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發布時間:2023-09-04 01:48:05

1. 找一個外國電影講的是關於馬的


2. 英語翻譯,速度!

War Horse
War Horse is a great war film.It tells us an interesting story about a horse and a young man.
In 1912, a teenage boy named Aibert Narracott from Devon,English watches the birth of a foal and the growth of the young horse,Albert's father buys the small horse with all his money.Albert names the horse Joey and takes much time to train him.Albert and Joey become good friends and they don't want to separate from each other.But two years later,the war starts,Joey is sold to the soldier,and he becomes a war horse.Joey has suffered a lot of difficulties in the war .In order to get his horse back,Albert joins the army and hurts badly in the war,but finally he gets his Joey back.
In the film,we can see the great pain that the war brings to people.But more important,we can find the kindness of the people.Do you want to see the friendship between a young man and his horse?Just watch this film now

3. 電影戰馬中出現英文單詞

這里是一些台詞 求採納
Now that's a beauty.

Forget it, Ted. He's half
thoroughbred and not got a day's
work in him.
(points to a plow horse next to
Now, there... There's your ticket.

In contrast to Joey, the solid and bulky plow horse stands
like a rock. But Dad remains fixated on Joey.

But look at him, Si. Look at that creature.

Indeed, Joey is magnificent, his power clearly emerging
because of his upset.

Don't be daft. You need something
solid to plow a field.

(fixed on Joey)
Yeah, but he's something else, that one.

The AUCTIONEER announces the start of the auction...

Alright gentlemen - settle down - settle
down - horses on my right - men with money
in their pockets on my left - it's the
perfect combination. Is Fred Goddard here?
FRED shouts his reply from the crowd.

YES! I's here.

Good - more money than sense. Dave Hill?

I'm here. Yes!

Bugger off, you tight bastard - you've been
coming here for 20 years - never bought so
much as a pork scratching.

The crowd are loving all this.
Dad notices a figure across the ring, LYONS, clearly a man of
money. You can see something light up in Dad's eyes - a
combination of dislike and alcohol.

Joey is led into the auction pen.

Okay - first up today - a gorgeous young
horse - prettiest thing I've seen since my
wife on our wedding day. Let's get going,
shall we? Who wants this wonderful creature.

But no-one bids.

4. 馬的電影




上映於1945年的電影《玉女神駒》是早期一部倍受好評的“駿馬”主題電影。玉女神駒改編自同名小說,講述了由伊麗莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)扮演的年僅十二歲的女孩維拉韋·布朗(Velvet Brown)通過訓練一匹贏來的馬來參加全國馬術大賽的故事。

編劇海倫·多伊奇(Helen Deutsch)在此劇上傾注大量心血,其改編的故事情節忠實於原著,力求將伊妮德·巴格諾德(Enid Bagnold)的小說《賽馬金獎》中所表達的精神內涵重現於大熒幕。


9.《夢想賓士》(據真實事件改編) 2005

瑪利亞風暴(Mariah’s Storm)的故事是整個賽馬界的傳說。作為一匹美國的純種賽馬,它曾經多次成為美國賽馬比賽奪冠熱門。然而就在前途似錦之時,瑪利亞風暴不幸在意外中遭受腿傷,不得不告別賽場。所幸馴馬師本·克萊恩在眾多質疑聲中並未就此放棄,他悉心照料、耐心訓練瑪利亞風暴,最終成功幫助馬兒重回賽道。

《夢想賓士》根據瑪利亞風暴(Mariah’s Storm)和本·克萊恩(Ben Crane)的真實故事改編而成。導演兼編劇約翰·蓋丁斯(John Gatins)指定寇特·拉塞爾(Kurt Russel)扮演本·克萊恩(Ben Crane),讓當時影壇炙手可熱的童星達科塔·范寧(Dakota Fanning)扮演其女兒。約翰·蓋丁斯(John Gatins)物盡其用,導演水平一流不說,其編寫的劇本也夠溫暖人心,整個電影的拍攝過程十分圓滿。演員拉塞爾(Kurt Russel)和范寧(Dakota Fanning)成熟老辣的表演也使該片大放異彩,其中范寧更是表現出了相當不俗的童星演技。



