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① 求一篇電影發展史的作文,大學的,150字左右,要英文的急求!

The history of film spans over 100 years, from the latter part of the 19th century to the present day. Motion pictures developed graally from a carnival novelty to one of the most important tools of communication and entertainment, and mass media in the 20th century and into the 21st century. Most films before 1930 were silent. Motion picture films have substantially affected the arts, technology, and politics.
The cinema was invented ring the 1890s, ring what is now called the instrial revolution. It was considered a cheaper, simpler way to provide entertainment to the masses. Movies would become the most popular visual art form of the late Victorian age. It was simpler because of the fact that before the cinema people would have to travel long distances to see major dioramas or amusement parks. With the advent of the cinema this changed. During the first decade of the cinema's existence, inventors worked to improve the machines for making and showing films. The cinema is a complicated medium, and before it could be invented, several technological requirements had to be met

② 美國電影史英文版

英譯:For a long time, the United States only to the film as a means of entertainment to Hollywood as a story and fantasy proction factories, so first of all note that the movie business value. However, after 70 years, the American film has been great development in academic research. In 1967, both in Washington and Los Angeles have established the American Film Institute (AFI). Film Archive, throughout the United States, including important ones are the New York Museum of Modern Art, Rochester's Eastman Film Archive, the Library of Congress, Washington, Berkeley Pacific Film Archive. 8 large film company has disintegrated or converting 60 years after the
A large number of film and archives donated to the museum and the University Film Studies Center, the study of national film traditions, protect their heritage plays a significant role in the film.

By 1900, Hollywood has a post office, a newspaper, a hotel and two markets, its residents number 500. 100,000 population in Los Angeles in the city, 11 kilometers east. In Hollywood and Los Angeles have only a single-track tram. 1902 Hollywood hotel, now known as the first part of the opening. In 1903, here upgraded to the city's 177 voting residents of the right to vote unanimously endorsed by the "Hollywood," named after whom. That year under the two commands are: In addition to pharmacies in other stores outside the prohibition, and no amount of driving in the streets more than 200 cattle. 1904
A new so-called Hollywood Avenue streetcar opened, so that between the Hollywood and Los Angeles round-trip time significantly shortened. In 1910, Hollywood residents voted to join the Los Angeles. The reason is so that they can be in Los Angeles drinking water and access to adequate drainage facilities.
In 1907, director Francis Burgess led his crew arrived in Los Angeles, filming "Count of Monte Cristo." They found that, where beautiful natural scenery, plenty of light and suitable climate is the natural place for filming. The early 1910s, director David Griffith Biograph company was sent to the West Coast to make a film, he took Lillian Gish, Mary-bi g-fu and other actors came to Los Angeles. They were then looking for a new site, so proceed north, came a warm small town, and that is Hollywood. Biograph company found here in good condition
So back to New York before they filmed several movies. Graally many people in the instry know that invaluable piece of land, to the increasing number of Hollywood movie crew, the U.S. film instry moved to Hollywood's big movement started, Hollywood movies have to be forward.
October 1911, a group from New Jersey to film-makers on the ground that under the leadership of the photographer came to a small Inn called Bu Lang, they will rent the inn converted into a studio look. In this way, they created Hollywood's first film studio - Ernest Pictures.
Since then, many film companies settled in Hollywood, the famous film companies: MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer, called MGM), Paramount Pictures (Paramount Pictures, Inc.), Twentieth Century Fox (20th Century Fox), Warner Bros. (Warner Brothers), RKO (Radio Keith Orpheum, referred to as RKO), Universal (Universal), United Artists Corporation (United Artists), Columbia Pictures (Columbia Pictures).


從那以後,許多電影公司在好萊塢落戶,著名的電影公司有:米高梅電影公司(Metro Goldwyn Mayer,簡稱MGM)、派拉蒙影業公司(Paramount Pictures, Inc.)、二十世紀福克斯公司(20th Century Fox)、華納兄弟公司(Warner Brothers)、雷電華公司(Radio Keith Orpheum,簡稱RKO)、環球公司(Universal)、聯美公司(United Artists)、哥倫比亞影業公司(Columbia Pictures)。

