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『壹』 求一張寫有「世界上有那麼多的城鎮,城鎮中有那麼多的酒館,她卻走進了我的。」的電腦壁紙


1、原文:「Bond,James Bond.」

2、原文:「Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.」

3、原文:「It"s not the men in your life that counts, it"s the life in your men.」
出處:米·威斯特(Mae West),《我不是天使》I"m No Angel,1933

4、原文:「I"ll be back.」

5、原文:「Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?」
出處:瓊·哈羅(Jean Harlow),《地獄天使》Hell"s Angels,1930

6、原文:「life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you"re gonna get.」
出處:湯姆·漢克斯,《阿甘正傳》Forrest Gump,1994

7、原文:「I could dance with you"til the cows come home. On second thought, I"d rather dance with the cows until you came home.」
出處:格羅克·馬克思(Groucho Marx),《容易事》Duck Soup,1933

8、原文:「Frankly my dear, I don"t give a damn.」
出處:克拉克·蓋博Clark Gable,《亂世佳人》Gone with the Wind,1930

9、原文:「You talking" to me?」
出處:羅伯特·德尼羅,《出租汽車司機》Taxi Driver,1976

10、原文:「Gif me a visky, ginger ale on the side, and don" be stingy, baby.」
出處:葛麗泰·嘉寶,《安娜·克里斯蒂》Anna Christie,1930
譯文:「給我一杯威士忌,裡面兌一些姜味汽水。寶貝兒,別太吝嗇了。」 你問的就是這個



『貳』 求一篇電影發展史的作文,大學的,150字左右,要英文的急求!

The history of film spans over 100 years, from the latter part of the 19th century to the present day. Motion pictures developed graally from a carnival novelty to one of the most important tools of communication and entertainment, and mass media in the 20th century and into the 21st century. Most films before 1930 were silent. Motion picture films have substantially affected the arts, technology, and politics.
The cinema was invented ring the 1890s, ring what is now called the instrial revolution. It was considered a cheaper, simpler way to provide entertainment to the masses. Movies would become the most popular visual art form of the late Victorian age. It was simpler because of the fact that before the cinema people would have to travel long distances to see major dioramas or amusement parks. With the advent of the cinema this changed. During the first decade of the cinema's existence, inventors worked to improve the machines for making and showing films. The cinema is a complicated medium, and before it could be invented, several technological requirements had to be met

『叄』 高分跪求美國科幻電影發展史英文介紹!急!急!只要回答出來懸賞好說!!

