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㈠ 《天生一對》的英語觀後感,初一的水平,100字左右。


Movie is re-shot "for a short time naughty " 60's of close classics feeling mild and fragrant comedy with modern gimmick , a pair of twin sisters is spent because of parents early years gets divorced.

one is taken to arrive at California by father Nick (Denis · Kuide) , one is that Lisha is taken to London by the mother , two people seeks face therefore never, existence not knowing each other even.

Destiny lets them meet at summer camp however but ingenious after many years, two sisters is pleasantly surprised more, that spare time, decides not to stint everything making a match of parents.

includes the dignity exchanging, design and the girlfriend who frightens father away , make to play joke continuously. Close feeling , love get very good embodiment in drama.



她們是一對因父母離婚從小就分開不曾見面的雙胞胎,興奮的兩個人也因此決定了互換身份去見從未見過的爸爸媽媽 ,當然兩個古靈精怪聰明活波的小女孩還有更多想法 ,比如:父母復婚。 活潑的小女孩可愛的家人,美好人生。



《天生一對》(The Parent Trap)是美國1998年出品的家庭喜劇電影,根據伊利奇·卡斯特納《兩個小洛特》改編,由南希·邁耶斯執導,林賽·羅韓、丹尼斯·奎德、娜塔莎·理查德森等主演。











㈡ 求電影《天生一對》的全部演員資料

導演:Adisorn Tresirikasem
編劇:Pattaranad Bhiboonsawade/Benjamaporn Srabua/湯薩蓬·逖提拿坎
主演:塔納瓦特·瓦塔納普迪/藍妮·卡彭/帕瑞斯·因塔拉科瑪亞蘇特/Suwatjanee Chaimusik/帕薇努特·龐納康/查儂·散頂騰古


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1XGfrIL7mr02CKdHgE_SDPw

?pwd=1234 提取碼: 1234

簡介:在Ayutthaya時代(公元1351-1767年)一起定居並僅因死亡而分居後,Dej和Karaket在Rattanakosin早期(公元1782-1855年)重生。但其中只有一個人仍然相信「命運」。Bhop是暹羅最甜美微笑的總工程師,多年來一直在夢中看到同一位女士。他全心全意地相信她是他命中註定的靈魂伴侶。當Bhop遇到Gaysorn時,Gaysorn看起來和他夢中的女孩一模一樣,Bhop跟著她,試圖贏得她的心。然而,Gaysorn有進步的態度,不相信命運。Gaysorn明確表示,她不喜歡Bhop,但她對Matus感興趣,Matus是一個泰國西部男子,說話時使用奇怪的俚語,這恰好與Lady Karaket的舊日記中的信息相匹配。Mathus像Lady Karaket一樣從未來回到了過去嗎?!他們的關系尚未確定,但當Bhop、Gaysorn和Matus陷入混亂的歷史事件時,事情就會失控,可能導致一場永遠改變歷史的戰爭。命運會把他們引向哪裡?

㈢ 有誰知到《天生一對》英文簡介

Summer camp in Maine, USA. Two young redheads, Hallie and Annie, coincidentally meet and discover that they look pretty (and) similar. Soon, their common history opens up when they are banned into the isolation cabin for unsocial behaviour. Being twin sisters, their parents separated them at birth and divorced also. So, Annie grew up in London, England, living with her mother Elizabeth, who is a wedding gown designer. Hallie lived with her father Nick, a vineyard-owner, in Napa Valley, California. Both sisters decide to switch sides, as Annie never had a father and Hallie never had a mother. All works well, until Nick decides to marry Meredith, a creepy but beautiful woman who is only after his money. Now, the girls decide to let the parents meet. Let the games begin.

㈣ 天生一對電影介紹(英文)

When two pre-teens named Hallie & Annie meet through their summer camp, their two lives are rattled when they realize that they are identical twins. With parents, British mother aka famous dress designer Elizabeth & American father, a wine maker named Nick, living in two different sides of the universe, the girls decide to make an identity swap in hopes of spending time with their other parent. The girls later choose to aware their guardians of the swap while at a hotel in NYC, which late reunites the divorced pair and sends them back into remarriage with each other.

㈤ 美國電影《天生一對》的簡介(英文)版

Hallie Parker and Annie James are identical twins separated at a young age because of their parents' divorce.unknowingly to their parents,the girls are sent to the same summer camp where they meet,discover the truth about themselves,and then plot with each other to switch places.

Hallie meets her mother,and Annie meets her father for the first time in years.they then make a plan to set up their parents,which suddenly goes awry with an announcement from their father.the story goes through many different twists and turns,and is an amazing story from start to finish.


1、荷莉/Hallie Parker:小女孩,生於1986年10月11日,與葡萄庄園主父親尼克生活在美國加州納帕縣,性格外向開朗、天性自由、隨和活潑,經常能想出絕妙得一鳴驚人的主意,擁有一頭紅色短發,有耳洞。

2、安妮/Annie James:小女孩,生於1986年10月11日,與經營婚紗設計的母親伊麗莎白生活在英國倫敦市,性格穩重、溫文爾雅、甜美可人,因受過良好的家教而培養了大家閨秀的氣質,原為紅色稍長頭發,與荷莉互換身份後剪短。

3、尼克/Nick Parker:葡萄庄園的主人,雙胞胎姐妹的父親。在雙胞胎出生後與伊麗莎白離婚。被拜金女梅莉黛追求並差點與之結婚,但被假扮成荷莉的安妮阻撓。在一次露營活動中,他在雙胞胎姐妹和伊麗莎白的設計下看清了梅莉黛的真面目並與其分手,最後到倫敦追回了伊麗莎白並與其復婚。



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