史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格(Steven Spielberg)、傑佛瑞·卡森伯格(Jeffrey Katzenberg)和大衛·格芬(David Geffen)為了一個共同的目標而建立夢工廠電影公司:創造獨特、讓人身臨其境的觀影體驗。公司於2002年出品的《小馬王》正是這個目標的代表之作。這部電影極具野心,盡管有不足之處,但是它出乎意料地推動了當時放映媒體的發展。初上映時的《小馬王》並未獲得廣泛認可,然而隨著時間流逝它愈發獲得人們喜愛,最終形成一股風靡潮流,持續數年。

《小馬王》講述了在美國原始的西部地區,一匹年輕的Kiger Mustang野馬(美國獨有的野馬品種)——史比瑞特的冒險故事。影片中,主人公史比瑞特在西部獨自探險,在此過程中與人類和其他馬兒相識並建立深厚友誼。夢工廠在這部電影里使用了特別的技法——將手繪和電腦繪畫結合起來,他們稱之為“數碼傳統動畫”。正因此,這部電影中的畫面非常絢麗漂亮。



沃爾特·法利(Walter Farley)的小說《黑神駒》被認為是美國最好的兒童小說之一。這部小說自1942年面世之後就廣泛吸引了人們的關注,幾乎一夜之間風靡全國,造就經典傳奇。1979年,這部小說經由改編拍成了一部同名電影。

這部電影講述了一個叫做亞歷克·拉姆齊(Alec Ramsay)的美國男孩和家人在非洲旅行的故事。主人公拉姆齊遭遇海難之後發現自己不得不和一匹難以駕馭的野馬成為夥伴,從而渡過難關、求得生存。導演拉羅爾·巴爾蘭德(Carroll Ballard)和編劇梅麗莎·馬西森(Melissa Mathison)、珍妮·羅森博格(Jeanne Rosenberg)完美地將法利的小說翻拍成了電影。他們忠實於原著,對小說進行適當的改編。演員凱利·雷諾(Kelly Reno)、米奇·魯尼(Mickey Rooney)以及泰利·加爾(Teri Garr)同樣在這部電影中有著出色的表現。尤為出彩的是魯尼,他憑借在電影中直擊靈魂的表演獲得了1980年奧斯卡“最佳配角獎”的提名。



1887年出版的小說《黑駿馬》(Black Beauty)是英國小說家安娜·休厄爾(Anna Sewell)的離世之作。休厄爾在小說問世之後不幸病逝,一位如此出色的作家就這樣離開了我們。《黑駿馬》無疑是一部經典之作,其發行量多達五千萬本,是史上最暢銷及閱讀量最高的書籍之一。

1994年上映的電影《黑駿馬》是對小說的第5次電影改編。之前的4個版本均無法表現出小說的精髓,這第5個版本才真正抓住了其中的神韻。首次擔當導演兼編劇一職的卡羅琳·湯普森(Caroline Thompson)完全忠於原著,電影故事情節緊扣小說內容。影片講述了一匹英國駿馬與小男孩喬相識並成為朋友的故事,展現了馬兒磨難重重的一生。



出生於美國西部的牛仔弗蘭克·霍普金斯(Frank T. Hopkins)是史上最為出名的長途賽馬者之一。他與戰馬伊達爾戈(Hidalgo)在阿拉伯半島上久負盛名的“火之海洋”(Ocean of Fire)賽馬比賽中一舉成名。“火之海洋”是一項極其艱苦的耐力賽馬競技,參賽者需騎馬穿越長達幾千英里的阿拉伯沙漠。

2004上映的電影《沙漠騎兵》(Hidalgo)將霍普金斯的事跡搬上了大屏幕。導演喬·約翰斯頓(Joe Johnston)邀請演員維果·莫特森(Viggo Mortensen)扮演男主角霍普金斯,著名埃及演員奧馬爾·謝里夫(Omar Sharif)則扮演富人角色酋長謝赫·利雅得(Sheikh Riyadh)——“火之海洋”賽馬比賽的組織者。

