導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 成龍因為他的電影而出名英文


發布時間:2023-09-24 12:25:11

❶ 關於成龍的200英語作文200字,急!!!在線等

成龍(1954年4月7日— ),又名陳港生、房仕龍。 Jackie chan (1954 April 7 -), another name is Chen Hong Kong birth, room shi dragon. 生於香港太平山。 Born in Hong Kong ". 是大中華地區的影壇巨星,也是國際功夫電影巨星,在大陸和香港等華人地區具有很高聲望與影響。 The cinema is the greater China region, but also international martial arts superstar in movie superstar mainland and Hong Kong Chinese regions with high reputation and influence. 現為國家一級演員、北京大學客座教授等職務。 Presently for national level of actors, Beijing university guest professor and other job. 曾與元彪、元華、洪金寶共同出演《七小福》並拜於占元為師。 Once YuanBiao, with YuanHua and flyig common in "seven small f" and worship in accounted for $division. 其所主演的《A計劃》、《寶貝計劃》、《大兵小將》均有不俗的演技。 Its starred in the A project ", "baby plan", "the soldier of giuseppe are not common acting. 其妻子林鳳嬌為台灣藝人,育有一子房祖名。 His wife LinFengJiao for Taiwan artiste and fathered a son FangZuMing. 他以主演驚險動作電影為主,其中主演的《警察故事》便獲得了香港電影金像獎最佳故事片獎。 He starred in riskful behaviour film give priority to, among them starred in the police story gets the Hong Kong film awards for best film award. 其與周星馳和周潤發並稱「雙周一成」,意為香港電影票房的保證。 Its and Stephen chow chow yun fat claimed "double Monday and into," meaning for Hong Kong movie guarantee.



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