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❶ 《教父》-觀後感




這句話出現在第一部開場時的婚禮,導演通過邁克與凱之間的對話來介紹唐-柯里昂家族的背景。在結束的時候,邁克對凱說了這樣一句話, 「That's my family Kay. It's not me」 , 表明自己與家族的關系。

這個場景出現在第一部最後部分。從父親被刺殺重傷,為了保護家庭,邁克不得已去暗殺了警長和毒梟索拉索,為此只能遠走義大利西西里,並且不能夠和Kay聯系。在大哥Sunny被暗殺之後,只能回來「繼承父業」。在父親去世,停戰協議失效之後,邁克開始了一系列的復仇活動。在復仇結束之後,出現了這一幕,新教父的「加冕儀式」,這標志著新一代教父的誕生,也標志著,那個曾經說「That's my family Kay. It's not me」的邁克已經不存在了。


邁克在自己的住所受到暗殺,妻子和小孩受到驚嚇,並且留下來心裡陰影。在發現是遭到了二哥的背叛的時候, 邁克不得不親自下令除掉二哥弗瑞多,為此加深了妻子和兒子之間的隔閡。(看影評的時候了解到,在如何處理弗瑞多這件事情上,導演和原著作者有沖突,作者主張寬大處理,導演主張馬上處死,最終導演取了電影中折中的方案,在邁克母親去世之後再處理。)

當邁克被凱質問是否殺了妹妹的丈夫,當邁克被凱質問是否殺了二哥,邁克為了不讓妻子和孩子而失望,每次的回答都是違心的「No」。當謊言無法繼續掩蓋,信任被嚴重透支,承諾一直沒有兌現,妻子失望至極,選擇了墮胎和離開,這對於邁克的打擊非常大。正如下面他與母親的對話,他「strong for the family」但是最終卻「lose the faimily」。


劇終,出現了這樣一幕。在西西里的破舊的院子里,一個獨孤的老人坐在一條凳子上,身邊只有一條小狗,沒有家人的陪伴,然後慢慢地從凳子上倒下,一代教父以這種落寞和孤寂的方式謝幕。我在想,在邁克慢慢倒下的過程中,他是否口中在喃喃自語到: 「That's my family, Kay. It's not me」.

最後,這一幕運鏡和轉場的處理。我不得不佩服導演科波拉, 不愧是大師級別。第一個場景是邁克和女兒在舞會上舞蹈的回憶,然後跳轉到第一任妻子婚禮時候的跳舞的場景,再跳轉到和凱在第二部晚會跳舞的場景,在這個場景中,邁克曾經許諾凱在五年之內家族生意合法化。這幾個轉場都有一個動作「舞蹈」連貫,並沒有太多突兀感,最後那個跳舞的畫面逐漸淡去,慢慢浮現出來一個蒼老的面孔。雖然這個轉場有點突兀,但如果你慢慢體會,就能夠體會到導演運鏡的巧妙。以前美好的回憶與邁克現在孤寂的場景形成了非常強烈的對比,這種反差,更加能夠表現邁克的「悲劇人生」的色彩。

教父三部曲系列,最精彩的莫過於教父內心的沖突和掙扎。從心理學的角度,人行為產生的動機,無外乎兩個因素,內心的渴望和外在的壓力。正是在內部心理的「It's not me」和外部壓力下的「That's my family」的這種激烈的沖突下面,才成就了教父這個豐滿的形象。


至於開篇的題記: 他是一部男人必看的電影,因為他會教你如何做一個男人。 真正看完之後,可能每個人也會有不用的理解,比如:


❷ 英語作文:觀看一部英文電影,寫觀後感。要求高中水平,字詞一定要120以上!

I watched a moive named Peter Pan last night.

It is about a boy who doesn't want to grow up. His name is Peter. He is very handsome, helpful and friendly to his friends. He meets Wendy someday, and they go to an island, its name is Neverland. They beat Hooker, who is a bad person.

I learn from this movie that everyone needs a friend, a good friend. Friendship is very important to people. A friend in need is a friend indeed. We should find a friend who has something in common with us, and we should also treasure our friendship.

If you have time, please watch this movie, I'm sure you'll like it.