盡管許多人指責該影片肆意篡改歷史,但就影片本身而言《沙漠騎兵》表現尚佳,不少人都對演員莫特森、導演約翰斯頓以及作曲家詹姆斯·牛頓·霍華德(James Newton Howard)的實力給予了肯定。該影片在imdb.的評分現為6.6分。

4. 《一代驕馬》 2010

作家兼導演蘭德爾·華萊士可謂是好萊塢的一個神話。他在1995拍攝了經典電影《勇敢的心》(Braveheart)之後,緊接著執導了一系列成功電影,包括《珍珠港》(Pearl Harbour)、《鐵面人》(The man in the Iron Mask)和《我們曾經是戰士》(We were soliders)。2010年,華萊士開始把鏡頭轉向體育傳記類影片,由此拍攝成《一代驕馬》。電影圍繞了一匹美國純種賽馬“秘書”的一生展開,映刻了“秘書”及其主人十年多跌宕起伏的賽馬征程。

華萊士完美呈現了這部改編電影。他邀請黛安·蓮恩(Diane Lane)在電影中飾演“秘書”的主人,約翰·馬爾科維奇(John Malkovich)飾演馴馬師,兩人在電影中的表演均十分到位。總體來看,影評人對於《一代驕馬》的評價褒貶不一。一些評論家如德高望重的羅傑·埃伯特(Roger Ebert)非常喜歡這部電影,而其他人就會覺得它不夠吸引眼球。不過觀眾熱捧這部電影,票房也很喜人。這部電影在imbd網站的評分為7.2分。

3.《奔騰年代》 2003

勞拉·希倫布蘭德(Laura Hillenbrand)的小說《奔騰年代:一個美國傳奇》是上個十年中一部非科幻類的暢銷之作,自2003年問世以後受到了評論家和觀眾的一致好評。它講述了在20世紀40年代,身材矮小的賽馬“海餅干”在美國賽馬比賽中獲得空前成功的故事。同年,小說改編而成的`同名電影得以上映。

盡管電影修改和潤色了書中的一些細節,但總體而言還是忠於原著的。《奔騰年代》的主演托比·馬奎爾(Tobey Maguire),傑夫·布里吉斯(Jeff Bridges)和克里斯·庫珀(Chris Cooper)在電影中的表演十分優秀,他們不僅完美演繹了角色的性格特點,同時也給這部電影增添了溫情的一面。編劇兼導演加里·羅斯(Gary Rass)同樣為電影做出了不可磨滅的貢獻,其導演手法盡管平常卻也頗為符合影片基調,劇情對話也與小說內容協調一致。



兼任作家、演員及製片人多重身份的導演羅伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford)擁有一段極具傳奇色彩的職業生涯。他於六十年代進軍好萊塢,在1962年的電影《獵戰》中大放異彩,之後便陸續出演一些大型電影中的重要角色。2002年,奧斯卡組委會授予雷德福終生成就獎,這是讓所有電影製片人和演員都夢寐以求且最有分量的一個奧斯卡獎項。

雷德福(Redford)最好的作品大概是其1998年主演的電影《馬語者》。這一電影改編自1995年的同名小說,講述了一個住在蒙大拿州的美國家庭在“馬語者”(馬語者是指那些具有與進行馬溝通的天賦的人)的幫助下克服困難的故事。雷德福作為該片的製片人自導自演,他還匯聚了斯嘉麗·約翰遜(Scarlett Johansson)、山姆·尼爾(Sam Neill)、克里斯汀•斯科特•托馬斯(Kristin Scott Thomas)等一眾好萊塢影星。雷德福對“馬語者”的演繹極其出色,其表現也促使其他演員呈現出同樣完美的演繹效果。

《馬語者》在爛番茄(Rotten Tomatoes)上反響不錯,“新鮮度“為73%。數百萬觀眾觀看並且十分喜愛該電影,其全球票房高達1.87億美元,十分驚人!《馬語者》在imdb網站上的評分現為6.5分。

