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1.Titanic (泰坦尼克號)
The Royal Mail Ship TITANIC was the last grand dream of the Gilded Age. It was designed to be the greatest achievement of an era of prosperity, confidence and propriety. Although no one knew it, the world was about to change drastically. Radio had been invented in 1901. The Wright Brothers' first successful flight was in 1903. The old presumptions about class, morals, and gender-roles were about to be shattered. If the concept of Titanic was the climax of the age, then perhaps its sinking was the curtain that marked the end of the old drama, and the start of a new one.

20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby.

The story happened in 1912, o Della, dry white, a fearless female journalist. In order to save her sister, faraway places, even if all farris truly means to Egypt and various mummy launched matchups. As she will mummy carried to Paris, natural history museum, greater danger but in Paris afoot. The natural history museum in 100003600 million years ago only pterodactyl eggs, mysterious hatch. The whole city, enveloped in the terror of the sky. But nothing can stop o Della's footsteps, in her journey will uncover more incredible mysteries...


❷ 學英語必看的20部英語電影,看英語電影對英語口語有幫助













《歌舞青春》講述了英俊帥氣的校籃球隊隊長特洛伊與容貌甜美的優等轉學生加布里埃爾共同成就歌唱夢想的故事 。































❸ 英文電影簡介(120~150詞,帶翻譯及電影名)


Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated
edy blockbuster. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark O *** orne and
proced by Melissa Cobb and star Jack Black as Po.
The film was proced by DreamWorks Animation's studio inGlendale,Californiaand distributed by Paramount Pictures. Set in ancientChina, the plot revolves around a bumbling pandaPo, who aspires to be a kung fu master.


