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⑴ 關於卓別林的英語故事分享

Chaplin was an extraordinary performer who starred in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored watching his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana skin or whispering his own failures to nobody, he made us feel more content with our life without any verbal explanation. His particular sense of humor has astonished everybody throughout the world up to now.
In a small budget film, he played a badly-off and homeless person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. On one occasion, he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. Though he overcame many difficulties, he wasn’t fortunate enough. With all the porridge eaten up, he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut off the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so convincing and amusing that everybody couldn’t help bursting into laughter.
Sir Charles Spencer Charlie Chaplin (April 6, 1889 - December 25, 1977) was an English comedian and anti war activists, later became a very good directors, especially in the early and middle of the Hollywood film he was very successful and active.
He laid the foundation for modern comedy film, with Buster Keeton and Harold Lloyd was known as "the world's three major comedian", Chaplin wears a bowler hat and dress looks almost became an important representative of the comedy movie, many artists have performed later in his own way for reference.
The best Chaplin's role as the appearance of a tramp, inner bearing, a gentleman who wore a thin dress, oversized trousers and shoes, wearing a bowler hat, holding a bamboo cane, wears a moustache image.
In the era of silent film Chaplin is one of the largest figure to and influence. The preparation of his own, director, performance, issued his own movie. From the Grand Theatre in the UK as a child actor on the stage, to his death at the age of 88, his occupation career of more than 70 years. From a Dickens like London childhood has reached the top of the world film instry, Chaplin has become a cultural icon.

⑵ 急啊!!卓別林《摩登時代》的英文翻譯

This piece is Chaplin the last silent film. Some feelings in the world economics crisis the pain which brings for the unemployed worker, he decided that cries out with movie's vivid language. in 1935, the movie entered has a time, but Chaplin believed that with the funny exaggeration's body language, must by far in the dialog, therefore he only joined in the piece bs in music screens with the little sound. The movie pungent sharp satire, the revelation being present at work person suffers the capitalist to bully, to press out their final blood and sweat severe reality, incurs the international capital influence to rally together naturally the counter-attack, some critic's wrong misregistration solution, also adds fuel to the flames for this evil potential. The public opinion misinterprets happen to proves this movie incisiveness and profound. The audience forever forgot leading character Charlie to be involved by the machine the lens which as well as by the assembly line the volume left is made the numb machinery, in person's nose, the button screwed tight nut's lens. Outstanding have not demonstrated by its excellent expression means to the common people the life portrait which represents billion unemployed to encounter. The movie simultaneously is also he says goodbye to the tramp image in the movie art to advance to a maturer symbol.

⑶ 卓別林的代表作有哪幾部電影

查理·卓別林(Charlie Chaplin),1889年4月16日生於英國倫敦,英國影視演員、導演、編劇。 他的代表作《淘金記》《摩登時代》《馬戲團》等。 在接下來的兩年時間里,小查理做過各種各樣的工作:賣花童、理發店小工、醫生的小工,還有報童。1903年5月,他的哥哥西德尼出海歸來,打算憑借他在船上學會的娛樂表演登上舞台。


⑷ 求卓別林電影

〈大兵日記〉,〈 摩登時代〉
《大獨裁者》,《安樂狗》、《狗的生涯》、《尋子遇仙記》、《淘金記》、《城市派陵並之光》《馬戲團》,《舞台生涯》《賽車記》30年代到50年代,卓別林的創作生涯達到了巔峰,他先後創作了《城市之光》(1931年)、《摩登時代》(1936年)、《大獨裁者》(1940年)和《舞台生涯》(1952年)等優秀作品。在《城市之光》和《摩登時代》里,他無情揭露了資本主義對工人的剝削和勞動人民遭受的苦難;在《大獨裁者》里,他把矛頭直接指向希特勒和墨索里尼;在《舞台生涯》里,他進行了嚴肅的人生探索,表現了對未來的希望。 由於他積極參加美國的進步文化活動,受到塵跡麥卡錫主義的迫害。非美活動調查委員會」曾傳訊過卓別林;當卓別林在歐洲旅行期間,美國司法當局聲明拒絕讓他再次入境,並以拘留相威脅,為此,卓別林於1957年拍攝了《一個國王在紐約》,予以堅決回擊。

1915年 流浪漢 / The Tramp;Charlie on the Farm;汪寬Charlie the Hobo
1917年 安樂街 / Easy Street
1918年 夏爾洛從軍記 / Shoulder Arms
1918年 狗的生活 / A Dog's Life
1921年 尋子遇仙記 / The Kid
1923年 巴黎一婦人 / A Woman of Paris
1925年 淘金記 / Gold Rush, The
1928年 大馬戲團 / Circus, The
1931年 城市之光 / City Lights
1936年 摩登時代 / Modern Times
1940年 大獨裁者 / Great Dictator, The
1947年 殺人狂時代 / Monsieur Verdoux
1952年 舞台生涯 / Limelight
1963年 三十歡樂世界 / 30 Years Of Fun
1967年 來自香港的伯爵夫人 / Countess From Hong Kong

馬戲團(1927年) 獲奧斯卡最佳男主角獎提名和最佳喜劇導演獎提名,獲榮譽獎。


⑸ 卓別林十部經典電影






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