英文介紹:First, the 19th to in the 1920s, Hollywood sci-fi growth. 19 century, with the science fiction film of color film also almost and entertainment, was born in France, for example in 1895 "machine", the 1897 butcher "a 20th century surgeon", etc. But these movies, perhaps more like film technology in use of magic. Until 1902 French launched the trip to the moon meili ella record "(Le Voyage dans la Lune), just marked the first real sense of science fiction movie appear. In 1910, European countries, especially France and Britain, it seems that the filming of alien and future war theme befriends the lead on. But with Hollywood studios system's appearance and development, the United States in science fiction film proction, and proced on catching Frankenstein (Frankenstein, 1910, the incarnation Dr Jekyll and "(Dr. Mr. J, 1913) films Hyde, more remarkably in 1916 proction of a minister of 105 minutes of the seabed 20,000 miles" (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), it heralds the beginning of underwater photography. Arrived in the 1920s, the United States and Europe separate. Start sci-fi And Germany "Metropolis" (Metropolis, 1927) and other European science fiction, compared to Hollywood legend of paying more attention to science fiction plot, fast rhythm, breathtaking action and superb stunts. This period Hollywood sci-fi inclue The Lost World "(The World Lost, 1925) and The Mysterious Island (The Mysterious Island, 1929), etc. Second, the 1930s and 1940s, Hollywood sci-fi mature. Start from the 1930s Hollywood science fiction begin with terror, pessimistic preference and romantic colorific mad scientist theme, and began to shoot science fiction movie endless series. For example, this period proced Frankenstein (1931), The scientific weirdo Bride "(The Bride of Frankenstein, 1935) and science screwball Son" (The companies of Frankenstein, 1939), as are The embodiment "series and The xia dr Gordon" series (Flash Gordon). But "The Invisible Man" (The Invisible Man, 1933) and "King Kong" (King Kong, 1933) are masterpieces proced at that time, they continue to develop Hollywood movies in special use and plot arrangement's strengths, and has proced unique program. Arrived in The 1940s, e to The effects of world war ii, Hollywood science fiction in a immobilized but relatively stable state, in this decade is almost always a proction befriends formerly, The theme of "following series", for instance, The stealth women "(The Invisible ', 1940)," The Invisible Man Returns "(The Invisible Man Returns, 1940) and" The Invisible Man Revenge record "(The Invisible Man 's Revenge, 1944). However, this also strengthened Hollywood befriends the narrative mode. In 1943, released on "Batman (The Batman), Japanese scientists become evil adversaries, Hollywood science fiction and war propaganda combine together, this also is this period characteristic. Third, the 1950s and 1960s: Hollywood befriends the boom. In the 1950s, perhaps is cold war shrouded in psychological fear shadows to strengthen people's imagination, Hollywood ring this period proce a lot of science fiction bestseller, they often in an alien, monster or wars as the theme, also more dependent on the use of stunts. Such as The Day The Earth Stood Still "(The Earth Stood Still, / The 1951), The X radiation" (- 1953), The!, The monster 20,000 Fathoms "(The Beast - 20,000 Fathoms, 1953), The Martian Invasion" (Invaders - Mars, 1953), The alien War Earth "(The court allows of The Worlds, 1953), The stolen corpse invade" (Invasion of The Body Snatchers, 1956), The planets adventure "(Forbidden invest, 1956)," flies "(The Fly, 1958) and tells The nuclear War" (On The seashore ok, 1959), etc. The influence of cold war on Hollywood sci-fi continued in the 1960s, such as in 1968 moon record "(" space with the Countdown) u.s.-soviet arms race for the source of imagination. But it is in the 1960s, proced in the history of science fiction classic 2001: A Space Odyssey (2001: A receiver by Odyssey, 1968). The British and American films had both in the story line and ideological content or special effects are achieved considerable height. Four, 1970s and 1980s: Hollywood stunt and in science fiction story balance between the age. Special use for Hollywood science fiction character never to be significant, and with the visual effect technology development, the stunt and stories of the tension between graally began to increase. What do will both perfectly combine? Many directors made their attempt. George Lucas (George Lucas) "THX1138" (THX1138, 1971) and Star Wars (1977), Star altogether, Woody Allen (Woody Allen's sport in the fool with science city "(Sleeper, 1973), Steven Spielberg (Steven Spielberg) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Close Encounters of the Kind, 1977) and makkah Bradley Scott" aliens "(essential, 1979) is undoubtedly 1970s several successful examples. At the beginning of the 1980s and the 1980s, Hollywood sci-fi special effects for making brings undreamed-of magical experience, and at the same time these science fiction films and provide them a worthy of taste story. Such as George Lucas in 80 years and 83 launched baronial imposing manner of The Star Wars of The Empire Strikes Back, (Star altogether: The foundation trilogy "cross-face drivers) and The Star Wars of The Return of The jedi (Star altogether: pressing of The Jedy), Steven spielberg's smoldering" ET alien "(E.T. The Extra Terrestrial, 1982) -, James Cameron (James Cameron) of The Terminator (The Terminator, 1984), and Robert Zemeckis ze meters Keith (Robert)" Back to The Future "(Back to The Future, 1985), etc. Five, since 1990, Hollywood science fiction in high-tech exploring the way forward along with the computer technology, the application of Hollywood sci-fi started mass rely on computer synthesis images (CGI), and its play extremely, but at the same time ignores the story itself importance. After 1990s Hollywood in science fiction story fareed zakaria, visual effect is in the very great impact, the picture is more exquisite realistic. "Independence day", "Jurassic park" series, Star Wars prequel "first (Star altogether: Episode I - The Phantom through, 1999) and The second part (Star Episode II - STH altogether: of The Clones, 2002) films will cultivate right audience who expensive stunt big occasion even started commonplace to rise. When dizzying computer special effects on the screen tend to glut, Hollywood sci-fi also began to lose their orientation. With the progress of science and technology, Hollywood sci-fi began to explore new themes, such as cloning technology and intelligent robot on human society profound influence.

