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Directed by Anthony mingra, the English patient is adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael ondaj.

The film is co starred by Ralph Fiennes, Christine Scott Thomas and Juliet Binoche. The film was released in the United States on November 6, 1996.

The movie takes the war and desert as the background, decing a love tragedy across time and space.

During World War II, a British plane was shot down by the German army while flying over the Sahara desert.

The pilot on the plane was completely burned on the face. The local people rescued him and sent him to the Allied field hospital.

Because of the injury, the pilot lost his memory and could not remember who he was, so he could only be called "English Patient".


該片由拉爾夫·費因斯、克里斯汀·斯科特·托馬斯、朱麗葉·比諾什等聯袂主演。影片於1996年11月6日在美國上映 。





⑵ 用英文說,電影的類型,例如comedy

Action 動作片
Adventure 冒險片
Animation 動畫片
Biography 傳記片
Comedy 喜劇片
Crime 犯罪片
Documentary 紀錄片
Drama 戲劇(文藝)片
Family 生活片
Fantasy 奇幻片
Film-Noir 黑色電影(不是黑白電影,是指情節黑色)
Game-Show 游戲秀節目
History 歷史片
Horror 恐怖片
Musical 音樂片
Mystery 懸疑片
News 新聞片
Reality-TV 電視真人秀
Romance 愛情片
Sci-Fi 科幻片
Sport 體育片
Talk-Show 脫口秀
Thriller 驚悚片
War 戰爭片
Western 西部片

⑶ 電影的英語簡介

The film tells an ideal story of friendship and return of prodigal people. After five years of hard working in the northwest, young farmer Root bagged with a saving of sixty thousand Yuan decides to go back to hometown to get married. During the long journey on the train that is full of thieves, rustic and naïve Root however chooses to believe that it is 「a world without thieves」.

2. <玉觀音>
Anxin is an anti drug enforcement agent, when she is preparing her wedding with Tiejun, she falls in love with another man, Maojie the passion between them grows vigorously. Unfortunately, Anxin quickly married Tiejun after discovering her pregnancy. Everything seems going fine then, but it is only the beginning of tragedy: Anxin meets Maojie again when disguising herself as a drug dealer, later she even becomes the witness against him which leads his family broken up. However, Mao』s lawyer exonerates Maojie after revealing the affairs between Mao and Anxin. Maojie determines to take revenge and the lovers become enemies……
安心是公安局緝毒大隊的偵察員,當他正准備和鐵軍結婚的時候,她與另外一個男人毛傑產生了愛慕之心,雙雙墜入愛河。當安心發現自己懷孕之後,她很快與鐵軍結了婚,婚後的生活和和美美,豈不知這只是悲劇的開始。在一次化裝偵察的過程中,安心再次遇見毛傑,作為證人的安心, 在法庭調查毛傑時,提供了毛傑的犯罪證明,毛傑的家庭也因此而支離破碎。後來,毛傑的律師在法庭的調查中揭露了毛傑與安心曾為戀人的關系,毛傑決心要報復安心,曾經自己的戀人,成了敵人……

⑷ 大學英語口試,介紹一部電影,包括叫什麼、屬於什麼類型、我為什麼喜歡。時間大約1分鍾左右。。。。。

幸福終點站The Terminal(2004)
導演:斯蒂芬•斯皮爾伯格Steven Spielberg
主演:湯姆•漢克斯Tom Hanks 凱瑟琳•澤塔-瓊斯Catherine Zeta-Jones
類型: 劇情 /喜劇/愛情 feature/ omedy /love
Viktor (Tom Hanks)came to the United States in order to realize the promise to his father, but because of an accidental event, his country was in war .viktor became stateless, can not enter into the United States or return home,he only can make airport as his 「home」. But victor didn't give up his hope, he continued to live in the airport, make many friends, get the job, and even have a love story . Although his body was trapped in the airport, his emotion is free. Finally he also fulfilled promise to his father.

In the film, in fact, viktor was not clown but a person with noble character.He is very kind and honset, always with hope, and rather patience, more important, he keeps his promise.
This movie reflects the Americans』 real life and the social status,discuss the human nature and reflects the inner side of human being, disclose people』s mind and behavior. I hope this introce can help students enhance the understanding of American culture, I hope you will enjoy it.