1.《戰馬》 2011

斯蒂芬·斯皮爾伯格(Steven Spielberg)可以說是好萊塢最成功、受人尊重且最為著名的導演。自其1975年執導電影《大白鯊》(Jaws)且取得巨大成功之後,他已經導演了50餘部影片,其中很多作品都取得了空前絕後的成功。2011年,斯皮爾伯格發布新片《戰馬》。這部戰爭史詩電影講述了一名叫阿爾伯特·納拉科特(Albert Narracott)的英國年輕人在一戰中與戰馬喬伊(Joey)成為朋友的故事。影片中,主人公阿爾伯特和喬伊歷經重重困難,以期在戰場上保全性命、重返家鄉。

斯皮爾伯格為《戰馬》集結了一批優秀人才。他邀請作家李·霍爾和(Lee Hall)理查德·柯蒂斯(Richard Curtis)為電影執筆,號召傑瑞米·歐文(Jeremy Irvine)、艾米麗·沃森(Emily Watson)、湯姆·希德勒斯頓(Tom Hiddleston)和本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)等眾多演員出演此片。最終這部影片成為史上最出色的戰爭史詩作品之一。


5. 急求電影戰馬WAR HORSE 英文介紹!!!!

In Devon, England, a boy called Albert Narracott watches the birth of a thoroughbred foal and watches with admiration the growth of the young horse, galloping through the fields at his mother's side. Much to the dismay of his mother, Rose, his father, Ted, buys the colt at auction, despite a friend pointing out a more suitable plough horse for his farm. The desire to spite his landlord, Lyons, and retain his pride, are the apparent motivations for Ted to make higher and higher bids for the colt. The high cost of the horse means he is unable to pay rent to Lyons, who threatens to take possession of the farm if the money is not paid by the autumn. Ted promises to meet the deadline, suggesting he could plough and plant a lower, rock-filled field with turnips. Albert names the horse Joey and devotes much time to training him. Albert's best friend, Andrew Easton, watches as Albert teaches his colt many things, such as to come when he imitates the call of an owl by blowing through his cupped hands.

Ted, who has a bad leg from a war injury, is frequently shown drinking alcohol from a flask he carries. Rose shows Albert his father's medals from the Second Boer War in South Africa, where Ted served as a sergeant with the Imperial Yeomanry. Ted was severely wounded in action, and received the Distinguished Conct Medal for bravery under fire. She gives Albert his father's regimental pennant, telling Albert that his father is not proud of what he did ring the war, and that he had thrown the flag and medals away, though Rose saved and kept them hidden.

Albert trains Joey for the plough and, to his neighbours' astonishment, prepares a stony hillside field to plant with turnips. However a rainstorm destroys the turnip field, so to pay the overe rent (and without telling Albert), Ted sells Joey to Captain Nicholls, a young cavalry officer, as World War I breaks out. When Albert finds out, he confronts the officer and begs for him not to take the horse. Nicholls promises he will take care of Joey as his own horse and hopefully will return him after the war. Albert tries to enlist in the army, but is too young. Before the captain leaves with Joey, Albert ties his father's pennant to Joey's bridle.

Joey is trained for military operations and deployed to France with a flying column under the command of Captain Nicholls. Cavalry charges, once a major form of warfare, are now hopelessly obsolete when faced with machine guns, as Captain Nicholls and his fellow cavalrymen discover after they charge through a German encampment. Nicholls is killed along with most of his fellow cavalrymen, and the Germans capture the horses.

Joey becomes attached to Topthorn, a black horse with whom he trained for his military role. The two horses are used to pull an ambulance wagon driven by two German soldiers, Gunther, and his 14-year-old brother, Michael. Gunther gives the pennant to Michael as a good-luck "charm" when he is assigned to the German front, despite being too young to fight. Gunther ignores an order to remain behind and await call to a later position. Unable to persuade his brother to remain behind, Gunther rides Joey and brings Topthorn along on his escape so he and his brother can ride them to Italy, at this time still neutral. One night, German soldiers discover the absent without leave brothers hiding in a windmill and execute them by firing squad for desertion.

