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① 求迪士尼動畫片《白雪公主和七個小矮人》的英文版台詞

W-白雪公主 Q-皇後 M-魔鏡 H-獵人P-白馬王子 D-小矮人 音樂起,旁白

A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn』t love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king』s palace: ----白雪出場

S.w: My name is Snow white , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother ? Where is my mother ?


Q: I am a queen , I』m very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who』s the most beautiful ?

M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you !

Q: Hunter, go kill Snow white .

獵 人 出 場

H: Yes, my queen


S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please !


S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.


D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food----

2\Somebody drank my water----

3\Someone is sleeping now----

4\What a beautiful girl!----


5\How do you do?

S.w: How do you do? My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you!

D:(齊說)Nice to meet you ,too----

6\ welcome to our house!----

7\Would you like to live here?

S.W: My pleasure, thank you very much!

D: Let』s go out for our work, bye-bye, Snow white.


Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall , who』s the most beautiful?

M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you!

Q: What ? Snow white is not dead ? Hahaha, I got a good idea!


Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,

S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!

Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?

S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!


Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…


Snow white wake up, wake up…


P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!


P:Wake up ! Wake up , my queen !

S.w: Thank you for your help !

P: My pleasure !


② 公主撕逼大戰的英文台詞內容,白雪公主和冰雪公主那段,要完整無錯喔

It』s not lame that my aim here』s to tell you the truth
I』ll hit it out of the park like my name is Babe Ruth
Got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
The fact that you can』t claim the same is really a shame
I』m the original princess, you』re a of a
I am porcelain and perfect and your floppy hair is sloppy
I』m fragile but agile, rarely cross
I am sweet, you can tweet, I』m a treat, like a boss
ELSA: 冰雪奇緣艾爾莎
Who the hell are you to step to me?
An aimless airhead with a vitamin D deficiency
You got no skills 『cuz you』re focused on your looks
And let』s get to what was up with you and those seven shnooks (Hi, ho!)
I』ve heard you sing – it』s a high-pitched chirp
You』re dopey. SNOW: You』re grumpy. ELSA: You』re a bashful twerp.
That squeaky, meek demeanor is an awful choice
I can drown you out right now with my powerful voice
Um, you should know, that』s not singing, you』re just yelling
At least now I can』t heard the mean lies you』re telling
You could』ve grieved with your sister from the start
But no, you』re the one who』s really got a frozen heart
You were selfish and deluded when it comes down to it
Had the chance to do better, but like a porn star, you blew it
As for your powers, they』re hardly legit
You built a whole castle with nowhere to sit
Does it really count as magic if when you let it go
The only thing that moves is ice and snow?
I talk to animals and it always impresses
You』re just a blonde snow-blower in sparkly dresses
That』s right, manipulating snow, I』m the best at that game
Which means you』re under my control 『cuz that』s your stupid name
And who eats an apple a stranger gives ya? (Duh)
And who needs a man to save and kiss ya?
I』m savvy, strong, single, and so independent
You』re the weakest role model while I am transcendent
You』re a forgotten bygone, yes, time is the cruelest
I』m the newest, the boldest, and literally the coolest
So step aside and hide, go find a cottage to clean
You』re one ditzy princess, I』m a motherf』ing queen

③ 白雪公主之魔鏡魔鏡的英文台詞,要開頭王後的那段獨白。謝謝!

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away a baby girl is born。 \Her skin is as pure as a snow \Her hair is as dark as the night \ They called her..Snow White
\Probably because that was the most pretentious name they can come out with
\As faith has it, Snow White's mother died in child birth \ Left on his own, her father spoiled the young girl. \ he can afford to of course, he was the king.
\ The king loved his daughter, and all the subjects love him. \ The kingdom was a happy place. where people danced and sang day and night
\ Apparently no one had a job back then.Just singing and dancing \ all day and all night.Oh my, that gross.
\ The king raised the little girl by himself.. growing her to one day lead.
\ Over time, he realized there's some things he couldn't teach her. \ So he sort out..A new Queen
\ This queen was the most beautiful woman in the world \ She was intelligent, and strong, and.. \ Just to clarify..She was me.
\ And this is my story..not hers.
\ Bewitched by my beauty, the king begged me to marry him \ I was everything to him.The Stars, The moon.. \ But the dark magic invaded the land.
\ The brave king said farewell to Snow White \ Leaving her his favorite dagger.
\ It's interestng..But we're on that later.. \ He rode off into the dark woods, and sadly.. \ was never seen again
\ Snow White searched and searched her father.. \ And when she realized he was trully gone.
\ She was devastated.
\ The girl was now left under the care of the beautiful queen.. \ 10 years pasted, and Snow White grew older and blossomed.. \ The kingdom was turned into icy despair.. \ and the queen realized, if she wanted to remain the most beautiful woman on the land..
\ well.. snow would have to what snow does best \ Snow would have to fall.

④ 白雪公主 英文版台詞

旁白:Once upon a time, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter

named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother was very jealous. She dressed Snow White in rags and forced her to do the housework all day and all night, such as sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on.

白雪:( Sweep and mop the floor, do some cleaning, carry water and so on.)

皇後:I』m the new queen. I』m very beautiful. you see. If anyone is more

beautiful than me, I』ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me surely.

Now, mirror, mirror, come here!

魔鏡:Yes, I』m coming. Your Majesty! What do you want to know?

皇後:Mirror, mirror, on the wall.

Who is the fairest of the all?

魔鏡:Yes. Your Majesty!

You are the fairest of all, I think.

But there is a young lady.

She is as white as snow, as red as rose and as black as ebony.

She is much more beautiful than you.