It is the year 1250 B.C. ring the late Bronze age. Two emerging nations begin to clash after Paris, the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her hu *** and Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy. After Menelaus finds out that his wife was taken by the Trojans, he asks his brother Agamemnom to help him get her back. Agamemnon sees this as an opportunity for power. So they set off with 1,000 ships holding 50,000 Greeks to Troy. With the help of Achilles, the Greeks are able to fight the never before defeated Trojans. But they e to a s by Hector, Prince of Troy. The whole movie shows their battle struggles, and the foreshadowing of fate in this remake by Wolfgang Petersen of Homer's "The Iliad."
Trojan War
The Trojan War was a war waged, aording to legend, against the city of Troy in Asia Minor (present-day Turkey), by the armies of the Achaeans, after Paris of Troy stole Helen from her hu *** and Menelaus, king of Sparta. The war is among the most important events in Greek mythology and was narrated in many works of Greek literature, of which the o most famous are the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer. The Iliad relates a part of the last year of the siege of Troy, and the Odyssey describes the journey home of Odysseus, one of the Achaean leaders. Other parts of the story were narrated in a cycle of epic poems, which has only survived in fragments. Episodes from the war provided material for Greek tragedy and other works of Greek literature, and Roman poets like Virgil and Ovid.
The war sprang from a quarrel beeen the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite, after the goddess Eris ("Strife") gave them a golden apple with the inscription "to the fairest" (sometimes known as the apple of Discord). The goddesses went to Paris, who judged that Aphrodite, as the "fairest", should receive the apple. In exchange, Aphrodite made Helen, the most beautiful of all women, fall in love with Paris, who took her to Troy. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, and the brother of Helen's hu *** and Menelaus, led an expedition of Achaean troops to Troy and besieged the city for ten years. After the deaths of many heroes, including the Achaeans Achilles and Aias, or Ajax, and the Trojans Hector and Paris, the city fell to the ruse of the Trojan Horse. The Achaeans mercilessly slaughtered the Trojans and desecrated the temples, thus earning the gods' wrath. Few of the Achaeans returned to their homes and many founded colonies in distant shores. The Romans later traced their origin to Aeneas, one of the Trojans, who was said to have led the surviving Trojans to Italy.
Ancient Greeks believed that the Trojan War was a historical event. They believed that this war took place in the 13th or 12th century BC, and that Troy was located in the vicinity of the Dardanelles in what is now north-western Turkey. By modern times both the war and the city were widely believed to be non-historical. In 1870, however, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann excavated a site in this area which he believed to be the site of Troy, and at least some archaeologists agree. There remains no certain evidence that Homer's Troy ever existed, still less that any of the events of the Trojan War cycle ever took place. Many scholars would agree that there is a historical core to the tale, though this may simply mean that the Homeric stories are a fusion of various stories of sieges and expeditions by the Greeks of the Bronze Age or Mycenean period. Those who think that the stories of the Trojan War derive from a specific historical conflict usually date it to beeen 1300 BC and 1200 BC, usually preferring the dates given by Eratosthenes (1194 BC – 1184 BC) which roughly corresponds with the burning of Troy VIIa.
Titanic directed by James Cameron presents a fictional love story on the historical setting of the Titanic. The plot is simple, nonplicated, or not for those who love plots that ist and turn and keep you in suspense. The end of the movie can be figured out within minutes of the start of the film, but the love story is an interesting one, however. Kate Winslett is wonderful as Rose, an aristocratic young lady betrothed by Cal (Billy Zane). Early on the voyage Rose meets Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio), a lower class artist on his way to America after winning his ticket aboard Titanic in a poker game. If he wants something, he goes and gets it unlike the upper class who are so concerned with their social worries. The o fall in love and the audience sees the sinking of the Titanic primarily through their eyes.
The movie begins in modern times with the exploration of the wreck by a group searching for treasures, that sunk with the Titanic, which has recently ourred. One of the survivors of the Titanic, Rose DeWitt Bukater, who had heard of the exploration of the wreck on television and is flown to the boat where the search is being led from to tell of what she remembers to help the search. She gets to telling her memory of the one and only voyage of the Titanic. With this, the scene shifts to Southhampton, Ireland where the Titanic set sail from on April 10, 1912 as all the passengers are boarding. After another s on the Irish coast Titanic went out to see on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic bound for New York. Historically the first few days of the voyage went by uneventful, but the fictional plot of the story is developed ring this time as Rose sees the hopeless entrapement of an engagement that she is in to the wealthy Cal Hockley and falls in love with third class passenger, Jack Dawson. Captain Smith alledgedly as shown in the movie was urged by the White Star Line Director to increase the speed of the ship so they would make the newspaper headlines and receive extra publicity by arriving in New York on Thursday night and not on Friday morning as planned. Smith then ordered the fateful decision going against his thirty-o years of experience to stretch the Titanic's legs out to full speed. The Titanic had reports that the waters in the Atlantic they were sailing in were full of icebergs, but they ignored these warnings and proceeded at full speed as shown in the movie. On April 15, 1912 at 11:39, an iceberg was sighted. They attempted to shut off the engines and turn the ship out of the path of the iceberg but there was not enough time and the ship hit the iceberg on the starboard side as depicted in the film. The portrayal of the many *** all holes in the side of the ship and not one large gash along the side is aurate. The crew of Titanic sent out distress calls and set off distress rockets as shown until 2:18 when the lights finally failed. The lights of the California were spotted six miles away but they failed to realize what was going on and did not respond to Titanic's many pleas for help. The California had tried earlier in the day to warn Titanic of the severe ice that had caused them to s their trip but Titanic had brushed them off causing the California to turn off its radio and leave the Titanic on its own. The first class women and children were the first as depicted to be put into the enty lifeboats that were on the ship. Overwhelmingly the third class passengers suffered the most amount of deaths of any class and the crew was hit hard in this tragedy too. The word of White Star Line employees and first class passengers was believed over that of second and third class passengers when authorities were trying to gain information of the sinking. Also, the metal that was used to build the Titanic has been found in recent years under conditions of severe cold, which were experienced the night Titanic sank to be extremely brittle. Overall, the basic plot is very aurate in its portayal of the events and the times at which these events took place on the Titanic.


