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發布時間:2023-12-04 19:58:22

1. 《唐山大地震》用英語怎麼說

唐山大地震: Tang Shan Earthquake


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2. 誰能將《唐山大地震》這部電影的情節用英文介紹

中文版 《唐山大地震》講述了一個「23秒、32年」的故事。




電影《唐山大地震》講述了一個「23秒、32年」的故事。1976年7月28日凌晨,一場7.8級大地震將唐山在23秒之內變成一片廢墟。一個年輕的母親在面對兩個孩子只能救一個的絕境下無奈選擇了犧牲姐姐而救弟弟,這個決定改變了整個家庭的命運,讓倖存者陷入一個震後32年的情感困境。導演馮小剛說,這部電影的情感力量可以真正傳到觀眾的心靈深處,讓人反思在災難面前人與人之間的情感碰撞和生死考驗,是對人「心靈的拷問」。當看到預告片中小女孩從雨中廢墟中醒來,周圍一片傷亡景象,哭著被人抱走的鏡頭時,「母親」徐帆不禁流下了眼淚:「任何一個母親做出這樣的選擇都會崩潰,這種情感像噴泉一樣從我的身體里爆發出來,很久都難以釋懷。」「女兒」張靜初在看完預告片後也激動地流下淚水,她表示《唐山大地震》感人至深,是反映中國人情感的動人影片。 英文版The tangshan earthquake "tells the story of a" 23 seconds, 32 years "the story.In 1976, tangshan, truck drivers FangDaJiang wife and her fetus LiYuanNi, dragon,The tangshan earthquake with ordinary happiness of life. One evening in July, tangshan earthquake happened. To save the child, FangDaJiang died, and was the same block the pressure on both sides, regardless of slab people want to save, must give up another. Yuan's ailing brother chose since childhood, but the head of the mother put to hear.After raising son alone, ni, strongly survived, left side by WangDeQing soldiers put into the new couple adopted, and the world. Mother asked, from the lives of...The tangshan earthquake film about a "23 seconds, 32 years" the story. On July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake will TangShanZai 23 seconds to become ruins. In the face of a young mother of two children can save a helpless under cornered choose sacrifice sister and brother, save this changed the whole family, let the fate of earthquake survivors in a dilemma of emotional 32 years. Director feng xiaogang's emotion, said the film strength can truly to audience, let a person think soul in the face of disaster between emotional collision and death trial, is to "soul". The torture When he saw the girl from the trailer and woke up, the ruins of the rain, around a casualties were crying out of the lens, "mother" perfect outfit.but couldn't help shedding tears: "any a mother will collapse, the choice that such feelings like a fountain from my body out, a long time hard." "The daughter" zhang jingchu watching trailer shed tears after excitedly, she says the tangshan earthquake is a reflection of the Chinese people, of the moving film emotion.

3. 求馮小剛電影英文翻譯

《甲方乙方》 First party second party
《不見不散》 Does not leave till we meet
《沒完沒了》 Endless
《大腕 》 Big shot』s funeral
《天下無賊》 A World Without Thieves
《手機》 Cell Phone
《非誠勿擾》If you are the one
《士兵突擊》 Soldiers Sortie
《唐山大地震》 Tang Shan Earthquake



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