③ 英文電影發展史

劃時代的作者電影:法國新浪潮電影始末 致敬大師:讓·呂克·戈達爾 悼念大師:小津安二郎 更多的... 編輯信箱 中國美術電影發展史 來源: 作者: 2004-02-25 16:10:30...所以培養人才,是美術電影發展的關鍵。 經過三十多年的不斷培養,逐步形成一支藝術、技術等各方面的專業隊伍。...
電影藝術發展概述??第一節??電影的發明 2 第二節??電影成為藝術 6 第二章??法國電影??第一節??法國電影藝術的先驅者 12 第二節??法國的印象派和先鋒派電影 17 第三節??法國詩意現實主義電影 23 第四節??法國"新浪潮"電影 30 第五節??法國"...
片》中把電影的發展歷史分為三部分:經濟、政治社會、 藝術,另外還有媒介發展史,我認為這是非常合理的。...法國電影企業的發展是這方面最早的一例。 無在好萊 塢電影企業出現以前,查爾斯·百代就開始了一場控制這一...
本書從現在所處的時代背景來認識和審視外國電影的意義和價值,研究對象:非文字形式的視聽語言的發展史;電影技術發展史;電影經濟史。...第九章 法國:年輕人的電影"新浪潮" 第十章 艱難跋涉中的民族電影 第十一章 歐洲:現代思潮中的內向化趨勢...
這個幽 靈的名字叫法國電影。 先遣者遭遇冷落 由於法國在世界電影史上的肇始地位,絕大多數國家的早期電影發展史上,都離不開法蘭西的影子,中國亦然。...可以說,除了蘇聯影片,法國電影 對中國電影發展方向的影響最大。 這種影響惟一的斷層是在"文革"期間。...
北京電影學院的電影理論考試復習提綱 第一章電影理論 考試內容: 外國電影理論發展史(重點)...一.外國電影理論發展史 經典電影理論部分 (一).法國印象派——先鋒派電影思潮..."作為探索新的形象性以及向文學靠攏的一種傾向,在電影劇作發展史上佔有一定的位 置。...
外國電影發展史(黃文達,華東師范大學出版社)的詳細介紹,評論,讀後感及網上價格比較。 把好圖書介紹給朋友..."外國電影發展史"的詳細介紹... 第九章 法國:年輕人的電影"新浪潮" 第十章 艱難跋涉中的民族電影 第十一章 歐洲:現代思潮中的內向化趨勢...
超文本發展史 瀏覽器發展歷史 微軟windows歷史 圖形用戶界面歷史 文學"電腦"形象大全 電腦史上的"第一"...2、百代電影公司(法國)已發展成為世界上最大的電影帝國,它每年出口到美國的影片是美國本土生產影片的兩倍。...
您現在的位置: 科幻桃花源 >> 科幻影視 >> 發展史 >> 正文 設為首頁 | 加入收藏...1895年12月28日,法國電影製造商路易斯和奧古斯丁在巴黎舉行首場電影演出,從而拉開了世界電影的帷幕。...科幻電影的創立者,法國電影製片商梅里斯於1897年拍攝了世界第一部關於x光的電影。...
1 第一章 世界電影藝術發展概述第一節 電影的發明 2 第二節 電影成為藝術 6 第二章 法國電影 第一節 法國電影藝術的先驅者 12 第二節法國的印象派和先鋒派電影 17 第三節 法國詩意現實主義電影 23 第四節 法國"新浪潮"電影 30 第五節 法國"左岸派"電影...
今天到西單買了昨天看中的幾本書《法國小說發展史》《法國志》《法國風俗》還有一本關於法國風景的圖片,一共花了130,...《神曲·地獄篇》+《天使艾梅麗》的電影原聲。dante+yann tiersen,從未嘗試的組合。書和音樂幾乎是我生活里必不可...
想拍一部倍受歡迎的電影。 名字:豆芽 愛好:玩 喜歡的音樂:紅顏,單戀高校等 e-mail:[email protected] ...什麼是法國時裝的精髓?通過法國時裝發展史,我們看到,法國時裝里最令人稱道的地方就是創新,那種既融合著本國文化、又...
所以要是大家想看電影,還是去電影院吧,那裡的效果還更好。 ?? 當然去了電影院還是要小心,好萊塢的八大影業之一...年,香奈爾公司推出了「香奈爾5號」香水,獲得了世界性的成功,被視為法國香水發展史上的里程碑。香水依據其所含香精...
[陽光法國] 『陽光書院』 『陽光書吧』 小議中國美術與文明發展史(一) 2004-11-21 02:42 lpbm 小議中國美術與文明發展史(一) 學過美術史的朋友差不多都知道我們現在對史前繪畫文明的了解都是從出土的彩陶及遍布全國的岩畫遺存中得...
基於德國神話「尼白龍根之歌」和北歐「沃爾松格傳說」改編的電影,德國2004年投資最大的神話史詩巨片,德國版的「指環王」。 巴黎街頭文化20年 法國關於塗鴉藝術的記錄片,這是一部記錄1983—2003間法國塗鴉藝術發展史的記錄電影,電影客觀的...
甚至專門研究了法國香水發展史,乃至各大香水公司的知名香水品牌。 恰好白蘭香也對香水極感興趣,一來二去兩人就用英語...韓嫣暴怒中的動作,在秦笛看來,不過是電影中的慢鏡頭,簡直可以和龜爬相提並論,不過這並不妨礙他用一種戲謔的心態來...
在我所熟悉的電影人之中,大凡經歷過貧困與煎熬的藝術家,才憑借著他們無比的熱誠與才華創造了影壇不朽的奇跡。 韓國...1789年的法國資產階級革命,開辟了歐洲資本主義發展史上一個新時代。具有全歐影響的文學運動——浪漫主義運動正是法國大...
法國人很注重藝術,扯點閑話當時在巴黎旅遊參觀hotel de ville的時候免費欣賞了法國電影的發展史,因為不能拍照所以沒有照片和大家分享 這個就是hotel de ville 總覺得法國的建築氣勢很壯觀連一個hotel都可以造的如此龐大,想想那時這樣的hotel...
歐洲大學發展史的縮影:法國巴黎大學 概況51 世界歷史上最悠久的大學 巴黎大學(university of paris)是法國國立大學,...報刊、電影、電視等媒介的全面介入,又使這場運動迅速波及整個法國,並影響到世界各地。最終,註定失敗的「五月風暴」是...
丹麥電影發展史 丹麥戲劇發展史 文學巨匠安徒生 丹麥文飲食習慣 丹麥音樂發展史 童話:la kura a tajloreto 安徒生:用...丹麥音樂發展史 · 法國電影《蝴蝶》主題曲 · 法語詞彙大全 · flash版法國地圖! · 散文「櫻花時節」中日對照 ...
也就是法國的1897型75裡面口徑速射炮,法國人最引以為豪的一個騙局!辰天記得法國的這種速射炮算得上火炮發展史上的...免費電影小說漂亮mm來啊 插入書簽 上一篇 下一篇 首頁 => 歷史 => 請叫我威廉三世 繁體 0.33659...
———貢布里西《藝術發展史》 我要到南方去找更強烈的光線和色彩。南方的小城凡度山、阿維庸、桔城、尼姆、阿爾勒...於是聊起蔡明亮的電影羅大佑的歌,頗為投機。他們說起因為假期預算有限,在法國期間只選擇了三個城市:巴黎,阿維庸和...

