導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 忠犬八公英文原版電影


發布時間:2024-05-11 05:23:20

A. 有沒有人能將《忠犬八公》的故事用英語描述出來

The movie "Hound Dog Story" is a true story. The story took place in Japan in 1925.
A university professor adopted a dog, he named the dog "eight male."
Every morning, the dog sent him to the
station and returned home with him in the evening. One day, he did not return to the station because dⅰed of illness, but the dog waited at the station on time every day. Waited nine years, until finally died.

B. 電影《忠犬八公》英文介紹,詳細點,還有經典英文台詞,或者看過後的感受,也要英文的。

Loyal dog eight male story based on a true story happened in Japan since 1935, 1987 into a Japanese movie, starring secondary generation of vector, which was caused a sensation in Japan.In December 2009, the American version of the film, directed by leser, halls, directed.The archetype of the film for the 1924 akita dog eight male ueno show saburo to Tokyo by its master.Every morning, eight male all at home watched the ueno show saburo go out to work, and then in the evening and into the nearby shibuya train station to meet him after work to go home.One night, ueno show saburo didn't back home as usual, he suddenly stroke at the university, rescue invalid died, never returned to the train station, but hachiko still faithfully waiting for him.(《忠犬八公的故事》改編自1935年發生在日本的真實故事,1987年拍成日本電影,由仲代達矢主演,該片當年曾在日本引起轟動。2009年12月,該片的美國版本上映,由導演萊塞•霍爾斯道姆執導。 電影的原型為1924年秋田犬八公被它的主人上野秀三郎帶到東京。每天早上,八公都在家門口目送著上野秀三郎出門上班,然後傍晚時分便到附近的澀谷火車站迎接他下班回家。一天晚上,上野秀三郎並沒有如常般回到家中,他在大學里突然中風,搶救無效死了,再也沒有回到那個火車站,可是八公依然忠實地等著他。)

C. 忠犬八公這部片的英文簡介帶中文 100詞。很急啊!

The film "loyal dog Hachiko story" adaptation since 1933 occurred in Japan's true story, the film tells the story of a university professor has adopted a Akita dog, named "Hachi". After the day, Hachiko morning will teach at the station in the evening waiting for him to go back together. Unfortunately, Professor illness died, never returned to the station. However, Hachiko after nine years still on time every day at the station waiting until finally died

D. 銆婂繝鐘鍏鍏鐨勬晠浜嬨嬭嫳鏂囧墽鎯呯畝浠


Parke is a university professor, a day he to pass by at the train station, encountered a lost Akita dog, it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate, so the professor put the dog back home, even thoughhiswife urged against the. But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affect the wife, the wife is willing to become a member of the family dog, and named" s".

In the care of Parke 's growing every day at work, Parke will accompany Parke to the train station, the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back. Unfortunately, Parke suddenlydied of a heart attack, but it 's still believe that the master will come back, and so every time in the same place to wait, year after year, regardless of seasons, for ten years, until in a cold winter, a dream of a dream of happiness and the master come backdie... ...












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