❸ 求一段關於《教父1》的英文影評(500字左右),按題目作答

Speaking of "The Godfather" protagonist Michael's life, many people behaved evaluation is turned into an endless fall, thereby shedding step by step process of the human shell. People always seem to relish the old godfather, said that despite his extraordinary means, but there is still tender feelings of humanity, and Michael almost cruel, cold-blooded, psychotic synonymous. In fact, looking back at "The Godfather", Michael is my understanding of the fate of the most tragic characters, as he was champion of Lu Xun alone, traveled alone in the dark. "The Godfather" Michael is the fate of three main line runs through its ambitious narrative structure has always been praiseworthy man to show the essence of the role of Michael in terms of the mentality or the carrier. Let us remove the head of the godfather of Michael halo, from the perspective of human nature to analyze the tragic fate of his tragic life can be summed up in one word: alone. Can say that the eyes of his father Michael has been a peak. Unlike the third generation of Godfather Michael Vincent, the nature of the desire for power is not fanatical, he is completely out of his father's love of family. He once said that I do not want to be like him, but I love him. The pure love, so that after the accident he heard his father, desperate to protect their loved ones. Found in his father arrived at the hospital had been shot once again facing the danger, the camera shows the most touching scene: he fell on his father bedside, gently stroking his father's old face, said nothing, Dad, I to protect you, me and you. Then kissed his father's forehead, leaving the father could not move his party tears. In the most perilous moment the whole family, the father life threatening at any moment, he can not consider all of the sacrifices made by their own, decided to take on drug lords and the police chief to remove the task. Please note that before this he had never directly intervene in family affairs. We see the end of the second firm flash gyrus Michael leave school to join the army already had on their future plans, but now all been actively involved in family affairs, people stand to one side, and to destroy his life by Michael the expense of the future to restore his father's life. Videos in shaping the image of Michael is very attention to the use of eyes, this is Pacino the actor's greatness. Michael has been very firm eyes watching the same direction, many people commented that you looked at his empty eye hole, there will be chilling feeling, but in Michael to shoot drug dealers and the police chief, his eyes is the only time when scattered. He did not watch each other, but bowed his head, such as constantly looking for something out of the window with the sound of approaching trains, the atmosphere more and more nervous, but Michael's eyes are more free, finally, he decided to carry a decision on the fate of his hand fired the bullet. This is a major focus of rendering is to show Michael the biggest turning point in the fate of the psychological state of temporary confusion in his eyes he can see how intense the ongoing ideological struggle, because he has to pay, is his life. After this point, as his solemn eyes, Michael embarked on a path of no re-added. Father has been strongly opposed to his involvement in family affairs, in his post-injury to get rid of the enemies heard that Michael, the lens appears in her father's fading face, shook his head and closed his eyes and I sigh, as the father of Shangqie Michael's future has been destroyed bitter, Michael how much I have to bear the pain? But Michael never showed it. Godfather in the old garden talk with Michael in that scene, the camera is very clever deal, the two of them one after the other, suggesting the transfer of the last two generations, the father of the lens front, said: I did not want you to interfere in the hope that Can you come out ahead, I hope you can become governor of Lyon. And in late position to think about Michael at this time is no longer simple, he has to play alone, from the family's affairs. On the one hand, he assured the family to console his father, one must also work hard to achieve his father hoped he was the head has become the legitimate hopes of the world's elite, the phrase I tell you I can support the live, I can require much perseverance in the back support ah! After the death of his father, Michael can be more alone in his soul who no longer fit with them, the only position to understand the situation of living in The Godfather father passed away, this feeling in the second part of the Michael the performance of a dialogue with the mother head. Very dark color processing room, the only light is lit the flame of the fireplace Michael half of the face, indicate that he is extremely ambivalent. He asked his mother: the idea of telling my father, he is very strong, For the family firm, the family he failed before? ... ... This is not my loss, but the entire family out. Mother said: You can not let the whole family out ah. Can be said that the important task of the whole family to bear by one Michael, he has been trying to make his strong, in order not to lose the family and strong, but the firm was behind poignant loneliness. Michael from man to the godfather of the transformation process is to some extent reflected the lives of everyone it? Perhaps the tragedy of life and human nature alone, is really the fate of mankind. People - Godfather Review of Michael's life, we must ask that this tragic and lonely thing behind it? What caused the tragedy of Michael it? I think people with power, institutional and social opposition between the eternal. Human nature is complex, because people always in the id, ego, superego constant balance. This balance involves not only indivials, but has a more complex social reasons. Person as an indivial, in the process of integration will continue to lose their own nature, and Michael is even more special, because he has to complete one from a pure to the changing role of godfather. This shift was looking forward to the family and other factors continue to contribute to society's expectations. In this process, factors to suppress the self to a minimum, because the more a person to become part of the established rules, the more to rece the proportion of self. In this conversion, he faces is a powerful system, but the special nature of the role of godfather to Michael Powers and evil must be faced with the problem throughout society, in which the relationship between human nature is fully reflected in the dark side, the indivial person's role in this most vulnerable groups have to face their own form from the darkest abyss, if you can not be part of it, it can only become a victim of its reality. The abyss has a religious aura, has a shocking and bloody, with the cloak of civilization, but the deepest of which is the integration of evil human nature. Group of people who are poor from the ancient hard to survive in the natural environment of the important reasons to the present, but also human nature to become the best stage show. Relations in groups, to establish a balance between the human constraints of the system, but the rule-makers and actors out of the same nature, which determined that the nature of the system. However, this system has a strong binding to human, they do not act according to the system will be eliminated, so the people will never have to sacrifice their own sake only system, it is also this makes Michael constantly lose sight of yourself to be thrown into darker situation. If in the first "Godfather" in Connie's children to complete in the holy water of baptism wash away that Michael to the baptism of blood at the same time completed the transformation from the indivial to the Godfather, if he does not do that, his life offerings will be another evil, which, in essence, reveals the top of power between the human relationship. "The Godfather" to express a character through which, in fact, the problem of all mankind, the indivial is helpless, they can not escape the old godfather said he is fighting the end of their refusal to become a big shot in the hands of the doll, the one is to become the so-called big man, Michael also followed such a trajectory, the tragedy for the indivial as the only means to survive. In such circumstances, the indivial alone with nature is always a state of mind, which in this environment is still the only source of conscience, which alone comes from indivial and group conflict can never be reconciled, the person impossible for the integration of groups than when alone, because the group is the integration of me, but always the potential of self mind, silently looking at everything, which is why people are the cause of indivial existence. Self by various factors from the extrusion group, faced with the expense of their own at any time for a balanced position. It is the only support comes from the kinship of mankind, this is the only pure natural relationship, a real dilemma when faced with the export of the ideal, always hopes future generations, or to find a soul all his actions support, this is one of the human virtues, completely without the purpose of self-sacrifice exists only in such a relationship. However, when people have lost their last hope that when everything is completely back to the dark abyss, lonely and always linger in the mind become inescapable in the state. Michael from man to the godfather of the transformation process is to some extent reflected the lives of everyone it? Perhaps the tragedy of life and human nature alone, is really the fate of mankind.