④ 徵求一篇關於我國電影發展史的英文稿



On the occasion of the founding of the China Film century, our generation is lucky. On the occasion of the link between past and future nodes time, we want to do practical things in the next 100 years for China to expand study of the history of film to make modest. At present, we can read the earliest Chinese writing the history of film, there are two, that is, the 1934 edition of "China Film Year Book," published in the sword-st "the history of Chinese film developed" and the 1936 edition of "Modern Chinese History of the development of the arts," the income of Zheng Junli "Modern Chinese History of cinema."The two authors in this field have the arous work and vision of its total power as far as I can, beyond the start-up period of Chinese film about the impact of anecdotal things.
After new China was founded in film history have a major impact on most of the quarter-China editor-in-chief of the two-volume "History of the development of Chinese film." The book, "10-year Sword", began in 1950, from all over the country to search for information on China's film, newspapers, periodicals, brochures, posters and stills, officially approved in 1958 into writing, to amend the final version in 1962; about the leadership cautious for the Purposes, the decision to "first draft" of the press, opened for the first time in 1963 and India 4200 sold out.Bianzhu three who had the face of China's film study of the history of this "has not yet opened up the virgin land", to gather around the plot into a micro-book, for the integration of resources is significant - the body of the index reached title in 1336 (), film names index 985 to 000 (times), published photos, stills 819; provided in the appendix from 1905 to 1949 between the films proced catalog-quarter of China said that this manuscript as "the first time, very preliminary film on the history of China A survey report. "Although today's point of view, "the development of Chinese film history" there are still a lot of bias, but Bianzhu so proud of those who, in collecting historical data on this point at home and abroad to win professional recognition, such as the 1986 version of the "Cambridge Chinese History of Chinese history in "stress" of the two volumes of this book is still the study of Chinese film the widest coverage for the contents of the book. "