Several years before, geologist Adrian Helmsley es across information that shows the world will e to an end in 2012. No announcement is made but the G8 countries begin to prepare for the event. Jack Curtis is a divorced and a less than suessful writer. While on a camping trip with his children in Yosemite, he meets Charlie Frost, who is preaching that the end of the world is at hand. A series of events leads Curtis to believe what Frost has told him and with his family, heads for China where the instrialized countries have been working on a response to the impending disaster


第一部《哈利波特與魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
11-year old Harry, mistreated by his heartless relatives, realizes that he is, in fact, a wizard. Led by the friendly giant Hagrid, he goes to the famous Howarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to start his 7 year long wizard ecation. But someone is up to something bad in the Dark forest outside the school...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter's adventures continue...Harry Potter begins his second year at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, but is warned by a mysterious creature that danger awaits him at the school. Malevolent voices whisper from the walls. Soon it's not just Harry who is worried about survival, as dreadful things begin to happen at Hogwarts.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
"He's at Hogwarts. He's at Hogwarts." The infamous Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban Prison and all sources believe he's after Harry Potter's life. What connection could there be beeen Harry's past and this crazed murderer? Can Harry figure it out before Black gets to him? And why does Mr. Weasley think Harry may want to find Black first? A shocking insight to a night 12 years ago.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire takes us deeper into the characters' minds and the darkness of the Wizarding World. At the Quidditch World Cup, Voldemort's followers gather and wreak havoc. Then, at Hogwarts, a legendary event takes place. The Triwizard Tournament! The Goblet of Fire judges who gets in and who doesn't. On the fateful night, three champions are selected. But then the Goblet spits out one other. Harry's. These o major events point to the return of Lord Voldemort. Dumbledore and the other teachers sense it, but it is inevitable. And Harry is no longer safe at Hogwarts. This fourth installment is the most dramatic, and also the scariest. Let me just say that all does not necessarily end well...


1.Titanic release Date: December 19th, 1997 Brock Lovett is a treasure hunter looking for a famous diamond among the debris of the Titanic. He finds a sketch in a safebox in which a young woman is wearing the diamond on a necklace. After showing the drawing on a TV program, Rose Dawson, an old lady es forward claiming to be the woman in the drawing. She is brought to the explorer's vessel to help them determine the location of the diamond, but instead she tells everyone the "real" story of Titanic's sinking. She was a 17 year-old rich girl sailing to the USA to get married with Cal Hockley. Her mother was forcing her to get married so she felt trapped inside her own world. During the trip she tries to mit suicide and she is saved by Jack Dawson, a third-class passenger who travels around making pencil drawings. They get to know each other better until they fall in love. Hockley and Rose's mother try to separate them several times. Amidst all this confusion the Titanic hits an iceberg and starts to sink. 2.Dragon Rider Orphaned farm boy Eragon (Ed Speleers) destiny is sealed forever when a mystic stone chooses him for its keeper, this is no ordinary stone, this is the last surviving egg of the dragon race. Eragon is now the new Dragon Rider, the boy who will be savior to the repressed peoples of the Kingdom ruled by the wicked King Galbatorix (John Malkovich) and his evil wizard Durza (Robert Carlyle). Running, hiding and battling across the lands with his mentor Brom (Jeremy Irons) and the gracious dragon Saphira (voiced by Rachel Weisz), together, with the beautiful Princess Arya (Sienna Guillory), this Band of Brothers learn more about themselves, their responsibilities and their destinies. Who shall sueed toward the end? Shall good overe evil? Or will all be lost to the dark forces forever? Fly with the adventure. 3.The day after tomorrow What if we are on the brink of a new Ice Age? This is the question that haunts climatologic Jack Hall. Hall's research indicates that global warming could trigger an abrupt and catastrophic shift in the pla's climate. While Jack warns the White House of the impending climate shift, his 17 year-old son Sam finds himself trapped in New York City where he and some friends have been peting in a high school academic petition. He must now cope with the severe flooding and plummeting temperatures in Manhattan. Having taken refuge inside the Manhattan Public Library, Sam manages to reach his father by phone. Jack only has time for one warning: stay inside at all costs. As full-scale, massive evacuations to the south begin, Jack heads north to New York City to save Sam. But not even Jack is prepared for what is about to happen--to him, to his son, and to his pla.


