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發布時間:2023-09-06 20:58:28

Ⅰ 小時代電影的觀後感英語作文帶翻譯

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China. In this unusual year,the number of tragic,how many have touched,how many dreams,how much glory there is,bearing in mind the hearts of the people in China,written into the history of the Republic. The success of the Beijing Olympic Games,the Chinese people realize the dream of a century. Chinese athletes to outstanding athletic ability and indomitable fighting spirit of the first gold medal total to create the best score in history. Win back the Shenzhou VII,the three astronauts returned to space out all smiles. Shenzhou VII manned space mission a complete success,the implementation of China's space technology development milestone major leap forward,the people of China are climbing the peak of world science and technology of another great feat,but also dedicated to the great homeland of the precious 60-year-old birthday present General of the Chinese nation just like the Great Wall of steel indestructible! The return of Hong Kong in 1997,the return of Macao in 1999;in 1998 the south face of the history of a rare flood in 2003,the face of panic-stricken people of the SARS epidemic in 2008,some ten provinces in the face of the rare snow disaster, earthquake SichanWenchuan,the Chinese people united,will be suffering at the foot of resistance!
We firmly believe that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the journey is bound to occur one after another glorious 30 years! The rise of the Chinese nation will surely make the world as we can be proud of!
為了慶祝60周年,中華人民共和國。在這個不同尋常的一年,這個數目的悲劇,多少有多少夢想,感動了,多少榮耀,牢記於心的人改爛洞,寫進歷史。成功的北京奧運會上,中國人民實現夢想的世紀。優秀的中國運動員競技能力和頑強的拼搏精神的第一枚金牌,創造最佳進球總數的歷史。贏回神舟6號,3名宇航員返回的空間了。神州七載人太空飛行任核枯務圓滿成功,執行中國航天技術的發展具有里程碑意義的重大飛躍歷激,中國人民正在攀登高峰的世界科技的另一個偉大的成就,但也致力於偉大的祖國珍貴的60歲生日禮物一般是中華民族一樣堅不可摧的鋼鐵長城!香港回歸於1997年回歸的澳門於1999年,於1998年南方面對歷史罕見的洪水在2003年,面對人們的驚惶失措的「非典」疫情在2008年,在面對一些十個省份的罕見冰雪災害、地震SichanWenchuan、中國人民團結在一起,將會遭受山腳的抵抗! 我們堅信,實現中華民族的偉大復興的旅程開始一個接一個光榮的30年!中華民族肯定會使世界,我們可以自豪!

Ⅱ 小時代2顧里生日宴英文台詞

侍者:hello,Miss Gu;
路人甲:happybirthday,you are so gorgeous;
路人甲:GuLi,happy birthday,you get prettier every time;
唐宛如:you are revealing way too much;
顧里:why is not NanXiang here yet;
林蕭:I have sent her a text message,she should be here soon;
顧里:then we won't wait,bring the food;
林蕭:hey,to a trained eye,we are eating,to an untrained eye,we are in a surgery room;
顧里:there is nobody else here,if you want to drink soup with your knife.I won't say anything either;
唐宛如:waiter,would you bring me a pair of chopsticks;
顧里:WeiHai,your seat is next to Ruby.Ruby,I ordered raw oysters today,your favorite.why are not you eating?oh, can not open.WeiHai,open one for Ruby;
顧里:you are blushing even before drink,you two really fit well togrther;
衛海:Lily,actually……actually you have mistaken.I alreay have a girlfriend(衛海的女朋友:Ruby,can you have more dignity.if you keep secing WeiHai,it won't be soup that will be flung on your face next time)Ruby is a good girl,we can still be good friends;
顧里:I am not mistaken,so what if you have a girlfriend,these days,as long as there is no registered marriage,legally,everyone is still single.I understand the matters of the heart,you can not clap with one hand,today there are many hands present,everyone can clap a little,it is quite simple;
唐宛如:Lily,shut up;
顧里:what?I am doing this to help you,am I wrong;
唐宛如:you are not wrong,you are never wrong,oh,no.actually,you think you are never wrong.you always decide on your own to help us,but you do things behind our backs every time;
顧里:Gu yuan,do you know WeiHai had a girlfriend;
顧里:then why did not you tell me earlier,now,I am in a difficult position,are you happy now;
顧源:you are even rational,you secretly invited WeiHai,did you tell me you were going to do this;
簡溪:Lily,do not get mad,this has nothing to do with GuYuan;
顧里:what does it have to do with you,JianXi.why do not you handle your own issues first.you have not cleaned your own ass,and are so eager to hold someone else's pants;
簡溪:what do you mean my own ass.did you tell Lily about my situation;
林蕭:your situation,what situation?about last time when you let someone feed you coffee like you are handicapped;
簡溪:LinXiao.do not add fuel to this flame;
林蕭:if your fire had not burned,my fuel would have no place to go.GuYuan,you know quite a lot.no wonder last time you sarcastic said that I should spend more time with JianXi.you two are really partners in crime.you are more connected than the Calabash Brothers.how disgusting;
顧源:LinXiao,no so fast.you do not think you and Lily conspire,you think your "little secrets" with your sisters are not disgusting;
顧里:you told JianXi ;
林蕭:GuLi,what is wrong with you,you suspected me.I have not said anything;
南湘:I said it,what are we arguing for,over this trivial stuff.we are all gathered here today.so that we are celebrate the birthday of our friend Lily,whom we have known sine we were children.Ihave been unfortunate since little.whether in family or romance,nothing has worked out.Ihave experienced a lot of disgusting and tragic things.and the one to hurt me the most,XiCheng.everyone knows,luckily,I met Lily.thanks to her caring for me all these years.no matter how cold people think Lily is,how unsociable,how selfish.but I know,she is not like that ,or I should say she is not entirely like that. that is why she wanted to save me no matter what or to share my burden.even to bring it upon herself ,simplely put,she did what I have done.and slept with XiCheng.the ironic thing is she thinks I don't know,but Lily ,we are such close sisters how could I don't know,so today,I want to toast my sister.to thank her for sharing my miserable life.I also wish from the bottom of my heart.from now on,her life would burn and stink like mine does ;
顧里:so everybody already knew;
(簡溪:do you still love her?;
顧源:can you break off an arm?can you saw of a leg ?for this many years,Lily has become a part of me .there is no way I would not love her.)



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