導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 國產電影越來越受歡迎英文翻譯


發布時間:2023-08-13 14:50:24

❶ 剛剛過去的2009年裡,中國電影市場的持續火爆是有目共睹的文化現象。 英文翻譯

During the latest 2009, Chinese movie market has kept booming is a cultural phenomenon that was well known by the public.
有目共睹翻譯成了well known by the public。

❷ 為什麼今天國產電影這么受歡迎 寫一篇英語作文

1. 寫作前先想好自己可能會用到的詞彙比如:國產電影Chinese film, 《你好,李煥英》 Hi Mom等;
2. 列好提綱:
(1)開頭: 談一下國產電影受歡迎的現象,可以結合《你好,李煥英》來描述。 比如:This winter vacation I watched a hit movie named Hi Mom, the box office of which soared to 5 billion. It got me thinking about rapidly developing Chinese film.
(2) 中間:主要談為什麼如此受歡迎?具體原因因人而異。下面我介紹幾點我認為的原因。
a. 經濟發展,技術提高。With the development of society and economy, Film technology is also improving with the excellent special effects and the high picture quality.
b. 明星效力。Star power is an important factor. You may follow a movie just because it has actors you like in it.
c. 電影內容。The film subject takes into account the preferences of most people.
(3) 結尾:總結一下對電影發展的希冀。The popularity of domestic films cannot be separated from the joint efforts of the country and the people.

❸ 這個電影很吸引人,情節既感人又有意義所以人們很喜歡。翻譯成英語用love.... because

People love this movie very much because it is attractive and it's plot is touching and meaningful.這不是唯一的翻譯也有其他翻譯表達可以參考

❹ 「熱門電影」翻譯成英文以下三個 Big hits、Big hits Movie、Popular Movie 哪個最正確更貼近意思呀

Big hits


❺ 急,翻譯英文。

In recent years, China's film box office revenue achieved big leap. In 2009, China's film instry box office revenue reached 6.206 billion yuan more year on year increase of 42.96%. In this one, there are 12 domestic films at the box office Guoyi to "the great cause of nation-building", etc. The film was made on behalf of the film, contributed more than 30 billion at the box office for 7 years, the total domestic box office film super-large imports. In the economic crisis facing the world today, China is still booming domestic film What is the reason, what are the factors that contributed to the box office revenue continued to rise for the Chinese film instry you have any suggestions and expectations.



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