⑸ 電影的類型有什麼我要英文的

Film Genres

Film Genres, categories of film characterized by frequently recurring patterns of form, style, and, particularly, subject matter. There is no clear consensus among film historians and critics on the number of genres, or on the line of demarcation between one genre and another. This must be borne in mind when considering the following list of major genres: Adventure; Biography; Comedy; Drama and Melodrama; Fantasy/Horror/Science Fiction; Gangster/Crime/Spy/Film Noir; Musical; Problem Picture; War; Western. Some commentators would argue that the category 「Gangster/Crime/Spy/Film Noir」 clearly incorporates two, if not more, distinct genres, as it could be seen to include films as diverse as The Maltese Falcon (John Huston, 1941) and Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder, 1950). Similarly, the old instry category 「Women's Pics」 straddles at least two classifications: Film Noir and Melodrama. Only the Hollywood cinema has been considered. Obviously, genres exist in the popular cinemas of other countries, although, apart from such clear-cut exceptions as samurai films of Japan or kung fu pictures from Hong Kong, the categories applied are normally derived from Hollywood. Clearly there are interesting differences between, say, a British crime film and an American example, but on the whole these have yet to be studied. Differences between genres tend to be identified more in terms of themes, stars, use of costumes, and settings and locations, than in terms of specific aspects of film-making practice such as editing.

In the days of the studio proction lines, placement of films within genres tended to be part of the thinking of studio executives in their decisions about proction and marketing policy, and were reiterated in the trade papers. Thus, notions about many film genres actually preceded explicit critical analysis. While critical accounts of a film genre tend, appropriately, to be descriptive, the same ideas in the mind of a procer or accountant are often prescriptive, based on a notion of what audiences will find acceptable in, say, a Western.

When critics started to analyse Hollywood films in depth, this link with the collective, entertainment, money-making aspect of the proction system, rather than its initially unrecognized personal, artistic dimension, contributed to an emphasis on the negative aspects of the genres, for example, the limits their conventions imposed on creativity. However, as Colin McArthur argued in his pioneering genre study Underworld USA (1972): 「the responses of film-makers and audiences to the genres seem to offer a good prime facie case for believing that they are animating rather than neutral, that they carry particular charges of meaning independently of whatever is brought to them by particular directors.」

Certainly, it seems unlikely to be coincidence that much of the finest work of Howard Hawks, John Ford, Anthony Mann, and, more recently Clint Eastwood, has been in the Western genre. Nevertheless, only minor or mediocre directors can be said to be defined by their relationship to a genre, and each of the four cited has inflected the genre in significantly different ways, both stylistically and thematically, as well as having done important work in other genres.

Clearly film genres change over time as society, the audience, and the institutions of proction change. New stars come along, new themes emerge, new conventions of characterization evolve. The exact nature of these shifts is largely outside the conscious awareness of those responsible for bringing them about, however. The procer, director, writer, and star tend to think in terms of decisions that will make a work more interesting, or generate a more compelling star role, rather than how to modify the genre in response to shifts in society.

Some points relating the development of particular genres to changes in film technology are simple and obvious: there is nothing incongruous about a silent Western, and the genre has been on the screen since The Great Train Robbery (1903, directed by Edwin S. Porter), but the idea of a silent musical is obviously ridiculous, despite the fact that live musical accompaniment ensured that most cinemas were never really silent. Similarly, continually improving techniques for special effects have given new life to the Fantasy/Science Fiction/Horror genre, from 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968) on through Star Wars (George Lucas, 1977), and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Steven Spielberg, 1977) to the cycle of Alien films (Ridley Scott, 1979; James Cameron, 1986; David Fincher, 1992).

Popular films are not a simple reflection of the society that proced them: they are complex texts, systems of discourse certain strands of which bear traces of particular features of the society that generated them. Exactly what mechanisms are involved, however, varies from case to case, and may often be impossible to tease out. Thus, comparisons made between characteristics of the indivial genres, or between one era and another, must be provisional and tentative.