After the two young Germans are shot, Emilie, a young French girl who lives at the farm with her grandfather, finds the two horses inside the windmill. Emilie suffers from Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease), and is not allowed to ride the horses for fear of falling. Later, German soldiers arrive and confiscate all food and supplies from the property; Emilie hides the horses in her bedroom to avoid them being taken by the Germans to fight. Emilie's grandfather allows her to ride Joey on her birthday, and she gallops the horse up a hill, adjacent to the farm. When Emilie does not come back immediately, the Grandfather worriedly runs up the hill. On the other side of the hill, the Grandfather discovers that Emilie has run into the grasp of the German soldiers who were at the farm earlier. The German soldiers take the horses, but the grandfather keeps the pennant.

Joey and Topthorn are put to the task of pulling German heavy artillery, an exhausting task which kills horses quickly. The two horses are, however, put in the care of the German Private Friedrich who loves horses and who tries to help them survive.

The story moves forward to 1918, where Albert has enlisted and is fighting alongside Andrew in the Second Battle of the Somme, under the command of Lyons's son, David. After a British charge into no-man's land, Albert, Andrew, and other British soldiers miraculously make it across into a deserted German trench, where a gas bomb explodes, filling the trench with the white chemical fumes of mustard gas.

Meanwhile, Joey and Topthorn have survived years of hard service in the German army – much longer than most horses last – but Topthorn finally succumbs and dies from exhaustion, while Joey and Private Friedrich comfort him, pleading with him to not lie down where he will be seen and subsequently shot, until Friedrich is ultimately dragged away from Joey by other German soldiers. Cornered by an advancing tank, Joey escapes and runs into no-man's land where he gallops through the devastating destruction of the Somme and gets entangled in barbed wire. From their respective trenches both British and German soldiers spot Joey in the mist, although disbelieving at first that a horse could have survived the battle. Colin, a British soldier from South Shields, waving a white flag, crosses No Man's Land at Joey's side to try and coax him to the British side. Peter, a German soldier from Düsseldorf, comes over with wire cutters, and together they free Joey from the barbed wire. They flip a coin to decide who should take possession of the horse; Colin wins, guiding Joey back to the British trench, having formed a strange friendship with the soldier from Düsseldorf, on the enemy side he has been instructed to kill.

The film shifts back to Albert's perspective, where Andrew has succumbed to the gas attack, but Albert has survived, temporarily blinded with bandages covering his eyes. He is recuperating at a British medical camp when Colin brings Joey in looking for a veterinary surgeon to heal the wounds from the barbed wire. Albert is told about the miracle horse rescued from no-man's land. The army doctor instructs Sgt. Fry to put Joey down e to his injuries, but when Fry is about to shoot, the owl call he learned from Albert as a colt catches Joey's attention. Albert is led through the troops to Joey, again sounding his call, and Joey hurries to meet his long-lost friend. Albert explains he raised Joey, and his bandages still covering his eyes, gives an exact description of his horse's markings, confirming his claim. Joey is covered in mud, so the veterinary surgeon refuses to accept Albert's statement, but is quickly corrected when soldiers wash away the grime, revealing the four white socks and diamond blaze on Joey's forehead.

Armistice brings the end of the war and Albert's eyesight is restored. He learns only officers' horses will be shipped home, while Joey and the others are to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The soldiers gather funds to help Albert buy Joey, but ring a bidding war with a French butcher reaching 30 pounds, a bid of 100 pounds is entered without revealing who placed the bid. Approaching the auction ring is an older gentleman, Emilie's grandfather. No other bid is placed and he is shown taking ownership of Joey. The grandfather implies that Emilie has died, and after hearing about the miracle horse, her grandfather walked three days to get Joey back for the sake of Emilie's memory.

Albert pleads with Emilie's grandfather for the horse, but the old man remains stoic in his auction win. As the grandfather walks away, Joey breaks free and goes to Albert. As he watches the horse and the young English soldier, the grandfather pulls the military pennant from his pocket and asks Albert if it means anything to him. When Albert tells the old man that it belongs to his father, the grandfather has a change of heart. First he gives Albert the campaign pennant, then moments later, gives him Joey, saying it is what Emilie would have wanted. In the end Albert rides Joey back to his family's farm, hugs his parents, and returns the pennant to his father




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