皇後:She is much more beautiful than me?

Who is she? Tell me quickly.

魔鏡:Yes. Your Majesty!

She is Snow White.

皇後:Snow White? No, I』m the most beautiful in the world. Oh, hunter,

come here, come here!

獵人:Yes. Your Majesty! I』m here now.

皇後:Hunter! Take Snow White to the wild forest to pick some flowers.

Find a lonely place and kill her.

獵人:But she is the princess. …

皇後:No, Kill her. Bring her heart to me. I don』t want to see her any longer.

獵人:Yes. Your Majesty!

皇後:Here is a box. You must put her heart in it and bring it to me.

Otherwise, I will punish you.

獵人:Yes. Your Majesty!

白雪:( Pick some flowers. )

Oh! How many flowers! How beautiful!

獵人:( Draw his Knife slowly but hesitated )

Oh! My God! She is so lovely and pretty! I can』t! I can』t kill her!

白雪:( Cry exhaustedly)

What are you doing? What』s the matter? Why do you kill me?

獵人:Your Majesty! I』m very sorry. Someone wants me to kill you.

白雪:But who?

獵人:The queen.

白雪:The queen! But why?

獵人:You are more beautiful than her. So she wants to kill you.

白雪:My dear hunter. Don』t kill me. I will run into the forest and never come back again.

獵人:Ok. Run away, the poor child. The wild beasts will soon eat you.

白雪:Thank you, my dear hunter.

旁白:At this time, a young bear was running by. The hunter shot it and took the heart to the queen. Snow White began to run into the wild forest until it was almost evening. She saw a little cottage.

白雪:Oh, my God! The queen can』t find me now, I think. How I am tired! How I want to have a rest! Ah, here is a cottage, there are seven small beds. They must be the beds of seven children. Here are their names: Doctor, Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Dopey.

Oh, how I want to sleep!

旁白:When it was dark, the owners of the cottage came back. They were seven dwarfs. They were digging treasure in the mountain.
老學究:I』m the Doctor. I know a lot of things.

開心果:I』m the Happy. I』m the happiest person in the world.

噴嚏精:I』m the Sneezy. If I sneeze, the earth will shake.

害羞鬼:I』m the Bashful. I』m a shy man.

老頑固:I』m the Grumpy. I』m not so easy to believe a stranger. The next one

is Dopey. He can』t talk like us.

老學究:Look, the lamp in our house is on!

開心果:Who is it?

噴嚏精:Perhaps it』s the ghost!

瞌睡蟲:Let』s go into our cottage silently.

害羞鬼:Oh, someone has cleaned our house.

老頑固:Perhaps it』s the witch.

旁白: When Dopey was holding the candle and let the light fall on little snow-white. They all cried out with astonishment.

老學究:What a lovely child!

開心果:How beautiful!

噴嚏精:Who is she?

瞌睡蟲:Don』t wake her up.

害羞鬼:Why is she coming here?

老頑固:Kill her.

白雪: ( Wake up )

What a nice sleep! Oh, who are you? Oh, I know. You are Doctor, Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy and Dopey.

七矮人:But why are you in our house?

白雪:The queen, my stepmother wants to kill me. So I ran to your house. Don』t drive me away. Let me stay with you.

老學究:If you take care of our house.

開心果:If you do some cooking for us.

噴嚏精:If you make the beds for us.

瞌睡蟲:If you do some washing, you can stay with us.

害羞鬼:But you must be careful.

老頑固:Don』t go out. Don』t let anyone come in. Your stepmother will find you and kill you.

白雪:I know. I know. Thank you.

旁白:From then on, Snow White kept the house. When the seven dwarfs came back, she had everything prepared. On the other hand, when the wicked queen ate the heart, she took out the mirror and asked.

皇後:Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?

魔鏡:Your Majesty! You are the fairest of all. But Snow White is still alive and well. She lives with the seven dwarfs. No one is more beautiful than she.

皇後:No! Snow White must die. I must finish her even if it costs my life.

旁白:The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman. She came to the cottage .

皇後:Good things to sell. Pretty things to sell. Cheap. Very cheap.

白雪:Hi, good day, my good lady. What do you sell?

皇後:Apples. Very delicious apples! You can have a taste. This one, please!

白雪:OK! Thank you!

( Having a small piece, dead )

皇後:Now I』m the most beautiful in the world.

旁白:When the seven dwarfs came from work. They were greatly surprise to see Snow White dead

七矮人:What』s the matter?

老學究:Snow White is dead.

七矮人:Oh, my God! Who did it? It must be the wicked queen. Now let』s pick some flowers and place around her

旁白:Although Snow White had been dead a long, long time. She looked as if she was living. She looked as white as snow, as red as rose and as black as ebony. However, one day, it happened a prince came to the seven dwarfs』 house. When he saw Snow White, he fell in love with her.

王子:Please, let me have Snow White. I love her. I want her to be my wife.

七矮人:Ok! Carry Snow White with you to your palace. Be sure to be kind to her.

王子:Yes, I will.

I will love you forever, my dear! ( Kiss her.)

旁白:As soon as the prince kissed Snow White, Snow White came to her life, as was written in the magic book of the wicked queen.

白雪:Oh, my heaven! Where am I? What had happened?

王子:You are with me, my dear. I love you. I love you more than everything in the world. Please be my wife, will you?

白雪:Yes, I will, my dear!

七矮人:Oh! Congratulations! Congratulations!

旁白:The prince took Snow White to the palace. Their wedding was held with great show

白雪:Good Bye!


May you Happy Forever!

白雪、王子:Thank you.

Good Bye.

See you later.



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