『肆』 求紀錄片《電影史話》全集百度雲或視頻鏈接也行英文原聲


?pwd=ixhw 提取碼:ixhw
《電影史話 The Story of Film: An Odyssey》
導演: 馬克·卡曾斯
編劇: 馬克·卡曾斯
主演: 維姆·文德斯、斯坦利·多南、羅伯特·湯、克萊爾·德尼、阿米達普·巴強、格斯·范·桑特、蔡明亮 Ming-liang Tsai、大衛·柯南伯格 David Cronenberg
類型: 紀錄片、歷史
製片國家/地區: 英國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2011(英國)
集數: 15
片長: 60分鍾
又名: 電影的故事(台)

『伍』 中外電影史及經典作品用英文怎麼翻譯呢


Chinese and foreign film history and classical works

Chinese and foreign movie history and classical works

『陸』 世界上第一部電影是什麼


是由路易斯·李·普林斯(Louis Le Prince)執導,阿道夫·李·普林斯、莎拉·惠特利約瑟夫·惠特利、哈里特·哈特利,主演的黑白無聲紀錄短片。該片拍攝於1888年,是IMDb認證的人類歷史上第一部電影。該片記錄了汪伏一群人在花園里做著一些滑稽的動作。


1888年10月,普林斯以賽璐璐膠片和單鏡頭照相機拍攝了局做世界上第一部動態影像作品《朗德海花園場景》(Roundhay Garden Scene),此片不到三秒鍾的影像記錄了四個人在花園做著滑稽的動作。此片曾在位於利茲市的普林斯岳父母家的工廠與庄園放映過,但並未有公共放映。