The minions is an interesting movie. It is about a lot of short creatures. They look for a master to serve. Interestingly, they look for villains instead of good people. Some of them only have one eye. They wear jumpers that are made of denim. Their eyes are very big and they look kind of cute. Sometimes they wear goggles. They don』t speak a human language. They have their own language. However, sometimes they speak a few English words. They like bananas. It seems like they only eat bananas. When they see bananas, they get very excited. In this movie, there was an event where some villains gathered. Some minions attended this event to look for a new master. One villain was Scarlet Overkill. She wears a big dress, and she has curvy, black hair. She challenged the audience to take the jewel from her. Many people jumped on the stage and tried to get the jewel, but they could not do it. One of them looked like a sumo wrestler. He was very tall and very heavy. Even he could not get the jewel. In the end, one of the minions held the jewel in its mouth, and then spit it out. I think the minions are very funny, cute, and *** art.


The Crying Game 又譯:亂世浮生 This highly original film put screenwriter-director Neil Jordan on the international map. The story begins at a carnival in Ireland with British soldier Jody (Forest Whitaker) kidnapped by IRA terrorists Jude (Miranda Richardson) and Fergus (Stephen Rea). Fergus is assigned to guard Jody, and they bee friends. After the kidnapping goes horribly wrong, Fergus escapes to London to track down Jody's girlfriend, Dil (Jaye Davidson), to fulfill a promise to Jody and ends up falling in love with her. The only problem--well, it's not the only problem--is Jude has also e to London with news that the IRA is after Fergus and has a dangerous new mission in mind.


中文名: 荒島
外文名: Wilderness
出品時間: 2006
出品公司: First Look Home Entertainment
製片地區: 英國
導演: 邁克爾·巴塞特
主演: 托比·凱貝爾, 西恩·帕特維, 阿里克斯·瑞德
型別: 驚悚,恐怖
片長: 93分鍾
上映時間: 2006年3月14日 法國




The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea. It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth. One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later. In the early 1900's, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society. But we tend to fet the immense effort that these o technologies require to operate to their maximum potential. Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested o and a half miles down on the ocean floor.

❹ 英語電影術語

關於電影的類型:documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片、literary film 文藝片、musicals 音樂片、comedy 喜劇片、dracula movie 恐怖片

documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片:紀錄片是以真實生活為創作素材,以真人真事為表現對象,並對其進行藝術的加工與展現的,以展現真實為本質,並用真實引發人們思考的電影或電視藝術形式。

literary film 文藝片:文學藝術影片的簡稱。文學性和藝術性並存,區別於商業電影。

musicals 音樂片:音樂片是類型片的一種,指以音樂生活為題材或音樂在其中佔有很大比重的影片。

comedy 喜劇片:喜劇片指以笑激發觀眾愛憎的影片。

dracula movie 恐怖片:「恐怖片」是以製造恐怖為目的的一種影片。


演職人員名稱:assistant cameraman 攝影助理、property manager/propsman 道具員、art director 布景師、stagehand 化裝師、lighting engineer 燈光師、film cutter 剪輯師、sound engineer/recording director 錄音師、scenario writer, scenarist 劇作家、direction 導演、distributor 發行人

❺ 請問誰有《勇敢的心》英文簡介,要短,30個單詞就好,

What kind of man would defy a king?
Every man dies, not every man really lives.
His passion captivated a woman. His courage inspired a nation. His heart defied a king.
He who fought, fought for freedom.




