導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 超級戰艦電影英文精彩句


發布時間:2023-10-30 06:57:55

Ⅰ 電影《超級戰艦》里的台詞,全速前進,英文是All engines ahead __ 後面那個單詞


full ahead是船舶用語,全速前進的意思

full astern是全速倒退的意思

Ⅱ 超級戰艦觀後感英文版

Outer space the casual visitor right into the exercise area, and the isolation of the combined fleet of three ships ahead in their jurisdiction control zone ... ... In the case of communications were cut off, brother immediately ordered aircraft launch long-range attacks, was revived UFO judgment target, sinking the brother 's command ship. The loss of a loved one back pain after his brother, return remnant of the fleet, as the surviving American warships in the highest rank, thus becoming the temporary captain. Brother, temporarily unable to regulate their emotions, to order the attack, the Japanese warships were destroyed. In the alien and deal after a were sunk, that had to set foot on the battleship Missouri, fought back, and succeeded in destroying enemy ships several, can not completely wiped out, in be in grave occasion, the United States Army arrived in time, saved Missouri.

Ⅲ 誰幫忙用英文描述一下超級戰艦這部電影的劇情簡介,不用太長,謝謝大神了。。

Film tells the story of Navy Lieutenant Alex (Taylor kitsch decoration) is assigned to the United States missile expelled USS John Paul Jones) on the performance of their ties, in a fleet exercise, the fleet alerted hidden in the Pacific Ocean huge alien Mothership, with ill intent, human to defend the earth, endeavored to prevent catastrophe, at sea and alien warships launched a desperate fight.
Alex combined with fiancee (Brooklyn Decque), post commander's brother stone (Alexander Skarsgardque), Navy petty officer teammate and weapons expert Rex (Rihanna ornaments) and fleet commander in chief Shane (Liam Neeson ornaments) led a congregation of naval fleet and try to fight, and from outer space alien ships shock war

Ⅳ 超級戰艦高清下載 超級戰艦高清下載地址 超級戰艦電影完整版下載地址


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1NNhYEhK_1_lEDYlBbCOURg

提取碼: bpn5


《超級戰艦》 導演:彼得·博格 主演:泰勒·克奇、連姆·尼森 上映:4月18日 一句話影評:戰爭迷,科幻迷,大片迷,...《超級戰艦》是孩之寶繼《變形金剛》和《特種部隊》系列從游戲到電影品牌的轉型之後,著力打造的電影產品



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