Professor Lee Teng's stubbornness, they would not have come to the heart of the earth。

On the way to the center of the earth, Professor Lee Teng insisted on entering the coastline so that they could find the sign left by saknussem and successfully return to the ground。

Axel, another protagonist in the book, was as timid as a mouse at the beginning of the journey。

He always believed that there was magma deep in the earth that could crush everything。

My feeling: in fact, sometimes stubbornness is not a bad thing。On the way, when they were desperate in the storm, Professor Lee Teng became very stubborn。

He believed that as long as he didn't move, he could reach the safety zone smoothly。As a result, the professor was right。





⑵ 地心游記英文簡介

簡介:This film tells that Professor Lee Teng Brock accidentally got a piece of parchment in an ancient book and found that his predecessors had traveled to the center of the earth. Professor Lee Teng Brock is determined to make the same trip.

He and his nephew set out from Hamburg to Iceland to ask a guide. According to the guidance of their predecessors, they fell from a crater in Iceland. After three months of travel, they experienced difficulties and wonders, and finally returned to the ground.







⑶ 求一篇關於地心游記2的英文梗概和影評

英文梗概:"Geocentric Adventure 2" story from Verne (French novelist, naturalist, science writer, one of the founders of modern science fiction) of another novel "mysterious island", tells the story of Sean's grandfather, the mysterious disappearance, Sean was forced to and her boyfriend go to an island to find him. "Geocentric Adventure 2" after the first set, 17 year old Sean Anderson received mysterious island group from the unknown password distress signal, [1] and hisstepfather Hank and rush into danger helicopter pilot Gabato and his strong and beautifuldaughter Kellani together to embark on a trip to the South pacific. They arrived at the final destination -- a scenery beautiful, there are all kinds of rare fowls and strange animals and Jinshan Volcano Island, in fact, the distress signal, is from Sean's grandfather Alexander, they want to take Alexander to escape the mysterious island......
影評: 閑來無事的時候就會找大片兒,猛片兒,覺得會刺激自己的片兒,或者有第一部、第二部做基礎的片兒,或者別人推薦的片兒去看。地心游記2屬於這樣的片子,因為1拍的很爽,又因為碟中諜4看的很刺激,所以決定換個口味,於是團了兩張票,欣喜地抱著大桶的爆米花,兩杯送的可樂,拎著3D眼鏡入座了。
豆瓣上的評分不說了,還是很客觀的。你說這片子適合小孩子看吧,但是畫面還是不錯的,大人也要欣賞;你說這片兒適合大人吧,滿場的笑聲大多來自孩子。其實這部電影的效果還是不錯的,老美再怎麼拍爛片,只要在某一方面想下工夫,那功夫就能拿的上檯面,只是「 踩巨型蛋」、「騎蜜蜂」,「生死大逃亡」的橋段俗套至極、狗血至極,中間肖恩8歲就被親生父親拋棄,爺爺看肖恩的眼神,誤導觀眾以為爺爺是繼父肖恩他二大爺。


⑷ 一個美國電影 講的是一個實驗小組從海底出發知道穿過地心的電影 能看見岩漿和鑽石的那個!

本片根據儒勒·凡爾納1864年創作的《地心游記》(Journey to the Center 地心歷險記的劇照(20張)of theEarth)改編,講述一位現代的科學教授(布蘭登·弗雷澤)由於提出違背傳統的科學假想而成為學院里的笑柄,但當他和侄子(喬什·哈徹森)以及偶遇的美女,前往冰島探險時意外發現,自己的假說其實是對的,地球內部的確有一個別有洞天的世界!他們按照《地心游記》的指引,經過艱難的旅行,歷盡艱險和種種奇觀,終於完成了到地心的探險。 《地心游記》曾經多次被搬上電影或電視屏幕,對以後的同類地心小說產生重大影響。最為經典的版本是1959年拍攝的,曾經獲得3項奧斯卡提名。這次《地心游記》再度登上銀幕,在技術上採用最新的3D立體影像技術,力圖把凡爾納筆下的地心世界「活生生」的再現在銀幕上,觀眾帶上特製眼鏡後即可身臨其境的體驗地心旅程。該片導演是初執導筒的Eric Brevig,他此前是一名視覺效果人員,曾憑借為施瓦辛格的科幻片《全面回憶》(TotalRecall)製作特效而獲得奧斯卡獎。
特雷弗(布蘭登·弗萊瑟飾演)是大學的自然科學教授,卻提出了一套與現有科學體系完全對立的理論認為凡爾納的小說並非只是科幻而是確有其事。結果此事被學院傳為笑料,幾乎將特雷弗的學術名聲毀於一旦。後來,特雷弗和侄子肖恩(喬什·哈切森飾演)以及美女漢娜(安妮塔·布里姆)在冰島旅行時,意外的發現了一個洞穴。 三個人沿著洞穴往裡走,踏破了地上的雲母跌入了無底的深淵,好在底下的大湖救了他們的命。三個人游出湖面後,發現自己進入了一個神秘的地心世界。在那裡生存著各種稀奇古怪的生物,有著各種光怪陸離的景象。原來凡爾納的著述竟真的確有其事。特雷弗也終於可以揚眉吐氣了。不過,首先要解決的問題是,如何像凡爾納當年一樣找到另外一條出路,逃出生天!

⑸ 《地心歷險記2》6~8句經典台詞(英文)

1、Gabato: I'm so happy ow. I ca't thik of aythig to make me happy.


2、Alexader: It would be better if you do't hit a coral reef.


3、why you were breaking into a satellite facility in the middle of nowhere?


4、I was looking to talk to you.


5、The police calling in the middle of the night is nothing?


《地心歷險記2:神秘島》(Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)是布拉德·佩頓執導的動作冒險電影,為2008年電影《地心歷險記》的續集,影片改編自科幻大師儒勒·凡爾納的經典小說《神秘島》,由道恩·強森、喬什·哈切森聯袂主演,於2012年2月10日在美國上映。


⑹ 電影《地心游記》的英文簡介


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1gN0-O2kMv6cjmE78-Bt2rg


Journey to the Center of the Earth There are many myths and legends attendant to a belief by some through the centuries that the earth contains a natural hollow at its center, and that in this hollow exists another world domain, populated with human or human-like beings living in a Utopian fashion. The vision of the legendary "Shamballah" is one such version of this concept. It was widely publicized through esoteric circles in the past that Admiral Byrd briefly flew into the rim of the inner earth portal at the South Pole in the early part of the 20th century. It was said that he filmed what he saw from the aircraft...a lush vegetation with what appeared to be mammoths grazing on the flora. This silent and very primitive film was shown in theaters around the United States for a short period before the U.S. government put a stop to it. A few people who saw the film at that time were interviewed in the 1950's before their deaths. Whether or not all this actually happened, I do not know. A little over 30 years ago I began to have my own experiences with the inner earth...or so I believed (and still do). I experienced vivid "tours" of the Interior in my mind, which certainly could have been imagination. However, at the same time I was also receiving cosmic sciences and other akashic information that was being validated in many different ways. Several scientists (two of whom had been protégées of Einstein) were quite interested in the science I was receiving. I mention this, as since the "inner earth" experiences were happening concurrent with my adventures in science, it would seem to lend some credibility to the former.



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