⑤ 用英文介紹電影由有聲到無聲發展的過程

所謂的默片在其鼎盛時代也常常有音樂或者聲效相伴,1926年8月,由約翰.巴利摩爾主演的《唐璜》在紐約的華納劇院首映,這次首映採用了Vitaphone聲音系統,以每秒331/3轉唱片來使電影聲畫同步。新的發明很快就跟來了,1927年10月華納公司的《爵士歌王》敲響了默片的喪鍾。 到1930年為止,只有5%的好萊塢的影片還是默片,華納兄弟採用了更方便的由Western Electric開發的膠片攜載聲音的技術,這一技術需要採用每秒24格的放映速度,從而誕生了這一今天仍然採用的標准。這一變化徹底改變了電影膠片的形態。
35mm默片的滿畫面大致是正方形的,比例是1.33:1 (或4:3,象電視畫面),1927年最早的聲音印在膠片上時是1.21:1
1932年,製片商和放映商聯合建立了膠片上聲音軌跡寬度的標准,從而創造了新的1.37:1比例。隨著這一整個業界技術方針的確立,電影中的對白、歌舞急劇增加.在30年代,電影觀眾增加了一倍。 電影工業繼續尋找新的發展,很快,就開始經歷彩色電影,開始了一個新的時代。

From silent to sound moviesThe so-called silent in its heyday there is often accompanied by music or sound effects, in 1926 August, by John Barrymore." Don Juan" starring Warner theater premiere in New York, the premiere of the Vitaphone sound system, with every second 331 / 3 rpm records to make the film synchronized sound. The new invention was soon to come, in 1927 October Warner's" the jazz singer" sounded the death knell of the silent. Until 1930, only 5% of the Hollywood videos or films, Warner Brothers used the more convenient by Western Electric development of the film carrying voice technology, this technology requires the use of the projection speed at 24 frames per second, resulting in the birth of this remains today the standard. This change has revolutionized the film morphology.35mm silent movie full screen is roughly square, the proportion is 1.33 : 1 ( or 4: 3, like a television ), 1927 the earliest sound on film is 1.21: 1In 1932, procers and exhibitors to jointly establish a film sound track width standard, thus creating a new 1.37 : 1 scale. With this throughout the technology instry policy establishment, movies, dance has increased dramatically. In the 30's, movie goers doubled. The film instry continue to seek new development, quickly, began to experience a color film, the start of a new era.


⑥ 求 英文版的世界電影簡史 快!

● 12月28日盧米埃在巴黎大咖啡廳放映自製的十部影片(1895)
● 第一家專映有聲電影的「留聲影院」在法國成立(1900)
● 柏格森之喜劇論文《論笑》發表(1900)
● 維他公司vitagraph成立(1900)
● 愛德溫.波特的《美國消防員生活》採用復雜的戶外拍攝鏡頭,並以溶的手法連接鏡頭,開啟之後劇情片的拍攝手法(1902)
● 四月,美國第一家長期放映電影的戲院「電化劇場」在洛杉磯開幕,由湯瑪斯.陶利創立
● 傳記公司開始在室內攝影棚使用人工燈光(1903)
● 美國第一家「五分錢戲院」在匹茲堡設立(1905)
● 愛彌兒.考爾正試探動畫影片的可能性(1905)
● 第一部卡通影片:《做鬼臉的步驟》,由詹姆士.史都華.布萊頓製作完成(1906)
● 李狄佛斯特發明的音管,指出電子聲音擴音的可能性(1906)
● 澳洲的第一部警匪片《大盜凱利的故事》完成,長度約一小時(1906)
● 此年估計每周約有八千萬美國人光顧五分錢戲院(當時美國人口約一億人),而全美已有五千家以上的五分錢戲院(1907)
● 葛理菲斯到傳記公司工作,因為影片生場量大,於是發展出分工模式,使得電影導演首度由不懂機器的人來擔任(1907)
● 美國「國家檢查局」成立(1907)
● 法國開始製作舞台式的藝術電影(1907)
● 愛迪生合組「電影專利公司」,授權拍攝、發行與放映電影(1908)
● 「火車大劫案」導演愛德溫.波特與愛迪生公司決裂,愛迪生公司不久後停止拍片。至此初始電影漸被劇情片取代(1909)
● 卡爾.德蘭姆利用IMP公司旗下的女演員:法倫絲.羅蘭斯的假死亡消息,造成明星風潮
● 葛理菲斯率領公司的演員與工作人員到洛杉磯定居,許多電影公司相繼搬到加洲的好萊塢地方發展(1910)