❹ 求一段關於《教父1》的英文影評(500字左右),可以任選角度

影片的一開始,是殯儀館老闆向V闡述自己女兒的不幸遭遇。這時候的鏡頭里,只有殯儀館老闆在表演。但是隨著鏡頭的拉遠,我們可以看見有人在看著他,就像我們看著他一樣。當殯儀館老闆講述不下去的時候,V輕輕的一招手,有人立刻送上一杯酒,讓我們知道了,此刻這間房間中,出來這兩個人,還有其他人,而且可以初步認定,是V的手下,很親近的手下。讓殯儀館老闆提出要求後,V的眼神跟著他,鏡頭給成了房間的全景。我們可以發現,房間中的另外兩個人,一個站著,一個坐著。這似乎暗示了他們之間的關系:同為V的左右手,但是顯然TOM的意見更加重要些。而這時,V拒絕了殯儀館老闆的請求,或者應該說是要求。老闆顯得很急切,他告訴教父:你要什麼,我都給你。顯然,他低估了V。這樣的話語簡直可以視作是對V的侮辱。而V慢條斯理的教育了殯儀館老闆,他說話的語氣,和殯儀館老闆形成了鮮明對比。 而此時V語句中的重點,顯然並不是覺得殯儀館老闆給的報酬不夠,而是他反復提到的一個詞:友誼。我想這就是老V最吸引人的地方,他在影片中始終遊走在道德底線的周圍,卻從不越雷池一步。在後面他與索倫索談判的時候提到過自己的生意:賭博只是些無傷大雅的事業。他行事的手段殘忍而血腥,但是卻總是出師有名,他用非法的手段籠絡政客維護自己正當的生意(賭博業在當時並不違法)。