Braveheart is a 1995 Academy-award winning historical action-drama film proced and directed by Mel Gibson, who also starred in the title role. The film was written for screen and then novelized by Randall Wallace. Gibson portrays a legendary Scot, William Wallace, who gained recognition when he came to the forefront of the First War of Scottish Independence by opposing Edward I of England (portrayed by Patrick McGoohan) and subsequently abetted by Edward's daughter-in-law Princess Isabelle (played by Sophie Marceau) and a claimant to the Scottish throne, Robert the Bruce (played by Angus Macfadyen).

The film won five Academy Awards at the 68th Academy Awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture and Best Director, and had been nominated for an additional five. The film was proced by Icon Proctions for Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox.

❻ 關於電影分類的英語單詞

1、奇幻電影——Fantasy Film


奇幻電影(Fantasy Film)在電影的劃分中可以與科幻電影以及恐怖電影(horror film)劃為同一類型,具有代表性的作品包括《指環王》《霍比特人》《哈利波特》。

2、動作片——Action Films

又稱為驚險動作片(Action-Adventure Films),是以強烈緊張的驚險動作和視聽張力為核心的影片類型。具備巨大的沖擊力、持續的高效動能、一系列外在驚險動作和事件。


3、喜劇電影——Comedy film


4、恐怖電影——Scary Movie


5、愛情電影——love film


❼ 查理與巧克力工廠電影的英文簡介 ,50個詞左右


《查理和巧克力工廠》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)改編自1964年羅爾德·達爾的同名小說。由華納兄弟影片公司出品,蒂姆·伯頓執導,約翰尼·德普、弗雷迪·海默等聯袂出演主演。影片於2005年7月15日在美國上映。


❽ 有關電影的英文單詞




1. cast 陣容

2. filmstar, movie star 電影明星

3. star,lead 主角

4. double,stand-in 替身演員

5. stuntman 特技替身演員

6. extra,walker-on 臨時演員

7. characteractor 性格演員

8. regularplayer 基本演員

9. extra 特別客串

10. filmstar 電影明星

11. filmactor 男電影明星

12. filmactress 女電影明星

13. support 配角

14. util 跑龍套

film instry 電影工業

1. cinematograph 電影攝影機, 電影放映機

2. cinema,pictures 電影院 (美作:movie theater)

3. first-runcinema 首輪影院

4. second-runcinema 二輪影院

5. arttheatre 藝術影院

6. continuousperformance cinema 循環場電影院

7. filmsociety 電影協會,電影俱樂部 (美作:film club)

8. filmlibrary 電影資料館

9. premiere 首映式

10. filmfestival 電影節

11. distributor 發行人

12. Boardof Censors 審查署

13. shootingschele 攝制計劃

14. censor’scertificate 審查級別

15. release 准予上映

16. bannedfilm 禁映影片

A- certificate A級(兒童不宜)

17. U-certificateU級

18. X-certificateX級(成人級)

19. direction 導演

20. proction 製片

21. adaptation 改編

22. scenario,screenplay, script 編劇

23. scene 場景

24. exterior 外景

25. lighting 燈光

26. shooting 攝制

27. toshoot 拍攝

28. dissolve 漸隱,化入,化出

29. fade-out 淡出

30. fade-in 淡入

31. pan 搖鏡頭

32. frame,picture 鏡頭

33. still 靜止

34. doubleexposure 兩次曝光

35. superimposition 疊印

36. exposuremeter 曝光表

37. printing 洗印

❾ 電影中英文片語25個

這是我搜到的經典電影里的經典台詞 希望你能有用 1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.

2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.
那是一種內在的東西, 他們到達不了,也無法觸及的,那是你的。

3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.

二《Forrest Gump 阿甘正傳》
1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

2.Stupid is as stupid does.

