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① 歐洲三大電影節是哪三個



威尼斯國際電影節(英文:Venice International Film Festival),創立於1932年,是世界上第一個國際電影節,故被稱為「國際電影節之父」。


戛納國際電影節(亦譯作康城或坎城國際電影節,英文:Cannes International Film Festival),創立於1946年,因兼有大海(Sea)、美女(Sex)和陽光(Sun)而被稱為「3S電影節」。


柏林國際電影節(原名西柏林國際電影節,英文:Berlin International Film Festival),20世紀50年代初由阿爾弗萊德·鮑爾發起籌劃,得到當時的聯邦德國政府和電影界的支持和幫助,1951年6月在西柏林創立。






② 奧斯卡金像獎和戛納電影節柏林電影節還有威尼斯電影節有什麼區別



戛納國際電影節(festival de cannes)亦譯作康城或坎城電影節,是世界最大、最重要的電影節之一。戛納電影節每年定在五月中旬舉辦,為期12天左右,通常於星期三開幕、隔周星期天閉幕;其間除影片競賽外,市場展亦同時進行。

柏林國際電影節(德語:Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin,又稱Berlinale),和義大利威尼斯電影節、法國戛納電影節並列為世界三大藝術電電影節之一,最高獎項是「金熊獎」。




③ 柏林電影節什麼獎


④ 求介紹柏林電影節歷史的英語文章

1,The Berlin International Film Festival or "Berlinale" was launched in 1951 after World War II to bring Berlin back to its glory ring the twenties before World War I and World War II. The Berlinale marked its first launch as it opened up by the screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "Rebecca." The festival is held each February and has been held on that month since 1951. They have the most visitors worldwide along with a jury that emphasizes on representing films around the world. As the Venice Film Festival awards Gold and Silver Lions, the Berlin International Film Festival awards both Golden and Silver Bears. Their designated location is at the Berlinale Palast which is at Marline-Dietrich-Platz 1. The 58th BIFF was held from February 7th-17th of 2007. The committee for the BIFF would meet on October 9, 1950 which would be their first meeting.The idea was initiated by Oscar Martay, an American Film Officer. Martay, British colleague George Turner, two representatives of the Berlin Senate Administration, four represenatives of the Germany film instry, and a journalist make up the committee. The name of "Berlin International Film Festival" is agreed on and the dates of June 6th-17th of 1951 are also agreed upon.Dr. Alfred Bauer a film historian is appointed the festival director. Joan Fontaine who starred in "Rebecca" is the celebrated star guest of the festival. The first BIFF was a complete success as the festival was sold-out. The Berlin Bears were awarded to the categories of dramatic film, comedies, crime and adventure films, musical films, and documentary films. The jury was made up of exclusively German members. Disney's "Cinderella" was elected as a favorite by the jury. Due to pressure from the Federation Internationale des Associations des Procteurs de Films, prizes will chosen by the audience.
2.The Berlin International Film Festival (German: Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin), also called the Berlinale, is one of the world's leading film festivals and most reputable media events held in Berlin, Germany.[1] Founded in 1951, the festival has been celebrated annually in February since 1978. With 230,000 tickets sold and over 430,000 admissions it is considered the largest publicly-attended film festival worldwide.[2] Up to 400 films are shown in several sections, representing a comprehensive array of the cinematic world. Around twenty films competing for the awards called the Golden and Silver Bears. Since 2001 the director of the festival has been Dieter Kosslick.[3][4]The European Film Market (EFM), a film trade fair held simultaneously to the Berlinale, is a major instry meeting for the international film circuit once a year.[5] The trade fair serves distributors, filmbuyers, procers, financiers and co-proction agents. The Berlinale Talent Campus, a week long series of lectures and workshops, gathers young filmmakers from around the globe. It partners with the festival itself and is considered to be a forum for upcoming artists.[6]The festival, the EFM and other satellite events are attended by more than 20,000 professionals from over 120 countries. Around 4200 journalists are responsible for the media exposure in more than 100 countries.[7] At high-profile feature film premieres, movie stars and celebrities are present at the red carpet.[8] The Berlinale has established a cosmopolitan character integrating art, glamour, commerce and a global media attention.[9]The 59th Berlin International Film Festival will be held 05 to 15 February 2009 and the 2009 jury will be presided by Tilda Swinton.



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