❺ 用英語表達為什麼喜歡電影《教父》

What a shocking movie! Most incredible achievement movie ever that directed by famous Francis Ford Coppola. The greatest 3-part gangster movie made him won 47th Academy Award in Directing 1974. He is from a superb and legendary movie family. His nephew is the superstar Nicolas Cage, his daughter is also a famous director, Sofia Coppola. The casting of Godfather serial saga is unprecendented: Marlon Brando, Rober De Niro, Al Pacino, Robert Duval, Diane Keaton, all these superstars are Academy winners too.The Movie were so close to describe what really happened in 1950 American gangster story. even it said some part of underground hero style which challenge the sociaty value that moment. The great saga was going through almost 2 decades. the amazing one was Part to Part 3 it took over 16 years long. length of 3 movies was over 520 minutes, it means almost 9 hours, an epic movies truly. Though it took such a long time. it still captured the heart and focus from all fans.I have been seen twice of each part and why? Such a greatest saga woulc never showup up in our history again. superb story, director, actors and actress, film, editing, it could never had such a combination again. countless words for me to describe the greatest epic movies.

❻ 教父的讀後感英文

"The Godfather" is a gangster capitalist society about the entire U.S. ground force systems dominate the control group the story of ups and downs in the story, is very vivid characterization.
Kao Liang hero and his son Michael foresight resilient, ultimately get rid of their mortal enemy of the family business to reach their peak, even though I disagree with their established set of so-called "underground order," but out on the characterization of the novel heart of the Kao Liang respect to his ground forces led by Kao Liang Group is mainly engaged in smuggling of imported olive oil from Italy, opening casinos and so on. His influence throughout the U.S. East and West throughout the crucial point in the various government departments have him. He resourceful and eager to protect and support the people reverently bbed him "godfather." He is also responsive to the following, what it says, to win the people's fear. Any thing, as long as he would secretly or openly a hand in the development and changes in accordance with his will. He is a true all-powerful figure in American society. In particular his position and his humility, combined with his attitude of doing things that really awesome cool. Is what he had done to his family business success.
Another novel depicts the hero Michael inherited his father's right, he has amazing self-confidence, believe that their choice is the best, I believe that even if he is lying should be, and it is correct, so that people can hide themselves well evil, even if he were to die bad, people still admire him, and still think he is one of the best, he will not do evil things! Even Michael's wife did not believe he would kill, but he did kill, and with his father's carefully cultivated is certainly not live up. In our real life really is the most powerful and such a terrible person, with indomitable fighting spirit, a deep reservoir of hatred in their hearts, waiting for a suitable time to carry out long-planned program. Bear with the situation that only people can do great things, the novel his first wife for his death, even though he knows enemy's hiding place, and the ability to kill him, but he always wait until the last of the large-scale attack on the time. He and his father are "good" men, at least in the kind of environment they are.
A lot of information that "" The Godfather "is a nature of American society, capitalist society, no fat, to avoid exposing the underground activities of work," I do not know the author of the novel there is no such meaning, at least I have not personally see his own evaluation of the novel is so, is not that they do not know the meaning out of nothing on the Flurry of a pass, even if the meaning of this true, that such a phenomenon reflected in the story in today's China, there is no thing in it? Our country is not capitalist ah, the jungle, and certainly there. We all have to see the mainstream!
Reading this novel made me realize that "no matter what kind of society can survive in the competition who is strong, this world has no absolute good or bad, in different societies exist only two kinds of people is a good man in his own eyes, the eyes of the enemy is bad, because it had different interests, and conflict of interest, these things not only exist in a capitalist country, in any society there will be. "

❼ 美國電影《教父》為什麼那麼有名誰能給我講下內容

The Godfather
又名: 教父
導演: Francis Ford Coppola
主演: Marlon Brando / Al Pacino
上映年度: 1972
語言: 英文 / 義大利文




The Godfather: Part II 教父II
導演: 弗朗西斯 福特 科波拉 (Francis Ford Coppola)
主演: Al Pacino / Robert Duvall / Robert De Niro
上映年度: 1974
語言: english
製片國家/地區: 美國

The Godfather: Part III
導演: 弗朗西斯 福特 科波拉 (Francis Ford Coppola)
主演: Al Pacino / Diane Keaton / Talia Shire
上映年度: 1990
語言: 英語
製片國家/地區: 美國






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