3.Miracles happen every day.

4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.

5.Have you given any thought to your future?

6. You just stay away from me please.

7. If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.

8. It made me look like a ck in water.

9. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.

10. I was messed up for a long time.

11. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze.

三《The Lion King獅子王》
1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.

2. I laugh in the face of danger.

3. I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.

4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.

5. It's like you are back from the dead.

6. You can't change the past.

7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 對,過去是痛楚的,但我認為你要麼可以逃避,要麼可以向它學習。

8. This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?

9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.
10. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

四《Gone with The Wind 亂世佳人》
1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it's the only thing that lasts.
土地是世界上唯一值得你去為之工作, 為之戰斗, 為之犧牲的東西,因為它是唯一永恆的東西。

2.I wish I could be more like you.

3.Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.

4.I think it's hard winning a war with words.我認為紙上談兵沒什麼作用。

5. Sir, you're no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.

6.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid.

7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.

8.I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for you than I've waited for any woman.

9.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I'll never be hungry again!

10.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there is no place for me.
11.You're throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.

12.Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day.

1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.

2.We're the luckiest sons-of-bitches in the world.

3.There is nothing I couldn't give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open you're heart to me.

4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.

5.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you're in the club.

6.All life is a game of luck.

7.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, or who I'm going to meet, where I'm going to wind up.

8.I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.我覺得生命是一份禮物,我不想浪費它,你不會知道下一手牌會是什麼,要學會接受生活。

9.To make each day count.

10.We're women. Our choices are never easy.

11.You jump, I jump.

(another touching sentence)
12.Will you give us a chance to live?

13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away.

六《Sleepless in Seattle西雅圖不眠夜》
1.Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this.

2.You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.

3.Destiny takes a hand.命中註定.

4.You know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice.

5.People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.

6.You know it's easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40.

7.You are the most attractive man I ever laid ears.

8.Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?

9.When you're attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate, is just two neuroses knowing they're a perfect match.

10.Everybody panics before they get married.每個人婚前都會緊張的.

11.Your destiny can be your doom.命運也許會成為厄運.

12.The reason I know this and you don't is because I'm younger and pure. So I'm more in touch with cosmic forces.

13.I don't want to be someone that you're settling for. I don't want to be someone that anyone settles for.

14.What if something had happened to you? What if I couldn't get to you? What would I have done without you? You're my family. You're all I've got.

1. Money is not everything. There's MasterCard.
鈔票不是萬能的, 有時還需要信用卡。

2. One should love animals. They are so tasty.
每個人都應該熱愛動物, 因為它們很好吃。

3. Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.
要節約用水, 盡量和女友一起洗澡。

4. Love the neighbor. But don't get caught.
要用心去愛你的鄰居, 不過不要讓她的老公知道。

5. Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.
每個成功男人的背後, 都有一個女人. 每個不成功男人的背後, 都有兩個。

6. Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.再快樂的單身漢遲早也會結婚, 幸福不是永久的嘛。

7. The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.
聰明人都是未婚? 結婚的人很難再聰明起來。

8. Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.
成功是一個相關名詞, 他會給你帶來很多不相關的親戚 。

9. Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.
愛情就象照片, 需要大量的暗房時間來培養。

10. Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children.
後排座位上的小孩會生出意外, 後排座位上的意外會生出小孩。

11. Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep.
現在的夢想決定著你的將來, 所以還是再睡一會吧

12. There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
應該有更好的方式開始新一天, 而不是千篇一律的在每個上午都醒來。

13. Hard work never killed anybody. But why take the risk?
努力工作不會導致死亡! 不過我不會用自己去證明。

14. Work fascinates me. I can look at it for hours!
工作好有意思耶! 尤其是看著別人工作。

15. God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.
神決定了誰是你的親戚, 幸運的是在選擇朋友方面他給了你留了餘地。 X 登錄 · · · · · ·



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