《月球之旅》A Trip to the Moon
《美國消防員的生活》The Life of an American Fireman
《火車大劫案》The Great Train Robbery
《靈犬救主記》Rescued by Rover
《鷹巢歷險記》The Eagle's Nest

● 華納兄弟開始製作電影(1912)
● 第一本電影雜志《影劇》在美國問世(1912)
● 賽納特的基斯東公司成立(1912)
● 阿道夫.索克成立「名人公司」(1912)
● 威廉.福斯成立「票房誘力公司」(1912)
● 賽納特製作第一部美國喜劇長片《泰莉的傷心羅曼史》,使卓別林踏上明星之路(1912)
● 美國「環球公司」成立(1912)
● 葛理菲斯成立自己的電影公司(1913)
● 西席.地米爾為了拍攝《番妻記》至加州,以每月七十五元租下好萊塢谷場(1913)
● 達達沙赫.法蘭克完成第一部印度電影,器材則全部由英國進口(1913)
● 第一家重要的新型豪華戲院「河濱戲院」建於百老匯(1914)
● 霍金遜成立派拉蒙公司(1914)
● ●貝拉斯哥的燈光技術師布克蘭至好萊塢(1914)
● 梅里葉拍完他的最後一部電影(1914)
● 第一次世界大戰讓許多國家管制敵國電影進口,間接為本國電影保留了發展空間(1914)
● 卡爾.蘭姆建立宏大的環球攝影城(1915)
● 「電影專利公司」被法院宣判違反托拉斯法,宣布倒閉(1915)
● 葛理菲斯,英斯與賽納特成立鐵三角影業公司(1915)
● 「票房誘力公司」改名為「福斯公司」(1915)
● 1915~1917之間確立了好萊塢的經濟模式(1915)
● 哈佛大學心理學家雨果.孟斯特堡寫下《電影劇-心理的研究》(1916)
● 艾倫.瑞在《萬神殿》中改良貝拉斯哥式布景(1916)
● 卓別林至轉至「互助公司」發展(1916)
● 德國政府成立「烏發製片公司」,開始拍攝戰爭宣傳影片,以壓制國內的反戰聲浪


⑦ 年輕的中國電影正在蓬勃發展英語

With the further development of the world's cultural instries and people's living standards,the film in people's lives occupy an increasingly important role.The world film instry is booming.The development of the film involves the public interest and public consumption of the film,from the side reflects the economic development of a trend.As a result,the film has become a focus of consumer topics.

⑧ 中國電影發展史的英文介紹

An introction of the history of Chinese films in English.

⑨ 關於介紹電影發展的英語作文帶翻譯60字

i am not going to talk about the movie NO THIEF.

just now, i was told by one of my good friends that her electronic dictionary had gone. maybe someone BORROWED it PERMANENTLY. it just happened in the library of our XuHui campus.

several month ago, another classmate of mine lost her cellphone at the crossroad of CaoBao and GuiLin Road. the last second she still used her cellohone to receive a call, but even before the traffic light turned from red to green, she suddenly found that the phone had gone! i was at present. maybe the thief even walked away pretending to be at leisure just under my eyelid! we called 110 at once. the police came but they still could do nothing except putting on records simply. one of the police said to us that it was much more important for us to take good care of our possession than to rely on the policeman to arrest all the rampant thieves! waht he had said was really with reason and unforgotten!
no thief in the world! everybody hope so!

⑩ 電影英文怎麼說

電影英文:Movie(美式) 或 Film(英式)。



















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