For example, in the 1930s, the great period of the gangster film, there were few major Westerns, and those there were came at the start and end of the decade. In the era of classic Hollywood cinema (from the late 1920s to the decline of the studio system around 1960) both these genres regularly involved conflicts between good and evil.

However, perhaps because part of the gangster film's concern was to indicate the social origins of crime, it is typically the gangster's journey the audience follows, and thus there is strong, if only partial, identification with him. His refusal to accept the restrictions of the urban environment, together with the energy of his indivialism, made him a dangerously fascinating, possibly sympathetic, character when contrasted with the less colourful representatives of law and order.

Indeed, this patina of charisma has persisted through to the present. It is part of the complex appeal of The Godfather series (Francis Ford Coppola: Part I, 1972; Part II, 1974; Part III, 1990), inviting the audience to collude with the actions of Michael Corleone. In the more pastoral world of the classic Western, on the other hand, the hero may have been a loner, but he normally represented the best values of the community. Moreover, it was his progress the audience followed, and thus it was he with whom it identified. Consequently, he was the one with charisma, rather than the villain, whose ultimate defeat and death were not mourned in the same way as the classic gangster's.

Though attempts to specify precisely where Western and gangster genres fit in an overall account of the generic categories of popular cinema are likely to generate academic controversy, all commentators agree on their existence as genres. This makes them appropriate choices for the accounts of generic difference and change given above. Though much has been left out, this is an example of the kind of analysis that can be made in relation to other genres.

⑹ 電影有多少種類型用英語怎麼表達






⑺ 恐怖片、動作片、愛情片、劇情片…英文怎麼說電影種類名稱教學

電影的英文 叫做movie。但是你知道 恐怖片、動作片、愛情片、劇情片…的英文 要怎麼說嗎?看電影是幾乎每個人都喜歡做的事,因此懂得用英文跟別人聊各種電影類別、電影種類名稱,也是很重要的喔。



1.Horror 恐怖片、驚悚片

無論是恐怖片還是驚悚片,行橡櫻都可以叫做Horror movie。

例: I don』t really like watching horror movies. 我真的不喜歡看恐怖片如歷。

2.Action and Adventure 動作片、冒險片

Action and Adventure 是指動作冒險類型的電影。動作片你可以叫作Action movie。

例: He loves action movies – all car chases and jumping out of planes. 他很喜歡看動作片——飆車追逐、跳飛機等等。

3.Romance movie 愛情片

愛情片的英文可叫做Romance movie,romance 是指「浪漫」的意思。

例: She loves romance movies. 她喜歡愛情片。

4.Drama 劇情片


例: a courtroom drama 法庭劇 a historical drama 歷史劇



例: Alt Movies 成人影片、 *** Animation 動畫卡通電影 Classic Hollywood 好萊塢經典電影 Comedy 喜劇電影 Documentary 紀錄片 Family 家庭電影 Martial Arts 功夫片 Musicals 音樂劇、歌舞片 Organized Crime 黑幫犯罪電影 Science Fiction and Fantasy 科幻片 Shakespearean 莎劇改編電影 Silent Movies 默片 Sports 運動電影 Teen Movies 青春片 War Movies 戰爭片 Westerns 西部片


電影院的英文可以叫做 theater或是cinema,這兩個英文單字都是指電影院。


例: Ticket Counter 售票處 買電影票的地方。

例: Queue 隊伍 指電影院里排隊等待買票的隊伍。

例: Popcorn 爆米花

例:Snack Counter 電影院中販售食物的地方 在這里販賣的食物,是可以帶進去吃的。

例: Entry gate 入口、驗票處 進入放映廳前,會先在入口檢查你是否買票了。

例: Usher 協助你找到自己座位的人

例: Trailer 預告片

例: Interval 中場休息時間 較長的電影有時會有一小段暫停的時間,讓觀眾可以在這時去上廁所、休息。


劇情片 英文, 動作片 英文, 喜劇片 英文, 奇幻片 英文, 恐怖片 英文, 愛情片 英文, 科幻片 英文, 電影 英文, 電影種類 英文, 電影類別 英文



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