『柒』 尋找一個電影理論網站


《電影語言》【法】馬賽爾• 馬爾丹 中國電影出版社1980年
《電影的元素》【美】李•R•波布克 中國電影出版社1986年
《電影導演》【英】特倫斯•聖約翰•馬納爾 中國電影出版社1991年
《論電影藝術》【英】歐納斯特•林格倫 中國電影出版社1993年
外國電影理論文選》 李恆基 楊遠嬰 主編 上海文藝出版社1995年
《電影理論史評》 【美】尼克•布朗 電影出版社1994年
《電影是什麼》 【法】安德烈•巴贊 中國電影出版社1987年
《電影與方法:符號學文選》【法】克里斯丁•麥茨 生活•讀書•新知三聯書店2002年
《電影的形式與文化》【美】羅勃特•考克爾 北京大學出版社2004年
《女性與電影》【美】E•Ann Kaplam 台灣遠流出版公司 1997年
《紀錄與真實—世界非劇情片批評史》【美】Richard M•Barrsam台灣遠流出版公司 2002年
《電影的社會實踐》【美】Graeme Turner台灣遠流出版公司 1997年
《電影批評面面觀》【美】Tim Bywater and Thomas Sobchack台灣遠流出版公司 1997年
《電影編劇新論》【美】Ken Dancyger. Jeff Rush 台灣遠流出版公司 1998年
《消費文化—20世紀後期英國男性氣質和社會空間》【英】弗蘭克•莫特, 南京大學出版社2001年
《20世紀中國電影理論文選》 羅藝軍主編 中國電影出版社2003年
《中國電影發展史》 程季華主編 中國電影出版社1998年
《影像本體論---作為創作的電影》(上)林黎勝主編 中國電影出版社
《世界電影:管窺嘹望》賀紅英 李 彬主編 中國電影出版社
《中國電影:觀念與軌跡》王海洲主編 中國電影出版社
《想像與藝術精神-----歐洲電影導演研究》侯克明 杜慶春主編 中國電影出版社
《理論與批評:影像傳播中的身份政治與歷史敘事》王志敏 杜慶春主編 中國電影出版社
《數字時代的影像製作》李 銘主編 中國電影出版社
《影像造型的視覺構成-------電影攝影藝術理論》張會軍主編 中國電影出版社
《虛構的自由---------電影劇作本體論》劉一兵 張 民主編 中國電影出版社
《構築現代影像世界-------電影導演藝術創作理論》鄭洞天 謝小晶主編 中國電影出版社
《藝術風格的個性化追求-------電影導演大師創作研究》鄭洞天 謝小晶主編 中國電影出版社
《表現與創造的馳騁------現代電影表演創作論》陳 浥主編 中國電影出版社
《審美空間延伸與拓展--------電影聲音藝術理論》姚國強 孫 欣主編 中國電影出版社
《電影學:基本理論與宏觀論述》王志敏主編 中國電影出版社
《電影美學:觀念與思維的超越》王志敏主編 中國電影出版社
《中國電影:描述與闡釋》陸弘石主編 中國電影出版社
《東方視野中的世界電影》鍾大豐 梅 蜂主編 中國電影出版社
《電影理論:新的詮釋與話語》鍾大豐 潘若簡 庄宇新主編 中國電影出版社
《鏡像與文化--------港台電影研究》王海洲 中國電影出版社
《感覺與敏銳---現代電影表演理論研究》(上)崔新琴 陳 浥主編 中國電影出版社
《銀幕影像的造型藝術---電影美術設計理論》周登富 王鴻海主編 中國電影出版社
《銀幕傳情--與中國當代譯制配音演員對話》徐燕 陳 浥主編 中國電影出版社
《銀幕再現--與中國當代電影錄音師對話》姚國強 孫 欣主編 中國電影出版社
《銀幕造型--與中國當代電影美術師對話》王鴻海 劉曉清主編 中國電影出版社
《銀幕追求--與中國當代電影導演對話》(2)張會軍 薛文波主編 中國電影出版社
《電影攝影畫面創作》張會軍 中國電影出版社
《影片分析透視手冊》張會軍 中國電影出版社
中國電影專業史研究《電影編劇卷》張巍主編 中國電影出版社
中國電影專業史研究《電影文化卷》楊遠嬰主編 中國電影出版社
中國電影專業史研究《電影技術卷》李念蘆 李銘 張銘主編 中國電影出版社
中國電影專業史研究《電影製片、發行、放映。卷》於麗主編 中國電影出版社
《Perspectives on Chinese cinema》Chris Berry
《Celluloid china》Harry H.Kuoshu
《New China cinema》Sheila Cornelius
《Visions of the East: Orientalism in Film》 Matthew Bernstein
《Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology : A film theory reader》Philip Rosen
《Post-war cinema and Modernity》 John Orr
《Between Shanghai and Hongkong : the politics of Chinese cinemas》 Poshek Fu
《Cultural Theory : the key concepts》Andrew Edgar
《Chinese films in focus》Chris Berry
《後現代主義與大眾文化》【英】安吉拉•默克羅比 中央編譯出版社2001年
《公共領域的結構轉型》[德]哈貝馬斯 學林出版社 1999年
《媒體文化》[美]道格拉斯•凱爾納 商務印書館 2004年
《重組話語頻道》[美] 羅伯特•C •艾倫主編中國社會科學出版社 2000年
《解讀大眾文化》【美】約翰•費斯克 南京大學出版社2001年
《Film and Theory—An Anthology》,Edited by Robert Stam and Toby•MillerBlackwell Publishsers,2000.
《Film Theory and Criticism—Introctory Readings》,Edited by Leo Braudy 、Marshall Cohen, Oxford University Press, 1999.
《Feminist Film Theory—A Reader》Edited by Sue Thornham,Edinburgh University Press 1999
《How to read a film —Movies,Media,Multimedia》,James Monaco,Oxford University Press, 2000.
《Stars》,Richard Dyer,BFI Publishing,1998.
《Movies as Polities》,Jonathan Rosenbaum,University of California Press ,1997.
《Mass Media and Society》,Edited by James Curran and Michael Gurevitch,Anorld,2000.
《Narration in the Fiction Film》,David Bordwell,Routledge,1997.



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